New PSP Lemmings Screenshots.

Started by tumble_weed, August 30, 2005, 03:20:22 PM

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Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1125415222/0#12 date=1125529293
Well, you can always just play the PC version (CustLemm or Cheapo) for free.  ;P

I can't help but wonder whether we as a group are biased by the fact that we love lemmings so much, the original images of the game are so ingrained into our brains that anything else just seem so alien.  It's curious what people who have never seen or played the original games will think of all this.

DragonsLover said a discussion board was set up for this remake, correct?  What were people's opinions there?  (Of course, there's generally a natural bias towards positive support in these kinds of furms.)

That's a good point actually, and may apply to me to an extent. After all, I do prefer the cursor to be it's natural green colour ;P

Even so though, I think it looks horrible, it's bland, murky and devoid of life, and would think the same if it was for a completely different game.


Quote from: tumble_weed  link=1125415222/0#0 date=1125415222Bloody hell, the Hell level is looking really nice! I wonder what the exit is going to look like!
Don't hold your breath on it.  Just look at the exit for the columns/"Egyptian" style.  Somehow, amidst all the fancy graphics, they decided that a boring, completely straight, black rectangle is adequate material for the main part of the exit.  :-/


Well I say it looks pretty good.   The general opinion here seems to be that it's bad due to the lack of original graphics.  I say it's not bad.  I like the egyptian levels, and the crystal set is okay.  Fire set isn't so great.  It would be good without the skulls.  Yeah, I think I'd like the trapdoor better too.  The skill bar actually looks pretty good to me.  The falling doesn't look quite right.  The splat could become a good feature if it's tweaked correctly and goes with the right sound effect.  It could look a lot different in animation.  There seems to be a possibility of editable foreground objects.  That might be cool.  It could give scenery a whole new definition.

Well there you have it.


Is it just me, or does it appear from the "Rendezvous" screenshot that in this version, lemmings can now walk harmlessly along the bottom edge of the screen?

I rather like the new graphics..... there are little annoyances like the SPLAT, though at least Cascade doesn't have a sequel. Don't like the dirt style, though; it's too clean, doesn't have the same aura of imminent menace. And I'm not wild about the new-look exit. I'll still be sticking to Cheapo, but if I could use these new graphics in Cheapo I would! :D


Quote from: Ahribar  link=1125415222/15#18 date=1125536804Is it just me, or does it appear from the "Rendezvous" screenshot that in this version, lemmings can now walk harmlessly along the bottom edge of the screen?
I think it was just a zoomed-in view (an earlier game demo shows you can zoom in and out while playing), so maybe the bottom part was cut off in that screenshot.


Ah, yes. I meant lAdder. Sorry for that. I didn't recognized it was instead of the Climber because the whole skillbar looked pretty screwed up for me. Maybe you can somehow replace the graphics to bring back the old look.


More screenshots again (from the Team17 website)!

For now, I'm back from the Team17 forum, and they're talking about if Lemmings should have blood when killled by traps or not. Or maybe green blood?

For the graphics, most of them are saying that it's beautiful! If you want, I can post anything you want to them.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


WOW looking nice!

the tile levels are intersting...almost look nothing like what it was originally.

and one thing that is making me very annoyed now is that they screwed up majorly...They ruined the Hell exit...I love the original exit for the hell levels, however apart from the exit the hell levels are looking really nice.

One problem in general with the game is that it look like they somehow are trying to mix more realistic type graphics with cartoony graphics...There is a lot of detail that they have put into the foreground...such as the hieroglyphics, but yet the lemmings look just too cartoony, and the SPLAT thing looks extremely out of place.


Yeah, looking good again...... for the most part. They MURDERED the Pink style :(

Some of the new levels look interesting, too. But couldn't they have at least got rid of "All the 6s"?


Hey! For me, graphics are really cool! That's more realistic and it is not obligated to be the "same" thing, but it should look similar.

For the Pink wall style, it keeps the columns and bricks, really nice Athens style!

For the Hell style, :agree:, the exit isn't so good, but the graphics are so sweeeet! B)
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


The graphics look nice in my opinion. I don't see why they need to look just like the original. I mean, don't we already have the original? They can't take it away from us! ;P

If they are going to make something new, they might as well make it look different. Yeah, the SPLAT, the exits, and the blood don't like so good, but the Egyptian Columns style looks really nice. The skill bar is fine I think.

One thing to keep in mind is that they will mainly attract new audiences with this. Lemmings has been out for 15 years! Tons of little kiddies have been born since then, but many have never experienced Lemmings. Team17 needs to work on attracting a new generation, so of course the graphics will look 3d-esque and/or cartoony. It's still clear what's the foreground and what's the background.

I wonder how it plays, though. Does it play nice like DOS/Amiga, etc. Lemmings? Or does it play in the annoying NES way?


Quote from: Shvegait  link=1125415222/15#25 date=1125587098The graphics look nice in my opinion. I don't see why they need to look just like the original. I mean, don't we already have the original? They can't take it away from us! ;P

If they are going to make something new, they might as well make it look different. Yeah, the SPLAT, the exits, and the blood don't like so good, but the Egyptian Columns style looks really nice. The skill bar is fine I think.

One thing to keep in mind is that they will mainly attract new audiences with this. Lemmings has been out for 15 years! Tons of little kiddies have been born since then, but many have never experienced Lemmings. Team17 needs to work on attracting a new generation, so of course the graphics will look 3d-esque and/or cartoony. It's still clear what's the foreground and what's the background.

I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Hmm, new screenshots, new comments:

1) Yeah they murdered the old Pink style, but the new one isn't bad either.  It's actually nice how they re-imagine that style.  Ironic that they choose to give it a somewhat "Roman" look, I remembered how Tumbleweed was complaining that one of Hubbart's levels, "Remains of the Roman Empire" or something, should not have used the Pink Style because the Column Style was more Roman-like.  One complain:  the spinner trap in the Pink Style looks ugly!  (Though maybe it's just because of the stillness of a screenshot.)

Maybe the remake of the Pink Style is a blessing in disguise:  imagine the general clean-and-cutesiness of the Team17 graphics in hues of bright, vibrant pink?  That might be a bit much methinks.  :-/

(Oh, and the death animation of the spinner trap looks intriguing)

2) The Hell Exit:  well, it looks about the same as all the other exits.  I still think they could make the doorway part of the exit more interesting than just a black rectangle.  More generally, they definitely can use a little more creativity with the exits I think.  

3) "Let's Go":  eek!  That's horrible!  It's so, I don't know, tacky?  What's wrong with just a simple sound effect?  :???:

In fact, although the "splat" etc. bothers me far less than that "Let's Go", it strikes me as pointlessly redundant ;) to have both sound effects (I'd hope?) and onamatopoeia at the same time.  If it's a cartoonish effect they're trying to create, well I'm not convinced that it's working.  I hope they at least have an option to turn off the onamatopoeia.

4) 666:  Sorry, the original graphics of the 666 kicks the new one to high noon.  In the original 666 you don't notice on first impression the separate terrain pieces that comprises the "6"s, they blend together fairly well into one whole "6".  Here, you can very distinctly see the "6" as a pile of terrain pieces (giant chunks of rock basically) thrown together.  Blergh!


Hmm, anyone has a screenshot of nuking?   Can you even nuke a level?

The icon for it certainly isn't there, but then again the "paws" icon is missing too, and that's understandable since console systems have a dedicated pause button anyhow.  Maybe it's just a certain button combination to nuke?

I'm just a little, um, concerned that I'm going to see 80 little "boom" captions strewn across the screen when you nuke 80 lemmings.  Definitely the worst use of onamatopoeia in the game if that's the case.


Quote from: DragonsLover  link=1125415222/15#21 date=1125579090For now, I'm back from the Team17 forum, and they're talking about if Lemmings should have blood when killled by traps or not. Or maybe green blood?
Well, I don't have a strong preference either way.  Note though that in the original game, one of the traps (the rock squisher trap in the dirt style) does show some blood when killing a lemming, and it's red.

I don't think green blood is right.  Real-life lemmings are mammals after all, so their blood would be red just like ours.  There's nothing alien-y or monster-y about lemmings to warrant green blood, unless they have some concerns about parents complaining about graphic goriness (doubtful, I mean, it's Lemmings! not Doom 3!)