CustLemm Level List Game

Started by Shvegait, April 27, 2005, 01:58:04 AM

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The very, very, very first prototype of the level placed the exit, not buried, directly underneath the one pixel gap. What I thought happened was a non-floater splatted if it hit the ground, but a floater jumped into the exit before one could build ramps -- the idea being that you had to time a bomber to blow a hole under the exit to send the floater down for buiilding ramps.

It all imploded when I discovered non-floaters could exit like this.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


If the level were such that the exit were a couple pixels to the right (I know they are moved 8 at a time, so other parts of the level would have to be moved, but hear me out), then even a floater building right away would be forced to exit, and you'd still need to bomb to prevent the floater from exiting.

I might try making a level like this sometime and see if this actually works out.


Quote from: Shvegait  link=1114567084/75#76 date=1119556214If the level were such that the exit were a couple pixels to the right (I know they are moved 8 at a time, so other parts of the level would have to be moved, but hear me out), then even a floater building right away would be forced to exit, and you'd still need to bomb to prevent the floater from exiting.

I might try making a level like this sometime and see if this actually works out.
Just be aware it might be possible to send down a floater facing left instead of right.  Of course there are many ways to prevent that fact from becoming a backroute, just keep that possibility in mind.


:) ok  yeah i didn't realise this topic existed...

I locked the other topic that i made, since it's pointless

isteve01 - level 10 - "Why Can't They Just Run?"

5 - Climbers
40 - Floaters
10 - Bombers
5 - Block
20 - Build
10 - Bash

Lemmings - 80
Save - 100%
RR - 1
Time - 1 Minute

Good:Brilliant level. My second favourite level in this levelpak (first - rhapsody). This is the kind of level that would be really easy if you had more time, even with 2 minutes this could be really easy, but instead you have to find a quicker way. Took me a few turns to realise what to do, took me about 30 turns to actually get it right.

Also the level is nice and simple, looks good, with for whatever reason strange dangly things up the top left

Bad: Pedantic - the top entrance should be moved down 1 pixel and the bottom one should be moved up. Also it does get frustrating after a while, there was always a lemming that turned away from the exit.

oh and Steve what is the actual intended solution for "Turning around demo #172"...I assume that it is just to get the lemmings up the top to build a wall to stop the left lemmings...



Quote from: tumble_weed  link=1114567084/75#78 date=1119608959Also it does get frustrating after a while, there was always a lemming that turned away from the exit.
Hmm, sounds like your solution is way more interesting than what Insane Steve wrote in his walkthrough for that set......


Ya, my solution for that one is just an unfair trick, although now that I know it can be solved without that trick, I'm a bit curious how that works. I should try passing it without the trick.

I'ma ctually a bit relieved that the level is possible without using that solution. Back when I was a LemEdit tyro, I thought that was a clever trick, but now I realise it's more unfair than clever.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


If you're going to try that, I also suggest switching the order of the two entrances and see if you can still pass the level. If that works then you have a viable way to eliminate the "backroute" of using the cheap trick you had in your walkthrough.

I was going to play around with the level, but I need to strongly resist the urge to download and run custlemm while at work......  ;P


haha...i reaslise upter i posted that last night that there was a text file that came with your level pak...

I was surprised that your intended solution was....pretty stupid...maybe to get rid of the cheap solution you should have the exit around 10 seconds further away than it is....(or maybe less) i finished with 11 seconds

My Solution:

Make the first lemming a basher, bash almost from a lemmings width from the wall when he has finished bashing he should be almost in the middle of the vertical pipe.

Build one step where you are, you should knock your head then turn back, just as the knocks his head build again. Do this until there are 4 steps, he should now walk towards the exit.

The next lemming should do the same. build up like this until he gets stuck in the pipe. (you could probably try to do this with the first lemming only, but i used 2 lemmings because when they passed eachother it made it hard to select the right lemming).

Once you're in the pipe make that lemming a climber then the next lemming to pass the group of stairs should bash through them and make a clear path to the exit. Around here you should set the RR to 99.

when you are climbing through the pipe. you should bash to the right when you are almost at the pipe T-intersection...(thats the hard part). This should make a hole between the bottom of the upper horizontal pipe and about 4 pixels from the top of this pipe.

Build up until you are high enough to bash more through the pipe, this should free the top lemmings, this is hard. They should all go to the exit...try not to get any lemmings turning to the left as you cant turn them around.


and are we doing another pak after this?


Quote from: tumble_weed  link=1114567084/75#82 date=1119665847I was surprised that your intended solution was....pretty stupid...maybe to get rid of the cheap solution you should have the exit around 10 seconds further away than it is....(or maybe less) i finished with 11 seconds
No, the best way to get rid of the solution is just to switch the order of the entrances.  That way you start off with a lemming on top which would make it impossible to get 100% using the cheap trick.  And time isn't an issue since you have enough left and you can adjust the release rate to avoid having to wait for the first lemming out of the bottom entrance.

I just independently solved the level (ie. I solved it before your post arrived).  The basic concept is of course the same, but I did end up only 9 seconds left, perhaps partly because I wasn't as aggressive in raising the release rate.  I also sent two lemmings up the column rather than just one, which probably makes things far trickier than necessary (doh!), though it still worked out fine.  I was going to e-mail Insane Steve some screenshots, but since you pretty much spelled out a complete solution I wouldn't need to do that anymore.

You might be able to avoid the problem of lemmings going left if, when you are at the very top and about to break open the way for the upper lemmings, you bash left rather than right.


well going right, i think is easier, since thats the direction you gotta go anyway. You just need to make sure there aren't lemmings between the pipe and the top-right pipe, either that or you have to make sure you build the stairs in such a way that the have to hit the left side of the bashed hole in the pipe so they have to turn right...

The point is this solution is way better than steve's real solution  :P

so...uh...lets do another pak ... ...


Can I recommend Garjen00.dat? I'd like to review the first level if that's OK.



Garjen00 - Level 1: Look out below!  
50 Lems  
100% to save  
RR: 1
Time: 2 minutes  
Skills: 20 climbers, 5 builders, 1 miner, 1 digger

This was the first level I ever played on CustLemm. It had me completely stumped then, it had me stumped a couple months ago, but the solution came to me today out of nowhere (I had thought of suggesting this as a pack, but I wouldn't want to suggest it without beating the first level! So I went and did that first).

Good: Very clever use of the tools and the placement of the three trapdoors. Small, compact, and still challenging (I wonder if others found it easy though). You have to think to use a tool in a place where it is not completely obvious.

Bad: Some of the tools (3 of the builders) must very obviously be used in certain places. That's about it :P


i just played look out below!

that's a really really good level...and i remember thinking that a few years ago when i first played it...the solution definitly isn't any where close to what i first thought


moving on...

Garjen00 - level 2 - "Look Familiar? LOOK AGAIN!"

5 - Block
Lemmings - 50
Save - 90%
RR - 99
Time - 1 Minute

Bad: well pretty much most of it. All it is is a clicking test, not really that difficult and nowhere near as good as the level before

Good: Nice level design  ;P, at least makes you think about the route you take and makes you take the path with the least turns


Garjen00 - Level 3: Lemming Cathodes
50 Lems
100% to save
RR: 90
Time: 1 minute
Skills: 10 diggers

First CustLemm level I beat :P

Good: Really cool level design. Nice use of the crystal set. Plus it's small :)

Bad: The solution is straightforward and ignores much of the level.