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Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2018, 10:05:59 pm »
Had my very first lucid dream last night!!!

First I was in a restaurant, in the bathroom, looking for the toilets/urinals which seemed to be missing. Then somehow I realized they were invisible, so I peed and watched it go into an invisible toilet... (I'm sure there's fun to be made of me in there somewhere...) Then there were these weird people/statues in the bathroom. I remember passing by them sort of shaking my head thinking it was weird and/or silly. Then I went back into the restaurant and everyone had blue hair (but like plastic wigs). For some reason it was then I realized and said to myself; "I'm dreaming aren't I?" And then some of the people there nodded! And I got excited. Then I was at a table with a really fat woman standing uncomfortably close to me so I poked her in the butt, sort of knowing this was a dream and I could do anything I wanted... [I woke up then]

This was the first time (that I can remember) that I've dreamt and realized I was in a dream :D :D :D

It's worth noting that my dreams have changed since I started meditating. While I can't remember most of them very well since then I remember enough to know there's a stark contrast. Also lately I've been waking up in the morning or in the middle of the night feeling different. I can't really describe it, it's not a good or a bad feeling, it's just different.

Two dreams in the past few days which were very powerful but I don't remember most of them; one was me moving down or falling down some kind of huge structure in the dark. Another was seeing some kind of gigantic green face in the dark, which kind of looked like me, but I don't think it was a reflection. It was like I was looking at another face who might have been me.
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Offline grams88

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2018, 10:47:39 pm »
Hi Mobius

It's kind of cool when you are lucid dreaming. Sometimes I'm able to control small things in a dream or I can feel as if I can wake myself up. Now I could be wrong but I remember once finding out it was lucid dreaming I was able to wake myself up, I'm sure I was able to do this or was that a dream itself, I'm sure it was the first one.

Keep up with the meditation, that will be very beneficial. :) Are you by any chance writing a book? I remember having a sort of reocurring dream that was a bit scary but the moment I found out it was a dream I was able to control what was happening. I used to have a scary dream where I felt as if I was getting attacked by a lampshade looking light on the ceiling. It was a dream I used to have a long time ago. It felt like such a relief when I was lucid dreaming as I knew this is just a dream and nothing to worry about.

Dreams I can remember, one dream I remember is that we are on holiday or something and I find myself playing some sort of ball sport on the grass. The holiday one feels as if it has been a reoccurring dream as I feel as if we have been on holiday for ages and haven't been home for a long time.

Another dream was whenever I drive a car in a dream I'm always crashing into things. (I don't drive in real life yet) could be something I might do in the future but see what happens.

I think I saw you on another website, hillary's water broke. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Offline Nessy

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #32 on: August 06, 2018, 11:27:10 pm »
I guess it's time for me to contribute to this thread with a dream I had recently that I actually remember well enough.

Warning: it is really, really weird :scared:

I don't remember how the dream started exactly but all I remember with certainty was that I was with a bunch of old high school acquaintances. I couldn't see their faces and I only recognized one of them for sure. I didn't actually see them but I knew who they were, although their hair color was different. Purple I want to say? Anyway we were leaving some place through an elevator and when the elevator opened I was in a Lemmings level constructed with the Death Egg tileset (I think this is entirely because of recent happenings and it was still fresh in my mind). We merely walked through it and took a bunch of regular, everyday looking elevators until we were finally outside.

Suddenly the scene changed and my old acquaintances were gone. I was alone, but it didn't seem strange. I was in a dense forest and I had just come back from dropping off my brother at the university. I was walking home now. I kept going. I actually thought to myself, "You know if I were to tell my past self I would be doing this, I wouldn't believe it! I really have come a long way!" Afterwards I came across a more urban area with stone arches by a tall cliff and a river below. That is when I realized something. You know when you have a dream and you feel like you have had that dream many times before but you didn't? That is how I felt and that is when I noticed that a bridge I would always take coming home in these dreams was gone! I had to take another way home and I was concerned this was going to be the only way from now on.

The only other way to get home was through a boat ride, but I didn't have enough money. That meant I had to make money quickly. I met a woman who offered me a quick job. All I had to do is say the news by reading from a teleprompter in a news station nearby. For some reason I sat in a very small room with a very large teleprompter right in front of me. The woman quickly counted down from three and I barely got ready before I started reading. That is when I realized that it wasn't the news but just a really bad rap song. I mean the words were purely random and I think I laughed, but I don't remember. All I know was that the lady got really upset at this, but still paid me for doing the job. I took the boat ride home but I never made it to the boat because I woke up at that point, or at least stopped remembering the dream.

Offline grams88

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2018, 12:14:46 am »
I had this yesterday I think.

I was back at school and I think the subject was PE, we were starting a new activity which was we were getting medical tested which was strange. I remember being given a liquid that made me drowsy, I found it tricky to open my eyes. Lots of my school mates were getting tested as well. I remember feeling really tired and I was given this injection into my shoulder. It felt sore when they pulled the plaster off my shoulder where the injection was.

Another experiment was trying to get us to forgive serial killers and there was a two buttons, one for forgiven someone and the other for not forgiven someone. I felt tired from my last experiment but as I was thinking what button to press the guy controlling the experiment pushed my hand onto the forgive button so I clicking forgive everytime. 

Another experiment was them giving us this liquid to drink and the liquid caused us to be sick, that's what the purpose of the liquid was used for.

I didn't want the dream to end as I was enjoying it for some reason. I thought this course and subject seemed amazing.

I think Simon from the forum made an appearance in my dream, we found out the reason why Simon has a christmas theme on his avatar, he was dared to do it for October, one of his friends must of dared him to do it. That was the reason according to the dream I had.

Offline 607

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2018, 08:02:33 pm »
I had this yesterday I think.

I was back at school and I think the subject was PE, we were starting a new activity which was we were getting medical tested which was strange. I remember being given a liquid that made me drowsy, I found it tricky to open my eyes. Lots of my school mates were getting tested as well. I remember feeling really tired and I was given this injection into my shoulder. It felt sore when they pulled the plaster off my shoulder where the injection was.

Another experiment was trying to get us to forgive serial killers and there was a two buttons, one for forgiven someone and the other for not forgiven someone. I felt tired from my last experiment but as I was thinking what button to press the guy controlling the experiment pushed my hand onto the forgive button so I clicking forgive everytime. 

Another experiment was them giving us this liquid to drink and the liquid caused us to be sick, that's what the purpose of the liquid was used for.

I didn't want the dream to end as I was enjoying it for some reason. I thought this course and subject seemed amazing.

I think Simon from the forum made an appearance in my dream, we found out the reason why Simon has a christmas theme on his avatar, he was dared to do it for October, one of his friends must of dared him to do it. That was the reason according to the dream I had.
There are quite some mistakes in this post, but it actually makes it even more funny to read. ;)

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2018, 04:58:57 am »
Quote from: grams88
I think Simon from the forum made an appearance in my dream, we found out the reason why Simon has a christmas theme on his avatar, he was dared to do it for October, one of his friends must of dared him to do it. That was the reason according to the dream I had.

Hah, very nice. I would never have guessed that the early santa hats induced this much speculation. Here's the full story.

In some years, I don't care much about the holiday season at all; in other years, I'll try to get into the festive mood. That can be nice and peaceful after all.

The supermarkets carry christmas snacks from September on, that inspired me to build Lix levels. This will become a small holiday pack, around 20 levels, to be released in early December. When one wants to release Christmas specials, it's advisable anyway to start some months beforehand, to ship in time.

Unrelated to the Lix levels, there were two holiday mini-episodes of Jazz Jackrabbit 1 in 1994 and 1995. Their speedruns got competitive recently, most of my streams in October were attacks of the 1994 holiday game. The stream viewers got to hear Jingle Bells more than anything.

I've decided to let myself get carried in this flow, and want to feel more peaceful and homely. :lix-grin: Accordingly, the porcupine gets to wear its hats early this year. (I still love to rant about failing technology or missing features in programming languages.)

-- Simon

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2018, 01:01:28 am »
since meditating I've come to think about dreams and mind in more precise ways of late and I feel like just sharing a few things to see if anyone has any kind of remote sense of what I'm talking about.

OFten when I'm drifting into and out of sleep I realize (during that brief period) when I'm dreaming or not. Sometimes I'll be thinking deliberately [e.g. imagining a time I hiked through the woods years ago] then a few moments pass and I drifted into sleep but something brought me back and I realize my thoughts became strange. Like the woods scene completely changed; [e.g. other strange people entered the scene] and I don't know why; or where this thought came from.
Sometimes while thinking and drifting close to sleep I'll hear a sound; like a voice in my mind but from another place in my mind; such that it's sound is distinctly different from the adjacent thoughts I had just been thinking. This may have to do with:
which I am pretty sure I have.
According to a doctor I heard on a pod cast recently he believes that it's possible every dream we have is logged in our memories but it's the connection or retrieval to those memories that is lost.
Sometimes a sound or event in daily life can trigger the memory of a past dream.

Sometimes I have two seemingly separate memories of dreams that somehow are linked or feel linked. Sometimes a specific location in my real life seems linked to a memory of a dream. For example recently there is a spot in my backyard that reminds me of a re-occurring dream where machines in my basement are blowing up and I'm in danger. And likewise the dream reminds me of this spot in my backyard. Logically; the two things have nothing to do with one another.

When overly tired I can notice a lot of oddities in my consciousness. This is very difficult to describe, so understand that these are approximations. For example; recently when I went a whole night without sleep; I took a nap the following day (actually slept for several hours) before falling asleep I noticed (or 'found' you might say) something which I hadn't seen in years. I was in bed and about to fall asleep. Somewhere in my consciousness was a large object sort of purple but difficult to make out as any kind of real shape or object. Yet somehow distinct as well; with curving lines. It was sort of painful but no the same kind of pain as ordinary pain. I played around with it for a moment, even though painful; kind of happily as I remembered it from years ago. Like it was a separate thing and I could touch it somehow and manipulate it. I have no idea what this was or what it means.
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Offline grams88

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2018, 12:40:42 am »
Hi Everyone

Interesting read there Mobius. Exploding head syndrome, I noticed that people have tried clomipramine to help with these symptoms, that's the medication I'm taking for my ocd. Could be some sort of connection between the Exploding head syndrome and ocd. I usually got intrusive thoughts which can be quite hard to handle but the medication has been helping.

Hoping it's not causing you too much trouble Mobius

According to a doctor I heard on a pod cast recently he believes that it's possible every dream we have is logged in our memories but it's the connection or retrieval to those memories that is lost.
Sometimes a sound or event in daily life can trigger the memory of a past dream.

Hope I did the quote thing right. :) That is interesting as that is something I believe in myself that we can in a sense unlock our memory to dreams we have not remembered in a long time. Dreams are cool and weird. My mum told me her dream the other day and I got a laugh.

Thanks for sharing Simon, Now we know the true story. :) The festive season is a nice time for family to get together, maybe members of the family we have not seen for a long time. It's also good to relax as well.  I think I played the 1995 version of Jazz Jackrabbit which was a holiday or christmas themed one, it has snow and if I remember correctly the bad guys were red in that one. I played the jazz jackrabbit with my brother to see who is champion. We raced each other and seen who got the better time but if you die you fail as you were only allowed one attempt. 

You are right 607 there are a few mistakes in my last post. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. :-[

Offline 607

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #38 on: December 09, 2018, 07:19:49 pm »
Last night I dreamt that one of my best friends' mother mentioned she had bought a set of AA batteries for €9843. We were a bit surprised, even in a dream! I'm very glad I woke up shortly after dreaming this, as I could write down the exact amount so I wouldn't forget. It's so interestingly precise. ;)

Offline Ramon

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2019, 10:01:37 am »
So I had a weird dream last night and since it's relevant I decided to post it here.

I was visiting Simon (probably at his home) - he seemed to have a house, no idea how big since I only got to see like 3-4 rooms. When I entered, there were Simon, geoo and Forestidia playing Hanabi. I sat down to join them mid-run and drew 4 cards while the others had a few more each. As I was looking at the cards of the others to contemplate my turn, I was baffled to see a yellow 7 on Simon's hand (next to a yellow 2 that might have been playable) - that made me think that it was a variant where the numbers went up to 7. I asked him (knowing that he'd suspect he'd have a 7 in his hand) whether a 7 would be the last number in a sequence, but I don't remember the answer. Instead, I looked over at geoo's hand and saw an 8. Additionally I also noticed another 8 of the same color was already lying in the discard pile. The rest of the cards in their hands were low numbers - Simon or Forestidia hat 4 or 5 1s in different colors, all unplayable. Simon had a single playable card but due to him having multiple 2s and multiple yellow cards I could not think of a hint to give him. Forestidia had a blue 3 she could play, but for some reason I couldn't give her a hint either. geoo only had trash in his hand. Afterwards it feels like it's been pretty long (maybe about 10-15 minutes) until I actually resolved my turn by discarding a card from my hand (I had totally forgotten that was a thing! I also mentioned this to the others), it was a red 3.
Shortly thereafter I joined them for lunch, but strangely I only entered the kitchen/dining room (not sure which it was, so I'll refer to it as kitching room from here) when they were about to finish their meal. They had chili con carne with bread and rolls. After eating they proceeded to just chill and talk or discuss some topics. I don't remember what exactly, because I was suddenly playing the Lix Level Solving Contest #3 level because I had a flash of wit concerning a good solution. Halfway through though I noticed that one of the Lix in the left holding pit transformed into a shellless blue koopa (from Super Mario World). That annoyed me greatly because it would kick any Lix using a skill off the level, and if for some reason a koopa shell would land in that holding pit the koopa would kick it and pretty much get a strike on Lixes within that pit. I went over to Simon (he was kinda hanging out in the bathroom with the others, sitting on the edge of the bathtub) and complained about the random events in Lix and that he should take them away because it makes the game unpredictable. He seemed in favor of the idea.
Then I moved back into the kitching room and went to the toilet which strangely was placed in one corner of that room without any barriers. While I was doing my business Forestidia shamelessly just walked in on me (she definitely saw me through the open door) and picked up a tray on a side table that held various types of bread and rolls, presumably to have another portion of chili to go along with. That reminded me I hadn't eaten yet so my next plan was to ask Simon whether he still had a portion of chili I could eat. I walked into the living room where the others were (and strangely had my jacket on), a pair of black socks fell out of my pocket and Forestidia bent down to pick them up and return them to me. Simon was on the mobile phone talking to a colleague, and I overheard geoo and Forestidia talking about them having plans at 7pm (one of them possibly mentioned a funeral). Simon too said he'd be at a friend's wedding at 7pm and asked me if I wanted to join - it was the wedding of the friend asdfjklö (he told me the name but I forgot). I smirked and declined, saying it really didn't feel appropriate to crash the wedding of a person that was totally unknown to me.

All of that was pretty ridiculous, but it may be a sign of things yet to come. Stay tuned.

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2019, 05:53:06 am »
Well Ramon, that was certain hilarious. :o :P  You certainly didn't hold back; not sure I would share such details like peeing in Simon's kitchen in view of Forestidia. :-\

That said, it doesn't really sound too different from how I imagine a Simon visit would go--once you replace all the outrageous dream details with more normal happenings of course. :D  Like maybe you were throwing something into the garbage bin in the kitchen instead of peeing in a barrier-less toilet. :XD:

Offline Nessy

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #41 on: May 28, 2019, 01:48:13 am »
Had some interesting dreams recently worth talking about.

A while back I had a dream where I was in an uncertain location that I want to say was a miniature golf course. I don't remember actually playing any games and I was with someone but I don't remember who they were. The only thing I remember was being thirsty. Very thirsty, and I wasn't going to get a chance to get a refreshing drink of water for a long while. However, I did notice a facet sticking out of one of the walls that ran across the second floor of the golf course. There was also a somewhat rusty cup attached to a chain that was attached to the same wall. I decided to grab that cup, fill it with water from the facet, and drink (but please keep in mind that I would NEVER do that in real life no matter how thirsty I was :P). The water felt warm but it was drinkable for the first few seconds. Suddenly a horrible taste overwhelmed me. It was from the water and it was just plain disgusting. In fact, it was so disgusting that when I woke up I still had that horrible taste in my mouth. Believe it or not, it didn't go away until I had lunch that same day.

So fast forward to last night and something similar happened. This time I was at a party. It seemed somewhat fancy but not too fancy at the same time. I was sitting at a large table with people that I never saw the face of and we were waiting for dinner. Before the main course there was a tray placed in the center with some finger food. One of them was something that looked like a stick (like an actual small branch from a small tree) with either the logo of the person hosting the party or the name of that person. I took a bite and yet again that overwhelming disgust returned to me. This time the taste only lasted a little bit after waking up and not until mid-day.

Sooo... yeah. I'm thinking the second dream might have actually been caused by my brain remembering the first dream and trying to make sense of that stimuli by incorporating it into that other dream. This has actually happened several times in other dreams where I seem to remember a previous dream in another dream and they end up sharing that similar "plot".

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2019, 11:46:33 pm »
its' quite common for me to have a "repeat dream". As usual I cannot recall any offhand atm, but often I'll wake up remembering fragments and also feel strongly like I had that dream before; perhaps many times.

I've also occasionally had feelings that seemed to linger after waking, idk about for hours though.. but certainty in other terms. For example I felt weird all day after a night of not sleeping properly then with little sleep and bizarre dreams.

The most notable/fun example is when I have a dream that I'm falling, sometimes I wake up and still feel the feeling of movement or falling for a second or two after waking. And I can feel the shift in my body/mind from the "fake" falling state to being still in my bed.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
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"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline 607

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2019, 11:17:28 am »
The most notable/fun example is when I have a dream that I'm falling, sometimes I wake up and still feel the feeling of movement or falling for a second or two after waking. And I can feel the shift in my body/mind from the "fake" falling state to being still in my bed.
That sounds like hypnic jerk, to be honest, but I can imagine that you have dreams of falling! I don't think I've had many myself though, and I do experience hypnic jerk a few times a month.

Offline mobius

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2019, 11:03:45 pm »
The most notable/fun example is when I have a dream that I'm falling, sometimes I wake up and still feel the feeling of movement or falling for a second or two after waking. And I can feel the shift in my body/mind from the "fake" falling state to being still in my bed.
That sounds like hypnic jerk, to be honest, but I can imagine that you have dreams of falling! I don't think I've had many myself though, and I do experience hypnic jerk a few times a month.

I'm pretty confident these aren't hypnic jerks because I have those too, somewhat often. A hypnic jerk, as I understand it, is when you're in a state of half sleep (like when falling asleep) and a muscle twitches violently, often scaring you wide awake.
What I'm describing with my dreams has to do with specific illusory (for lack of a better word) feelings that are felt when dreaming. Like if you dream of flying (which I've never done btw :( ) you have a physical sensation of flying. Occasionally this feeling of movement carries over for a split second or two when I wake up (especially if I wake up during a dream) into the waking world.

Just as further interesting study: last year two separate times when meditating while also being sleep deprived (which I don't recommend btw) I experienced this exact dream-like illusory sensation of movement while sitting, still, up straight.  It was like my body was spinning around smoothly but it was only mental, as I didn't get sick or have any feeling in my stomach as one often does when actually spinning.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain