2 glitches discovered

Started by Leviathan (at school), October 17, 2005, 09:32:22 AM

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Leviathan (at school)

I discovered 2,maybe new glitches:

1)I noticed a normal walker lemming that was trapped somewhere,to walk straigtly up trough the terrain above him.It's similar to a stuck climber climbing his way up trough terrain above him,but this time I actually saw a walker doing this after applying a certain order of skills at a certain shape of terrain...I haven't been able to reproduce it a second time tough,but I was baffled of what I saw.

2)I was testing a new designed level and I blow up a blocker somewhere,creating a pit.
Now you would think the other lemmings walk into the pit,but they didn't.Instead they turned around at the place where the blown up blocker was standing.
I noticed this several times near steel areas but this time there was no steel in the vicinity.
I built into "it" and the builder didn't turn,and the effect was suddenly gone.

I don't know if anyone else noticed these strange things,please tell me :)


Let's start with this question:  which version of the game are you using?

I'll comment below based on the assumption that you're talking about the DOS version.

Quote from: Leviathan (at school)  link=1129541546/0#0 date=11295415421)I noticed a normal walker lemming that was trapped somewhere,to walk straigtly up trough the terrain above him.
I know of something similar, but it doesn't have the normal walker being trapped anywhere, and you need another lemming to help out in order to get it to work.

So I'm really unsure of what to make of your description.  Can you be more precise?

Quote2)I was testing a new designed level and I blow up a blocker somewhere,creating a pit.
Now you would think the other lemmings walk into the pit,but they didn't.Instead they turned around at the place where the blown up blocker was standing.
This really defies my understanding of how the game works, especially the part about the effect suddenly gone when the builder built into "it".  I hate to say this but I'm highly skeptical of your second claim.  Do you have a specific, precise scenario that consistently reproduces your glitch?


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1129541546/0#1 date=1129547595on Today at 11:32am, Leviathan (at school) wrote:
Quote2)I was testing a new designed level and I blow up a blocker somewhere,creating a pit.
Now you would think the other lemmings walk into the pit,but they didn't.Instead they turned around at the place where the blown up blocker was standing.
This really defies my understanding of how the game works, especially the part about the effect suddenly gone when the builder built into "it".
Actually, upon some thought, I can think of one scenario where indeed I can get a blocker's effect to linger after he's gone.  So I'm slightly less skeptical now.  However, the scenario requires somewhat more complicated setup than what you described, and more importantly, the lingering blocker's effect cannot be canceled by a builder.  So I'm still curious to hear about a precise scenario that consistently reproduces your version of the glitch.  Not to mention that I haven't even tested my scenario yet to see whether it actually works as intended.


I still haven't tested my version of the glitch yet, but I just realized that if it works, it actually has a potentially much more dramatic effect then merely having the blocker's "force field" lingering.

I doubt any of the Lemmings or ONML levels will benefit from this glitch (though I haven't checked yet), but it is certainly possible to create some rather :devil: CustLemm levels to make use of it.


Certainly the first glitch is something I haven't been able to reproduce,and I honestly don't know the exact conditions and the skills I used to get it...I was merely chaotically clicking with the builder icon and suddenly it happened.The lemming went up really fast,I can say as fast as a lemming falls down or even faster.

I can tell you more about the second glitch:

I put a blocker on top of terrain which is covering (working) lava.The blocker was holding off the crowd to go to the right and then I blew up the blocker.Instead of going into the pit,which had uncovered a bit of lava,the lemmings still turned around.
I built into "it" to see if it would reflect my builder,and it didn't.After a few bricks (2 or 3) the crowd headed into the lava pit.
As for the builder thing,I might have built over "it" instead of trough"it" but it certainly didn't look that way.
As I've noticed this before in the vicinity of steel areas,I have a little theory that the blocker's forcefield doesn't dissipate after blowing up,when it is in the range of an interactive object or steel area.

Both glitches were encountered when using CustLemm.

I'll try to reproduce these things and provide screenshots if I'm fast enough :)


Something that I know, but I don't think it causes effects, is that when you blow up a blocker, just put your cursor above the place where it exploded: here is the "ghost" blocker.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


How on earth can you get a blocker's effect to linger at all??

also: w00t 100 posts!!


Quote from: Leviathan  link=1129541546/0#4 date=1129551757Certainly the first glitch is something I haven't been able to reproduce,and I honestly don't know the exact conditions and the skills I used to get it...I was merely chaotically clicking with the builder icon and suddenly it happened.The lemming went up really fast,I can say as fast as a lemming falls down or even faster.
Well, if it's another lemming doing the building, I would probably believe you since it would be one of the glitches I (and another person) know about.

QuoteI can tell you more about the second glitch:
Um, thanks, but you didn't really tell me any more than what you already told me earlier.

QuoteI built into "it" to see if it would reflect my builder,and it didn't.After a few bricks (2 or 3) the crowd headed into the lava pit.
As for the builder thing,I might have built over "it" instead of trough"it" but it certainly didn't look that way.
Well, maybe a screenshot could determine this, but it does sound to me like you built over "it". ;)

QuoteAs I've noticed this before in the vicinity of steel areas,I have a little theory that the blocker's forcefield doesn't dissipate after blowing up,when it is in the range of an interactive object or steel area.
But that's just not the way the game works, unless CustLemm deviated from regular DOS Lemmings and ONML.  What I have in mind (which I still haven't tested) requires a somewhat different scenario than the simple one you described.  A screenshot (even in PM) would be warranted, especially a few of them detailing before and after the explosion.

One thing I could check and see is if the blocker's really near the top of the screen, or otherwise near the level boundaries.  But even then, I don't expect what you described to happen with your setup.


Quote from: finlay  link=1129541546/0#6 date=1129558694How on earth can you get a blocker's effect to linger at all??
Well, if you really really want to know very badly, I guess I could PM you about it if you made a request on this thru PM.  Although it's kinda a moot point until I've actually confirmed that what I have in mind works.


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1129541546/0#8 date=1129571533Although it's kinda a moot point until I've actually confirmed that what I have in mind works.
I have now confirmed that, at least on the SNES, what I have in mind works.

I could provide a screenshot, although even better, I actually saved a few SNES9x savestates of before and after.  I suppose those could be made available thru PM, although I might have to try again if I were to provide proof which doesn't at the same time reveal how it is done.

You'll have to wait until much later (8+ hours) when I head back home and try it on the PC and Mac versions.  I expect they would behave the same, but you never know.

Oh, and at least in my setup, the builder does not cancel the lingering blocker's field.  Another thing worth noting is that with my glitch, it has absolutely nothing to do with whether they are interactive objects in the vacinity.

I've also taken a look at the Lemmings and ONML levels and so far cannot found any that could benefit from the glitch, though maybe I just haven't been sufficiently creative yet. Still, generally you'd want to design the level specifically for it if you want to make use of the glitch.


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1129541546/0#9 date=1129574583I've also taken a look at the Lemmings and ONML levels and so far cannot found any that could benefit from the glitch, though maybe I just haven't been sufficiently creative yet.
Happily, I proved myself wrong again!  There is an ONML level that's practically perfect for this glitch, although it doesn't show off some of the crazier side of this glitch (that'll probably have to wait until I create a level for it).

Anyway, see this post on the Lemmings Challenge thread for details.

Obviously, this also means I've confirmed my glitch (note, my glitch, not Leviathan's) on the PC/DOS.  I'll try the Mac version soon.

Anyway, thanks to Leviathan for, in essence, pointing me towards the path to my glitch.  Hopefully maybe his own glitch would work too, how's the screenshot coming? ;)


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1129541546/0#10 date=1129605797Obviously, this also means I've confirmed my glitch on the PC/DOS. &#A0;I'll try the Mac version soon.
As mentioned on the Lemmings Challenge thread, I've confirmed my new Wicked 7 solution on the Mac also, so the glitch indeed also works on the Mac.


Might as well post this here...

If anyone wants to look for glitches I highly recommend the tame levels. Anyway, I found a crazy glitch. Now I will try to explain:
Two blockers are pretty close together with a lemming in between. At least one of the blockers has some terrain overlapping his field. Now the middle one bashes, and keeps bashing, and keeps bashing, and keeps bashing, and keeps bashing, and keeps bashing........
Could this be useful? (besides creating an evil level)


That's quite cute, but if I understand correctly, the basher is still trapped between the blockers at all times, correct?

So yes, very neat looking B), but seems to be of very limited use.


The only way I can think of using it would be to have another lemming with the basher so the blockers could be released and the basher would keep going. Then it could be used to save/turn around/delay bashers.