EGA pallet tilesets

Started by GigaLem, November 25, 2016, 01:27:51 AM

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Thanks to Plom for pallet editing you can use the EGA version of this tileset
[EDIT] fixed a piece with black space
[EDIT 5-12-2016] This thread will be renamed to "EGA pallet Tilesets"


I have now done dirt
Credit to plom for the edit


How exactly are you producing these palette changes? Do you have a way of mass recoloring, or must each object be palette swapped individually? (If you have someone doing these for you, who I assume to be plom, pass the question along to them, please).

My current methodology I've been using for the Genesis sets works okay for objects since there usually aren't many per set, but it would be an absolute nightmare for terrain. Fortunately that had already been done before I took them over.

Also, even though many of us are likely to be familiar with these sets, it would be a good idea to post screenshots showing them off (preferably of the product sets being used in NeoLemmix, not from the original EGA screenshots I gave you). If you want I can take care of that, though. I'd been wanting to make some new levels to show off the Genesis sets anyway (I *still* need to get around to fixing Pillar), so if these sets are compatible I should be able to take care of both at once sometime within the next week or so.

EDIT: Bug report: dirt_ega has a background color which I assume to be accidental (and is also notably very inaccurate). It should be set to black.


QuoteEDIT: Bug report: dirt_ega has a background color which I assume to be accidental (and is also notably very inaccurate). It should be set to black.

This isn't something that easily happens by accident. Since I doubt GigaLem did this intentionally, the most likely explanation is that GigaLem is not using an up-to-date version of GSTool. Older versions are known to cause this problem sometimes. I don't remember exactly when it was fixed, but I know none of V1.48, V10.010.010 or V10.010.011 have the bug.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Try to keep these maximally compatible with the default sets. I believe this is supposed to get easier when the new formats arrive, but since order is still dependent, your object order should match the defaults. If I change the set the level uses (by renaming whichever variant of "dirt" is in use, then selecting a different one when the editor asks for a replacement), the color palette should be the only observable change.

Considering the background issue, I have created a fixed version containing the following changes:
- The object ordering and naming now matches dirt and dirt_md
- The background has been changed to 0,0,0
- Mask/bridge color changed to 255,255,85 (my screenshots suggest 252,252,84 but this should match a color on the terrain and the terrain in this set uses 255,255,85. This is within reasonable error caused by emulation, however, and should probably not be messed with further). Reasoning for this change is shown in the attached screenshot.
- Fixed a terrain piece that was not recolored properly. Seems the orangey parts got recolored but the gray ones did not for some reason.

Finally, as an organizational note, I'd suggest keeping a collection of the styles somewhere you can download them all at once - perhaps a .zip with all of them? That can wait until they're all done, though.


Finally Felt like making another one, Now you can edit with the EGA crystal palette
Quick fix: forgot the colors


I forgot about this one honestly, here you go guys :thumbsup: