[NeoLemmix] SEB Lems [Difficulty: Medium-Hard]

Started by Flopsy, May 14, 2018, 09:36:56 PM

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SEB Lems v3.03 is out.

Fixes a back route found by Swerdis on Murder 12 :)

Download is in first post.

Strato Incendus

What a coincidence - that's precisely the next one I have to play, so this fix came just in time! :thumbsup:
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels

Strato Incendus

Okay, here's the Murder rank. There were a few that I could solve entirely on my own; most of them I got to about 90-95% but then needed a hint for the final step.

For one particular level however (Murder 07, "The Call of Lucia") I was completely on the wrong track.
Or rather, I considered this approach in the very beginning, but then decided the terrain was too iffy to pull that off. Then you get an effect similar to the psychological phenomenon called "inhibition of return": In a place where you've already looked but where you didn't find anything, you're less likely to look again / it's harder to actively force yourself to do so.

Basically, anytime you've considered what would have turned out as the correct solution but then discarded it for some reason, good luck getting that one back! ;)

On the individual levels
01: This one I already solved last time; gave me quite of a challenge back when I first solved it, but on my current playthrough in New Formats it was easy to piece the solution together again.

02: I overcomplicated this one by having the Fencer climb up into that little niche in the wall on the left, instead of fencing straight from the bottom. That way, the Fencer came out too high at the top, so I needed to use the Miner to get down again and prevent the lemming from running off the map.

03: Another one I overcomplicated; I never thought of simply containing the bottom crowd. I tried to go for a flow-control solution here (a style of playing I suck at anyway, but therefore I tend to assume it's necessary even when it isn't), but the distances between the lemmings were too small for that. That caused me to bomb through one of the platforms to isolate a worker and then seal it up again later, which was very inefficient, and still lead to me losing some further lemmings from falling down.

04: This one I solved to 95%, I only hadn't thought of using the "platform from the middle of the stack" (i.e. while the stack is being built) trick here. I'm generally aware of it, though, so I wasn't surprised by anything here I didn't know. I found it strange though that you made the bar next to the hatch permeable for the Climber. Why do that if you still provide a Walker anyway to turn the Climber around? The Walker is such a potentially broken skill that I would probably rather not have provided it and simply left the bar entirely solid, so that the Climber would turn around by himself. Of course, having the Walker there slightly increases the entropy of the level, and therefore potentially the difficulty - but to me it was pretty clear right away that I would have to use the Cloner at the exit to turn the worker lemming around, not the Walker.

05: Another one where I got to 95%; I saw a really cool way here to make the Miner go through (over a staircase) to release the right bottom crowd, and at the same time release the Blocker that was containing them from the other side. Sadly, due to the hole in the building, this failed by a few pixels. (Turns out precisely that combination of "Miner goes through + frees Blocker in the process" was required two levels later on "The Call of Lucia", though - and of course, that's where I didn't use it! :forehead: ) For Murder 05, the part that I was missing was the Basher stopping himself by becoming a Blocker, only to be freed again by another Bomber. This is one of the most counter-intuitive tricks to me, since "Blocker + Bomber" always means "Blocker dies" to me. I know how to stop a Basher with a Blocker and make the Blocker survive (sometimes even creating a usable Basher-staircase in the process, see my solution to Murder 01 ;) , which you've already commented on). But the Basher-becomes-Blocker-makes-staircase-is-bombed-free trick I've only ever seen on Nepster's "Scrap the Builders!" so far.
And yes, I've actually used that trick on one of my own levels from Lemmings Open Air - but that's just because it's shamelessly ripping off the level by Nepster I just mentioned :P .

06: This one I could finally solve by myself again. Moving that one Digger before the long Basher that goes towards the crowd, instead of bashing first and then digging to get low enough, paid double duty and broke the splat height for the drop in the middle in the same breath. That was the decisive discovery that allowed me to save the Builder I needed to re-close the gap in the wire - which you need to create in order to get the pioneer into the teleporter in the bottom right corner.

07: This is the one I mentioned outside the spoiler tab where I was completely on the wrong track:
Making the Miner go through was indeed the first thing I considered when I saw this diagonal increase with all the one-way arrows. But the terrain is so oddly shaped that I thought it could never work (that niche for the Glider to land in, especially). Even when it does, for the Digger you need to use to get the height of the Builder right, there only seems to be 1 pixel of height where it works. At least there's that slope on the left, which helps a little with the proper placement, because the Builder needs to be a continuation of that slope.
Also, the time limit really threw me off here - though I don't see what solution it's trying to prevent. Now that a timeout no longer ends the level but simply freezes the exit, I think it should be possible to run a replay of whatever backroute the time limit is supposed to break, and see it play out in its entirety. If you still have a replay of that solution, I would love to see it! ;)

08: Another one I solved entirely on my own. Timing the Digger inside the Miner tunnel in such a way that the Miner wouldn't splat while still having to wait for the crowd to get out of the tunnel again was a little tricky. But using the small crater the Miner leaves as a niche above the Digger shaft to climb back into and continue later, that was pretty clever! :thumbsup: If that is intended, props to you!

09: I remember having played this one earlier, so eventually I could figure it out by myself again. It's really confusing though that falling out of the teleporter immediately turns the lemming into a Frier, yet walking out of the teleporter at the exact same height (once the gap has been platformed up) does not. Do Fallers spawn out of teleporters 1 pixel higher or lower than Walkers? ??? That's the only way I can explain this difference to me.
What's also very confusing is the placement of the button at the top right: In clear-physics mode, because of the one-way arrows also blinking, it looked to me as if the button was placed inside terrain (i.e. in front of it so that it wasn't hidden, but only reachable via a destructive skill). If I hadn't faced this level before, I would probably not have considered that the button is actually inside a small chamber which a Glider could land in once the Digger breaks it open from the side.

10: Another self-solve. This one felt surprisingly easy, I even had two skills remaining. Maybe a backroute? ;)

11: This one was my favourite by far! :thumbsup: I tried lots of different things, got to 95% again... but of course, the missing piece was again down to me overcomplicating things:
I didn't consider simply stacking into the wall next to the exit to turn the lemming around. Instead, I tried various much more complicated ways to turn him around, but all of those wasted more skills. For example, I platformed over the exit first to turn around, then dug down on the right side of the exit, then mined. However, even when I dug six pixels into the ground below the exit (i.e. as low as I could if I still wanted the step to be walkable), the Miner wouldn't come out low enough. The tunnel was always low enough for the crowd to walk into, but the upper part of the wall needs to remain intact to turn the Glider around. And apparently, that's only possible when mining from further back, i.e. from within the pit containing the exit.
Another thing I tried was using the Stacker to free the crowd from behind their rock, because they're only being held back by a tiny protruding piece. Filling the gap underneath that piece up with the Stacker gets the crowd over the rock, which saves the Basher normally required to do it. Sadly, as cool as that was, it didn't help either. (And if that had been the required method of freeing the crowd, it would have been very hidden and obscure, so in the end I'm kind of glad that wasn't the way to go ;) ).

12: Here I'd say I got to about 90% before needing a hint. I knew you had to send the pioneers down on the left side of the crowd, but I kept trying to time the release of the single Climbers by having them climb out of a second Digger shaft I used to contain the crowd. That was probably once again me overthinking things. Once the Climbers are far enough apart to make it over the first gap that the Builder needs to cross, the rest is pretty self-explanatory

13: Here I was missing the "turn around the Digger with a Blocker" trick (and again on a later level). I'm familiar with the standard application of turning a Digger around with a Blocker inside an actual Digger shaft. But doing it on the edge of a block, i.e. with the Blocker walking off and doing other things afterwards, that was an additional level of complexity I hadn't considered so far. But once that part is clear, the rest is just trying to save time as efficiently as possible - and in my case, it was efficient enough for the talisman right away. ;)

14: I tried really hard to backroute this one
by sending everyone along the bottom path, through the trap, using compression method. Sadly, that trap was too fast for that. I can't say I'm a fan of the intended solution, though. Even once I got the hint about how to isolate the pioneer, pulling it off without any excess lemmings slipping past the Digger-Builder combination was extremely fiddly.

15: Another one I could solve all by myself,
which mainly just required swapping some Platformers and Builders around. And of course the initial discovery of how to contain the crowd with just a single Bomber. Those one-use traps, compared with a save requirement that allows you to lose some lemmings, can really throw you off and make you think you'd have to trigger some of those one-use traps deliberately. The decisive discovery though was the fact that you can also build out of those hollow honeycombs (by providing the ground the lemmings need to slip through the thin diagonal terrain, like through a staircase), instead of just breaking through them with destructive skills - because you have too few of those on this level to do that consistently.

16: This one I also solved by myself, seemed comparatively easy for its high position, too. Not as easy as "Birth of an Empire" - there was one re-adjustment I had to make at the beginning, connecting the crowds by mining from above instead of going through the terrain from below (and then quickly making those that slip by the Swimmers so that they don't drown). But overall, this one didn't take very long.

17: Another 95%er for me. I was getting so riled up about having to time that Builder-Blocker turnaround at the end exactly right over that long distance that I didn't consider turning the Miner around on the steel in front of the exit; I thought I had to mine to the left, which would have required building over the Basher tunnel again to connect with the Miner tunnel, plus an additional Blocker at the top, plus an additional Builder to get over the Miner tunnel.
This is why I'm generally not too much of a fan of those "Blocker turns Builder around mid-building" solutions. Especially not when the landscape is as big as this one. The trick itself is by far not as unknown as some of the other clever Blocker stunts you've showcased in this pack, so it doesn't add that much puzzle difficulty - but it does add loads of execution difficulty in terms of constant rewinding, just to assign a Climber slightly earlier or later every time.

18: Same as with level 13, turning the Digger around with the Blocker on the edge of a terrain chunk
instead of completely inside the Digger shaft, that also escaped me here. The other thing that kept me wondering was how to get over that huge water pond without any constructive skills. The way you actually end up getting past it almost felt like a backroute to me when I finally saw it. Again, don't really see what the time limit is needed for here.
I'm glad you used this variation of the Digger-Blocker turnaround twice in such close succession. After having been stumped by it twice in a row, so to speak, I'm sure I'll remember it forever now! ;)

19: The last one I could solve all by myself. The decisive discovery here was the realisation that I needed a non-Climber to do the second half of the pioneer work.

20: Another 95% solution. First, I needed a long time to realise I could just contain the Floaters with a single Bomber - that small piece of terrain is hard to see, my mind quickly generalised the landscape as "everything there on the left is steel". Once I had that part figured out, I felt I was coming pretty close to the solution already: I knew the lemming approaching the exit from the right had to turn around on the pole first before the Glider from the left climbed up to bomb it - in order to place a stack on the right, right next to the wall, to prevent the Climbers from ever getting to it and die in the fire. I actually tried to bomb through the horizontal pole on the right side next to the exit, though - you can do that in such a way that a small piece of terrain remains behind, preventing the Climbers from climbing up into the fire. A Miner cutting away part of the stack also achieved similar things. Both of these approaches would have required an additional Builder to get through the Bomber hole and re-connect with the exit again, though.
In the end, the missing piece for me was the Builders going through each other. Which I knew they could do, I just didn't factor that in as a possible part of the solution. When a level is already as busy as this one, with Zombies and yet another time limit (which again, I don't see the what it's needed for?), it's hard to spot the opportunities for these tricks. Because they usually require a very specific setup (like the Miner going through on "The Call of Lucia"; as I said, the terrain gave that away to me at first sight, I just dropped the idea too quickly and looked for alternatives, in that case).
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Thanks for the feedback Strato, although you may have taken hints on a few levels you have made it further than most have in the pack. Most people tend to give up on the pack by this point.

Murder 4, Meet Your Maker - That's a valid question about the walker, I think there was a back route way back which led to me adding it in and that permeable wall for the climber. I actually cannot remember what the back route was now because it's been so long. Just trust me when I say that it was added for a reason. Maybe the walker and the gap in the wall can be removed safely but I'm not really in the mood to change this level unnecessarily.

Murder 5, Up and Down and All Around - Funny you should mention that Basher + Blocker trick because that was the trick you also did not use in Murder 1 and instead you went for that more precise basher trick next to the trapdoor. Go back and try it if you're curious because the same trick is required in Murder 1 and this level. I've not seen a miner attempt through the builder here though. I think the reason why the same trick appeared in both levels is because this is a Wafflem solution and Murder 1 is my solution.

Murder 6, The Story of the Eggs - You could also have dug and built under the circular rather than have gone over, it just resulted in a quicker solve than what you did because you actually build the bridge over to where the crowd is contained a lot sooner. I just haven't seen anyone build over the circular piece before.

Murder 7, The Call of Lucia - Another solve which omits a Digger, ShmoLem also found this solution. I dig lower on the left side and use a Digger on the middle opening as well in my official solution, this might explain some of the difficulty you may have been having, the extra digger allows for more leniency. Nothing wrong with this though. I've included an image

I don't think I have a back route which the time limit prevented, it would have been someone endlessly looping the right hand side until things lined up I suspect.

Murder 8, The SEB Western - That miner nook trick was actually a trick that came in a fix that I had to do to prevent a back route, it wasn't in the original version of this level. Also the fact that you took the crowd to the middle of the level is something new I've seen in your solution. You know that wall you bashed out before the exit on the top level, that is supposed to turn the climber around so you don't need to prematurely release the crowd. Nothing wrong with this solution though, just a nice alternative way of doing things.

Murder 9, 30MSB HD - Yes, it has puzzled me among other people why that behaviour is correct. Other people have asked me that and because this is Wafflem's solution, I don't understand the teleporter behaviour myself. Concerning the button on the right, there is actually a small gap where the button is seen but due to the way CPM is, it looks like it is part of the one way arrows. You have effectively simplified this level with your solution, you have just done everything with one lemming rather than a few Lemmings up top.

Murder 10, The Birth of an Empire - We're officially naming this trick after you now because you pulled this trick in Murder 1 as well instead of the trick you used in Murder 5. It's not a back route, you're just using The Strato Turnaround!

Murder 11, Aztec Dune Zone - interesting save on a platformer to say the least!

Murder 12, Candy Shop - Thank ShmoLem for all the steel in the ceiling above the trapdoor :P. Otherwise all good and intended :)

Murder 13, No Time To Die - Finally a level which requires you to multitask! In fact you did it so well, you had 17 seconds left! There are multiple ways to do this level with or without the talisman, well on getting that by the way!

Murder 14, Castle made of Slime - You're not the first one to complain about the method of separating a worker Lemming and you won't be the last. This level came about as mine and Wafflem's part of a wider collaboration, because me and Wafflem were the first 2 to work on this level, we kept our iteration before the likes of Nepster and Icho had a go at it and made it much harder!

Murder 15, Golden Round - Your solution is very different to mine but it's not a back route. You didn't need to use that builder on the honeycomb the way you did and a bomber was not actually required to contain the crowd, you could have done it with a well timed digger and platformer. I like this solution anyway, it's nice to see it can be solved in other ways.

Murder 16, Great Scot - A lot of other people consider this level difficult because of the trick with the miner and builder at the start, it can be quite hard to spot. You're the first person to say this level is easy, maybe it's because there isn't much to it in your eyes ;)

Murder 17, Medieval Zone - Yeah I admit, this is more of a Reunion style level and this is where I got the inspiration from. I'm sorry it's not worthy of the King of Blockers! I'll try harder :P

Murder 18, Darkside Lightside - The time limit was imposed because some people were back routing with long winded solutions, because my solution required fast execution, it was the only thing worthy to fix the level without doing other wild crazy things.

Murder 20, Here Comes the Rapture - Not exactly a back route but you really streamlined this level with everything you did. I mean 4 min time limit would be a challenge for some people but you rolled over this in a little over 2 mins which is very impressive by the way! You're too streamlined in the way you're solving and hence the time limits may seem unnecessary to you.

No back routes overall, some nice alternate solutions and very streamlined!

Best of luck with Rapture if you are carrying on into that rank :P

Strato Incendus

Thanks for your detailed reply, Flopsy! ;) With the screenshot from Murder 07, the placement of the skills makes a lot more sense now.

Quote from: FlopsyWe're officially naming this trick after you now because you pulled this trick in Murder 1 as well instead of the trick you used in Murder 5. It's not a back route, you're just using The Strato Turnaround!

It's funny you call it like that, given that, as I said before, you were the one who showed that trick to me. :D Twice! On your LP of Lemmings Migration. (Still haven't found any other way of solving those two particular levels where you used that trick, btw. ;) ) Also, if that trick isn't a signature of the King of Blockers, then I don't know which one is!

Regarding "Great Scot!":
Don't get me wrong, it was a very nice level! ;) It's nice to see a clever puzzle that isn't simultaneously extremely hard to figure out for a change.

Regarding "Medieval Mystery Zone":
It's more like I've developed a habit of overlooking this easier stuff, because usually, with these more common tricks, I tend to (over)think "Flopsy would never do such a simple thing with Blockers". :evil:

The "streamlined" part of my solutions may come from the fact that whenever I do need to get a hint, I take it from IchoTolot's replay playlist now. ;) That's because I know it's in the correct order; Arty's LP was still in Old Formats, a lot of the levels changed their position since then, and also many of his solutions were blocked / fixed as partial backroutes.

Basically, what I do is I start watching IchoTolot's video and only go on as long as I keep seeing stuff that I have already figured out myself. That's just a confirmation "ok, you're on the right track so far". As soon as I see something new, I stop the video and say "ok, that's my hint, now where can I go from here?"

Well, except for "The Call of Lucia". I had no idea where IchoTolot's solution was going until I already saw it coming together. :evil:

I have solved two levels from the Rapture rank so far (levels 02 and 04). Haven't attempted anything beyond that yet, though. So there may be further "easy" ones coming.
I expect the difficulty to be similarly subjective as on the Murder rank now.
I also haven't looked at any of IchoTolot's replays for these levels yet (meaning not even "partially" for any hints).

Level 02 was more of an execution-timing struggle, the conceptual part I had figured out pretty quickly.

Level 04 was much more to my liking, no difficult crowd control, just a nice resource-conservation puzzle where all the skills are accounted for (i.e. no open-ended X-of-everything level), and it's all about the pioneer lemming. :thumbsup:

Level 01 currently still seems to have way too many obstacles for me to overcome with the limited skill set.
Although I like that it's easy to hold back the crowd here, too. The most annoying part is probably that anytime I use a Miner at the end of a Platformer's bridge, that makes it so that I can't allow the lemming to walk back later or he will slip through a 1-pixel gap under the Platformer bridge and fall down. :evil:

For Level 03, I think I'm pretty close, but what always irritates me...
...is that the Swimmer can't climb out of the water to the left, where I would want him to mine. It even looks like that piece of terrain was raised up deliberately so that the Swimmer would go underneath it and turn around in the water. I thought of bombing him there to create a niche from where to do other things, but that doesn't help the crowd much because they would have to go through the water, and I need all my Bombers elsewhere anyway.

I looked at the level list in the menu, though...
...and it does seem to me like the SEB references are getting lower and lower in number on the Rapture rank... ;) which is a little odd.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Hello Flopsy,

First two ranks solved. Replays attached. You already know that I'm LPing this pack, but for everyone else I'm also LPing the pack.

Link to the LP: Kaywhyn's LP of Flopsy's SEB Lems for New Formats NL. Enjoy, everyone! :P

As I have already told you, I am enjoying this pack a lot! The Paradise rank is very well-done for a first rank. It's not a throwaway rank at all. Yes, almost every level in the rank is an X-of-everything, but they're not like the ONML Tame ones where you do 1-3 skills and then you're done. Here, you have to do way more than that. As a result, there is far more variety, and they are way more interesting and challenging. They're still no pushovers.

In the first batch of 10 levels, these were pretty much all well-done. Out of the three crash course levels, my favorite one was the 2nd level. All those restarts on the 1st level weren't necessary, as that's what I get for not planning out the solution in full before I started playing the level. Not to mention that I went for a save all solution. As for the rest, I have to say that my favorite one was Paradise 7 - Cake Shop Visits. Excellent level, both puzzle and visually. Even better, I really like the music. It is most appropriate, considering it's Christmas and it's generally played around this time of year. Paradise 10 - Is It Any Wonder? is quite a large 20-of-everything level, but I don't mind the occasional huge level, especially since it's still an easy one. I still like this level, and I especially like the music that's played on the level. I had no idea that it came from the PSP version. It's been so long since I played it.

In the second half of the Paradise rank, there are plenty of levels that I really like design-wise and visually. My favorites in this regard were Paradise 12 - Know When to Fold Them!, Paradise 14 - Lemtris 3D, Paradise 15 - Party in my Head, and Paradise 16 - It's The Name of the Game. I especially love 12 for how it features playing cards and betting chips. Even better, they're all excellent puzzles! :thumbsup: I would say that Paradise 17 - Crystallize is the hardest of the rank, although it's still not too bad. I can see this one tripping up less experienced players. I recognized Paradise 18 - Volunteer Lemming Firefighters from the MegSEBytes pack. It is a large level and more challenging than Paradise 10 despite both being a 20-of-everything level.

Finally, Paradise 19 - Tricks of the Trade and Paradise 20 - Parting Is Bittersweet are excellent puzzles.


The former is one that features a splat pad, and it's been a while since I have played a level that has such an object. The latter features splitters in a form that I have never seen before. Again, it's about familiarizing myself with the tilesets, as there's still plenty that I have yet to play levels in, although I recognize the exit from some LWT levels.

Ok, now the Bittersweet rank. Plenty of great levels here, and I continue to enjoy the pack very much! :thumbsup:

Some Bittersweet Levels Feedback

Bittersweet 1 - Find Us Under the Starlight Excellent short and easy level to start off the rank! :thumbsup: The bomber assignment is precise, but otherwise nothing difficult about the level.

Bittersweet 3 - Just Get Rid of Him! I really like this one. The solution comes together nicely.

Bittersweet 4 - Sweet Memories First level of the rank that managed to trip me up. That blocker on the slope and releasing him with a digger and miner took me a while to see. I still like this level, though. Especially since it's in the Bubble tileset, which is a huge favorite of mine. So it's a nice visual puzzle IMO.

Bittersweet 5 - HMS Hamish Macbeth I like this level as well. Much easier than the previous one.

Bittersweet 6 - Everybody Wants to be a CaveLem Challenging one, but still an easy one. What I don't like is how it's not clear that the drops onto the platform and onto the exit area are safe, but that's just a personal dislike. The level's still a great one.

Bittersweet 10 - The Locker Room Excellent level! I really like this one :thumbsup: The lemmings getting trapped inside the racket was quite amusing indeed :P

Bittersweet 11 - Tricks of the Trade (Part II) First repeat of the level but now we start on the right side and only one entrance to worry about. Digger-basher staircases galore.

Bittersweet 12 - Tell Me the Way to DMA Congrats again on the contest win with this level. Nice repeat of the Paradise level. I totally failed to see that gap drop near the stone structure before the exit for the stoner :crylaugh:

Bittersweet 13 - Welcome to Star Light Zone! Challenging level. There's probably much easier ways than my solution, though.

Bittersweet 14 - From a Designer's Perspective Excellent level! :thumbsup: I recognized the trick that I used in a Lemmings Migration level here, and so that allowed me to solve the level. I especially love the use of a cloner to make the splatform for the crowd.

Bittersweet 15 - Candy Sweet Bonkers I like this level as well. I didn't think it was too hard. I would say the hardest is simply trapping the upper crowd while letting one go on ahead, but other than that it's not a hard level.

Bittersweet 16 - The Resurfacing of Sonic's Roads First level of the pack to require more than one video to solve. Surprising that I got stuck here and it's only the second rank. I did have the idea of building out of the holding pit at the bottom initially, but the main reason I was stuck was due to going about the racetrack area completely wrong. I kept thinking I needed to mine to the right and then clone when really it's just clone and then mine to the left. Before when I rejected this too quickly, I kept thinking to simply contain them in the starting platform, but one will always turn back and die to the side of the level.

It's a great level, but as was pointed out there is a problem with the fire trap at the top before the exit in that the lemmings slip by without getting killed. Looks to be a misplaced trigger area.

Bittersweet 17 - Until the Stars Collide Nice background with the twinkling stars ;) Somewhat easy level, with the only difficult part being to get through the web to the right side of the level.

Bittersweet 18 - The Ocean World This is probably my favorite level of the entire rank. Excellent puzzle and very nice design! :thumbsup:

Bittersweet 19 - The Friday Feel Good Lounge Second level of the rank to stump me. Amazing that it also happens to be a 1-of-everything level just like 16. However, it turns out that my thought of platforming right on top of the stack was wrong. The solution came to me while I was eating dinner earlier tonight. Very nice level! :thumbsup:

Bittersweet 20 - Get On The Revolution Excellent level to finish off the rank! ;) I thought this would be another level that was going to trip me up, considering that the 1-of-everythings in the rank have managed to stump me. Ironically, I solved this one extremely fast. Even more, Neolemmix skills only level.

I think what I will do is post again after I complete a rank for the rest of the pack. Onward! ;)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


RE: Strato


QuoteI have solved two levels from the Rapture rank so far (levels 02 and 04). Haven't attempted anything beyond that yet, though. So there may be further "easy" ones coming. I expect the difficulty to be similarly subjective as on the Murder rank now.

Erm, I don't think you're going to have an easy time after Rapture 4 if you want my honest opinion. Rapture 6 if you have been attempting it is considered the hardest level in the entire pack personally, it is one of the levels in the pack with the fewest solves and even some of the best players on this forum have struggled with that level greatly before solving it.

QuoteLevel 02 was more of an execution-timing struggle, the conceptual part I had figured out pretty quickly.

Regarding Rapture 2, I think if you're familiar with the Hard For Flopsy concept then you know how the level was going to play out from the get go.

Level 04 was much more to my liking, no difficult crowd control, just a nice resource-conservation puzzle where all the skills are accounted for (i.e. no open-ended X-of-everything level), and it's all about the pioneer lemming.

And Rapture 4, I'm surprised you found this easier than Rapture 1 (which you haven't solved yet), I guess levels with less constructive skills are more your forte.

QuoteAlthough I like that it's easy to hold back the crowd here, too. The most annoying part is probably that anytime I use a Miner at the end of a Platformer's bridge, that makes it so that I can't allow the lemming to walk back later or he will slip through a 1-pixel gap under the Platformer bridge and fall down.

On Rapture 1, if you're finding the miner and platformer thing annoying then you are probably better off finding an approach which relies less on that. Despite this level looking difficult, I have seen a few different solutions to it so it is not a tight wad type solution.

Quote...is that the Swimmer can't climb out of the water to the left, where I would want him to mine. It even looks like that piece of terrain was raised up deliberately so that the Swimmer would go underneath it and turn around in the water. I thought of bombing him there to create a niche from where to do other things, but that doesn't help the crowd much because they would have to go through the water, and I need all my Bombers elsewhere anyway.

Again here on Rapture 3, if something is being prevented and you are trying to contravene that then maybe there is something you are overlooking. This level is another nasty level for its position, I think this and Rapture 6 are where they are to reiterate that this is the Big Boy rank and I'm not messing about :P

Quote...and it does seem to me like the SEB references are getting lower and lower in number on the Rapture rank... ;) which is a little odd.

Ok, let's compare
Paradise 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17 and 20
Bittersweet 1, 17, 20
Revolution 2, 10, 14, 20
Stormy 4, 13, 15, 20
Murder 3, 8, 10, 20
Rapture 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
So there are more in Rapture than any other rank except for Paradise so you're probably not spotting them all :P

QuoteWait... are you talking about stopping a Basher with a Blocker? Are you serious? You were the one who showed that trick to me, on your LP of Lemmings Migration!

I played Lemmings Migration 3 years ago now and I don't remember what I did yesterday let alone 3 years ago! If I did do that trick in any of my videos then it was probably because I was desperate. You however are doing this trick time and time again so you are worthy of having it named after you. Nessy came up with The Strato Turnaround appropriately :P

RE: kaywhyn (some additional remarks not covered in the youtube comment replies)

QuoteAs I have already told you, I am enjoying this pack a lot! The Paradise rank is very well-done for a first rank. It's not a throwaway rank at all. Yes, almost every level in the rank is an X-of-everything, but they're not like the ONML Tame ones where you do 1-3 skills and then you're done. Here, you have to do way more than that. As a result, there is far more variety, and they are way more interesting and challenging. They're still no pushovers.

Regarding Paradise, when making this rank I was heavily inspired by the first rank of NepsterLems, hence why the 5 of everything levels were a thing. I suck at making easy levels to be honest, I don't go away feeling like I have done enough and I would rather have all my levels being memorable than having throwaway levels like the Newbie rank in SubLems for example.

QuoteIn the second half of the Paradise rank, there are plenty of levels that I really like design-wise and visually. My favorites in this regard were Paradise 12 - Know When to Fold Them!, Paradise 14 - Lemtris 3D, Paradise 15 - Party in my Head, and Paradise 16 - It's The Name of the Game.

I'm surprised that you ended up liking the Lemmings 3D reboot levels (Paradise 14-16). I looked at it and thought "why the hell did I put 3 circus tileset levels in a row!?"

QuoteParadise 17 - Crystallize is the hardest of the rank, although it's still not too bad. I can see this one tripping up less experienced players.

Your solution to that level was a little on the complex side though. I don't think you considered letting the Lemmings stone while falling from the starting platform which would have made the execution a little easier. Instead you built to the left to catch them.

QuoteBittersweet 6 - Everybody Wants to be a CaveLem Challenging one, but still an easy one. What I don't like is how it's not clear that the drops onto the platform and onto the exit area are safe, but that's just a personal dislike. The level's still a great one.

This was one of my earliest levels for the pack and I'm still surprised at how well it holds up today. I wish I could make more levels like this one to be honest, I find if difficult to not have as much skill variety in my levels nowadays.

Strato Incendus

Quote from: FlopsyErm, I don't think you're going to have an easy time after Rapture 4 if you want my honest opinion. Rapture 6 if you have been attempting it is considered the hardest level in the entire pack personally, it is one of the levels in the pack with the fewest solves and even some of the best players on this forum have struggled with that level greatly before solving it.

Guess you're wrong; I have solved Rapture 7, 8, and 9 by myself, and for 10 I only needed one minor readjustment compared to the solution I had already implemented before. So my suspicions that easer levels would come higher up were indeed confirmed :P .

Rapture 01 - 14
Rapture 7-10 were some excellent puzzles indeed. For Rapture 6, I've used this trick a bunch of times myself on my own levels. I just overlooked the setup. It wasn't that easy to spot, but there were certainly harder nuts than Rapture 6 in my opinion.

01: I wasted the Stacker at the beginning, thinking I had to hold back the crowd, when I actually didn't have to. Also, I platformed over the water too low initially, so that the crowd couldn't get up in the end when I wanted to bash them out. The decisive hint I needed here was the backwards Miner in that little niche to create a path for the Climber. I knew reverse Miners could create straight walls, but this is a very small niche, and therefore somewhat hidden. I guess that is what made this one harder than Rapture 04 for me: Not the question of destructive vs. constructive skills, but simply the fact that the terrain on Rapture 01 was a lot more "iffy". ;)

02: Complete self-solve. As I said earlier, I found this solution fairly easy to spot, and that's even though I myself usually suck at Hard-for-Flopsy levels. Pulling the execution off was a little more difficult, though; I had to rewind a bunch of times to get the timing right of what I knew was the correct solution conceptually. Can't say I'm a fan of that.

03: I had everything figured out here except for the top lemming landing on the staircase while building, and then continuing to build himself. That was the hint I needed from IchoTolot's replay. Even then, pulling it off was hard, because there only seems to be 1 particular brick where this works; earlier, and the bridge isn't long enough - later, and it's already too high, so that the lemming ends up building into the fire. Again, pixel precision causing trouble even once you have the solution figured out conceptually.

04: Complete self-solve. One of my favourites from the rank, as said before! :thumbsup: A little bit of rewinding was required to make small adjustments, but all of this rewinding was just due to conceptual mistakes, not execution ones. This is the way it should be, according to the "purist" version of NeoLemmix philosophy! ;)

05: Again, the thing I was missing here was the Blocker turning the Digger around "on the edge" instead of "inside" a Digger shaft. Guess that will be one of your signature tricks now to make it into the next Groupie-style level I make for you... :P

06: Much like with "The Call of Lucia", this immediately looked like a Miner-goes-through level to me, yet connecting the pieces to set that up was the problem. The relative timing between the two worker lemmings wasn't that bad here, because the lines inside the pipe help for orientation how low you should dig down.

07: Complete self-solve. This one was much easier than the just mentioned "The Call of Lucia" one rank earlier! Again, an annoyingly tight time limit, but I'll trust you that it was absolutely necessary to block some other backroute. That timing with the Bomber at the end, so that the second lemming lands inside the niche of the Bomber, allowing him to bash from there - instead of falling down towards the exit - is extremely precise, though.

08: Complete self-solve. Here the pixel precision got even more ridiculous. I've lost count of how often I had to rewind in order to prevent lemmings from either slipping by the Miner/Blocker into the fire trap, or past the Builder sealing up the wall to the left. And yet, I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong conceptually, I just had to slightly adjust the timing of the various skill assignments. And by "slightly", I mean "on a frame-by-frame basis".

09: Complete self-solve. This is one I got stuck on at my first attempt but which I then solved rather quickly in the second session attempting it, without any hints required. The locomotive next to the exit can be dug into in such a way that it's just barely not splat height - that's a little hard to see, but I was relying on it the entire time while mapping out my solution during that second session.
This one was a great extension of the same philosophy as on Rapture 04! :thumbsup: Definitely more complex, so a deserved higher spot in the same rank, but not really any more precise to pull off. Some skills you have to assign in such a way that they buy you a little more time for either that lemming himself or for a co-worker, but none of this was particularly fiddly.

10: Almost self-solve. I needed a slight hint from IchoTolot's replay at one point where I was overthinking the level - because I was determined to make a Miner go through here as well. But once I knew I had been overcomplicating things, I still stuck to my own solution in every other way, and only modified it where necessary. In particular, I turned the pioneer around with a Builder to prevent him from walking into the trap, then immediately cloned him, sending one clone into the chamber with the button via a Basher. This is why my solution still differs quite a bit from IchoTolot's, who went through the trap from the left using a Cloner for surrogate compression method.
Very nice level overall, especially with those two alternative approaches allowed! :thumbsup:
Also, I didn't realise the overlap between the Sonic and the SEB references on this particular level at first (but then found out myself even before you listed the level in your previous post :P ).
As such, this is the only Sonic level which I consider not to be "diluting" the main (music) theme of the pack... :P

11: I had the pioneer's work with the Stackers etc. figured out. But I guess I simply didn't want to believe that this would be yet another case of the Blocker-on-staircase-in-creation trick that is always precise to set up - this time with the Blocker coming from above, having to mine at just the right moment to get the timing right.

12: I initially overcomplicated things here by thinking I had to create a 3-Builder wall to prevent the bottom crowd from walking off to the left - because I was using a Digger to get rid of that wall of squares. That of course left me with too few Builders to finish the long staircase to the exit. Once I knew the release rate was spread out among the many hatches enough for that to not be necessary, and that I could just mine through that wall, I could keep everything else as I had planned before, because most of the rest of the level falls into place (much more so than level 06, which claims that to be true for itself :P ).
However, the relative timing between lemmings here is once again ridiculous. Constant rewinding to time Builder assignments, because many of the lemmings reach their respective water areas at almost the same time. And for the bottom left crowd, assigning the Glider to the first lemming on top of the wall of squares vs. right when he falls out of the hatch is what makes all the difference between solve and no-solve. Because gliding right out of the hatch will give him just enough of a leap ahead so that the lemming behind him won't drown, whereas gliding from the top of the wall alone doesn't. And it's not like the hatch or that wall were particularly high, so that you would expect this to make a difference on a conceptual level.
I definitely no longer feel as sorry as I used to for the initial version of my Lemmicks level "Do not fear" now :P , where that small difference in timing of the Glider assignment caused you to suffer quite a bit during the LP :evil: . At least that was unintentional, and I fixed it immediately.

13: My main conceptual mistake here was thinking I had to build across the first gap right next to the hatch, instead of allowing everyone to fall down and bash through that clump of terrain. Tanking the Miner on the one-way arrows to turn him around is pretty clever, though. Usually, one-way arrows give away more of the solution; however, in this case, they do a better job at disguising it than a steel piece in the same position would have done.

14: This one is the worst yet. I have taken my hint from IchoTolot's video on how to contain the crowd. Yet, despite having seen that, and even after countless attempts, I still can't pull it off. Even at maximum zoom and in true physics mode, using framestepping and arrow keys, I can't. Either the Digger/Basher keeps going, or at least one of the Miner does, or the Miner does cancel the other correctly, but does not leave a straight wall behind for the second pioneer lemming to climb out of the pit. All that also needs to be done on a short strip of irregularly-shaped terrain, so at some point you just randomly start trying different spots to do the same thing over and over again.
"We build castles made of slime?" was precise already, but at least that was just 1-2 skill assignments (Digger + Builder). This one here makes the slime-castle level seem completely harmless in terms of execution difficulty.
I really hope what IchoTolot did in his video is not the intended solution. If it isn't, I'd be interested in your intended solution for this. Otherwise, I might just outright refuse to do this one! :devil:

All in all, I think I've got a good understanding now of what my own levels (even in my hardest pack to date, Lemmings Open Air) lack to take them over the edge to "very hard" difficulty.
However, a lot of levels on the Rapture rank seem to enforce this via iffy terrain shapes, over-fixed with steel and fire areas, and worst of all with extreme pixel precision combined with relative timing between at least two worker lemmings.
And if that's what I would have to add to my own levels to add some even harder ones at the very last rank, I'd rather prefer for them to be conceptually easier, but a lot less fiddly to play.

I have never used as much True-Physics Mode in a pack as I have while playing this pack, especially on the Murder and Rapture rank, but it already started a little earlier. And even if it was just for old, comparatively overdone tricks like Digger-Basher staircases, when counting to six alone wouldn't suffice.

The combination of pixel precision and relative timing between two lemmings (as e.g. many of your favourite Blocker tricks require them) is something I listed explicitly right at the beginning of my immediate turn offs; that shows you how immediately it jumped into my mind.

I'm fine with pixel precision on its own (=for individual lemmings), and I'm fine with relative timing, but the interaction of the two at the same time exponentially increases execution difficulty. And sometimes even to a point where the mere fact that the intended solution is so precise actually hides that solution on a conceptual level, because there are only a couple of frames where it actually works.

Quote from: Strato Incendusand another related issue is what I would call "relative pixel precision": Pixel precision is fine as long as it affects single lemmings. If a builder has to go in one specific spot, e.g. to cross a gap, allow a climber to still climb up out of said gap from the other side, and make the builder turn around or not, then fine, that's what framestepping is for! :thumbsup: The problem arises when two or more lemmings have to be in very specific spots relative to each other, so the skill assignment becomes a game of Mikado. Pixel precision therefore becomes exponentially worse the more lemmings are required for a given maneuvre. But it's also annoying enough if just a couple of pixels decide whether a lemming slips by or not, harking back to the stalling issue.

There is one level in Lemmings World Tour which requires this amount of relative timing:
Legend 07, "Lemmingrad", which also includes a "Miner-goes-through" trick that requires similar amounts of setup as the levels in your pack featuring this trick do, like "Wild forever" and "Everything falls into place".
I kind of had a bad conscience about that level for precisely that reason, so I was glad when people found at least partly alternative solutions to it.

However, here on the Rapture rank, a whole bunch of the levels feel like they have that amount of pixel precision to them. This includes those I solved all by myself, like Rapture 02 and 07.

Those levels which didn't include this interaction of pixel precision and relative timing were indeed great, fair, excellently complex puzzles!
At the same time, those levels were quite a bit easier - which you can tell by the fact that I could solve most of them without any hints. Meaning, they were easier than many of the levels on the Murder rank.

I don't think I'm just biased in this regard by "I like the levels I solved on my own and am critical of the others" :evil: .
I think there is a clear qualitative difference in the amount of execution fiddling required by levels such as Rapture 02, 03, 07, 08, 12, and especially 14 - and the more calm and conceptual challenges created by Rapture 01, 04, 09, 10, 13.
As you can see, both of these lists include levels that I solved all on my own and such that I needed hints for.

So there's a pretty much even split between levels I enjoyed very much, and levels that had such high amounts of pixel precision that I considered it borderline trolling at some point. ;)

Anyways, with Rapture 14 still pending (whether that amount of precision is actually required), next up is "Gravity Coaster", about which I have heard quite a lot of rumours already (not pertaining to the solution, though). Let's see if I'm going to struggle with it as much as I've heard other people did... :thumbsup:
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


All of what you've said is perfectly valid and your opinion. I feel it might explain why a lot of people give up on the pack by this point.

I'm not going to defend the Rapture levels for their pixel precision and interaction between 2 Lemmings to get things done, that is exactly what this rank requires and it is what separates it from the Murder rank.

Your Rapture 4 solution is different to my solution but it is still acceptable.

In Rapture 7, that bomber/basher trick is probably the trick which makes it harder than Murder 7. You're the first person to think Murder 7 is harder than this.

Rapture 10 is your first official back route that you've found, well done. I'm going to upload a fix in a moment.

Rapture 14 has joint won a contest here on the forums so it clearly was a well received level for a lot of people. If you're referring to IchoTolot's solution as a benchmark then it is on par with my solution.


SEB Lems v3.04 is out

Fixes a back route on Rapture 10 by Strato.
Download is in first post as always


Revolution rank done. More replays and feedback. Replays up through Revolution 20 attached. Overall, I felt the Revolution rank was easier than the Bittersweet rank. It might be because no levels in this rank required more than one video to solve. There were only 2-3 levels that slowed my progress, and most happened to be levels from your MegSEBytes pack. Revolution 19 being the biggest offender here, which is the level in the rank that took me the longest to solve. It's very interesting how It's a level that I have played before from your MegSEBytes pack, but I honestly have no idea why it took me so long to solve. In any case, for the purposes of the LP, I have no intention of loading any of my MegSEBytes replays for the levels I have already played. I'm willing to sit through and solve them again no matter how long it takes me.


Revolution 1 - Loving the Lemming! Excellent level to start off the rank! Solution is great

Revolution 2 - Sparkle Second great level in a row. Level essentially almost solves itself.

Revolution 3 - Don't Play With Fire! More difficult than the previous two levels, but not too hard. Once you contain the crowds, the rest is somewhat easy.

Revolution 4 - Welcome to Wafflemland! First X-of-everything level in the rank. It's not too hard, but it's not trivial. I have definitely seen the buzzsaw from the NL Tutorial pack. I guess I forgot that it doesn't come down to slice the lemming into a bloody pulp. Rather, the lemmings have to touch it in order to get killed.

Revolution 5 - Glain Yn Yr Dolur Calon Nice level with a great solution

Revolution 6 - Up The Wooden Hill Easy level. I totally forgot there was a time limit. That's the problem when you have played so many levels with unlimited time. That's why I wasn't too happy about the option of untimed levels in NL and was a huge factor of why I avoided NL for a very long time. I don't mind time limits at all, and I consider them a huge part of the game.

Revolution 7 - The Legend of Beeston I realized too late that this was a level from the MegSEBytes pack. I'm not sure why it took me a long time to solve the level this time. I think I remember struggling a bit with the level when I played the standalone pack, but I don't think it was anywhere near as long as this attempt. You sound as if I took a really long time to realize to bash under the water. It didn't take me that long! I have a blunt personality as well, so I can kind of understand this.

Revolution 8 - Harvey Haddon Sports Pyramid I feel as if I've played this level before. Either that or it was something similar. This level was a bit easier, as it certainly didn't take me anywhere near as long as the previous one.

Revolution 9 - A Tribute to Bob Holness Wow, talk about perfect timing, especially when I had no idea that the first level of the LP video was going to be a tribute to a game show host. It's as if I predicted it. Very nice level here! Solution didn't take me too long at all.

Revolution 10 - Today The Sun's On Us Easy level. I did the precise thing of cancelling a miner with another.

Revolution 11 - Tricks of the Trade (Part III) Harder than the two previous iterations, but it's still not too hard. The only hard part is timing the release of the crowd to block for the last builder. Again as you acknowledged the precision here can be cut down.

Revolution 12 - The Big Bang I really liked this one. Easy one.

Revolution 13 - Sadistic Lemming Factory Another level from the MegSEBytes pack. I remember this one being hard as well. Solution is not obvious at all. Nice design, though!

Revolution 14 - Wrong Side of the Sun Nice and easy level.

Revolution 15 - Alice in Wonderland Yes, the level did slow me down, but not that much! It's definitely harder than most of the previous levels of the rank. X-of-everything level that is far from trivial. As I said in the video, your girlfriend did a great job for a first attempt at making a level. She has me beat here, since I have yet to make one. I have doubts I can make one as good as this :P

Revolution 16 - Pac Attack Not difficult, just tricky. Love the tribute to Pac Man here. I didn't grow up with the game that this level is based on, but I have played some Pac Man and Ms. Pac Man myself growing up.

Revolution 17 - Hopeless Fantasies Another MegSEBytes level. I remember this was probably my first stumping point of the pack. Indeed, it still took me some time to find the solution again. It's a great one, though! :thumbsup:

Revolution 18 - All Work, No Play! Solution is obvious, execution is a bit precise. Easy one.

Revolution 19 - Mean Green Machine Yet another level from MegSEBytes. I confused this level with an earlier one in the rank that's in the pack. I remember this one being a hard one. Indeed, still have no idea why it took me a long time to solve this one. It seems that it's your MegSEBytes levels that end up taking me the longest to solve out of all the others. This is also the one that took me the longest to solve in the entire rank. Great level, though.

Revolution 20 - When The Storm has Blown Over Nice level to finish off the rank. Another not so trivial X-of-everything. I initially use so much stackers, which as you know is a skill I'm not so good with. Is this another MegSEBytes level? I don't remember if it is. 

Onward to the Stormy rank! Solving time might slow considerably here, but if not then very likely the next rank. As usual, I still continue to enjoy your SEB Lems pack very much ;)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0

Strato Incendus

Fair enough; I was hoping my solution to Rapture 10 would be accepted as an alternative solution, but I can see how it missed the main trick.

Since I had already compared my solution to IchoTolot's in the meantime, though, figuring out how to resolve this one wasn't too difficult.

Rapture 10
I just realised that I probably overcomplicated the level at the end by assigning the Miner first so that the last pioneer would turn around once more and cloning him then. I simply could have cloned him first, allowing the original to walk into the exit (since it was already open by then), and only have the clone mine.

This is something I'm trying to enforce on a level from Lemmings: Hall of Fame. At first I thought Rapture 10 was showing me a way to finally enforce it (i.e. Miner first, Cloner second). But it doesn't even seem to be necessary here. Good thing I could assign the original Miner so far ahead that the little downward slope he created to tank on the steel didn't end up creating an insurmountable wall for the others :D ...

I've added my re-solve for Rapture 10 to the replay folder attached.
I haven't attempted Gravity Coaster or any of the following levels yet.
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Solved the entire Stormy rank. Replays up through Stormy 20 attached. Overall, the entire rank was extremely slow going, especially since I pretty much was only able to solve 1-3 levels at a time throughout the entire rank. This tells me that the pack is definitely mostly done playing around by this point. Revolution was where the levels got only slightly a bit harder but the levels still allowed a lot of leeway, whereas Stormy was really where the difficulty cranked up and the skillsets very tight and very little in the way of leniency. Interestingly enough, only one level in Stormy required 2 videos to solve, while no such level needed that in the Revolution rank.

Stormy Levels Feedback

Stormy 1 - Band of Merry Lemmings Congrats on winning LOTY with this one! Excellent level to start off the rank. Easy one.

Stormy 2 - Star Light Rollcoaster Hard one. Took a long time to figure out how to get up the OWW efficiently. Also it was quite difficult to tell where the gaps were in the walls, but that's what I get for not using CPM. My non-use of it is completely intentional, as I essentially would like to figure stuff out as I go. Yes, I'm a proponent of all info needed to solve the level should be visible from the get-go, but this is more of familiarizing oneself with the tileset. Also very close to splat height at the top when I dug.

Stormy 3 - Just For You Wafflem! Thank you for showing me the link of his LP of the PS3 pack. At least this is a nice little puzzle! :thumbsup: Easy as long as you realize that you must keep the lemmings going instead of delaying them at the start.

Stormy 4 - Synchronised Nice level! Bit tricky, but it's still somewhat easy.

Stormy 5 - Scarborough Sands Level from the MegSEBytes pack. Very nice level and puzzle. This did take a bit of time, but it didn't take too long. For once this was a quick solve from that pack instead of taking a while. It's a short level anyway.

Stormy 6 - Big Top Drop! Somewhat difficult. Still not too hard. I say the hardest part is definitely the area where the entrance drops into the water. By that point, the losses get dangerously close to the save requirement amount. I like this tileset as well. 

Stormy 7 - SNAKE! Took me longer than it should had. Nice tricky puzzle even though there's only two different types of skills here. Didn't take me too long to figure out where the normal entrance goes, although ironically I kept sending in the athletes to go with the non-athlete crowd even after I had determined that they cannot go with them.

Stormy 8 - That's Blockbusters! As you have mentioned, I overcomplicated this one. The fiddlyness with the spacing between the lemmings to bomb at the left side was completely unnecessary. It all came down to all the lemmings turning around in the miner tunnel and just letting one through. Then more fiddlyness with getting a lemming ahead enough to stack in time to turn everyone around.

Stormy 9 - Lemmings on the Stream - Second 1-of-everything level in a row. This one was a much faster solve. I don't know if losing a lemming to the stomper trap is intended.

Stormy 10 - Mother O'Donoghue Another MegSEBytes level. I remember this one being difficult. I think this one ended up taking me just as long as when I solved the level in the standalone pack. Still a nice level that looks daunting due to the sheer length. Also the music is quite nice here ;)

Stormy 11 - Futuristic Climber Zone Another level that took me longer than I thought it would. Definitely figuring out the area with the walker trap and stacking and platforming across to avoid the airlock trap are key. Interesting that the stackers are enough of a stall to give the platformers enough time to finish.

Stormy 12 - Gold Run Another hard 1-of-everything level. Just like you already mentioned, I also overcomplicated this one. Sounds like the way I used the stoner was totally not intended. I myself was surprised that the crowd is still able to get past the stoner and up the basher staircase on the left.

Stormy 13 - I Feel Six and Twenty Eyes Somewhat difficult, but this is a very nice puzzle! I like this one. Certainly the hardest part was figuring out how to get the right entrance out. Nice red herring with the OWW.

Stormy 14 - Thought of Jigsaw and Made This The only level in the rank that needed 2 videos to solve. Not too happy about that, but what can you do about it. Nice level. The non-solve was definitely due to some wrong skill placements, as well as the wrong lemmings to do the work.

Stormy 15 - Wild Forever Ugh, took so long to get both builder placements correct for the miner to go through them. That part is very obvious, especially since there's only one miner. Really a case of solution is a bit obvious, getting it to work can be frustrating. I figured out getting past the lizard trap very fast. After that, took some time to figure out how to temporarily contain the crowd.

Stormy 16 - This is NOT a Drill! This was probably my favorite level of the rank. Nice and easy. The only thing that took me a while was the digger, but it didn't take too long.

Stormy 17 - Are You What You Want To Be? Another MegSEBytes level. I remember this one being hard. Lots of difficult and tricky areas and puzzles to figure out in each place. The area with the OWWs at the bottom just shortly after the entrance to the left is one such tricky part. Definitely the sheer size of the level gives the appearance of a daunting level.

Stormy 18 - Will You Start The Fans Please! Another excellent level! The most difficult part is getting through the ball-like structure in the middle. Otherwise, not too hard of a level. Very nice infinite loop the crowd is stuck in at the beginning until the blocker pickup is collected :thumbsup:

Stormy 19 - Rick-afinity I didn't think this one was too hard. You just have to be careful with your platformers/builders. Nice choice of music here. I would had sang along if I knew the lyrics while LPing the level.

Stormy 20 - On the Dancefloor Tricky builders only level to finish off the Stormy rank. I now know that builder bricks can appear past the one-way fields if positioned correctly, similar to building through a thin wall. I say both sides are equally challenging to build up to get to the exit.

Halfway done with the pack and still continuing to enjoy the pack very much. I'm loving the challenges I've been faced with. I'm definitely starting to worry that the Murder and Rapture ranks will be extremely slow going, especially if the Stormy rank slowed my solving times considerably from start to finish is any indication. However, you did say that there's a possibility that I might steamroll over them easily when most others would get stuck here and give up. I'm not going to get my hopes up, but I'm definitely willing to power through and struggle.

Onward to the Murder rank, which will likely end up murdering me and I will be begging for mercy :crylaugh:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Murder rank finally completely solved. Replays up through Murder 20 attached. The rank took me 2 days, but I finally did it.

Whoa, this was an extremely difficult rank, so I'm quite shocked that I even made it through the whole rank after a lot of struggling. So many levels in this rank needed multiple videos before I finally solved them. The hardest levels in this rank for me were Murder 5, 9, and 19. As I mentioned before, I'm disappointed that I don't even have one of the original videos for Murder 5. It's supposed to have taken 3 videos before I finally solved it, but alas there's only two videos because I foolishly didn't have OBS open for the second video on that level. It's ironic, considering that I didn't struggle anywhere near as long on the Old Formats version of the level when I played through your MegSEBytes pack. Then again, it seems that all of the MegSEBytes levels have been problematic for me, with only a few that I managed to solve fairly quickly, such as Murder 11.

Murder 19 is the second level in the entire rank to take 3 videos to solve, but in contrast to Murder 5, in the third video for Murder 19 it was an extremely quick solve. The solution came to me in my mind during my break after I recorded the second video for the level.

I had nearly given up on the pack due to Murder 9, but thank goodness I just kept coming back and didn't throw in the towel. Goes to show you that even SEB Lems has managed to make a mighty solver like me tremble in my knees. At the same time, keep in mind that I'm playing the pack where most levels seem to have been way more backroute proof compared to the Old Formats version, and hence some levels are much harder as a result. Murder 5 seems to be a really good example, where just the addition of a fire trap was enough to increase the difficulty dramatically. However, the main reason it took me so long before I finally solved it was due to how I overlooked the use of a blocker trick which I know very well from the many packs I have played. Yea Flopsy, I think you're right when you said that I always seem to overlook and miss the obvious stuff while I tend to figure out the non-obvious stuff that people have trouble with very quickly.

Truthfully, the Murder rank is like literally up there in difficulty with United. The pack overall is easier than United in the very early ranks, but by Stormy/Murder it pretty much enters United territory in terms of difficulty. I say these two ranks are comparable to around the 3rd/4th rank of United, respectively. It's also like the Stormy rank in that I could generally only solve 1 or 2 levels per video. There were only a few where I managed to solve 3 levels in one video. However, because I ended up getting majorly stumped on several levels in the Murder rank, solving times practically slowed to a crawl the entire rank. The Stormy rank was the same, but solving the entire rank was still overall faster, I think by a couple of hours less.

I have noticed that my struggles are largely due to how I often felt I was a skill or two short. United was the same way in the later ranks, where there's no chance of recovery if you place any skill wrong. So is also the case here with SEB Lems, especially with the Stormy and Murder ranks. It's definitely a difficult pack just like United, just slightly easier and the difficulty doesn't increase as fast. It wasn't until the Revolution rank where the pack finally stopped playing around for the most part, but there was still plenty of leeway in the skills. In contrast, I ended up struggling with the Bittersweet rank more than the Revolution rank. So far, I have found that the Revolution rank was easier than Bittersweet, then it got difficult again with the Stormy rank, then the pack got even harder with the Murder rank.

Murder Levels Feedback

Murder 1 - The Five Arches Excellent puzzle to start off the rank. Once I counted the number of destructive skills and the number of walls/obstacles and how many skills it would take for each, the solution came to me easily.

Murder 2 - Let's Go Sonic! Another nice and easy level. Great design here ;)

Murder 3 - Running Out Of Space I wasn't a fan of this one due to the fiddlyness that can result. I'm generally not that good at using bombers. The saving grace here was that one crowd could be contained, while you could keep the other one going and afford to lose some lemmings not just to bombers.

Murder 4 - Meet Your Maker Easy level. Nice tribute to namida here, although I only knew that because of your comment.

Murder 5 - Up and Down and All Around MegSEBytes level. No idea why it took me so long to see the solution here. Interestingly enough, I believe I tried the mining through the staircase and releasing the blocker in the bottom right entrance and was able to manage there. Here, not sure how I overlooked the basher-blocker and releasing him with a nearby bomber for so long. I kept trying to destroy the wall from the right side to get the crowd up. That uses up 2 very crucial destructive skills that can be used elsewhere. I believe here the only change from the Old Formats version is the addition of the fire trap on the right side where the OWW is below the exit. I think it simply prevents gliders from being able to land safely on the right side, and this change is apparently enough to increase the difficulty dramatically. I think I remember trying some very fiddly stuff around that area on the Old Formats version. You mentioned this is Wafflem's solution, so who knows what he intended here.

As previously mentioned, this is the first level in the pack to take me 3 videos to solve. It really sucks that I don't have the second video of my attempt at this level. Ugh, me and not having OBS open :'( Since each video was about an hour long when attempting this level, it pretty much took almost 3 hours before I finally solved it. Definitely atypical of me.

Murder 6 - The Story of the Eggs This one was somewhat easy. Definitely didn't take me too long to figure most parts out. I did have problems when trying to get to the button near the teleporter at the bottom, but that's because I had some destructive skills placed at the wrong location on the wire structure at the bottom. Nice puzzle and level, though

Murder 7 - The Call of Lucia Another one that managed to stump me. I tried something that was incorrect for a long time. I haven't considered simply building the bridge and checking to see if it was indeed a safe drop. I kept incorrectly assuming it was a splat fall. My success really came down to the wire on time, so it's definitely due to when I released the climbers.

Murder 8 - The SEB Western I really like this level. It looks difficult, but it's actually not too hard. Doing that digger tunnel inside the miner tunnel is quite clever. I really like how the solution all comes together.

Murder 9 - 30-MegSEBytes Hard Drive A real stumper where I almost gave up on the pack but thankfully I didn't throw in the towel and just kept coming back and trying stuff. I was stuck mostly due to sequencing the skills incorrectly. Most importantly, I couldn't figure out what the glider was for for a very long time. Yes, I did get confused with how lemmings die instantly when using the teleporter without the platformer bridge, but they are fine when it is there, but again that's not why I had problems with the level. Let's what for me to possibly finish the Rapture rank first to see if this level deserves to move back up to that rank.

Murder 10 - Birth of an Empire Much easier than the previous level, although this one still took me some time. I pretty much had most of it figured out fairly quickly. The only very precise part in my solution is the bottom right where I mined and then bashed. It had to be done at just the right moment during the miner's animation in order to prevent the two lemmings that were coming up to him from dying to the trap.

Murder 11 - Aztec Dune Zone I remember this one being tricky but still somewhat easy from the MegSEBytes pack. Indeed, for once this was a fairly quick solve for a level from that pack. Very nice level. I really like this one. The only part I remember struggling with in the Old Formats version was the very end at the exit area with getting the climber/glider to turn back, but here I didn't really have any problems here with that.

Murder 12 - Like A Lem in A Candy Shop Tricky but somewhat easy level, although I was frustrated with getting the timing right so that no one slips past the blocker at the top where the exit is. You have already described the solution to me in your comment, and yea that would had ended up saving me some frustration. Instead, I ended up switching between max and default RR several times, as well as the very precise digger/builder assignment at the bottom. Other than that, I pretty much had most of the solution figured out until I had to deal with the annoyance of separating a lemming so that no one gets past the blocker I placed at the top.

Murder 13 - No Time to Die (Flopsy style!) Nice tribute to namida's level from LPI. You already told me my solution is a backroute from taking the left side. I even managed to have more than 30 seconds left, so surely it's not supposed to be this forgiving. Then again, I did practically sped things up whenever the opportunity arose. Amazing that I even 1-shot the level :PI'm still going to keep moving along in the pack if you end up releasing an update. I may or may not come back to resolve the level later once I'm done with the pack.

Murder 14 - We Build Castles Made of Slime? I recognize this as part of a level from United's Bonus rank. This is the level that Icho was referring to in his post in the United level pack topic. This level proved to be just as challenging as the United level, although this is one is easier. I didn't mind this one, although it seems everyone complained about the digger releasing two lemmings to get past the trap to be very precise. I had no idea that it triggers so fast.

Murder 15 - Golden Round This was probably my favorite level of the rank. I really like the puzzle and solution here. I'm definitely not used to the difficulty of navigating the honeycomb structures, but it at least doesn't take long to determine that one can use a builder to help lemmings get out of them. The moment where the solution came to me was when I figured out how to get a lemming from the left hatch to help the right entrance by digging and then gliding. I felt proud when I figured that out.

Murder 16 - Great Scot! I surprisingly struggled with this one as well. It definitely comes down to figuring out the builder/miner trick at the beginning. I thought this is clever. I can definitely understand why most say this level is hard, but really the only hard part is figuring out the aforementioned builder/miner trick. The other reason I struggled was due to incorrectly determining that 4 builders are needed to get up to the exit, when in fact the 3 builders I kept having at the end is indeed sufficient. That's what I get for hastily coming to conclusions when I haven't even tried it out.

Murder 17 - Medieval Mystery Zone I really like this level. I also thought it was a fairly easy one, especially since a lot of the skill placements are quite obvious. Nice use of several tricks here, particularly block at the end of the builder staircase to turn him around, as well as mining into steel to turn around.

Murder 18 - Darkside Lightside I like how you did the dark/light side here, where I thought about lemmings starting in the dark side and have to make their way and transition into the light side of the level. This was another level I struggled with. In the first video, my solution would had worked had it not been for the time limit. In the second video where I do solve the level, I'm certain that I ended up overcomplicating the solution, especially since I resulted to using a climber stuck in the stoner terrain to turn around. The blocker at the end had to be placed at the right location so that the climber bashes through the OWW before anyone turns around, as well as the digger gets deep enough before anyone is able to step out of it to the left.

Murder 19 - Tricks of the Trade (Part V) I surprisingly struggled with this one too. This is the second level in the pack to take me 3 videos to solve. I thought I had the solution a couple of times, only to find that there was a caveat that I didn't take into account. It's amusing how I didn't even notice the small gap where the fire trap is before the OWW on the right side. This level definitely isn't that much harder than the previous iterations of the level. I had problems simply due to having a lot of wrong ideas at the bottom and how I couldn't figure out how to get the first bridge over the acid done in time before anyone falls into it. It looks like what I tried in the first video was pretty much right, I simply never thought about using two bridges to seal off the gap with the right wall at the bottom instead of using a stack after one full bridge. I think this is due to how as a player we're pretty much trained to conserve builders wherever and whenever possible. The level ended up being a very quick solve in the third video because of how I realized the solution in my mind during my evening break.

Murder 20 - Here Comes the Rapture! This level ended up taking up a lot of recording time in the video where I finally managed to solve Murder 19. I think the likely reason I struggled is due to how I'm so bad with using stackers. The level isn't necessarily difficult for the Murder rank finisher. It's simply due to how I couldn't figure out the best way to do the top left and bottom right side of the exit area for a long time. In the end, I'm not sure if the solution is intended. There might be easier solutions than mine, too.   

All rightie, I better brace myself for the Rapture rank. Since I ended up struggling considerably with the Murder rank, I can only imagine that I will struggle even more with the final main rank of the pack, Rapture. I stated that the Stormy and Murder ranks were equivalent to that of the 2nd and 4th ranks of United, and so this probably means that Rapture will be the equivalent of the Genocide rank of United. When I first reached that rank in United, I was very fearful of it and thought it would be the rank to stop my complete run at solving the entire United pack. Indeed, my fears were amplified even more when the first level of Genocide was a no solve even after 2 hours. I was close, but I was 1 short of the requirement.

If this is indeed true with the Rapture rank, then it'll pretty much be the Genocide rank of United all over again for me. I'm already fearing the Rapture rank even though I haven't played any of the rank yet. I guess we'll see I get on with it in the upcoming days. 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


And, Rapture rank is finally done and hence the main 6 ranks of the pack all solved! It might had taken me a while, but I made it through. All without any hints on any Murder or Rapture levels too! ;) Here are my replays up through Rapture 20. Truthfully, the Rapture rank wasn't as brutally difficult as I thought it was going to be. Then again, I said the exact same thing with the Hardcore rank of Strato's LOA pack, where I honestly felt no real challenge with the rank other than 3 levels I found difficult in their current version before release. Here, the Rapture rank is way more challenging, but still in a really good and appropriate way. Here, the hardest levels for me in the rank were Rapture 3, 11, 13, and 14. 15 and 19 were also difficult. Both 11 and the former somewhat only because I'm very bad with levels that have a lot of stackers, but they weren't as bad as I thought, but definitely the latter (Rapture 19). Then again, I ended up overcomplicating my solutions to 13 and 19.

Rapture 3 definitely got me quite upset with myself and I had contemplated leaving the community due to feeling worthless if I couldn't solve the level. I later realized I was being way too hard on myself, but even then the week break I took from the game definitely helped a lot for me. I definitely came back a lot sooner than I thought I would, but it's nice that I was able to figure out the solution on my own.

I'm quite surprised that the experts found Rapture 6 difficult. Yes, I did have to do two videos to solve it, but honestly the level's not THAT hard. It's likely due to the solution being extremely difficult to spot. However, I nearly saw the solution in my first attempt when I had the right thought with the miner, but due to having placed some skills in my mind incorrectly, another solution I was trying I couldn't get to work. As I mentioned in the next video, the solution to the level came to me shortly after I fell asleep that night. I was pleasantly pleased to see that what I had in mind ended up working perfectly.


Murder 1 - Aaahh!!! Real Monsters MegSEBytes level here. I believe this was the final level of the pack too. Honestly, for the MegSEBytes pack this is nowhere near the hardest level. Some of the other ones were much harder than this. Here, it's the other way, being the first level of the Rapture rank. Still, great somewhat tricky level to start off the rank. As can be seen, I struggled to remember how I solved it. I had totally forgotten that one basher is enough to get the crowd up after the first wall.

Murder 2 - Sucks to be Flopsy! Difficult level due to the very tight time limit. It's also a difficult puzzle, but it's not too terribly hard.

Murder 3 - I'd Never Make A Level About You The second level after Murder 9 where I nearly gave up on the pack, as it sent me into being very upset with myself. Even worse was when this was the level where I contemplated on leaving the community because of how I felt I was worthless if I couldn't solve it. Again, it's due to not being used to being stumped for a long time and I later realized that I was being way too hard on myself. In the end, I felt the week break I took from the game helped a lot. I played other computer games in the meantime.

Thank you for not giving away any of the solution. I find it very interesting how the critical lynchpin was discovered during my off-camera working out the level. The strange thing is that I have used the overlapping builders trick to solve a few levels, yet it completely escaped me here for a very long time. It's definitely not a very well-known trick at all and so this level definitely makes the top 5 hardest of the pack.

As can be seen in my successful attempt, for a while I was extremely confused why what I worked out off-camera wasn't all of a sudden working anymore. I kept trying every pixel position only for the bridges to not connect by about a pixel every time. Turns out that you have to builder with the climber from above nearly at the moment the bridge is long enough to catch him. You have told me that you have already fixed it for a future patch so that it isn't as precise. Even then, the level's still going to be very hard for others who take on the pack.

Rapture 4 - Mixed Up World Another level from the MegSEBytes pack. I ended up taking the ceiling route in the Old Formats version. Here in the New Formats version, that route is blocked due to the steel blocks. This level was difficult only because I incorrectly thought two builders wouldn't be enough to get to the exit, similar to another level in either the Revolution or the Stormy rank (I can't remember now) where I thought a platformer wouldn't be enough to get up to the exit. This is what I get for jumping to conclusions too quickly and for not having tried it first. It also didn't help that I totally forgot that what's part of the exit is background, not solid terrain. The green terrain on top of the blue terrain where the exit is certainly doesn't help matters at all and can easily make someone think that with two builders it's too high to get up. This is an easy fix, though. Simply make the exit platform longer and adjust the exit position.

Other than that, I pretty much had all of the solution in a lot of my previous attempts, especially when I didn't have anything to release the crowd. This is a great level with extremely good trickery, where it seems that the gap to the left after mining one needs to avoid using the platformer, but it turns out it's not a waste of the skill. By doing so, you spare the walker, which in turn spares a constructive skill for the very end. Nice! :)

Rapture 5 - I'm Not Leaving Here Without You Second MegSEBytes level in a row. This was my favorite level of the rank. I absolutely love the solution here. I couldn't quite remember the solution, but of course it doesn't matter, since I was able to solve it again.

Rapture 6 - Everything Falls Into Place Indeed it does when you spot the solution. I also like this level. I have already mentioned that I'm surprised people found this level difficult.

Rapture 7 - The Call of Kyusu Another excellent level. I thought this one is easier than the Egyptian level in the previous rank. The only difficult part is the bomber basher at the end. The time limit isn't as tight here as the other level.

Rapture 8 - Leave The Others Alone Easiest level of the entire rank. The only reason why it can be difficult is due to sealing up the wall to the left on the bottom with a builder and also mining to release the blocker both being very precise, but I didn't have to rewind too much there.

Rapture 9 - Back in the Saddle Nice level that looks difficult but isn't that bad at all. I love the design here, especially the electric power lines at the top and the locomotive at the end.

Rapture 10 - Supersonic Another nice level that is challenging, but it's a great puzzle. The main reason I struggled was due to incorrect digger placement that resulted in the builder at the top not working out the way it needs to so that he can come back to mine out the crowd.

Rapture 11 - The Jagged Staircase I thought this one was a hard one, particularly since levels that give a lot of stackers tend to be very difficult for me. You can consider these levels hard for kaywhyn ones :crylaugh: This one wasn't as bad as I thought, but that's probably because I ended up finding a much different solution than others. Honestly, I consider my solution just as difficult even if it misses digging away the left side to get the lemmings at the bottom to climb back up and that I was able to spare the blocker. I even learned that a stacker after a couple of miner strokes is step upable from the opposite side. I never knew this was possible.

Rapture 12 - Shoot From the Hip Not a terribly difficult level, just difficult due to not knowing if builders can be used to delay. It's also not easy to work out what skills to use to keep the lemmings progressing further to the right. My solution nearly fails had the runaway athlete not landed on the other side. He came when the bridge was just the right length to be able to do so. One less brick and he would had landed in the quicksand.

Rapture 13 - Grab the Devil by the Horns Another difficult level for me, but as it turns out I really overcomplicated the solution here, especially since I resorted to a timing heavy one and used compression for the bear trap. The basher where the retractable trap is with the steel plate underneath was very precise to prevent anyone else from dying to it. The miner to get the crowd up was very precise as well, along with the builders.

Rapture 14 - What A Bonnie Wee Level! Very hard level, although the most difficult part is certainly the starting area, where there isn't that much room to try and contain the crowd. It's a very difficult one to work out. As can be seen, I initially resorted to an extremely timing heavy solution where I was trying to get a climber to bash inside the miner tunnel at the earliest possible moment so that cancelling it midstroke lemmings can still step up through the ceiling. I kept trying it for a very long time before realizing that there must be a way for me make the starting area so that after containing the crowd I could still release a climber. I initially kept trying to use two diggers to do so, but eventually I stumbled upon using a digger, two miners, and two bashers to achieve the crowd containment and make a climbable vertical wall for a climber. The first miner has to be very precise and then one needs to cancel the right facing miner with a left facing one. The rest after that was easy, while keeping one's fingers crossed that you won't run out of time.

Rapture 15 - Gravity Coaster Another level that I thought was going to be difficult for me due to so many stackers, but this one wasn't as bad as I thought. Still a difficult level, though. My solution does feel hackish, though, especially since I lost a few lemmings and then made up by freeing the blockers.

Rapture 16 - Treversal Easy one and another favorite of mine. Sealing off the small gap after cloning seems very timing heavy, but here I believe it's necessary for the clone to not turn around before he gets a chance to shrug. I'm amazed that I manage to get the second builder placement correct on my first tries every time for a fencer to continue :crylaugh:

Rapture 17 - Milly's Lair Another easy one, although I struggled only due to incorrectly bashing to the right to release the blockers instead of the other way. This is a nice level and another favorite.

Rapture 18 - It REALLY Sucks to be Flopsy!!! At least if someone else had made a hard level for you in your style. This one is hard, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. Surely my solution isn't intended, especially since I have a few skills leftover, one of which was a pickup skill. My solution nearly fails anyway, had the builder not been able to seal off the miner tunnel to the left. The digger and miner had to be placed very precise in order to get the crowd up. The digger needs to happen immediately upon landing, while the miner needs to happen pretty much at the first possible moment the crowd can get up.

Rapture 19 - Keep Up the Riff-Raff Second zombie level of the pack I believe. This one was a hard one for me, but only because I really overcomplicated the solution. I ended up using a brute force solution and even ended up with a spare digger. Good to see that the very tight timing to get the lemming to glide to get the top left button is intended when I saw that Icho did the same. However, I like his solution far better than mine. It's easier and much cleaner.

Rapture 20 - Final Rush As mentioned before, this is nowhere near the hardest level of the main pack. I had already solved this level over the summer when I was helping eric to get the talisman, but even then it still took me some time to try and remember how I solved the level due to the lapse of time. Still, great level to finish off the rank and the main pack, especially with a timer to fit the level title. It's really funny how I said that I wasn't going to bother with the talisman in the video, yet I ended up getting it anyway. I wasn't even sure if I would, since I don't remember how much time needs to be left on the clock.   

Now that I've gotten through the 6 main ranks of the pack, I got to say that overall the Murder rank is harder than Rapture. There were way more Murder levels that were harder for me. A lot of Rapture levels are hard due to a lot of extreme precision needed. Then again, I felt I overcomplicated a lot of the solutions.

Having said this, I'm in complete agreement that Murder 9 should be moved up again, up to the Rapture rank. As I mentioned in my feedback, there were plenty of easy Rapture levels compared to the Murder rank. In particular, I found Rapture 16 quite easy for its position. Or, it could even possibly swap with Rapture 8, which is probably the easiest level in the entire rank.

In addition, since I have now solved the entire main ranks of SEB Lems for the very first time, I'm now in agreement that I really overestimated the difficulty when I said the pack's difficulty is up there with United. SEB Lems does not reach the 4th or 5th rank of United in difficulty at all. I think the highest the pack goes in terms of United difficulty is late 2nd rank or even early 3rd rank. I definitely should had waited to complete the Rapture rank first before comparing the difficulty to United :-[ Bittersweet is far below the 1st rank of United difficulty, while around mid-Revolution I would consider 1st rank United difficulty. Stormy would probably be late 1st rank United difficulty.

Overall, great job with the pack that I absolutely enjoyed even when solving times slowed to a crawl considerably later on and where I felt the puzzle quality suffered somewhat. I definitely enjoyed being able to solve all of the levels without any hints, although honestly I felt the quality of the puzzles somewhat took a dip due to so many needing a lot of precision in the later ranks, especially with Rapture. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the Rapture levels were great, although the precision could be lessened on many without the overall puzzle being harmed greatly. The same goes with some of the levels in the earlier ranks as well. This was pretty much the thing I noticed Gigalem likes to do in his packs: Unnecessary pixel precision with a lot of skill assignments. I don't mind it on occasion, but too many of them in a row will definitely quickly annoy me in the same way too many hidden traps in a row will. Then again, I'm definitely being hypocritical, since I seem to be a fan of timing heavy solutions which end up resulting in a lot of my solutions being extremely fiddly on so many levels in this pack. It's not completely deliberate, though. I mean to keep my solutions as simple as possible, but it seems that I can't help myself by resorting to fiddlyness in them.

Since the next two ranks are like side ranks and not main ones, I think I will take another break before I come back and solve the remaining 40 levels. I could definitely use one. I will come back and finish the LP at a later time ;)     
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0