Lemming Level List Game

Started by namida, July 19, 2004, 05:57:57 AM

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Quote from: Conway  link=1090216677/360#374 date=1113767573

&#A0;Which levelpack is that in?
None as yet; it will probably go in Quirky, the second difficulty set of my levels when they're done. I can send you the individual level though if you like.


Thanks, but I'll just wait until it's released.


Hooray, I get to review the first of two big filler levels in Present!

Present 7 - Everyone turn Left!

Skills: 1 Blocker

Save 99/100 (99%)
RR 99
1 Minute

Good: Er...the landscape is okay I s'pose.
Bad: Was it a double-shift deadline when they made this level or something? A task so utterly pointless they couldn't even be bothered to give it an original name!


Rapidly ploughing on with the Present levels on the emulator so I can catch you guys up again...........

Hell, Present 4 was hard. Mainly just because I stubbornly insisted on trying for 100%, naturally, but those hidden traps really do catch you out.

But we're past that now.........

Present 8: Libra (Part two)

3 bashers, 1 digger
Save 100% of 50
Release rate 30
5 minutes

Good: nice landscape design, and at least you have to save 100%.
Bad: as with Present 2, one skill too many -- with only two bashers there'd at least have been some interest to the level. And they should have remembered to switch the names of this and the other Libra level around.......


Nice one Ahribar!   :)

Present 9: Fix the road, quick!

Skills: 15 Builders
                1 Digger
Save: 44/50 (88%)
Release rate: 50
Time: 5 mins
Good:  As with 'Level under construction' The level has a nice layout, It isn't easy either.
Bad:  I dont remember what the digger is for (Did the actual level even have a digger?)


No, on the real game there is no digger. Wish there was, though, because I still haven't beaten it, and with the digger it would be so easy!!!

EDIT: should mention, although I've skipped ahead to Present I'm also continuing with the main series of levels as well. I finished up to the end of Tricky today.... and one more emulator question: is there a way to get out of a game and back to the main menu without quitting and reopening?


Are you sure there's no digger? I seem to remember one...although it's not needed.

Present 10 - Where are you heading?

Skills: 20 Bashers

Save 72/80 (90%)
RR 50
5 minutes

Good: a good spin on the "Go out for a walk?" layout.
Bad: again, not enough of a challenge. With a faster release rate and a shorter time limit it could've been a good "The Crossroads" style challenge.


What are all these levels from?  They look awesome!


Present 9 doesn't have the digger on the emulator at least. And I did at last pass it.......

L1 bridges the first gap right from the end so L2 drops on the staircase below, not on the metal. L2 builds to turn round and builds back under L1's bridge while L3 starts a long bridge to the top of the long curved stair. The rest you can imagine, but it's hell for leather trying to cross the gap at the top without losing too many.........

Is there really no simpler way?

Present 10: don't really see what time limit has to do with it but having to save 100% would have been preferable.

And now:

Present 11: Field athletics

EDIT: forget to include stats

20 builders, 1 basher
To save 100% of 80
Release rate 1
4 minutes

Good: it's fun and simple; nice that they've cut back on builder-intensive levels but still have some.
Bad: far too simple, especially later in a category that earlier contained Present 4 and 9........


Quote from: Timballisto  link=1090216677/375#382 date=1113905414What are all these levels from?  They look awesome!
The Sega Genesis / Megadrive version of Lemmings. (A couple of them also feature on ONML.)

Incidentally, I've started on Taxing..... and rather to my surprise, both my solutions on Taxing 3, along the bottom or across the middle, did work. Any thoughts?

And I'd like an answer to my earlier question: is there a way to get out of a game and back to the main menu without quitting and reopening?


I suggested a shorter time limit on Present 10 as "The Crossroads" was a one minute level so you couldn't hang about. I'm guessing "Where are you heading?" can be completed in under a minute but I'm not sure.

"Field Athletics" is, of course, a remake of the Chaos level "24 Hour Lemathon".

Oh, and as for both your solutions to Taxing 3 working, I have no thoughts on that. Sorry. :D

Present 12 - Balance beam

Skills: 3 Builders
1 Basher
1 Digger

Save 50/50 (100%)
RR 10
3 minutes

Good: the title.
Bad: anyone who's solved "The Ascending Pillar Scenario" should have absolutely no problem with this.


That's fine, but do you also have no thoughts on my Present 9 solution? I did get the general feeling from the discussion of that level that I must have missed something ridiculous........

Present 10 can just be done in a minute -- but only by using lots of bashers on the final block to stop lemmings turning round! So with one minnute and 100% required, that would have been a good level!  :P

Present 12 [EDIT: oops, not 11] is yet again rather spoiled by the unnecessary extra builder..........


Present 13: Watch your step (Part two)

EDIT: forgot the stats yet again.......

10 builders, 2 bashers
Save 100% of 50
Release rate 1
5 minutes

Good: looks impossible if you don't see the right method
Bad: far, far too easy. They got the titles the wrong way round again (Part one is in Sunsoft) and the two levels don't have any connection anyway.


Ahribar, you never did explain how to save 100% in Havoc 10 - Flow Control!

  To get back to the main menu, press whatever key you designated for B on the control pad. Also, what some may not know if you're used to the DOS Lemmings, is that in the Megadrive/Genesis version you can select any previous level by pressing left and right in the title screen. So all you need are the codes to the last levels of all six ratings, and you have access to every level.

  As for Present 9, crossing the gap at the top? What's the rest of the solution you used? I was able to save 100% by containing the crowd while one dude built.

  Present 14 - Like an Overflowing Wave
  Save: 50/50
  Time: 5 minutes
  Release rate: 99
    Builders: 5
    Bashers: 5

  Good: Interesting design and a nice use of a high release rate.

  Bad: The design is perhaps too simple, and the long walkway is pretty pointless. And nobody would need five minutes to pass this level unless they forgot to pause it while they went to the toilet!


Yeah, if you use those metal blocks down the bottom of Present 9 to trap the other lemmings, you can send one off with no real problem.

Present 15 - Evil whisper

Skills: 2 Builders
1 Basher
3 Miners
1 Digger

Save 50/50 (100%)
RR 01
5 minutes

Good: great looking level design.
Bad: timing a certain builder correctly on the Mega Drive/Genesis is a real nuisance.