Level pack topic

Started by Timballisto, July 02, 2004, 01:50:41 AM

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I think that glitch is fairly well known (steel glitch, right?). It does require some precision but it seems like more of a multitasking level. It was a bit of a pain to pull off, particularly annoying because I saw the solution very quickly. All it needs are some red herrings, that would make it a pretty good level.


You made anymore levels yet Tseug?


Quote from: tseug link=1089136533/510#510 date=1133419014I think that glitch is fairly well known (steel glitch, right?). It does require some precision but it seems like more of a multitasking level. It was a bit of a pain to pull off, particularly annoying because I saw the solution very quickly. All it needs are some red herrings, that would make it a pretty good level.

Normally it should require also another glitch than the "dig trough steel" glitch...could you PM me your solution?

MC Marshy (not signed on)(Guest)

I have nearly finished making my 3rd levelpak and I hope to release it in a few days here are the following names

Let's go to the moon (Level from the Genesis version of Lemmings)
Go out for a walk? (Also from Genesis)
Salvage Boat (Also from Genesis)
Don't leave any lemmings (Also from Genesis)
Room with no exit (Also from Genesis)
Only two minutes (Similar to "Mayhem 16" but very straightforward)
Compression Period (A short level where you have to place two blockers then bomb one of them to free all the lemmings when they leave the trapdoor)
Marshall's Lemmings (A small level that's not bad looking)
You got a murder scene there (Small level where you have to turn the lemmings around with no blockers saving 100%

I just have one level left to do and I'm working on that now


I designed an almost complete level at school today. It was mostly during english. It's amazing what boredom can do, I figured out how to implement a trick that seemed nearly impossible to use before (english is an about an hour btw). Now I'll make it.

EDIT: I started making it and it uses the hell set, which will probably make up at least a third of my pack. So far no onml gfx sets they just aren't that great for my kind of level making.

MC Marshy (not signed on)(Guest)

I've finished my 3rd levelpak and uploaded it to The Lemmings File Portal. The levelpak is Marshy03.dat

I hope you like it  ;)


I skimmed through and my favorite is level 9. I think I can see lots of backroutes in the other ones (that's normal, don't worry ;)) but the only level I've tried besides 9 is 10.

I've played through 1-5 trying to save as many as possible (always fun). I lost one on level 4. The others were 100%.

Level 6 took one minute flat. The title seems a bit off.

100% on level 10, but I can't seem to lose fewer than 6 on level 8. Gnnngnngn...

100% on 7. 9 was a bit annoying, but it was satisfying after I did it.
Overall it was good. I had fun playing it. It would have been better though if you upped the % to save on some of the later levels. This concludes my review of the pack.


I said "almost" in my other post. So that's what it is. ;)


Level 10 seems to have a few backroutes but the scenery is pretty cool. Level 9 seems tricky but Level 10 is probably my favourite level. I need to make more levels for my upcoming levelpak. Marshy's levelpak is not bad.

Level 7 seems a bit too simple because some of the skills are just not needed to pass the level. Level 8 seems fairly easy but the first time I played it I passed it. I was sure that next to the exits would be some traps. Has a nice title too. Level 3 seems pretty straightfoward but I'm sure there's a backroute or two on Level 5. We could review this levelpak in the Custlemm level list game later on in the future.

How many levels have you made now Tseug?


For level 10 I just bashed through the steel. :P

I have made 6 levels and one is in progress. I spend a lot of time going over my previous levels so new ones take a while.

MC Marshy

Thanks for the comments on my 3rd levelpak.

I hope my future levels are better than my first 3 packs. I haven't started work on any yet but 1 and 2 were made a few months ago. I'm glad I made a few Genesis remakes as I love the Genesis levels they are so cool. Tseug I'll be glad when you finish your levelpak I'd like to take a good look at it.

Leviathan (@ school)(Guest)

I've created a new level that should need a little bit of testing :)

I couldn't think of a descent title so for now it's called "climb and no life"

It uses the roman set and it does "use" some of the missing terrain pieces you have in Genesis and not in Lemedit...I found a way to fabricate them with normal pieces by blackening the right parts :)

If no backroutes are present,the level should require a few neat tricks,but no glitches.

Leviathan (@ school)(Guest)

At the moment I hit the "post" button I realized I didn't tell where to find the level...
It's available at the lemmings file portal under the name "canl.dat"


Well, I completely backdoored it: [highlight]Have the lemmings at the right mine and bash to the exit, the lemmings from the left dig twice to get into the cell at the bottom. Have one lemming from the right build over the exit to the bottom of this cell. After hitting his head, have him build again and then bash to free the other lemmings. That's all.[/highlight]


The level looks good. Nice title too  :)


The first part of the solution is intended altough it should require crowd control untill the basher is done.
The second part should make use of the left side of the terrain :)