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Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2019, 01:13:23 am »
Recently had a few interesting (well maybe not that interesting but memorable) ones.

I was on a boat on a river; possibly in autumn, in a rural place. Another boat was ahead of us on the river and this other boat was either our enemy somehow or being captained by some evil man whom I could hear talking as if in my head.* He said something about a plan to thwart us. I don't know why we were fighting in the first place; but anyway I saw the boat ahead swerve a few times and spill something shimmering like seeds or something into the water, then continue ahead. The water remained shimmering. I got a freighting feeling. Then as we approached the area I could clearly see the water boiling. I became very scared and somehow knew this meant we were in trouble. As the water was boiling I felt myself spiraling around down to the water; the boat now was gone and I was alone floating or flying.
Then I don't remember if immediately next or if other events occurred that I don't remember but I heard the evil captain (speaking in a high pitched voice and laughing insanely) now speaking of some new plan and saying "I wouldn't want to be in that river now!" I was still scared yet I was no longer in the river. I was in a building of some kind; a long hallway, fairly well lit, perhaps partially outside. The walls were white, or maybe metal. There was a large tall cylinder thing like a silo and four men came out of a door on it and huddled around it like they were sort of hiding or something, some looked around the corner. They were looking away from me and I don't think they saw me. I believed one of them was the captain.
These were very brief because they occurred while I was dozing off and out after pressing the "snooze" button...

Woopie Goldberg and me was inside a large strange feeling green walled room with doors. She was talking (like from her 80's standup, so not like you're probably thinking of her) and opened a door to look inside.
I was watching a car from a distance high above barrel down a highway and go down an enormous hill. It was going so fast it got air born then flew down the hill flying above the road. I was very scared; as if I was inside the car even though I wasn't from my visual view; yet I felt like I was in it. I was terrified and felt like I was flying at high speed. Eventually the car touched back down to the ground.

*I mentioned long ago that I often hear voices coming from inside my head in my dreams and only recently; I attribute this to listening to talk shows all day at work with headphones.
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Offline Shmoley

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #46 on: June 09, 2019, 04:18:29 pm »
This one was a bit weird.. So I was bored so I called my best friend and the came over so me and my best friend were just hanging out in my front yard then we just see this guy walking along the street and then he just starts chasing us and pulls out a weapon ( I think it was like a sword but I’m not positive.) anyway we decide to run into the park. We keep running around to various places around the city and then we see a huge crowd of people including police officers and no one cared about the guy CHASING US WITH A SWORD! And they just are asking how we are getting away from him and stuff rather then you know arresting him. So we hide down at a river and the most scary thing that’s ever happened to me in a dream. The killer pops around a tree right in my face and nearly slices me. We continue running eventually we actually find someone who cares about the killer and she says we can hide in her house in this secret place. We call the police there and for some reason he predicted the killers age and height without us even saying anything! Then I woke up and thought that person the other end of the phone was the killer! I wanted some sort of sequel to the dream but it never happened. Also now that I mention it do any of you want sequels to any of your dreams?

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2019, 04:01:06 pm »
For the second time I realized I was dreaming but as before quickly woke up afterwards. But I'm happy because I was actually working on this recently.

I dreamed I was in the shower and the curtain kept changing and opening by itself. I remember thinking clearly; 'why does that keep happening that shouldn't...." then I thought 'is this a dream?' Then I pinched my leg and it felt different; odd and disconnected, like it wasn't real; and then I began to feel pillows/covers around me and realized that I was actually in bed (while still seeing the dream world!) I was so exciting to become aware of dreaming.
everything by me:

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Offline Nessy

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2019, 09:05:23 pm »
Quite interesting shares Shmolem and mobius. I have actually had that happen to me several times when I ask myself if I'm actually dreaming, and moments where I truly did want a sequel to some of my dreams... here are some examples!

A couple of nights ago I had a dream where I want to say I was part of some competition or the like, and the competition was to get something from the insides of a temple that I swear was right out of the opening scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. In fact I even remember saying out loud to the group I was in, "Hey, that's one of the best scenes from the movie!" Anyway I managed to get through the temple (no memory of it except for some weird masks piled in hallways), grab the item (I don't even remember what it was but it wasn't the golden idol from the movie), and got out. I managed to do it without breaking a sweat and come out of the temple victorious and holding up the item in front of the group I was with.

Last night was a completely different experience. I had a dream that I was going to work and I apparently I couldn't remember where anything was. I did find my bed in a place that was totally not in real life and this huge wave of exhaustion came over me that I decided to lay in the bed, try to sleep, and didn't even care. I had a similar experience to mobius's dream where I began to feel the pillows and covers around me and realized that I was both in the dream and in real life at the same time.

Sometimes I wonder if maybe my dreams are trying to tell me something. I don't believe that's the case all the time but at the same time we don't really know much about dreams so who's to say? Maybe these two alone are telling me that it's time to make a change in my life: time to get out of bed, go into the temple (metaphor for the unknown?), and come out with some type of accomplishment. Hmm...

This is when I want the dream sequels :P

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2019, 12:25:26 am »
that reminded me of some things;
I have had a number of dreams that have *felt* like sequels. That is: I felt strongly like I've dreamed them before; or that (thinking it was not a dream but reality as is usually the case) I dreamed about this before and thus was somehow predicting the future. I haven't yet figured out if I actually *have* dreamed the same thing more than once or if this was merely a false feeling. I've heard that recurring dreams are a thing but it doesn't exactly feel like this. I think I am just having feelings/thoughts that are not actually based on anything.

I might've shared this before but in case I didn't;
Twice I've remained conscious (at least partially or in other words in a strange altered state) while *entering* the dream. Once the dream was of being in a large hallway/box or device of some kind. It was like I was looking into a slide picture viewer (something I was actually doing in real life at the time) but there were mechanical things (like saw blades) moving in and out and it was scary. Not only that but the feeling of being conscious like this for the first time was so weird it frightened me to immediately wake up.

The second time wasn't as bad  but I think it was early morning and I had woken up but soon fell back asleep and began dreaming of smoke that was like a nebula/ it was blue and pink and there was a swirling snake like smokey things moving around. Again I woke up soon after thought because of the shock of realizing I was dreaming.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 01:39:49 am by mobius »
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Re: Dreams
« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2019, 01:07:43 pm »
I have had a number of dreams that have *felt* like sequels. That is: I felt strongly like I've dreamed them before; or that (thinking it was not a dream but reality as is usually the case) I dreamed about this before and thus was somehow predicting the future. I haven't yet figured out if I actually *have* dreamed the same thing more than once or if this was merely a false feeling. I've heard that re-curing dreams are a thing but it doesn't exactly feel like this. I think I am just having feelings/thoughts that are not actually based on anything.
This interests me. It sounds like déjà vu, but while dreaming???? I'm not sure if I've had that myself (I do experience déjà vu fairly often, I don't write it down, but I'd estimate about once a month on average).

Offline Lucia

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #51 on: November 22, 2019, 09:10:58 am »
I wish I had interesting dreams, I feel a little bit envious upon hearing/reading about what elaborate detailed dreams that you guys have. I recently had a strange dream in which I suddenly discovered that unbeknownst to me, I had a bald patch on the very top of my head that I had not known about hitherto and I accidentally discovered it upon which (in the dream) I was annoyed with Flopsy for not telling me about this bald patch because he is over six foot tall so he would have seen it everyday whereas it was not visible to me. It could only be seen from a top down view. Therefore in the dream I was annoyed that Flopsy had not told me! I looked hideous, like Friar Tuck, the monk from Robin Hood (funny that as I live in near Sherwood Forest!). Here in England, people are not very direct like people are in other European countries. People tend to avoid telling each other if they have for example mustard on their chin and do not realise it whereas in other European counties, I’ve found people to be more direct with each other which I think is more honest. There is little worse than walking around at work all day with mascara that has leaked down your face, I guess I should have checked but who has time for that at work! I stopped wearing mascara after that. I am from Ireland where people tend to point things like that out in a discreet, non-embarrassing way. Half of my family are German and they are helpful this way too, with a tendency to be direct rather than the british way of smugly saying nothing and feeling superior (?). I should say, Flopsy is not like that though, he will point out if I have made a faux pas, for example if I have spinach in my teeth or if I have mustard on my chin. Sorry for going off on a tangent but as a foreigner living in the Uk (especially during Brexit era), I tend to obsess a little on cultural differences, perhaps I should start writing them down in a notebook and when I grow old, I’ll write a book about it because a lot of people move to other countries for work and encounter different cultures. I actually adore encountering different cultures and traditions, I guess they can’t all be positive ones as no culture is perfect.

Getting back on track, does anyone know what a white albino peacock is representative of in a dream. I cannot remember much about the dream except feeling sad and there being a white peacock. I may have been crying in the dream but not sure. Also, crying in a dream isn’t real crying, or it doesn’t count as being real.

May I ask if anyone here has experienced lucid dreaming or know anyone one that experiences lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is the ability to control your dreams whilst in a dream. It is a bit like video gaming (I’ve had lucid dreams in which I’ve dreamed I’m in video games but my memory of them has faded over time, it was when I played video games obsessively). Anyone heard of this phenomenon
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 09:47:25 am by Lucia »

Offline Nessy

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #52 on: November 23, 2019, 01:44:58 am »
That's a pretty interesting and funny dream there Lucia :D I'm not 100% sure what a white albino peacock represents in a dream unfortunately :\ I do believe that animals can represent certain things about ourselves. For example sometimes I have dreams about snakes and I've been told that they represent a fear of something in real life. Maybe the emotion appears during sleep and the mind is unable to comprehend it at the moment so it manifests it as something that we learned was dangerous like the snake (?)

In terms of lucid dreaming I have actually heard of it and I've even encountered it several times. They aren't common for me but they aren't rare either. Usually I'm in the dream and somewhere along the way I start to notice that it's a dream. The circumstances for that usually change and I can never really pinpoint exactly what they are but recently I discovered that one of the main circumstances is when the dream starts to feel like it's so real that I start to question things. Sometimes I even say out loud in the dream, "Is this a dream? I think this is a dream." Unfortunately I can rarely get the dream to a point where it plays like a "video game". The few times that I do manage to get it to that point they either play like FPS games or fighting games, and when a situation occurs that is undesirable I can actually stop for a moment and change it. In fact, sometimes it isn't even a video game and I can seem to change the outcome of things with a simple thought. In fact, the other night I did dream of being late to one of my high school classes (a very common and recurring dream for me) and the teacher didn't even let me come into the classroom. I simple thought that I wasn't late and that I wasn't going to get kicked out and the dream continued on as normal in the classroom. However, despite this "limited power" in lucid dreams I still can't seem to do a few things. One of those things is walk through walls. It sounds stupid (because it probably is) but sometimes when I'm lucid dreaming I actually try to go through walls and I seem to be unable to do that even though I'm telling myself that nothing is real. I don't know why I'm trying to go through walls... or why it's a recurring theme... and it might actually mean something now that I'm typing it and I should look into that more :O

I know that for some people they have much more power in their lucid dreams and they can probably do that with no problems and even fly. I haven't been able to fly in dreams yet, just jump really high or float.

Offline Lucia

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #53 on: November 24, 2019, 12:03:47 pm »
Hi Nessy, thank you for your reply, I found it very interesting, especially the lucid dreaming. I seem to float or jump but not fly either. I have not tried to walk through walls but I must try (if I can remember to do it during a lucid dream). It is interesting how we are conscious during lucid dreams and can make decisions and change outcomes. Unfortunately I have lots of horrible dreams about high school too, one recurring one is that I’m too late for my exam and I’m trying to get into the exam room but I’m too late! One time in a dream I turned up for my exam without shoes! I get lots of dreams where I go somewhere and suddenly realise I’ve no shoes on and panic, these are panic dreams for me. Lucid dreams are some of the only pleasant dreams that I experience so I am glad when I have one but it is not too often, I’d say once every few months, maybe less. I wish I had more. I know people who can make themselves lucid dream but thinking about it again now I’m not sure I ought to believe it.

Perhaps the walls signify boundaries, whether they might boundaries in time or space or neither. Perhaps geographic boundaries, political boundaries, social boundaries, cultural boundaries; age, racial boundaries. Sometimes at work, one faces prejudices and in our dreams one tries to reenact moving through these prejudices. I was passed over for promotion and used to dream about it. I’ll stop psychoanalysing, Flopsy doesn’t like it when I psychoanalyse and on top of that it is a bit rude of me.

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #54 on: November 24, 2019, 03:40:50 pm »
I think to really lucid dream (control it and have it last) takes a lot of practice. That is; you must do it many times before gaining this 'ability'.

As I've said before the few times I was aware during sleep is so bizarre its often shocking and thus I wake up. So it takes getting used to.

For whatever reason this is how our brains work; some part is constantly churning up information (images, words etc) from our memory into our consciousness and there is often no obvious rhyme or reason for it. During sleep/dream its more extreme because other parts of the brain are dormant. Like the parts that organize thoughts in respect to attention and memory and other things, respond to outside stimulus or which normally preserves memory. This is why dreams are chaotic and why most people don't remember most of their dreams.

its' been 10 years and I still occasionally have dreams about being late for school or class. But then highschool was not a good time for me.
I wouldn't worry too much about what your dreams mean actually; a wise man said to me; 'It don't mean a thing... what's real is what's going on here and now..."

edit: That's not to say there's nothing to be gained my discussing them. I still love discussing them of course; mainly for entertainment. When dreams are not scary and pleasant it's like free natural entertainment for your brain while resting. And at times they do point out things that you might not have realized are going on in your real life, but a lot of the time, I think its easy to read too much into them.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 01:59:17 am by mobius »
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Offline Shmoley

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #55 on: November 27, 2019, 04:39:51 am »
I have another one. It’s about Pokémon and I’m a Pokémon fan so pretty much it’s starts with me casually watching the news and then there was a report about how a scientist who also loved the Pokémon franchise managed to make Pokémon real and they were released into the wild. I was very excited and went to my front yard to see if I could see any Pokémon but none were there but for some reason I did find Poke balls on the front step so I took them and went out and took a walk around my area. I came to path and followed it and then I see a Charizard just flying around and it lands in front of me. I’m entirely freaked out ( just a side note I literally just realized I don’t have a Pokémon to fight this thing with so I’m not sure I’m not defencelessly screaming my head of right now) it notices I have poke balls Andy it starts talking and told me that it seriously doesn’t care if I catch him or not so I do. I’m not sure why he was talking but picked up the poke ball and went home. The next day was going to school and this guy stepped in front of me and told me to hand my Charizard over I said no and he battled me and I completely destroyed him and after the battle he pulls out a gun and attempts to shoot me but I some how dodged the bullet and knocked him out then the dream just randomly ended. Honestly I’m not sure what to make of that dream it definitely is... different

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #56 on: November 29, 2019, 02:07:34 am »
@Shmolem that may be one of the awesomest dreams I've heard about in a while! :laugh: :laugh:

I'm reminded of a dream a friend of mine told me where he's at Barry Manilow's mansion and there was a lion in his living room. My friend had to use the bathroom but when he got there the lion had apparently took a tremendous dump on top of the toilet. :XD:
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Offline Proxima

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #57 on: March 02, 2020, 01:17:45 am »
I was with my dad at a museum. We had some kind of quarrel and I wandered off on my own. Suddenly everything was silent and I realised I must have wandered into the off-limits parts of the building. I tried to find my way out. I found a door leading to an abandoned stairwell -- one detail stands out, there was a red towel that fell off the door when I opened it, and it was the only splash of colour in that drab place.

At the bottom of the stairs, I went through a door and came out into a bright, colourful place -- I thought at first it might be another world, because there were very weird structures all around and the architecture didn't look like anything I'd seen before. I frantically ran up to the nearest people -- two young women -- and tried to ask them where I was. I must have sounded extremely panicked, but they were very nice and came with me to an information desk. I spoke to the man there, and he probably thought I was mad, but eventually I realised that I was in a different museum, in Italy.

I went with the two women to a cafe and met their circle of friends, and eventually managed to explain my situation. They were intrigued and we planned to go back to the museum to investigate how I had ended up there. Unfortunately that's when I woke up, but at least I immediately thought "I must write this one up for the Lemmings forums!" and so I went over all the details in my head so that I would be able to remember them.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #58 on: May 31, 2020, 12:19:45 pm »
It sounds stupid (because it probably is) but sometimes when I'm lucid dreaming I actually try to go through walls and I seem to be unable to do that even though I'm telling myself that nothing is real. I don't know why I'm trying to go through walls... or why it's a recurring theme... and it might actually mean something now that I'm typing it and I should look into that more :O

I know that for some people they have much more power in their lucid dreams and they can probably do that with no problems and even fly. I haven't been able to fly in dreams yet, just jump really high or float.
I love this, really interesting. :D I've said it before, but when I still had lucid dreams fairly regularly, I only had them in nightmares, and I'd just want to end those as soon as possible, so I never experimented much.

Speaking of nightmares, I had a nasty nightmare last night. D: But the interesting thing about it is... Colorful Arty was the villain! o_O Sorry Arty, I do like you, maybe this happened because of the Bowser's Castle talk we had? :P I also think the subject of it might have been inspired by reading Ninety Eighty-Four recently.
Anyway, in the dream I was getting tortured by Arty, and I wanted it to stop. However, he didn't! I decided I would just undergo it and wait for it to end, even though the pains inflicted on me (spread across several days if not weeks) kept increasing. At some point I asked Arty if we were done now, but he said he was going to use liquid nitrogen on me next (I had warts many years ago and they were treated with liquid nitrogren; it hurt horribly and didn't even end up helping). I couldn't bear the idea of this so I asked him if we couldn't call it quits, but he wanted to keep going. I then tried to run from Arty, and came across two ladies. I explained my situation to them (and this is really interesting, because because of this I've got a fuller story): on Lemmings Forums, Colorful Arty had made a post saying that he was interested about the nature of pain and how pain worked, and that he would like to do some experiments. I had replied that pain intrigued me too (lol), and that I wouldn't mind collaborating in some experiments. But I regretted saying this, as Arty quite abused me, and I wasn't able to take the pain anymore.
However, at this point I had got somewhat lucid, I think, because I said to the ladies something like "I'm not sure if he [(Arty)] is a figment of my dreams or an evil spirit, but I'm quite certain he is not of flesh and blood." Shortly after I woke up. But it wasn't day yet, so I fell asleep again, and the dream continued. :( Arty wanted to continue torturing me, and I tried to wake up, and did. But when I fell asleep again the nightmare continued once more!
Finally when I had waken up again I prayed that the nightmare might subside, I changed my alarm to be a bit later so I could get some well-rested sleep, and I slept until the alarm.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #59 on: May 31, 2020, 01:36:47 pm »
Geez Louise, Dream Arty scares me a lot. :lem-shocked:

The mere concept of torturing another human seems unthinkable to me, so I wonder what life events if any I would have to undergo in order to turn into a being capable of such malevolence.

Was dream Arty an actual human, or were you being tortured by my 2D ink blot avatar? If the former, what did I look like?
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