Integral Lemmings

Started by ∫tan x dx, September 19, 2018, 09:32:46 PM

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∫tan x dx


Regarding Delta 2:
QuoteI have to ask, was this in some way inspired by Panic Attack from Lemmings Plus II, given similarities in both the name and solution (Panic Attack also heavily relies on diggers to remove thin vertical walls)?

Hmm... That seems to be a fun coincidence! I hadn't seen that level from Lemmings Plus II, but I'll have to have a crack at it now!

Strangely enough, I spent like 15 minutes trying to come up with a title for that level.
In the end I decided on Panic Room since the lemmings are trapped in an enclosed space and have to move through it quickly with tricky timing issues.

QuoteI also solved Delta 1. This feels extremely backroutey, but I can't see any other way to solve it.


Well... that certainly is a backroute if I ever did see one! I've updated the op with V3 of integral lemmings.
That backroute for Delta 1 should now be fixed. I also tweaked Epsilon 2 and 4 again to hopefully fix some backroutes there.
This means that the solutions from IchoTolot and namida for those levels will have to be revisited. ;P

Regarding hidden/obscured traps:
After some consideration I tend to agree that, in general, a trap should be made explicit and obvious as an obstacle.
Looking back at the original lemmings levels there are some really irritating occurrences of hidden traps being placed purely to trip up the player.

For example, the rock trap in Rendezvous at the Mountain, and that pointless icicle trap near the start of ICE SPY.
Possibly the worst offender is the icicle trap (again with this thing) in the level LoTs moRe wHeRe TheY caMe fRom.
That is just an insult to the player, having to deal with the annoying terrain and a random trap placed needlessly.

They usually added nothing anyway, since in those levels you are supposed to simply build over the trap.
By removing that trap (and maybe 1 builder), the level is basically unchanged.

I suppose there are arguments for traps that are concealed to a degree.
The level Easy when you know how might at first glance seem suspiciously easy to a new player, so they may anticipate something occurring as lemmings walk through that passage.
One could even make the case that the icicle trap in ICE SPY is foreshadowed by the level title. Although the icicle trap as a whole reeks of poor design decisions.

Further to this, with the advent of such programs as NeoLemmix, the issue of an unforeseen trap can be alleviated using the replay and rewind functionality.
Thus a player doesn't necessarily have to start the level again when their worker lemming dies randomly, they can step back and adjust their approach.

But counter to this yet again, the player may have thought of a specific solution to a level, and the existence of a hidden trap would probably ruin that solution.
This may possibly result in the whole solution being scrapped, leading to frustration since the player has wasted time on something that, in principle, should have worked.
If the trap is made explicit to begin with then this problem goes away completely.

I suppose in the end there are two things to consider:
- If the trap is meant as a true obstacle that the player will have to carefully plan around, make it obvious.
- If the trap is a "simple" trap that could be bypassed with a single builder, remove both it and the builder!

At any rate, I've modified my level Delta 6 to make the traps explicit. I think this actually improves the level visually as well! :thumbsup:

PS. Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the four crushers in the level Easy when you know how aren't aligned with the four pipe columns above?
That never made any sense to me as a kid.


Resolved the levels.

Epsilon 2 could be intended now, while 4 should still be a backroute. ;P

PS. Is anyone else bothered by the fact that the four crushers in the level Easy when you know how aren't aligned with the four pipe columns above?
That never made any sense to me as a kid.

It's probably to fool the player about the masher positions. :P


I've finished this pack.


I've just downloaded the level pack and extracted the files into the levels folder.
I get the attached error message when i try to run a level. What am I missing?


Quote from: kokopelli on November 25, 2018, 05:37:18 PM
I've just downloaded the level pack and extracted the files into the levels folder.
I get the attached error message when i try to run a level. What am I missing?

Did you get the styles set that comes with NeoLemmix?

The installer from the mainpage should get both: player + styles.

Otherwise if you got NeoLemmix from or another source you need to download the "NeoLemmix Styles" as well and extract them inside your NeoLemmix folder. Then you can actually see all the different styles inside your "styles" folder.

These styles represent all the different landscapes you can encounter in levels and their objects and terrain pieces are stored in pngs.

After you got these styles the player will actually find all landsacpes and you won't encounter any more missing objects in this pack. ;)


Quote from: IchoTolot on November 25, 2018, 05:56:46 PM
Quote from: kokopelli on November 25, 2018, 05:37:18 PM
I've just downloaded the level pack and extracted the files into the levels folder.
I get the attached error message when i try to run a level. What am I missing?

Did you get the styles set that comes with NeoLemmix?

The installer from the mainpage should get both: player + styles.

Otherwise if you got NeoLemmix from or another source you need to download the "NeoLemmix Styles" as well and extract them inside your NeoLemmix folder. Then you can actually see all the different styles inside your "styles" folder.

These styles represent all the different landscapes you can encounter in levels and their objects and terrain pieces are stored in pngs.

After you got these styles the player will actually find all landsacpes and you won't encounter any more missing objects in this pack. ;)

Thank you very much! This helped me a lot :thumbsup:


Heya, I played 11 levels from v2 last autumn, and now updated my solutions for 18 levels for Integral Lemmings v3, my solutions are attached. I didn't yet solve the demanding feeling levels Epsilon 3: "A different kind of problem" and Delta 10: "Curse of the Lemmings!".

Yes, this is a remarkable little level pack release with rather ingenious solution elements. Especially with the new NeoLemmix skills there were impressively original ideas, and I have to agree with Icho that my favourite is Delta 5: "12 Steps to Success". I'm not sure if all of my solutions are acceptable or backroutes.


Hi tan x,

I have solved all the levels, so here are my replays and feedback, as well as the link to the LP: Enjoy, and I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying it so much :)

General Feedback

Wow, this is a really well-done first pack! I was very impressed. Even though it's only 20 levels, it's still a hard pack! Immediately from the get-go, the pack doesn't pull any punches whatsoever. The entire pack is puzzly, and I think there's only 1 or 2 breathers in the entire pack. The levels are generally small, but most of them are deceivingly difficult. This pack requires some very neat tricks that will be needed in some other level packs, so I absolutely recommend giving this one a go! In particular, I saw all of these in some form in Icho's United pack, so it's clear that he got a lot of inspiration for his levels from your pack. Quite honestly, I don't know if I would had been able to figure out some of these tricks if this happened to be one of the very first level packs I've ever played. Because I started playing this pack long after I have solved so many other level packs, this explains why I'm already very familiar with the tricks and therefore I had an easier time on those levels that require them, in contrast to those who might not be as familiar with them or haven't seen them before.

Epsilon Rank Feedback

Quite a nice rank here, although not an easy one despite being the first one of the pack In particular, the pack immediately starts off very puzzly. Also, I unfortunately found out after the first 5 levels that some of the levels have ONML tracks preassigned, so I fixed that by adding in the Dos ONML tracks in after a few LP videos. I even had to check to see if there was anything wrong with the music, as I expected the Can-Can to play on Epsilon 1. However, when I opened it in the editor, that track that plays on it is indeed intended, so good to know there wasn't anything wrong with the music :laugh: Other than ONML, the tracks are from the Genesis port.


Epsilon 1 - Unconventional Techniques Wow, this one is a deceivingly challenging one, but a really great one to start off the pack! :thumbsup: That Dolly Dimple trick was awesome, and once you realize that you need to collect everyone in between the final two OWWs, the rest is easy. Otherwise, this level can give you the "how in the world do you solve this level if you don't have enough bashers for all the OWWs?" reaction

Epsilon 2 - What lems beneath Another challenging one. Here, apparently bombing a bit of the edge of the bottom platform is enough to make the fall before the exit safe :P Even then, it still took some time to figure this one out.

Epsilon 3 - A different kind of problem Wow, that's a lot of exits everywhere! This level is a bit heavy on the precision in order to avoid most of the exits. However, the most precise is rescuing the top right hatch, where it wasn't really clear if one builder would be enough to prevent them from splatting after mining them out. Even after doing all of the left side, I wasn't sure if I would have enough builders for the end to get the bottom right entrance out. It's also funny I didn't even realize there was an entrance on the far right at the bottom and therefore it wasn't a complete breather after all :laugh:

Epsilon 4 - Do I have to do everything? Almost a breather, but still quite challenging. I'm not sure if using builders to turn the climbers at the very far right is intended, though.

Epsilon 5 - Send only the finest lemmings! I agree with Icho here, this definitely reminded me of "Controlled Release" from his Reunion pack, only this one isn't anywhere near as hard. I wonder if you yourself got inspiration from that level, if you had played it before you made this level pack. As for the level, this is another absolute favorite of mine! Took me a while to figure out the starting platform, but once I realize that everyone can simply collect with the right entrance, then the solution came more easily to me.

Epsilon 6 - Precision engineered lemming The first level of the pack that needed more than one video in order to solve. In the second video, it turns out that I had the solution the entire time in my earlier attempts when I blocked on the staircase, I simply didn't execute the bomber correctly to release him and at the same time not destroy the staircase. Doing this is quite precise, as it seems that the blocker must be placed at a certain spot, and the height will, in turn, determine whether he can be released without destroying the staircase, it appears? This is the first time I've learned this trick, so I'm now aware that this is possible to do, though! My solution is almost the same as Icho's except I blocked near the very bottom of the staircase so as to stop anyone from being able to follow the worker up.

Epsilon 7 - Round the bend This I consider a complete breather. Nothing too hard in this level other than sealing off the pixel gap before anyone slips into the water.

Epsilon 8 - Don't forget the builders... I've already played many levels like this, so this one was easy for me. I absolutely love builderless levels! The execution is a bit timing heavy and precise, though. Still a really nice level!

Epsilon 9 - Tarry not! This is another favorite of mine! I absolutely love time limits. This level can definitely be figured out with some really good logic. My mistake was assuming that the climber needs to be assigned the floater, but once I realized that it can be given to a non-climber to make a splatform for the others, the solution fell into place after that. Well done here!

Epsilon 10 - What have we learned so far? Another favorite of mine! Dolly Dimple trick returns here, and love that bombing a faller in midair to release a blocker, as well as the wooden plank to allow the climber to get to the bottom to release the crowd. Well done here too! :)

Delta Rank Feedback

I will have to agree with Icho here as well, this was a really difficult rank.


Delta 1 - Entrapment A really good level to start off the rank! It's a hard one only if you're not aware of the fact that lemmings can turn around inside the stoner terrain. I almost forgot about this trick, but once I remembered it it was a fast solve.

Delta 2 - Panic room Second level of the pack that I struggled with. Very deceivingly tough for a simple looking level! Even after coming back to try again on the level, it still took some time before I finally solved it. My solution is different from Icho's, although mine doesn't seem as tight. There's still some good timing needed, though!

Delta 3 - A Humdrum Conundrum Solution is obvious, just getting the setup correctly for a basher to go through both walls was hard. I think my solution ended up being the same as Icho's :laugh:

Delta 4 - Oh, those talented lemmings! Somewhat difficult level, although a decent one. Seems that Icho's solution was another timing heavy one. I avoided that completely by making a deep bomber pit to contain the right entrance and still make a climber friendly wall on the left for the climber pre-assigned hatch to get out by themselves. This level seems to demonstrate the cloner skill pretty well here, although one was simply used to get a lemming to go the other way.

Delta 5 - 12 Steps to Success To be honest, I wasn't as blown away by this level as I should had been like some of the other members who solved this level. I think it's due to how I already encountered a level with a similar idea to this in LemRunner, so maybe that's why? At the same time, I do understand that the members who solved this were pretty much seeing this concept for the very first time with RR fiddling and stackers, so I can understand why they were amazed here. I also can't really say for certain that this level was worthy of the LOTY win just yet, as there's so many levels in that contest that I haven't played yet. I'll make my judgment after I do :P

Delta 6 - The Incredible Squashing Machine I wonder if the level title itself is a bit of a reference to the Incredible Machine series? If so, I absolutely loved the games when I was growing up. I also love puzzles myself. This level is almost a complete breather as well, although I would certainly say the hardest part is compressing the crowd enough so that you don't lose too many to the masher traps. Honestly, I don't mind hidden traps, at first, but as you have seen it's standard to always make traps visible.

Delta 7 - Make the most of your lemmings Somewhat challenging level, but this one wasn't as bad as I thought. Interesting that there's still multiple solutions despite being a 1-of-everything level, as my solution is different from Icho's. Also, 1-of-everything levels tend to be my favorite type of level! ;)

Delta 8 - Any Suggestions? Too easy for its position this late in the rank and pack. Still a great level.

Delta 9 - DEAR LITTLE BEASTIES Clearly has the POOR WEE CREATURES inspiration, as the left side is exactly that from the original level. This was, without a doubt, the hardest level for me in the entire pack. It might even be the hardest level for anyone. My solution involves a super precise basher and builder assignment inside it so as to get that one crucial lemming to survive so that I just met the requirement exactly. Naturally, I thought my solution with so much precision isn't intended, so I checked against Icho's solution. The start was the exact same with building from the very bottom, just our overall solutions are different, as I simply let the lemmings drown as they came to the water, while he compressed them so that you don't lose too many to the fast triggering ghostbuster trap. His solution almost fails as well, as if the trap had gotten one more lemming then it would had been a fail. So, I'm certain this is the hardest level in the entire pack for anyone.

Delta 10 - Curse of the Lemmings! Another hard one, although I surprisingly didn't struggle with this one as much as the previous level. Once again, my solution has a lot of super precise skill assignments, especially with the area near the exit. Even the other parts were hard to figure out, but the block before the exit is the hardest IMO. Still a very nice, decent challenge to round off a great pack!

Once again, a job well-done on this pack, and I look forward to playing your second pack, All Hallow's Eve, in about a month or two, after I get some of my other planned LPs of level packs done. I especially love the level pack name, as it's kind of a reference to your user name, with the integral symbol, as well as calculus, one of my huge math area favorites, along with algebra! :) Looking forward to your remarks on my solutions, although as Icho said, no hurries at all. I myself will likely be very busy in the coming weeks once I start work and therefore I won't have as much time to play Lemmings. Still, I'm going to do the best I can with the huge amount of content I still need to play through. - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog:

∫tan x dx

Hi Kaywhyn,

I'm so very glad you enjoyed playing though my level pack! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
It's been a pleasure to watch you play through each level and share your thoughts.

Epsilon Rank Responses:


Unconventional Techniques - A perfect solution. One of the things I tried to accomplish with these levels, was a subversion of the usual level solution trope of 'Contain the crowd, send out a worker lemming, release the crowd'. Several of these levels manage to do this by having the lemmings all move as a group to another area before the level is properly finished.

What lems beneath - Another nice solution. This level was intended to use the trick in Epsilon 10, where a blocker is freed by a falling lemming turned bomber. Your solution is fine though. :)

A different kind of problem - Perfect solution! What I find amusing about this level is that you can generally allow lemmings to walk around without having to worry about them. They'll all reach an exit eventually!

Do I have to do everything? - A very nice solution! :thumbsup:

Send only the finest lemmings! - Perfect solution!

Precision engineered lemming - Perfect solution! You'd got the corret solution in your letsplay, but you rejected it when the lemmings splatted. I kept thinking, "Block a bit higher up so it's a lesser fall!" :P

Round the bend - A very nice solution. :) Looking back, I should have bumped this level back towards the beginning of the rank. It is particularly easy considering its place in the rank.

Don't forget the builders... - Another great solution. One little tip that you may be interested in: when a lemming turns around inside a bomber crater, if you assign a miner on the very pixel he turns the other way, he will carve out a small vertical chunk of land. Very useful for a climber...

Tarry not! - Perfect solution! This level is a personal favourite of mine. As you pointed out, the solution can be deduced logically!

What have we learned so far? - Perfect solution!

Delta Rank Responses:


Entrapment - Perfect solution! The 'lemming turns around inside the stoner' trick was one that I discovered by experimentation. I wonder how many of these little tricks there are out there. Perhaps there are tricks yet unknown to lemkind... :lem-shocked:

Panic room - A very nice solution. Slightly different to the official solution, but brilliant nontheless.

A Humdrum Conundrum - Perfect solution!

Oh, those talented lemmings! - Perfect solution! Creating a climber-friendly bomber pit is the intended route here. :)

12 Steps to Success - A very nice solution. I think I can understand your reaction to this puzzle, especially after already playing through LemRunner. I think the level Authorised Lemmings Only! is almost a sequel to this level. But there's no harm in playing packs in different orders. :)

The Incredible Squashing Machine - Very nice solution. This is indeed a reference to The Incredible Machine. I had a minor obsession with Rube Goldberg machines as a child. :P

Make the most of your lemmings - Another very nice solution. I agree how surprising it is that this level is so open-ended. That's part of the fun of solving, though: everybody has a unique approach to solving.

Any Suggestions? Another very nice solution. This level should have come earlier in the rank as well. It's odd how both snow levels are too easy... ???

DEAR LITTLE BEASTIES - Awesome solution! This level is indeed an homage to POOR WEE CREATURES. I always had a hard time with that level on the original Amiga. I hope I've done it justice! :P

Curse of the Lemmings! - Another great solution! I particularly like the trick at the end with the stacker-turned-bomber to create a staircase. :thumbsup:

∫tan x dx

Hi all! I'm pleased to announce an update to Integral Lemmings!

Recently, there has been some interesting discussions about the design philosophies of lemmings levels. Namely, many level packs are released with "specific solutions only", and an exact skillset.
While this is certainly very popular amongst designers and solvers, it does have the potential to reduce the creativity of a player. If a player discovers a solution other than what was intended, this leads to the dreaded backrouting that all designers fear.

Now, usually these alternative solutions come in the form of tricks or terrain exploits that the designer overlooked or did not consider (which happens very often in my case... :P).
But at the same time, part of the joy of solving a level comes from finding your own solution, even if it's not intended!

Thus, I've created 10 levels which seek to defy this trend. The levels in the new Alpha rank are all opened ended levels, with somewhat generous skillsets. They have no set solution, but are by no means a walk in the park! :evil:
The player is invited to find their own solutions, the more interesting the better!

Download link and changelog is available in the OP.

Enjoy! :thumbsup:


played newly added Alpha rank. 8-) I will hopefully play the rest of the pack next time.
Pretty much most of the levels are open-ended with more than enough skills, so for extra fun and challenges, I set some rules for myself while playing several levels. 8-)

1.The Locked Room Mysteries - Thankfully the skillset is very generous so I was able to save 100% without much trouble. 
2.Unfriendly Neighbours - attached two solutions. I think using the 3builders wall might be the most simplest and intuitive way, but I don't think it's possible to save 100% with that method. I saved 100% with some nasty destructive skills shenanigans, I wonder if there is an easier way to do so. ???
3.These lemmings and those lemmings - best level of the rank for me :thumbsup: It's a 10 of everything level but it was surprisingly tricky and requires a lot of thinking on how the two different specialist groups can help each other. Well, there's of course simple solution using bombers to bypass the OWW, but I feel like that solution is backrouty.
4.Crowd Control - probably one of the easiest level of the rank. Finding the correct RR took some time but after that it was smooth sailing
5.Thick and Thin - I like the concept of this level. :thumbsup: There's no clear way to contain the crowd. So you have to keep going while making the path with some pioneer worker lemmings. Saving 100% was not that hard since the skillset is very lenient on this level.
6.A Sorting Problem -  The time limit talisman is quite tight on this level.:XD: I failed several times by 1 or 2 seconds.
7.The Big Dig - attached two solutions. Second one seems to be a backroute.
8.Equivalent Exchange - same here. attached two solutions and the first one seems to be a backroute. The two crowd don't interact each other at all.
9.Fun with Laserers - Nice and clever level, but again the skillset is very very lenient..
10.Escape from Zombie Island - Probably the longest basher I've seen in my life :D
It seems like I prefer levels with limited skillset  :P But there were still some decent levels.
My newest NeoLemmix level pack: Holiday Lemmings 2024 8-)
Xmas themed collaboration pack with Mobiethian :D

My other NeoLemmix level packs(in chronological order):
  Lemmings Uncharted
  Xmas Lemmings 2021
  Lemmings Halloween 2023

∫tan x dx

Hi Armani! I've had a look at your replays, and I am extremely impressed by the creativity of your solutions! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

My thoughts on your replays are in the spoiler:

The Locked Room Mysteries - A very nice solution!
Unfriendly Neighbours - Oh wow! That 100% solution is a thing of beauty! Brilliant! :thumbsup:
These lemmings and those lemmings - Another pair of brilliant solutions! I made the walls exactly 8 bombers thick, so that the player would be forced to conserve lemmings if they chose to use that solution. 8 bombers and 2 blockers on steel means that all other lemmings have to be saved, which can be tricky in its own right.
Crowd Control - A very nice use of the release rate here! I think I may change this level to have fewer lemmings, as waiting for them all to be released is very tedious.
Thick and Thin - Great solution here! I like the acrobatics that the lemmings get up to! :)
A Sorting Problem - Another great solution! Though I might tweak this level to be a little trickier... :evil:
The Big Dig - Solution 1 is very nice! And you even did it with over a minute to spare! :) Solution 2 definitely seems like a backroute, though. I shall have to investigate...
Equivalent Exchange - Unfortunately, both of these solutions are backroutes. That trick underneath the right exit should definitely not be allowed. Your first solution uses a very interesting trick with the laserers. I had no idea you could extend the horizontal reach with them. :P
Fun with Laserers - Another very nice solution! However I might tweak this level to be slightly more interesting.
Escape from Zombie Island - An excellent solution! I audibly gasped when I saw the path you were constructing for the builder! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I've really enjoyed watching your replays! Well done! :thumbsup:


Hi tan x,

having finished "Integral Lemmings" today, I want to write down some notes. First thing I want to say is, it's a magnificent pack. Almost all of the levels are of a high standard and absolutely well-thought. I didn't see many differences in terms of difficulty throughout the ranks, though. I like "Delta" and "Epsilon" a bit better than "Alpha", but that's mainly because I prefer the original eight skills over the new ones.

Some thoughts about the individual levels:


Unconventional Techniques: It's always a good thing when a level pack starts with an outstanding level and this here surely is one. Maybe it's even the best level of the rank. The key trick is well-hidden and, at least in my opinion, can not be bypassed - which makes the level even better. To be honest, while doing this level, I didnt think that I could ever solve the pack.
What Lems beneath: Also a hard one. I tried to build from the bottom but it didn't come to a good end. Not sure if the bomber in the middle is needed there, but if so, it's an amazing little trick.
A different kind of problem: I agree with Icho here - this exits here are obstacles and goals in one which is a great idea. For me, this was the hardest level in the epsilon rank. For a long time, I was always one builder short.
Send only the finest Lemmings: This level reminded me a little  of "Circular Wavelength" from Lemmings Plus I. It's fun to play though not on the very hard side. Most difficult part is the beginning. Overall, one of my favourites.
Precission engineered Lemming: I knew immediately what do here, so that only the execution was the problem, especially with the hatch at the right side. Having solved the level, I looked what Icho and Kaywhyn had done here, and that's when I realised that my solution is probably a backroute.
Round the bend: A breather for many, that's why you moved it back to position 3. For me, this level was not THAT easy.
Don't forget the builders... Probably my least favourite level of the rank. Having played so many levels pack, I've seen everything here too often. Which does not mean it's a bad level. I see big problems here for novice players (but they wouldn't even reach this level)
Tarry not!: Another favourite of mine and a real time-cruncher. Took me a while to bring things in the right order here.
What have we learned so far: A fantastic closer of the first rank. Surprisingly it was a quick solve for me. Figuring out the left side was hardest for me. A very good level title, too!


Entrapment: Entirely trick based. Stunned me at first, but when I found out what to do with the stoner, the rest was a  walk in the park.
Panic room: One of the best. Many different solution, but none of these is trivial to figure out  - although this level looks so simple. This is really great art.
Any suggestions: Icho considered this one the weakest in the pack, but I like it. I had no idea how to stop the platformer at the top, so I used a builders there and had to spare one later. So I backrouted this level.
A Humdrum Conundrum: This was a quick solve, but only since I knew this trick from a level in "Art Lems". (which wasn't required there, but I found it out by myself)
Oh, those talented Lemmings: Along with Panic room the best level in "Delta" for me. I love how everything falls into line here. and there is still variety. For example, Icho, Kaywhyn and I used the blocker at three different spots. 
12 Steps to Success: Solving this was hard work! I'm not good with stackers, so maybe that's why its not among my favourites levels here, but I can definitely see why it is for others.
The Incredible Squashing Machine: Easy one which is nice from time to time. It's also a good one and I thin I found the intended solution here.
Make the most of your Lemmings: This was the easiest levels of the entire pack for me (including Alpha). Like others, I love 1-of-everything-levels and this one is no exception.
DEAR LITTLE BEASTIES: A lot of precision is required here. I exhausted everything to the max to save this dearly needed Extra-Lemming and it finally worked.
Curse of the Lemmings: This one was easier than I thought. I found a relatively clean solution, so I could spare some skills in the end.


The Locked Room Mysteries: It was pretty clear what to do here. I must say I don't like this digger-trick that much, I think it's pretty repetitive. Easy level, though.
Unfriendly Neighbours: This really caused me some trouble. In lots of Zombie-based levels it's easy to find way to get rid of these beasties, but this was not the case here. So my solution is completely timing-based which makes this level - if it's intended - absolutely great!
These Lemmings and those Lemmings: I bombed through the block and used the lower part of the level in the end only. So I probably missed something - it felt like a backroute.
Crowd Control: I didnt' find this level easy at all and had a hard time to squeeze the Lemmings. Since it turned out to be impossible with the skills available, I played with the Release-rate a lot. But this was not necessary as I found out eventually.
Thick and thin: Phew, this was a mess. To be honest, I still don't know how to get all these Lemmings up to the exit. What saved me was the fact that I could lose some. The hardest level in the Alpha rank, at least for me.
A Sorting problem: My favourite level from the Alpha rank. I was clear from the beginning which exit the swimmers had to use, but I could isolate them in the beginning - everyhting else fell in line then.
The Big Dig: I feel that I backrouted this one since I just made it right on time and with a totally direct approach.
Equivalent Exchange: They first level I EVER played with laserers. I really wonder how Armani solved this with both sides not interacting with each other. It was a difficult one, especially with the "new" skill for me, but I found a quite elegant solution. I like this one!
Fun with Lasers: Compared with the level beforce, I made a big mess out of this. I don't know if my solution has something to do with what you had in your mind, but at least, it worked.
Escape from Zombie Island: A worthy conclusion of great pack. I was familiar with this basher-trick and used the digger-trick form Alpha 1 again, but at the wrong side of the level, at first.

All my solutions can be found here:

∫tan x dx

Hi Swerdis! I'm glad to see your solutions for my pack! I must admit, when I saw the link to your playlist, I immediately binge watched all the solutions. :P

Here are my thoughts on your solutions:



Unconventional Techniques - Thank you for your kind comments! :thumbsup: I also often become very discouraged when presented with a difficult pack. I usually spend endless amounts of time on the first levels of a rank and get nowhere!
What Lems beneath - The trick with the falling bomber eventually led to the last level in this rank - What have we learned so far.
A different kind of problem - I agree that the general consensus that the third hatch is too fiddly and precise. I've put in a fix for this though!
Do I have to do everything? - Another great solution :)
Send only the finest Lemmings - A very nice solution. I like your variant here with the three blockers instead of four. :thumbsup:
Precision engineered Lemming - Now this solution is very creative! Great work on this one! :D
Round the bend - I like your crowd control and timing here. Great stuff!
Don't forget the builders... - Great solution!
Tarry not! - Another great solution! I chuckled when I saw the youtube comments for this video. I had no idea you were playing through this pack just as I was updating it! :P
What have we learned so far - As previously mentioned, this level was intended to be a culmination of tricks from previous levels in the rank. In particular, the trick used in Unconventional Techniques and Precision engineered Lemming, where a lemming builds one way, and another lemming falls from the hatch and builds in the opposite direction. The falling bomber trick was also inspired by What Lems Beneath.


Entrapment - Nice solution!
Panic room - Another great solution! I'm surprised this level has so many solution variants.
Any suggestions? - I don't consider your solution to be a backroute here! I asked for suggestions, and you gave one that worked :P
A Humdrum Conundrum - Nicely done!
Oh, those talented Lemmings - Another great solution! :thumbsup:
12 Steps to Success - Perfect solution! I find it interesting that the stacker is the one skill that seems to give people the most difficulty.
The Incredible Squashing Machine - Very nice solution! :)
Make the most of your Lemmings - Another level with variant solutions! I especially like the way you make the glider dig down through the spike. :thumbsup:
DEAR LITTLE BEASTIES - Great solution! This level is an homage to POOR WEE CREATURES from the original lemmings. A level that gave me considerable difficulties in my youth :P
Curse of the Lemmings - Another great solution! :)


The Locked Room Mysteries - Nicely done on 100%!
Unfriendly Neighbours - A great solution! The main problem behind this level is that the zombies can't be gotten rid of, unless you get them up in that top right room, of course... :evil:
These Lemmings and those Lemmings - The direct approach is fine here! Bombing through the one-way walls is perfectly valid, the only issue is that you have to save every remaining lemming!
Crowd Control - Great solution! I'll lower the lemming count, so it's not so tedious to wait for them all.
Thick and thin - Nicely done! Saving 100% on this level is tricky to do. :)
A Sorting problem - Very nice. But I've made a change which should really ramp up the difficulty! :evil:
The Big Dig - This is indeed a backroute. Once again, the direct approach works well :D
Equivalent Exchange - Very nice solution! I find that laserers are very interesting skills. There's lots of potential for interesting things here.
Fun with Lasers - Another great solution! :thumbsup:
Escape from Zombie Island - A very creative way of getting rid of those nasty zombies! Well done! :D

Thank you very much for all your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the pack. :thumbsup:

∫tan x dx

Hi all!

An update to Integral Lemmings has been posted. Check the OP for a download link and changelog!

Thanks! :thumbsup: