Level pack topic

Started by Timballisto, July 02, 2004, 01:50:41 AM

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Yes please! My address is in my profile.

  edit: Thanks dude! :)


Hey everyone! I've decided to do something I haven't done in ages, and do something in Lemedit. Here it is! Warning! Do not assume for one minute that it is possible to pass. I have just spent the past four hours trying to make sure it's possible, and still not passed. I've edited it slightly where necessary, but I still haven't managed it. I can only assume it's passable because I've gotten very close and had only my own fatigue to let me down. So, if you're up for a challenge, download the sucker and see if you can pass my own level before me!


Quote from: Conway  link=1089136533/45#46 date=1105134862So, if you're up for a challenge, download the sucker and see if you can pass my own level before me!
Well, the level has been solved, but I have a feeling probably not in the way you intended...... ;)  Did you upload the right version of the level?

I'll e-mail some screenshots.

The sad thing is, it still took over 3+ hours for me to solve it the way I did.  It's amazing how much better Cheapo is at handling your mouse clicks.  And I sorely missed the replay feature......


Please also tell me how you solved it. I'm pretty sure there's only one way.


I looked at Conway's level... and thought about it for a while... and just gave up because I don't have as much time for Lemmings fan levels as I'd like. It's a brilliant level design, though.  :D

I have something like 3 levels in a LemEdit pack (#10) that I haven't touched in a while. I really like one of them, also. Meh.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


In case anyone's interested, I have realized that level isn't possible (unless you know the very sneaky trick backroute which I don't know how to eliminate without drastically altering the level's appearance). Here is the update! I haven't passed this one either, but it has to be possible!

  edit: Yep, it's possible!


Quote from: Conway  link=1089136533/45#50 date=1105214743In case anyone's interested, I have realized that level isn't possible
Not true anymore.  I've found another way to solve your original level that is again not your intended solution.  Moreover, the same solution works with your updated level too!  :P

(Check your e-mail...)


Thanks to Guest for his/her patience with my level. I think it's finally backroute-proof. (besides the trick with bashing through the steel at the top). Download!


I've finished my second level pack. Hopefully on the whole it's harder than the first, although a couple of the levels may have backroutes.

Also, here's a working link to my updated first levelpack (I haven't updated it since then, but the link didn't work right.)

First pack:

New pack:

I've looked at that new level of yours, Conway, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet. I figure I'll go back to it once I've beaten all of your other levels first, if that ever happens  X_X

Edit: Fixed a backroute in one level of 02 and changed the order of some of the levels.


Guess what! I've just found a backroute in 'Out of the frying pan'! I have now fixed it and here it is in my first levelpack in almost a year.

  Good luck! Any questions, just ask.


Ooo, new levels &#A0;:)

I just beat "Out of the fryingpan" a few days ago (awesome level!), but it felt right... I'm wondering what the backroute was. (Edit: No I'm not! Because of course I beat it using the backroute &#A0;X_X Edit2: I just looked at the revised level and figured out the real solution after a few attempts. At least the backroute wasn't thaaat different, although the trick it used wasn't quite as cool... and the title of the level is meaningless with the backroute :P)

Oh, also, I've just finished my third levelpack. The last couple levels I threw in were sort of rushed (three of the levels are repeats of levels from my 01 pack with different time, tools, etc.), since I had to go back to school and I don't have a serial mouse for my laptop. I could only work on levels on my parents' old 166 MHz Gateway 2000... so I wanted to get the pack done before I went back, and barely managed. But a few of the levels are pretty cool and challenging, so please check it out! And they were mostly thoroughly tested... by my sister anyway, and she's good at finding backroutes, but never the intended solution ;)

Well, here it is (shveg03.dat), please let me know if anyone finds what they think is a backroute. :)

NOTE: Level 3 "Another Impasse" should only give you 2 builders, NOT 3, so just pretend for now that you only have 2 builders and refuse to use the 3rd. Level 8 "Take the stairs!" has a weird screen start, not sure why I didn't fix it. The "repeat" levels are 3, 4, and 6, repeating levels 3, 1, and 9 from my 01 pack, respectively.

I guess it's time for Cheapo&#A0;:devil: if I have the time and motivation, that is...


Out of the Frying Pan is still one of my favorite levels from any author anywhere in Lemmings, Cheapo or LemEdit. A VERY clever trick.

New LemEdit packs. Haven't seen those in a while. /me stares at "ISteve10.dat" and the three and a half levels it contains

Ya, I must finish Set #10 sometime.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Nice pack, Conway. I just have levels 4, 9, and 10 to go (yes, I followed your instructions and gave up on #4, it was just frustrating me...) Level 7 "Let's refer to them as A,B,C & D" is quite a fun level! Level 8 was pretty cool. Level 3 seemed really easy for some reason...

Bahhh, already found a couple backroutes in my levels... but I will keep the link up until I'm able to correct them.

Out of curiosity, has anyone tried my 2nd or 3rd packs yet and have any comments?


Please tell me how you passed 'Let's refer to them as ABC&D' and 'Can't find any Gaps', just in case there are backroutes.


Thanks to Shvegait for finding a backroute to level 8 of my new levelpack! I've just altered it and re-uploaded it. It now allows only one minute to complete. Same url Please let me know if another backroute is found and/or the intended solution.