CustLemm Level List Game

Started by Shvegait, April 27, 2005, 01:58:04 AM

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Now level 6 is just plain annoying, has anyone passed it?


Level 6 is annoying. I keep building bridges to save the left and right groups but the bombers keep exploding in the wrong place and it's annoying having to hold the middle groups in a safe place. Did somebody manage levels 8,9 or 10?

MC Marshy

Shveg02 - Level 6: Destined for Death

Number of Lemmings: 80
Save: 64/80
RR: 50
Time: 4 minutes
Skills:2 climbers,2 floaters,20 bombers,30 builders

Good: Good symmetrical design, nice title, multi-tasking also

Bad: Long and tedious especially with all the builders and placing those bombers gets somewhat annoying so if you make a mistake you have to start all over again


Tseug, could you PM me your solution for level 5? I don't play CustLemm so it can hardly matter giving it away...... and I've had an idea and want to know if it's the right one.


I passed level 7 once but the precision is slightly annoying. Who else has passed it?


I've passed all but 6 and 10.

I'm not doing level 7 because I want to do level 8. JM why don't you review it?

EDIT: PM sent Ahribar

[edit]314 posts!!! the day after pi day!! :) :) :)[/edit]


Shveg02 - Level 7: In need of guidance...

Number of Lemmings: 80
Save: 90%
Release Rate: 70
Time: 1 minute
Skills: 2 climbers,1 of everything else but floater

Good: The title suits the level, uses a trick that turns lemmings around, good design too

Bad: The precision is rather annoying

If you have solved Geoopk0 Level 8 "Finding a place to stay" then take a look at this level

After I solved "Finding a place to stay" I managed to eventually solve this one


OK, my idea for Level 5 wasn't anything like the real solution, but probably I overestimated the safe fall distance.  :P


Tseug you can now do Level 8  :)

Who has passed level 9?

EDIT: I managed Level 10. I now know how to solve it ;)


Oh.... I think I backrouted level 7.

[highlight]Dig away the edge of the steel.[/highlight]


Shveg02 - Level 8 : Mining (co)operation

Number of Lemmings: 20
Save: 95%
Release Rate: 85
Time: 2 minutes
Skills: 10 floaters, 1 builder, 1 baasher, 10 miners

Good: Good title. :) Very nice scenery, and a good puzzle.

Bad: I backrouted it. My solution could have saved 100%.

I don't remember exactly how I did it, so I'd have to do it again...


Yes, digging away that which is not supposed to be diggable is of course a backroute. I could extend the steel area for that part, I suppose. (Or is there anything else that could prevent it? Your description wasn't very clear as to what you do... which edge? etc.)

And yeah, one lemming is supposed to die in level 8, with all tools used. I had a lot of trouble eliminating backroutes on it, so I'm not surprised there are still some.


[highlight]Digging away the left edge of the steel allows a blocker placed next to the trap to turn the lems around.[/highlight]


Oh, of course! I haven't played the level in so long that I just wasn't thinking why the steel is there in the first place. ;)


I managed to pass level 9 and 10 in the end. Who else passed them?