Ski Sloping Lemmings

Started by grams88, January 22, 2019, 11:39:40 PM

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Hope everyone is doing well. I thought I would post this topic which will be about the (Ski Sloping lemmings) a level pack with about 80 levels I've made split into four ranks so 20 levels each rank. I'm still to finish off the level pack but I'm very near to completing it. The name ski sloping lemmings might be a bit misleading as it has nothing to do with skiing levels but more to do with the rank names. The easiest rank is the Blue Slope and the hardest rank is the orange slope. Most people might know that the black slope is usually the hardest slope in skiing but I think it is the orange slope that is the hardest but the orange slope is very rare me thinks.

The ranks are as follow.

Blue Slope
Red Slope
Black Slope
Orange Slope

All of the levels I will make only have the eight classic skills as I feel you can still think of many puzzle ideas hopefully. I think I might be a few Neo lemmix versions behind but hoping someone can help us with that one, I wonder if the instant bomber is still the same and if the fall distance is still the same from the version I have.

Some of the levels might be lacking in the design department.

Sorry I won't post the level pack yet but I might ask a question, is there a tool for making level packs, I think Flopsy had a video about it somewhere.

Strato Incendus

Shouldn't this go into the "in development" subforum then? ;)
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Almost finished, I think I am 71 levels out of 80 so very close to finishing. Once I finish I might start to focus on fixing backroutes. I like the different solutions levels have but if the solution is more of a backroute I might try to block that one off. I've stuck to the classic terrain sets for the levels and it only uses the traditional skills, maybe giving lemming fans a blast from the past. I'm happy with the way some of the puzzles have turned out.

The frame stepping feature might mean that we can make levels a bit harder without it being too annoying.


Hi guys

I get confused easily

That's my pack finished but I'm having a bit of trouble with the tool kit for pack making, I was adding levels and rank names but when I went to save it some of my ski sloping levels started to vanish, it overwrote something and now I'm really confused. don't worry I got it all the levels back upped and everything.


When I went skiing a couple of times in the French Alps, the courses were as follows:

Green (Vert) - Very easy.  Wide and gentle - for everyone.
Blue (Bleu) - Moderate.  A bit more taxing than green - things like mogul fields - but usually manageable by someone who can ski unattended.
Red (Rouge) - "Difficile".  Very technical, especially things like mogul fields on a steep slope.
Black (Noir) - "Très difficile".  The most difficult courses on the mountain.  Think 45-degree declines on ice rather than snow.  I've only been on such a course once (and was actually the last piste I did on that holiday), and the run was called "Le Diable"!


Sorry only just noticed you were looking for these tutorials, this one is if you're looking for the old format tutorial for the Flexi Toolkit

However if you're building for the New Format, ignore that one and use this video instead, however this video is quite long and helps you understand the new format in general, including all the tools.

Personally I'd try and build in the new format and try and edit the text files yourself if possible (with the exception of making the levels in the editor of course!) but you'll need to understand the tutorial entirely to be able to do that. If you find it hard to understand what to write in the text files, you can always look at existing packs in the new format and see how those text files are written.


Thanks Flopsy, Thanks Crane

I might maybe think about changing the rank names a bit as the orange slope might be a bit too rare.

Do you know where I could download the new format? I created an another folder within the two neolemmix folders which I have called (Newest Neolemmix format). I might struggle with the text file one.


Sorry to trouble you again Flopsy, what version is that old flexi toolkit for as the one I have seems a lot different to the one that is in the video?

I might maybe go for the old format at the moment as the other option looks way too confusing. :) I get confused at the best of times.


Quote from: grams88 on March 25, 2019, 01:49:13 PM
Do you know where I could download the new format? I created an another folder within the two neolemmix folders which I have called (Newest Neolemmix format). I might struggle with the text file one.


Use the installer and you should get everything.

If you've got an old nxp pack already you can use the pack converter (should already be included with the installer) to get your new format pack.

If you want to bundle your new format nxlv levels into a pack, just use the included Pack toolkit. Save your progress inside the pack's folder in NL's levels folder. If the folder does not exist yet create it first.
You don't even need the toolkit to create a pack if you are confused by it, just look at the packs already included in NeoLemmix and mirror the structure there while adjusting the subfolders, info.nxmi and  levels.nxmi to your files.

If you really cannot do it : Send me your new format nxlv levels and I'll build the pack for you. ;)      I can even send you a recording on how I do it.


Thanks for the help and reply IchoTolot :)

You made it sound less confusing. :) Okay I will give this a go, hoping I might do alright.


Hi everyone

Your tutorials have been very helpful Flopsy. :thumbsup:

Maybe I should start a new topic for this one but here is the pack. (Ski Sloping lemmings) which probably has not much to do with skiing. This is a pack that uses the original skills and the original and Oh no tilesets, the nine tilesets. :thumbsup: I think I made some decent puzzle type levels. The first eight or nine levels are tutorials but not like your normal tutorial levels, these ones are a bit harder than your standard tutorial levels. The first level is just to do with using the release rate tool, I think it is set to 50 but I could be wrong.

I'm hoping to maybe do some backroute changes but I might do that at a later date, see how it goes as it is at the moment. The first rank which is the (Blue slope) that's your hard tutorial levels and few more straight forward type of levels. The next rank up is the (Red slope)which are slightly harder still these levels might have multiple solutions. The rank after this one the the (Black Slope) these levels get harder as I've hopefully implemented some puzzles within some of the levels. The last rank is the hardest (Orange Slope) where you can't make many mistakes at all as you can lose the level.

I'm hoping that the 80 levels are okay and hopefully some levels might trip up even the masters of the lemmings. There are a few levels that might not go down well but lets hope that there aren't too many of those type of levels. 

I hope I have added the right file.

I'm hoping this also encourages others to make a big level pack. It was actually quite fun making the levels but sometimes you do run dry for ideas and sometimes it can be a bit more difficult to come up with a level.


You need the entire contents of the pack's folder - compress it into a ZIP file. Windows has had built-in support for ZIP'ing since Windows XP; or else 7zip is a very good, lightweight and free (both as in cost and as in open-source) cross-platform tool.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


In extension to this: :P

You need the entire contents of the pack's folder - compress it into a ZIP file. Windows has had built-in support for ZIP'ing since Windows XP; or else 7zip is a very good, lightweight and free (both as in cost and as in open-source) cross-platform tool.

We need the whole folder to play.

Put the folder into a zip archive and attach it here.

For example look what you get if you download Lemmings United's level files (no music included here) with this link:

Also I still would make a new topic in the "NeoLemmix level" board. Extra tipp: Pictures make the release post look a lot better. ;)


QuoteYour tutorials have been very helpful Flopsy.

Thanks gram88 :)
It's always nice when people say thank you when they've found something helpful!