Lemmings on the Macintosh

Started by JasonXV, August 03, 2005, 11:44:29 PM

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Not many people use a Mac based computer, but here goes.

I have an old Apple Quadra (nostalgic purposes) running OS 8.

When I go to play Lemmings and Oh no! More Lemmings, it asks for a number or something from the manual.

But I bought the Quadra with Lemmings already built in. I didn't get the manual.

Does anyone know where I can get these numbers? Or even a PDF of the manual?
Or even hack the Mac Lemmings game?  :???:
Or apply a patch!

And no one had better suggest using Lemmings 95 or Lemmings on DOS. I actually do have those <and emulate an Amiga too, which is the best version ever apart from the SMS>.

Come on, be helpful!!!




If you have ResEdit:

Open the Lemmings application program, and open CODE resource #2.

At offset 0x1F58 (the offsets are the numbers running down the side that show you where you are in the code, change B06D DB60 670C to 3B40 DB60 4E75.

The dialogue box asking for a number will still show up, but you can type in any number and you'll be allowed in.


Thankies :D

But now I have another problem 8-)


After three or four levels, it just... DIES! >.<

Only a few songs play, including Just Dig!

On a side note, on an old Mac at school, Just Dig played the Can can music.'

This one I have plays a different song.

Could I have a bad "Music" file?



Sorry, that would be difficult. I guess you're new here, so I'll have to explain from the beginning..... I'm not at home any more, and won't be back until late September. I fell in love with a girl I met on another forum I frequent, and she lives in Australia and I in England, so we decided we'd have to meet up for a while in order to know if our relationship was going to go anywhere. It's going very well, but it does make it a bit tricky for me to access files that are on my computer at home......


WOW congrats!  :thumbsup:

I's got it fixed now any way, the Lemmings music file was altered slightly. The cure was to redownload Lemmings entirely.

But thanks :D

And good luck ^_^  :thumbsup:


There's another hack on the internet somewhere which makes the music work, but I forget it. I think it came from a similar source as the other one, but don't bother asking Ahribar cos it was me who sent it to him. Some walkthrough somewhere.


Going off topic slightly, how faithful is the Mac version? I've heard it can only have 80 lemmings on screen at one time.

Better then the NES's 16 though!


Well actually the PC DOS version also can only handle 80, it's mainly a performance thing I guess.

But it seems that the Mac is an interesting case where it's 3/4-way faithful.  There are some notable differences here and there, but overall it's far more similar to the Amiga/PC/etc. versions than say the NES.

I can't help but speculate that on the Mac, the vertical resolution might be lower or something, so that it's not exactly 160 pixels.  Which could potentially explain things like:

1) basher can bash without stopping after digging down 5 pixels on flat ground.  On PC/Amiga/etc., you need to dig down 6 pixels instead.

2) Tricky 13 ("Ozone Friendly Lemmings") requires 4 bombers to solve on the Mac, but 3 is sufficient on the PC.

3) Mayhem 26:  one of those "roots" protruding from ground can be walked through on PC/Amiga/etc., but can't on the Mac, causing the level to be much harder than intended on the Mac.

4) This is purely visual, but apparently, on the skills toolbar, single-digit numbers like 3 are displayed as " 3" (blank-3) rather than "03".


This is why I'm getting more and more intrigued about the Mac version.  Too bad I don't think there's a Mac emulator out there at this point, at least not for the PC.


Guess Mac was a little behind eh? But those are pretty minor.

I take it Custlemm is based on DOS Lemmings, then?


Quote from: ccexplore (not logged in)  link=1123112669/0#7 date=1127593960Too bad I don't think there's a Mac emulator out there at this point, at least not for the PC.
Actually, that might not be true after all.  Googling shows some possibilities on that end.  We'll see.

Of course, I'll still probably need to download the Mac version of Lemmings somewhere, not to mention potentially the need to download a suitable version of Mac OS or the like.


Even if there is though, good luck finding roms. Well, that's only an assumption really, but I've searched high and low for Acorn Archemedies roms and have had no luck, despite the emulator being there, haunting me. I can't imagine it being much different with Mac.

Ah well, the real thing is always better. :P


finlay, who is standing behind me, would like to remind everyone that the Mac version also has a really cool unique level (Going Their Separate Ways)  :D


Surprisingly, the Mac emulator thing went much further than I expected.  Check this out:


One really amazing thing about this is, for demo purposes they actually included the demo version of Mac ONML in the download!  (amongst a few other demo programs)

If it can run the demo version of ONML, hopefully it should have no problem with the full version, assuming I'm able to somehow get hold of the files.

This is a step closer now to having a Mac version of Lemmings and ONML on my PC, and see how the various challenges work out on the Mac.


I seem to have forgotten to make this clear:

The emulator mentioned above (Executor) does not require me to download any sort of ROMs or the Mac OS.

It seems that what they did is to provide their own implementation of the functionalities that reside in the ROM and OS.

This is primarily why I said I was surprised how far I have gotten with the Mac emulation thing.  I fully expected to have to spend an eternity finding an illegal download for the ROM and/or OS.


I found some downloads for Mac versions of Lemmings and ONML, unfortunately, they are compressed archives in the .SIT format.  StuffIt expander should be able to decompress them, but the one that comes with the Executor Mac emulator couldn't seem to do anything with them.

So I'm stuck with the demo ONML for now (thank god they have that at least!)

But even with just the demo, I have verified that many of the tricks/glitches that works on the PC and Amiga also works on the Mac.  I have verified in particular:

1) The Fun 6 glitch (screenshot)
2) The Tame 20 glitch (screenshot)
3) The miner glitch (used for example in Havoc 10 17/21, screenshot)
4) The Mayhem 10 glitch (screenshot)
5) The Wild 15 glitch (screenshot purposely withheld)
6) The glitch I used for the 1-builder 77/80 challenge to Mayhem 17 (screenshot purposely withheld)

I haven't verified more because I'm too impatient to solve the levels and don't have the access codes to go to any particular one in the demo.

Overall, I'd guess that many of the challenges that work for PC will have a good chance of working on the Mac also.