This sucks

Started by Timballisto, February 22, 2005, 10:16:52 AM

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Hey.  I have some kind of stupid disease.  I keep throwing up, only now my stomach is empty, and my body keeps trying to throw up and nothing comes out.  It's painful.  Any advice please?  Any good antacids?


Aww! Sorry to hear that. What is the illness called?

  Please get well soon! :-(

  PS: I have been suffering from chronic sinusitis for the passed three years, and highly uncomfortable stomach acid for about nine months. As a result, I can't drink fizzy drinks, and I've only recently been able to drink hot drinks because my sinuses at the back of my nose feel constantly blocked. But recently the stomach acid has been more annoying. I sometimes throw up because of it too.

  Anyway, I hope you feel better soon.


I hope you'll feel better! That's really bad! :-(

Let's hope that you'll not X_X (naaa, that's a joke man)!
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Quote from: Timballisto  link=1109067412/0#0 date=1109067412Hey.  I have some kind of stupid disease.  I keep throwing up, only now my stomach is empty, and my body keeps trying to throw up and nothing comes out.  It's painful.  Any advice please?  Any good antacids?
Shouldn't you go see a doctor about this?  It might be more than just an acidity problem.

There are over-the-counter anti-nausea medicine to temporarily relative throwing up, though I haven't used any myself so no recommendations.  It is also said that ginger has some ability at suppressing nausea.  But again, all this is only treating the symptom not necessarily the underlying disease which at this point hasn't even been properly diagnosed yet.  Which is where the doctor comes in.


Stop dying >:|

Seriously though, I'd get it checked.


Well, it's been a couple of days.  I've gotten better almost completely, and I had a version of the twenty-four hour flu.

Oh, and we're missing a patch of carpet now.

Conway, whatever you have it sounds way way way worse than what I had!  You should probably have it checked if you haven't already!


I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. B)

  I've been to several trips to the doctor's surgery and local hospital, and they can't seem to find the problem. I can only guess it's sinusitis because I read an article about it in the paper and it sounds like exactly what I've got. But I spoke to a chemist about it two days ago and they said it could be rhinitus. So I don't know. I've booked another appointment at the hospital to discuss it further, now I just have to wait and find out when they can fit me in.

  Anyway, it's cool that yours isn't long-trem!


I had the same thing, but worse than timballisto.
Quote from when this whole thing started for me at 10:30 PM. *walks to the bathroom(timballlisto is in it.* "Hey, could you hurry up, I gotta *PUKE* "
Timballisto said i sounded like someone spilling a glass of water.
(thank you for putting the old milies back. thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you...


Even though I'm not sick as in :x sick, Since September I've been going to school each term, staying perfectly fine for a week, then coming down with a cold. I then go back after a week, the cold hides out somewhere for another three weeks and I come down with it again. Extremely annoying. Every time I've been to the doctors with it they've always said it's viral. I don't trust doctors as much now because several years ago I went to the doctors with some kind of tonsilitus. We were told it was viral. I go to the doctors again in two weeks. It turned out to be quincy's. If my Mum had left the antibiotics one more night I would have had to have my tonsils out X_X


I stopped trusting doctors ever since my GP read my palm. I went in with a serious problem, and the guy read my palm! That\s beyond quackdom, that\s just crazy.


What, like a fortune teller? What country was it in? Did he ask for your star sign as well? O_o

  Oh, and AstraLemming, colds are evil!


It was way out there in North East England.


...he read your palm...yeah, that is definitely not right.  X|


This was two years ago... at the time I had panic disorder, so as with a lot of GPs he probably thought it was just one of those hypochondrial things that softies get, and he must have thought that I'd have been open to some new-age healing. Thanks for patronising me, doc!

I've known of quite a few people who have been given terrible advice by doctors. You wonder how they end up in these jobs.


My doctor didn't say much today-details below(of why I was there.)-
I got some wierd virus... It's really STUPID. The first part that showed itself was a case of Conjunctivitus, then a really clogged nose, then a fever, then a sore throat, then I got REALLY, REALLY tired and a tad dizzy. then I felt sorta sick, disoriented, lethargic, weak, and most of all, very tired.
The next day, everyone but me went somewhere and had fun. why did this virus choose this week? I stayed home and I read for about 13 and a half hours straight.

[-NOTE-I think Advil is very good.-NOTE-]