Lemming Level List Game

Started by namida, July 19, 2004, 05:57:57 AM

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Quote from: Conway  link=1090216677/405#418 date=1114084101

&#A0;Oh! I wanted Present 29! &#A0;:-(

I don't blame you: it's possibly one of the best levels ever. But then you did have "Fall And No Life", so y'know! Feel free to reserve something from Sunsoft though.

Present 29 - Private room available

1 Bomber
1 Builder
2 Bashers
40 Diggers

Save 20/20 (100%)
RR 01
5 Minutes

Good: a phenomenal level! Great design (the icicle/crystal structures make it look really frosty), and a top solution that requires spotting a few subtleties in the level.
Bad: the dark parts of the box/icicle structures can look like gaps, which can be offputting.


Not to mention that Present 29 is probably one of the more difficult to execute levels ever made! Especially with the not-so-perfect game handling. In Cheapo it would have been much easier, with the ability to assign skills while paused, as well as the replay feature. Anyway, enough about that level . . .

  Present 30 - Final Impediment
  Save: 100/100
  Time: 4 minutes
  RR: 1
    Floaters: 1
    Blockers: 1
    Builders: 15
    Bashers: 5
    Miners: 1
    Diggers: 2

  Good: An extremely daunting level with a great hellish atmosphere! And how satisfying it is to finally pass! I think it proves that Present was originally intended to be the final set.

  Bad: It can be tricky to release the blocker at the end; that's it! Nothing else bad.


Oh, I guess I might as well do this one, then, to get it over with.......

Sunsoft 1: Rules to fall

20 floaters, 1 digger

To save 50% of 20
Release rate 30
1 minute

Good: not much, really. I suppose it's good to kick off Sunsoft with an easy level -- this one would be really easy even without the backroute.
Bad: spoiled by exactly the same backroute as "Acrophobia", and what a stupid title.......


I think the best thing about Final Impedement though is that if you only needed to save 99% the level would be an absolute picnic, but the 100% target transforms it completely.


Sunsoft 2 - Inside the bone

13 Builders
2 Bashers

Save 50/50 (100%)
RR 01
5 Minutes

Good: some nice design touches (that platform with the exit on is being held up by a bone!)
Bad: some parts can be fiddly to bash.


  Sunsoft 3 - Anxiety
  Save: 60/60
  Time: 5 minutes
  RR: 30
    Builders: 5
    Miners: 4

  Good: A nice tehcnique and with very limited skills.

  Bad: Has such a solution that you need to actually try it before you know if it works. I don't know it you'd consider that a bad thing or a good thing though.

  Damn! It's getting hard to think of bad things to say about these levels now they're getting better!


Conway, so Level 10 of Conway10.dat is a remake of Present 30? Never knew that! I can see it's a bit different, but looks similar. I never passed it there though. Were any of your other levels inspired by levels from other versions of Lemmings?


Bother...... I was just going to say I've decided to shelve my pride, leave Present 30 for the moment, and get on with the Sunsoft levels, when someone beat me to Sunsoft 3! Wait for me to catch up please..........


My version of 'Just a Minute (part three)' was obviously inspired by Sunsoft 26, although the skills and solution is quite different. And I made a few with hidden exits, similar to 'Lost Something?' and 'Stray Sheep', another Sunsoft level. Apart from that, I can't think of any.


OK, I've caught you up....... for now............

Sunsoft 4: Train your body

12 builders, 5 bashers, 3 diggers

Save 100% of 10
Release rate 1
5 minutes

Good: a nice tricky level that requires you to make optimum use of your builders
Bad: no real puzzle to it. And why are there five bashers?


Conway, you forgot to mention the level design of "Anxiety". I think it's one of the best "nice touch" levels, with loads of great design innovations here and there - the sandy diagonal stripe, the columns in the metal ceiling etc. For a sand level it looks well modern.

Also I think it has at least two solutions.


Really? What's the other one then?


Well, let me ask first: does your solution involve speeding the release rate up?


Gunpowder, I only found one solution to Anxiety; mining right while one lemming builds over the tunnel (so only the miner escapes), building to the wall at the bottom of the stairs to the left, while one lemming mines into that compartment, then build twice, mine through the large block, and build to the exit. Finally mine to release the crowd. What's your other solution?


Yup, that was exactly my solution too.