Oh No More Lemmings 26 song soundtrack

Started by jkapp76, February 15, 2015, 02:39:20 AM

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Here is a link to my high quality SNES\ACORN soundtrack containing 26 tracks instead of the 6 tracks DOS and Amiga have.

These are edited to loop perfectly with Super Lemmini or Lemmix. They are OGG format and converted from SNES music mods.
These are identical to the Acorn tracks, but make use of more than 3 channels at times, and have a slightly higher quality.

...Jeremy Kapp


Quote from: jkapp76 on February 15, 2015, 02:39:20 AM

Here is a link to my high quality SNES soundtrack containing 26 tracks instead of the 6 tracks DOS and Amiga have.

These are edited to loop perfectly with Lemmini or Super lemmini. They are OGG format and converted from the original SNES music files extracted from the cartridge.


Where did you get the original files from? I'm 99.999% sure that ONML was never released for the SNES. What you used was almost certainly an SNES conversion of the Acorn Archimedes version's soundtrack.

Lemmini doesn't support OGG files; only SuperLemmini does. If you want to support both, you can use the MOD files that are attached to this post, which are from the Archimedes version.


I downloaded the music from the SNES cartridge, or so it was called, from...


Then I used an SPC utility to convert it to WAV... then I changed it to OGG. My goal was to change the SNES samples to hi def digital modern samples and create a super soundtrack... I made one, but it was not super.

I will check out your Archimedes Mods files... I love these 26 tracks...


...Jeremy Kapp


Quote from: jkapp76 on February 15, 2015, 11:25:51 PM
I downloaded the music from the SNES cartridge, or so it was called, from...


Then I used an SPC utility to convert it to WAV... then I changed it to OGG. My goal was to change the SNES samples to hi def digital modern samples and create a super soundtrack... I made one, but it was not super.
The closest that page (or the download) comes to claiming that the music is from an SNES game is its title, "Oh No! More Lemmings! (SNES)". If you look up a list of all SNES games ever released, you will not find ONML. Also, in case you haven't noticed yet, that site is meant to host modding resources for Super Mario World and a few other Mario games, and the music files there are designed to be inserted into ROM hacks and are usually not exact rips of other SNES games. A site like SNESmusic.org is where you'd go if you want the latter (and no, you won't find ONML there).

Quote from: jkapp76 on February 15, 2015, 11:25:51 PM
I will check out your Archimedes Mods files... I love these 26 tracks...
Those MOD files were ripped by ccexplore, not me.


Wow, I never even noticed that. However, I do believe these SNES tracks are the best, clearest versions of these songs.
...Jeremy Kapp


I downloaded The MOD version of the Acorn songs you mentioned.
These sound great, but some tracks lose parts of the song, like track 05, about 13 seconds in loses the drums for a few seconds. others lose Bass or drums...

The originals do not cut out.

I am highly interested in making an Acorn soundtrack that is perfect.

I can extract the tracks as WAV or OGG, but I'd like to know how to export them as MOD.

Any ideas? My version retains all the music parts, but the volume level is lower and speed is slower... I am going to redo this, but I want to check for some feedback from you guys before I do.

...Jeremy Kapp


The files that I linked to are the exact, unaltered original MOD files that the Acorn Archimedes version used, albeit split into multiple files (since the true originals were combined into two files for each game, but were still in MOD format). Yes, even the instances where instruments seem to drop out briefly happen in the originals; that was done by the arranger to stay within a three-channel limit, which was necessary for technical reasons. (If you don't believe me, watch this video, which shows gameplay of the first six levels. The sound quality isn't the best, but if you skip to 7:19, you can still tell that the example that you've given exists there too.)

If you still believe that those MOD files were somehow altered or ripped inaccurately, contact ccexplore.

And please don't assume that the SPCs that you linked to are the originals. They're not; they're just some files that someone made for Super Mario World hackers who wish to use that music. And that version is definitely altered; many of those songs were extended and made to use more channels.

If you're interested in modifying the MOD files, you can open them in a "tracker" such as OpenMPT. Note that all of those MODs have only four channels, so that's all that you'll see initially when you open them. To change a song's channel count in OpenMPT, go to the "General" tab and click "Song Properties". Near the top of the dialog box, you should see a drop-down menu that lets you choose how many channels you want.


The irony is that while they are pretty good, AFAIK only the Acorn Archimedes version of ONML ever featured these songs; the other ports that most people have played with used a totally different set of songs and thus many people might not even recognized these as ONML. :XD: (Then again, maybe not a bad thing as opinions regarding the "usual" set seems lukewarm at best.)


I like these songs.
I'm not a purist, I don't care which is original... I only want the best sounding version in my game.

I wanted to make a full set of Midi versions of these songs with awesome modern sound, but my songs were having problems.

I found these SNES versions, whatever they really are, and only focused on them because they seem better and use enough channels to cause no drop-outs. I seem to be among few who are interested in these tracks.

I'm just another Lemmings NUT who recently found Super Lemmini... So I'm in this "Gotta have every option" mode right now.

I'm very happy with Super Lemmini AND the Acorn song rips...


...Jeremy Kapp


Okay, I edited my first post here and changed the link to my latest and final version of the songs.

After hearing the Acorn tracks I sped up my versions to match and raised the volume a bit too.

Tracks 5, 12, and 18 have additional instruments, or no dropped out instruments. Track 15 plays longer. Some have stereo separation.

These mostly sound exactly the same as the Acorn originals, but have a better range, bass, highs, and stereo effects.

I'm not sure if anyone is interested in these, but I put a bit of time into them and I offer them here.

...Jeremy Kapp


Just for reference - looping OGGS also work perfectly fine with Lemmix and NeoLemmix too, providing you're using at least a semi-recent version. (V23 or higher of traditional Lemmix / V1.24n or higher of NeoLemmix). So if you're making packs on those, you can use these musics there too. :)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I know I haven't documented this yet, but SuperLemmini provides a way for music in sampled formats like WAV and OGG to have an intro that plays only once: Place the intro in a separate file that has the same name as the main file but with "_intro" added to the end of the name. So, for example, if you have a song with the name "mysong.ogg", you would place the intro in another file called "mysong_intro.ogg". The song that's included in the Genesis pack utilizes this feature.

You should update the debriefings section of your levelpack.ini. The format was changed at some point to take advantage of line-break support, and the old format (which your file uses) is no longer supported.


Can you explain to me how to update this section?
...Jeremy Kapp


Just replace the section with the one from the current ONML levelpack.ini. In case you don't have it right now, here's what it currently looks like:

# debriefings
failureA = Oh dear, not even one poor Lemming\nsaved. Try a little harder next time.
failureB = Yes, well, err, erm, maybe that is\nNOT the way to do this level.
failureC = We are not too impressed with your\nattempt at that level!
failureD = Getting close. You are either pretty\ngood, or simply lucky.
failureE = Shame, You were short by a tiny amount.\nGo for it this time.
successA = Just made it by the skin of your\nteeth. Time to progress..
successB = More than enough. You have the makings\nof a master Lemmings player.
successC = What a fine display of Lemming control.\nTake a bow then carry on with the game.
successD = WOW! You saved every Lemming.\nTOTALLY EXCELLENT!