CustLemm Level List Game

Started by Shvegait, April 27, 2005, 01:58:04 AM

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Perhaps if it was opened as a 2KB individual level file in WinLemm, and set at the smallest graphics size, with the window maximised and at a high enough screen resolution, you could capture the entire level at once.


I've just been doing Ctrl+F5's in DOSBox for each level (CustLemm), then cropping those screenshots (they are 320x200, go to Attributes in Paint, set height down to 160) and merging them (select all, copy/paste). It actually doesn't take long at all.


Timb01 - Level 5: Lost Mines - Lemming cooperation

60 Lems
66% to save
RR: 40
Time: 6 mins

Skills: 6 builders, 4 bashers, 1 of everything else

Good: It's not immediately obvious how to save the lower group of lemmings. Limited number of skills makes you have to think how to use them. Better than the earlier levels :)

Bad: Only 66%? 100% would be a challenge. You can get the lower group of lemmings into the upper exit easily (backroute?), with builders and bashers to spare (Easy to fix with one-way walls).


  Timb01 Level 6 - Lost Mines - The Ruins of Lem
  Save: 5/10
  Time: 6 minutes
  RR: 1
    Blockers: 1
    Builders: 15
    Bashers: 5
    Miners: 1

  Good: A nice and short layout to get through.

  Bad: Certainly easier than most of the levels before it, and far too generous with the statistics. And why only 50%? I saved 100% in just under 1:30, and with 10 builders to spare! Still, it's a good practice level.


Timb01 Level 7: Lost Mines - down,around,through

50 Lems
60% to save
RR: 60
Time: 5 mins
Skills: 1 bomber, 1 blocker, 15 builders

Good: Furthers the journey of the lemmings in this pack. Lemmings have to go in a circle to get to the exit. The volcano is kind of cool (though irrelevant).

Bad: Yet another level where one lemming does all the building. Boring and obvious! Extra time, extra builders, and why only 60%? Also, the terrain looks a little shoddy. (Don't take offense, I know your second pack is better :) )

NOTE: I changed the directory structure of the pictures so they're more organized, in directories with the name of the pack and files with just the number of the level and the file extension. So instead of timb01-1.png, use timb01/1.png. This will make it more organized when there are more files. (So that's why your pictures aren't showing, Conway. Sorry bout that.)


  Timb01 Level 8 - Into the Underground Ruins
  Save: 78/80
  Time: 6 minutes
  RR: 60
    Bombers: 2
    Blockers: 2
    Builders: 3
    Bashers: 2
    Miners: 1
    Diggers: 1

  Good: A nice variety of terrain pieces, and it has a nice no-builder backroute.

  Bad: Far too easy, especaily for the last level of the pack!


OK. Timb01's review is complete. Now on to Conway01.

Conway01 Level 1 - Up and away

10 Lems
100% to save
RR: 79
Time: 1 minute
Skills: 10 climbers, 10 floaters, 1 builder

Good: A nice simple level to start out the pack. Also a good warm-up for precisely placing a builder.

Bad: Design looks almost too simple. If you forget to raise the release rate, you're 1 second short, and need to try to place that builder again! Clearly that's intentional based on the odd number 79, but it's still evil!

Is anyone else going to jump in on this game? It will go faster if we have more than two reviewers per pack! If you haven't played these levels, now's your chance. And if you have, it shouldn't be much work to cook up a small review. :)


Well, as soon as I get some computer issues worked out, I will be able to transfer files around again. &#A0;I can't do that now. &#A0;I'm sure Conway has made some good levels-better than those ones I made for sure.

Oh, and a note, if I can get the order in which levels are played, I'll arrange my packs by difficulty...I guess.

What happens to level 0 anyway?


Quote from: Shvegait  link=1114567084/15#21 date=1115088011If you forget to raise the release rate, you're 1 second short, and need to try to place that builder again!
Given that this is a one minute level, if you really are foolish enough to not raise the release rate, I'd say you deserve the punishment.   :P :devil:  :D

And I have to say that, as a person who's not particularly artistic or visual-oriented, I don't think the level is too horrible visually, just a little plain that's all.  I can certainly understand why a level designer would not want to waste too much time on adding pointless visuals, however spectacular, that adds nothing to the puzzle, especially on the first level of a pack (after all, save the best ones for later, right?).


Quote from: guest  link=1114567084/15#23 date=1115115212And I have to say that, as a person who's not particularly artistic or visual-oriented, I don't think the level is too horrible visually, just a little plain that's all.
Well actually I do have one specific gripe about the visuals of that level.  I don't like the way he omits the right ends of the horizontal pillars, it just looks really odd to me, and I see no puzzle-specific reasons to omit them.

(By "end" I'm talking about the structure seen in, for example, the left side of the horizontal pillar below the exit.)


Now you mention it, the level does look a little odd. I guess I was still getting used to arranging the terrain artistically.

  Timballisto, are you referring to the numbers beside the levels in Lemedit? The levels are displayed in the order they are played in Custlemm. #0 in Lemedit is level 1, #1 is level 2, ect.


Added a bunch of level pics to // :)

Insane Steve, it seems my versions of your packs are somewhat corrupted (Game crashed on Level 3 and beyond on ISteve02.dat). Is there some place I can find working versions of your packs?

Still need someone to help review Conway's pack...



Oh. How do you play your own levels? And do you mean you don't as in you're not willing to...?

Well, any other takers? Please  B)


Okay, I'll do Level 2, but I haven't played anything past level 5 in this pack, so when you're that far you'd be on your own.

Level 2: Don't want to give too much away

Skills: 10 of everything

Number of lemmings: 20
100% to be saved
Release Rate: 20
Time: 3 minutes

Good: Nice and attractive level design, perfect for it's position in the pack. The time limit's nice 'n' tight too!

Bad: I dont know the 'Over' solution.