Tribes/Sports/Ceci n'est pas une pipe

Started by Deni, May 31, 2005, 03:36:43 PM

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Yep, the SNES version misnamed Sports #5 ["Blown Back"] as a second "Ceci n'est pas une pipe".


I checked a French dictionary, and "tuyau" is the word for a water pipe, but "pipe" is the word for a smoking pipe.

The title refers to Magritte's pipe pictures, which are of a smoking pipe -- so I guess the level designers were making a joke that works in English because we have the same word for both, but they didn't realise it doesn't work in French.

(Or maybe it's a deliberate double joke -- because a water pipe really is not "une pipe"!)


Yep! You're right!

But under Altavista, if I type "tuyau" and I translate it in english, it gives "pipe".

Arf... anyway, it doesn't matter! ;P
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Well, thanks for the quick lesson in French.  B)

Before this, I did once try Babelfishing the title as a phrase but got back "This is not a pipe".  Which had been very confusing until you guys pointed out the two kinds of "pipes" in English.


Well, Magritte has these pictures of a pipe (the smoking sort) with the caption "Ceci n'est pas une pipe". So you would  be equally confused by that, but the point (in so far as there is one) is that it really isn't a pipe -- it's a picture of a pipe. A similar thing applies to the level......


Cool, a lesson on French and another on art!



It was a lesson for me too though.... I'd seen the picture of that level several times and it never occurred to me that "pipe" isn't the correct word for a water pipe.


Quote from: Isu  link=1117553805/0#1 date=1117561186If I could get my Amiga emulator working I might be able to give you a more detailed explanation
Yaaay! I got WinUAE to work using roms found on that site. See, the roms I had weren't actually proper roms :x

P.S I'm now working on recreating the classic tribe in cheapo. (Since DragonsLover doesn't seem to care anymore (no offense :D))

Edit: Did I say classic? I meant sports! :P)


Quote from: Isu  link=1117553805/15#22 date=1118077725
(Since DragonsLover doesn't seem to care anymore (no offense :D))

About what? :???:
And did you pay to get WinUAE to run? Because, it requires Kickstart Roms and those are impossible to find because they're illegal to download.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Quote from: DragonsLover  link=1117553805/15#23 date=1118078535And did you pay to get WinUAE to run? Because, it requires Kickstart Roms and those are impossible to find because they're illegal to download.
Nothing is impossible to find on the 'net, if you look hard enough.......


Quote from: DragonsLover  link=1117553805/15#23 date=1118078535
About what? :???:

X_X Were you not recreating the tribes sets in cheapo?
I'm sorry if it wasn't you ,but I'm darned sure that someone else here was.

In answer to your second point; I honestly can't remember where I got the Kickstart rom from, but if I could, I wouldnt tell you :P


Quote from: Isu  link=1117553805/15#25 date=1118088862X_X Were you not recreating the tribes sets in cheapo?
I'm sorry if it wasn't you ,but I'm darned sure that someone else here was.
Well, a board-wide forum search over the last 300 days with the words "tribe" and "cheapo" comes up with no posts about re-creations (excluding these few posts we made), so looks like that "someone else" can only be found in your head.  ;P



Quote from: Isu  link=1117553805/15#25 date=1118088862
X_X Were you not recreating the tribes sets in cheapo?
I'm sorry if it wasn't you ,but I'm darned sure that someone else here was.

Ok, yeah. It was me!

But unfortunately, I can't play and edit anything anymore for now because I changed place! I'm in Montreal now and I haven't my father's computer. I'll be back editing musics and levels in one year and sometimes I'll go back at home too. I'm studying in Level Designing in video games.
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Quote from: DragonsLover  link=1117553805/15#28 date=1118154951But unfortunately, I can't play and edit anything anymore for now because I changed place! I'm in Montreal now and I haven't my father's computer. I'll be back editing musics and levels in one year and sometimes I'll go back at home too. I'm studying in Level Designing in video games.
At the risk of being a little insensitive......

Isn't it time to consider getting your own computer?

Just a thought.  I understand it may not be a viable option at this point.