[NeoLemmix] Lemmings Migration

Started by Nessy, August 22, 2017, 04:08:54 AM

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Hello everyone!

I'm happy to introduce my first level pack: Lemmings Migration

It's a small pack of 40 levels across four difficulties: Painless, Irritation, Headache, and Migraine.

Any feedback is welcome and appreciated. Don't hold back... be brutally honest if you have to!


Long ago there was a large community filled with green-haired creatures named Lemmings. They were a technologically advanced society that lived peacefully for many years, but one day an ancient cataclysm emerged. It blocked out the sunlight, destroyed crops, emptied rivers, and destroyed all lemming technology. The lemmings had no choice; they had to leave their community. They had to migrate back to their ancestor's land. The one they left long ago. With their technology gone they had to once again rely on the eight classic skills their ancestors used, and with these tools the lemmings set out for their new home.


Painless (10 levels)

LEMCO Employees

They're a shy group of levels that contain simple puzzles. After losing almost everything to the ancient cataclysm, the lemmings can no longer afford to have 20 of everything here, and therefore these levels here won't go as slow as the ones the ancestors crossed long ago.

Irritation (10 levels)

Never Getting Back Together

These levels enjoy puzzles that require more planning without going over the top in difficulty. Some of the elders said something about these levels being like "late Tricky to Taxing"... whatever that means.

Headache (10 levels)

Kings Of The Castle

These levels are considered to be the odd ones. They're not easy enough to be an irritation but not hard enough to cause migraines, but they seem to take pride in this. More tricks are required in addition to planning out more complex solutions.

Migraine (10 levels)

Momentum Deferred

These levels are the worst of the worst. They don't hold anything back, they bully other levels for not being as difficult, and they have no guilt in causing players to lose sleep, sanity, and hair.

Custom Music:


1) Extract the files from the link above.
2) Place in a folder titled "music" (all lowercase) in the same directory as your NeoLemmix Player.
3) Enjoy!

Music List

brick_01 . . . . . . . . . . Oh No! More Lemmings! DOS: Track 1
brick_02 . . . . . . . . . . Oh No! More Lemmings! DOS: Track 5
crystal_01 . . . . . . . . .Lemmings Master System: Track 7
crystal_02 . . . . . . . . .Lemmings Genesis: Track 12
fire_01 . . . . . . . . . . . The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword: Earth Temple
fire_02 . . . . . . . . . . . The Legend Of Zelda Oracle Of Ages: Skull Dungeon
lpv_machine_01 . . . . Super Mario RPG: Factory
lpv_machine_02 . . . . 3D Lemmings: Alien 3
lpv_mineshaft_01 . . . Mario & Luigi Partners In Time: Thwomp Volcano
lpv_mineshaft_02 . . . Mario & Luigi Partners In Time: Thwomp Caverns
marble_01 . . . . . . . . .3D Lemmings: Lemgo 1
marble_02 . . . . . . . . .3D Lemmings: Lemgo 3
pillar_01 . . . . . . . . . . Mario & Luigi Partners In Time: Gritzy Desert
pillar_02 . . . . . . . . . . Super Mario Galaxy 2: Slipsand Galaxy
snow_01 . . . . . . . . . . Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story: Plack Beach
snow_02 . . . . . . . . . . Paper Mario: Shiver Mountain
final_level . . . . . . . . . Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story: In The End

Recommended For:

Not recommended for beginners, but a good pack for intermediate players. Some Headache and Migraine levels may give even experts a good challenge.

Special Thanks:

- DMA for creating Lemmings
- altiereslima for the skill panel
- nin10doadict for teaching me how to fix the custom music
- EricLang & ccexplore for Lemmix
- namida for NeoLemmix & Flexi Toolkit
- namida and Flopsy for their Flexi Toolkit tutorials
- Alex A. Denisov for Graphics32
- Erik Turner for ZLibEx
- Un4seen Development for Bass.dll
- The Lemmings Forums community for sharing replies and backroutes
- Volker 0th and Mindless for sharing sourcecode and information
- And YOU for playing this pack


I am deeply impressed with this pack! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I thought I will quickly go through it, as most newcomer packs tend to be on the easy side, but not here. I estimated around 1 hour to go through this, well 3 hours it was :XD:

Your level creation style reminds me a lot of Nepster here and that's a big compliment! ;)  Of course it not reaches the extreme difficulty that these levels can have.....yet. ;)

I can't wait to see what you will make out of the new skills and other tilesets!

My solution replays are attached and I will pm you more detailed feedback on every level once I get the chance, time (and mood ;)) to wirte it all down. I think this will be kind of nitpicking, as the levels are already excellent! ;P

Have fun fixing backroutes! :laugh:


I started playing the pack and it's great so far but... I'm already totally stuck in the second level of irritation, "Never getting back together". I will let you know when I finish it. :thumbsup:

Colorful Arty

Excellent job on this pack! These levels really look like the result of a Lemmings pro! :thumbsup:

I just finished the first rank, and these levels are already a bit tough, and I'm pretty sure I've found some backroutes. I really look forward to playing more of this pack! :D
My Youtube channel where I let's play games with family-friendly commentary:

My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/colorfularty

My levelpack: SubLems
For New formats NeoLemmix: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4942.0
For Old formats NeoLemmix: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2787.0
For SuperLemmini: http://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=2704.0

My levelpack: ArtLems
For New formats NeoLemmix: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4583.0


Thank you everybody for playing through my pack and for the compliments! This means a lot coming from lemming pros like yourselves :). I actually made sure that I played through a lot of other packs in order to get an idea on what was truly possible with NeoLemmix, and sometimes just executing a solution that wasn't intentional gave me ideas as well. I also tried exploring the forums to find topics that would shed light on what people like in levels and what they don't like.

Quote from: IchoTolot on August 23, 2017, 12:31:22 PM
Your level creation style reminds me a lot of Nepster here and that's a big compliment! ;)  Of course it not reaches the extreme difficulty that these levels can have.....yet. ;)

Wow, I am very flattered by this :). I know that his levels are held in very high regard. I haven't played through his pack yet, but I do have plans on completing it one day even if it takes a long time to complete.

Quote from: Raymanni on August 23, 2017, 04:13:48 PM
I started playing the pack and it's great so far but... I'm already totally stuck in the second level of irritation, "Never getting back together". I will let you know when I finish it. :thumbsup:

I actually wasn't expecting this level to be a major roadblock for someone. If you want I can provide a mild hint below (sorry if it's too mild). Don't give up though! I think you will find the solution to that one to be quite clever. ;)

Hint for Irritation 2

There's a specific skill you have on that level that may seem useless at first, but it's not.

Quote from: Colorful Arty on August 23, 2017, 04:51:27 PM
I just finished the first rank, and these levels are already a bit tough, and I'm pretty sure I've found some backroutes.

I originally had the first rank filled with levels that were X-of-(almost)-everything where you would have maybe 5 or 8 of everything except for one skill that would only have 1 or 2. However, that was axed in favor of more-strict-on-skill-set puzzles, although I think I may have complicated some of them. I guess I didn't know my own strength ;P, but that's fine with me.

I will check the replays later on today and hopefully provide some insight on what was intentional or not. The war against backroutes begins!


Okay, here are my comments to the replies. A lot more intentional solutions than I thought, and a lot of backroutes (which was to be expected).


Spoilers for Painless levels

Painless 1: Intended.

Painless 2: Intended.

Painless 3: Intended.

Painless 4: Intended, it just uses one less builder.

Painless 5: Intended.

Painless 6: Intended.

Painless 7: I actually like your solution to this level more than the intended way, which was to use the last builder as a splatform at the bottom.

Painless 8: Intended.

Painless 9: Intended.

Spoilers for Irritation levels

Irritation 1: Yep, I caught this backroute too late, but it should be an easy fix.

Irritation 2: Intended.

Irritation 3: Intended, it just uses one least basher. That extra basher was meant to delay the lemmings so that one worker could bash into the opening on the left, and the other one to dig up the way at the bottom to make room for the last builder. However, I see that the extra basher isn't necessary.

Irritation 4: Not intended, but not a backroute either. It's a neat solution that I'll keep. The intended way was similar to Dolly Dimple, which was where the main source of inspiration for this level came from.

Irritation 5: Intended.

Irritation 6: Interesting solution, but it's a backroute. The intended way required going around and above the structure.

Irritation 7: Backroute. The level was meant to allow only one lemming over the top, but it seems that it was designed poorly.

Irritation 8: Everything was intended except for the last part with the miner. That's okay because I like how it's used, so I won't fix that.

Spoilers for Headache levels

Headache 1: Intended, it just uses one least climber to get past the trap. I'm fine with that.

Headache 2: Not intended, but that's okay because I love your solution a lot more than mine which left 9 seconds on the clock.

Headache 3: Intended. The only difference is that the basher doesn't leave a "roof", and the builder is used to cover the gap created by the reverse miner.

Headache 4: Not intended, but it's a very creative solution.

Headache 5: Intended! I was actually expecting a backroute on this one... well not yet at least ;).

Headache 6: Good solution, but you overcomplicated the solution on the right side a little bit.

Headache 7: Intended.

Headache 8: Intended... more or less. Your solution is good because the main trick in this level is to get all lemmings but one past the building section in the middle of the level, and have that last lemming follow the climber that was building, turn around as the that same climber builds towards the exit, and free the crowd (hence why the level is called Momentum Deferred, because you are delaying that last lemming for the last trick in the level). However, there is a better way to set up the timing for that at the beginning with no precision required.

Spoilers for Migraine levels

Migraine 1: The only part you did that wasn't intentional is the digger you used after the first builder. Everything else was intentional.

Migraine 2: Intended.

Migraine 3: Not intended, but the main trick of containing the climbers is there so I'll accept it.

Migraine 4: Not intended, but your solution is much cleaner than mine so this is also acceptable.

Migraine 5: The part until you used the miner at the top of the second pillar was intentional. You had to use a second climber to reach the exit and reverse mine instead of using the first one. Should be an easy fix though.

Migraine 6: The way you got past the one-way wall on the left is intended (although I didn't know you can do it with only two bombers), but the rest was a backroute.

Migraine 7: Good solution, but I have to call this one the worst backroute in the pack because the two main tricks involved in getting past the wall on the left and right are completely skipped. This level will need major fixing.

Migraine 8: Your solution was very good and it wasn't technically a backroute, but I will try to force the intentional solution on this one because it will make this level a good last level.

Colorful Arty

Spoilers for Painless levels

Painless 1: Intended.

Painless 2: Intended, but I didn't know you could block the gap on the wall on the left with just one builder. Good to know.

Painless 3: Intended.

Painless 4: Intended.

Painless 5: Not intended, but not a backroute either. IchoTolot got the intended way. It was to contain the lemmings the way you did, but have the last lemming dig down into the structure, bash, and then build. I think this can be fixed by decreasing the height of the first pillar on the right.

Painless 6: Intended.

Painless 7: Intended. It just uses one least builder for the splatfrom.

Painless 8: Intended.

Painless 9: Interesting solution, but it's a backroute. IchoTolot got the intended way. Digging and bashing under the traps was intended, but the rest of the solution involved going through the one-way wall above the traps.

Once again, thanks for the replies!

Strato Incendus

Hi Nessy, great job on those levels! I've attached my replays for the first rank as well, hope they are of some use to you :) .
My packs so far:
Lemmings World Tour (New & Old Formats), my music-themed flagship pack, 320 levels - Let's Played by Colorful Arty
Lemmings Open Air, my newest release and follow-up to World Tour, 120 levels
Paralems (Old Formats), a more flavour-driven one, 150 levels
Pit Lems (Old Formats), a more puzzly one, 100 levels - Let's Played by nin10doadict
Lemmicks, a pack for (very old) NeoLemmix 1.43 full of gimmicks, 170 levels


Thank you Strato Incendus, but unfortunately I can't open your replies. I'm unfamiliar with the .rar format. Replies are usually saved as a .nxrp format, which can be created by pressing U when you complete a level in order to save the entire replay. Sorry about that.


.rar is a file compression format similar to .zip. To open it you can use applications like 7Zip or Winrar.


Phew! Hearing that level completed jingle for the last time was so relieving! I was stuck in the last level of Migraine for ages. :D
I must say, for your first pack this is very impressive. I cant wait for more in the future. :thumbsup:

I attached my replays. I'm pretty sure that some of them are backroutes though.


Thanks Nepster, and way to go Raymanni on completing the pack! :thumbsup:

I will take a look at Strato Incendus and your replies later on today. Hopefully most of them are intentional, but at the same time it will help me find the last of the backroutes before updating the pack.

By the way, in response to something IchoTolot said, I was planning on adding custom music to this pack but I didn't feel comfortable. However, I might just go ahead and see if I can get it right in the next update ;).


Very nice levels! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

My favorites are "Never getting back together" (which is a lot harder than its position suggests) and "The Abandoned Sanctuary". These have been excellent level! :thumbsup:

Replays (including backroutes) attached.


Okay, I have seen all replies and here are my comments.

General Remakes

Spoiler for Headache 4

I didn't know about the blocker and digger trick that everybody used in Headache 4 "You Know The Drill". However, I love that trick a lot more than the one I had in mind for the intentional solution to that level. Therefore, I deem any solution that uses the blocker and digger trick on that level intentional.

Strato Incendus

Spoilers for Painless levels

Painless 1: Intended. By the way you can instantly increase the release rate all the way to 99 by right clicking the + icon, and you can instantly decrease the release rate to 1 by right clicking the – icon.
Painless 2: Interesting solution. The bomber used by the steel wasn't intentional but I like it.
Painless 3: Intended.
Painless 4: Intended.
Painless 5: Same solution as Colorful Arty: not intended but not a backroute.
Painless 6: Intended.
Painless 7: Intended.
Painless 8: Intended.
Painless 9: Intended. So far you are the only person that got my replay almost exactly.


Spoilers for all levels

Painless 1: Backroute... no no just kidding. Intended!
Painless 2: Nice solution! Not only did you manage to beat the level with 1 builder left, but the part where the first lemming on the left used a builder to quickly turn around and cover the hole was originally the intended way to do that. It can't be forced though and I have no plans to do so.
Painless 3: Intended.
Painless 4: Intended.
Painless 5: Intended.
Painless 6: Intended.
Painless 7: Intended.
Painless 8: Intended.
Painless 9: Wow... interesting solution. Unfortunately, this is a backroute but this is the most creative solution to this level I've seen so far.

Irritation 1: Intended.
Irritation 2: Intended, and nice job figuring out the level!
Irritation 3: Somewhat intended. The basher you used after digging at the bottom isn't necessary, because digging that hole makes room for the builder to get high enough for a basher to reach the other side.
Irritation 4: Not intended, but it's another neat and acceptable solution.
Irritation 5: Also not intended, but it was another creative solution.
Irritation 6: Backroute. Same one IchoTolot found.
Irritation 7: Intended, with the difference being that you managed to save the digger. Nice job!
Irritation 8: One of the intended solutions.

Headache 1: Intended, it just uses one less climber.
Headache 2: Intended. So happy to see so many unique solutions to this level!
Headache 3: Intended.
Headache 4: I didn't know about the blocker and digger trick, and I actually like it very much. Therefore, I'll make your solution and IchoTolot's solution to this level the new intentional solutions.
Headache 5: Intended.
Headache 6: Everything was intentional except when you went under the steel on the left. Good solution, but that part is a backroute.
Headache 7: Not intended, but it's an interesting solution that I'll allow.
Headache 8: Major backroute on this one.

Migraine 1: The first part wasn't intentional, but acceptable. Unfortunately, the last part is a backroute I need to fix.
Migraine 2: Not intended, but acceptable.
Migraine 3: Similar to IchoTolot, this solution wasn't intentional but it's a very good and acceptable one because the main trick of containing the climbers is there.
Migraine 4: Same as IchoTolot: not intended but a better solution.
Migraine 5: Good solution, but because you didn't go through the one-way wall it's a backroute.
Migraine 6: Backroute.
Migraine 7: Backroute, but so far you got very close to getting the trick I had in mind at the beginning.
Migraine 8: Congratulations! So far you're the only one that got one of the intentional solutions to this level!


Spoilers for all levels

Painless 1: Intended.
Painless 2: You're the first one to do that continuous building from the right side, but it's still a good and acceptable solution.
Painless 3: Intended.
Painless 4: Intended.
Painless 5: Not intended, but not a backroute. The last lemming had to dig down into the structure, bash, and then build. It's an easy fix though.
Painless 6: Intended.
Painless 7: Intended, it just uses one less builder.
Painless 8: Intended, it just uses the digger and bomber together instead of bomber on the first fall and digger at the second.
Painless 9: Another interesting solution to this level, but unfortunately it's a backroute.

Irritation 1: Intended.
Irritation 2: Intended, and glad to hear this was one of your favorite levels. It seems to be the more popular one, but some people either find it very easy or very hard.
Irritation 3: Backroute in all caps! :XD: That's okay, that's why we get feedback.
Irritation 4: Same solution as Raymanni. Not a backroute.
Irritation 5: Intended.
Irritation 6: So far you're the only one that went around the structure, which is the intended way. Nice work!
Irritation 7: Intended, and you managed to save the digger like Raymanni! Nice!
Irritation 8: Intended. It's funny how everybody used that last miner the same way because it caught me by surprised the first time.

Headache 1: Not intended, but this is the most out-of-the-box solution to this level so far so I will accept it.
Headache 2: Same solution as IchoTolot. Intended.
Headache 3: Intended.
Headache 4: Another good solution to this level. I have deemed the blocker and digger trick intentional as of the writing of the comments to Raymanni's replies, so this is not a backroute.
Headache 5: Hmm... it's not intentional but the compression method strategy is there so I'll accept it.
Headache 6: Everything was perfect, but the only unintentional part was not going through the one-way wall on top. That's okay, I declare this acceptable.
Headache 7: Another interesting solution to this level. This is acceptable.
Headache 8: Backroute.

Migraine 1: Almost similar to IchoTolot: not intended but you used all skills so I'll accept it.
Migraine 2: Intended, you just did that trick where you build from the hole you create on the side of the tower with a bomber on the right tower instead of the left tower.
Migraine 3: Intended.
Migraine 4: Intended.
Migraine 5: So far you're the only one that got one of the intended solutions of this level. Good job!
Migraine 6: Not intended, but good solution anyway.
Migraine 7: Not intended, but acceptable as of now until I fix this level, which needs some major tweaking.
Migraine 8: Excellent! One of the intended solutions to this level. Nice work!

Once again, thank you everybody for the replies.


Me and Arty (on voice chat) streamed the first rank and some of this pack. I had a lot of fun; the levels were tricky and fun to solve.

Sadly, my voice did not record (again...) so you hear Arty talking to an imaginary person. :'(


the whole stream is in four parts. I have replays of everything I did here to if you'd like to see that.
everything by me: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5982.msg96035#msg96035

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Thanks möbius for streaming through my pack. I have to be honest: I've played through packs, I've seen people steam other people's packs, but seeing someone stream my levels felt weird... in a good way though. ;)

I only had time to watch the first stream last night (will watch the rest today), but was too tired to write comments so I wrote them this morning:

Spoilers for Painless levels

All solutions were intended. I wouldn't call the solution to "Secret Lemming, Secret Cave" a backroute even though it wasn't intended. It's just something I need to make sure I fix because the level was designed as a "use the last lemming" type of solution. Also, you didn't backroute LEMCO Employees. You just used one less builder for the splatform, which is fine.

"How can you lose 5 on [Just Dig... Some More!]"

You're the first to call me out on that! :P I will be honest and admit that there really is no reason to the requirement. I'll probably update that.

"I've played a lot of levels in those tilesets but I've never actually made one"

I noticed that a lot of people haven't used those LPV tilesets. I always assumed it was because they were recently added... I don't know. I'm probably one of the only people that likes the Machine tileset, but I LOVE the beehive tileset.

"He didn't want to bother with it"

If you're talking about custom music... no, it's not that I didn't want to bother with it. I just didn't feel comfortable doing it because I wasn't sure if I was going to do it correctly. However, I did my research and I can confirm it in the next update. 8-)

"I love that spider web background"

Me too. It really made that level pop!

"I can relate to lemmings block"

Believe it or not, Migraine 1 was actually me putting random terrain pieces together and then coming up with the solution for it afterwards because of lemmings block. I feel like you can make a lot of good levels like that, but a lot of my levels that people like the most are the ones build around a trick or two such as Irritation 2 and Migraine 3.

I did skip to your stream of Irritation 2 on your second video. That level is very popular but many people have different opinions on the difficulty. Some people found it very easy and some people struggled. The trick is a Mayhem trick, but because most, if not all, people that are playing this pack already know about that trick, it was just a matter of using that trick in a different way.

"I'm always worried when people give me bombers on levels where you need to save everyone"

Originally the level had no bombers and one blocker, but it hinted at the solution too much so it was changed to two blockers to throw people off. The additional of bombers was me just trolling! :evil: Usually I don't care for that but this is the only level in this pack that does it, and it will probably be the only level that does it ever...