Lemming Level List Game

Started by namida, July 19, 2004, 05:57:57 AM

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  Present 24 - Everyone's a Hard Nut
  Save: 3/3
  Time: 3 minutes
  RR: 1
    Climbers: 1
    Bombers: 3
    Builders: 6
    Bashers: 4
    Miners: 1
    Diggers: 3

  Good: Awesome use of the much-underused graphics set, and a nice puzzle to boot!

  Bad: Can anyone say anything bad about this level?


I have one thing to say about "Everyone's a hard nut" - did you ever feel like you knew what the actual, intended solution for the level was? I always used one that never involved that one-way wall, for example.


No...... but again I'd like to compare solutions. Top-right lemming digs the block, bottom lemming builds left then right to get up that ball. That allows top-left lemming time to forge a path to the exit (I started by digging down the edge of the ball just in case it's needed).

Present 25: Underground city

7 builders, 2 bashers, 1 miner

To save 100% of 60
Release rate 15
3 minutes

Good: very attractive and busy layout
Bad: no puzzle or difficulty to it whatever. And this is just before the Present levels actually are going to start getting hard at last.......


Quote from: Special_Gunpowder  link=1090216677/405#406 date=1114010411I have one thing to say about "Everyone's a hard nut" - did you ever feel like you knew what the actual, intended solution for the level was? I always used one that never involved that one-way wall, for example.

Interesting; was your solution like mine then? But I think that wall is one-way just to cut off backroute possibilities, not because you actually are meant to dig through it in the "real" solution.


But then you've got that pathway with the trap and whatnot at the very top right of the level that leads to the one-way wall, so I'm sure it's one intended solution at least. That's how they'd want you to save the Lemming from the top-right trapdoor.


There's no way the intended solution could actually involve the one-way wall, any more than 'underground City' does! Yeah, it's probably just to cut off possible backroutes.


Why couldn't it, though? Have the top-right lemming build over that water there and have one of the other two bash through it later...what's so unpalatable about that?


EDIT: see post further down the page


Yeah, and that's why you've got that path with the trap and whatnot in the top right of the level, because otherwise you wouldn't have the builders to reach the wall otherwise.

EDIT: No wait, you would...ah stuff it, here's another level:

Present 26 - Pitfall

Skills: 6 Builders
3 Bashers
1 Miner

Save 50/50 (100%)
RR 20
5 minutes

Good: another level made difficult by the 100% target. Also, the ball structures are cool.
Bad: bottom right of the level looks a bit shoddy.


Cool; we seem to have solved the mystery of that level! (Maybe we could add it to my Cheapo backroute remakes set!)

Who's doing Present 26, then?


If you look at all these sega levels, you have got to admit, they make REALLY cool looking levels!!!!


OK, I've tried the OWW solution for Present 24 and it actually does work, slightly differently from how I suggested.

Top-left lemming builds across the gap. Bottom lemming bashes the ball then digs the platform. Top-right lemming builds across the water. Now, top-left lemming would reach him before he finishes, so he must build too; you can kill two birds with one stone by putting this bridge at the edge of the block, where it will stop the climber later on. Bottom lemming climbs, builds to turn round against the metal, climbs up to OWW. Other two lemmings come through first and use digging skills to reach exit.

I don't really have anything interesting to say about Present 27, so can someone else do that and I'll take 28?


I'll do Present 27 but I want reserves on Present 29 as well.

Present 27 - Try anything once

Skills: 1 Climber
2 Bombers
2 Blockers
14 Builders
4 Bashers
1 Miner
1 Digger

Save 49/50 (98%)
RR 60
7 Minutes

Good: great layout, comprising quite a few different puzzles into one epic level.
Bad: shame they missed the shortcut that only requires two builders.


Quote from: Special_Gunpowder  link=1090216677/405#417 date=1114083109I'll do Present 27 but I want reserves on Present 29 as well.

  Oh! I wanted Present 29!  :-(


Heh, I didn't notice that either.........

OK, here's my last contribution. I'm going to have to drop out now because Present 30 has so far proved to be way beyond my meagre solving skills. (Though if you could save "Exodus" for me......)

Present 28: Which one are you trying to get?

1 climber, 10 floaters, 2 bombers, 1 blocker, 4 builders, 3 bashers, 1 miner, 3 diggers

To save 100% of 30
Release rate 99
4 minutes

Good: an utterly manic level -- it's taken a long time but the Present levels have got difficult at last!
Bad: surely there must be scores of backroutes exploiting the falling directly in to the exit trick?

Typically, the solution I found was monstrously complex, and it did require the falling directly into the exit trick, but it hardly counts as a backroute, since I needed nearly all the skills.....

First lemming on left climbs, and digs the ledge on the other side of the ball. Build over the first gap (starting a bit back so that the last brick doesn't quite close the gap), bash through the middle ball, build under the platform on the right. Dig just left of the exit so that lemmings falling down the right edge of the dig pit will go straight in. Build against the spike to turn round into the exit.

Release the right lemmings by digging a couple of pixels with a left-facing lemming then bashing; the middle lemmings by mining to the right; the left lemmings by bashing right and making them all floaters. This solution requires all the skills except three floaters, the bombers and blocker.