Reverse Lemmings Version 2 Development Topic

Started by Colorful Arty, February 24, 2018, 05:22:40 AM

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Colorful Arty

Way back in early 2016, I joined this forum by invitation of IchoTolot so I could show off my custom levels. Among these first custom levels was my very first levelpack: Reverse Lemmings. For those of you not familiar with the pack, it was all of the original Lemmings levels with the entrance and exits swapped, as well as the skill counts, time limit, number of lemmings, save requirement, and possibly release rate changed if necessary.

The pack sucked. I'll be the first to say it. It had few real puzzles, and most of them weren't too special or challenging. I've been meaning to update it for a while now, and with the introduction of the 9 new NeoLemmix only skills, I figure I'd just start from scratch and make a sequel of sorts. It will still be the same levels as in Reverse Lemmings, but with mostly different solutions. My goal is to give each level a unique solution with few X-of-everything levels. I'll also fix a lot of the issues Flopsy pointed out in his LP of it, namely many objects no being set to no overwrite, excessive builder fests, missing liquid at the bottom of many levels, and some very wonky steel areas.

This should be a relatively simple pack to make, but if anyone has any ideas for solutions for these Reverse levels, please PM me about them and they might be included in the pack! There are tons of duplicate levels, so any unique solution is welcome!


I read this thread title and thought it would be Reverse Lemmings, but for Lemmings 2. But this is also cool.


Rather than calling this Reverse Lemmings 2 which can be very misleading, it would be better to call this a major update/overhaul of the original pack.

Reverse Lemmings 2 could be seen as being a Reverse pack to Oh No More Lemmings or Lemmings 2 :)

I didn't think Reverse Lemmings was a bad pack, it was innovative and had good intentions. Just take your time with it and don't be afraid to re-use stuff from the original pack.
Maybe if you have any reject levels, they could be good for the Lemmings Mania project which is a project using alternative solutions on the original levels.

Colorful Arty

I updated the name of the pack so it no longer sounds like Lemmings 2 reversed. Thanks kieranmillar and Flopsy for pointing that out!

I do want this pack to be separate from the original Reverse Lemmings as of right now, but we'll see how it progresses.