Lemmings Plus Series

Started by namida, December 15, 2014, 11:57:16 AM

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Which level did you find harder?

Lemmings Plus Omega II, Sharp 18 "Insanity Plea"
3 (50%)
Lemmings Plus Alpha, Obliteration 14 "Wasted Talent"
3 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 6


Quote(LPII didn't have an every-rank-repeat!).

It did back in the original version, Floater Frenzy. ;)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I recently played Puzzling 5 ("No Rush") in LPO. I found out that that level used to contain slowfreeze but not anymore since you've removed that and radiation from NeoLemmix. However, the level still remains in the pack with seemingly no changes made other than that, and now it's far too easy even considering the talisman solution.


It wasn't a particularly hard level before that either, to be fair.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Alright, the March solution batch isn't entirely complete: I'll post my 63/70 replay solutions from Lemmings Plus Omega II now so they're at least safe here. This is clearly the hardest large namida pack for NeoLemmix, and it's possible that I'll take a look at the remaining levels at a later date, but for now I'm okay just for collecting these solutions.

I was a pre-release tester of this pack, and here's how I played first time after the initial release of the pack.
A speciality of LPOII is an uneven levels per rating distribution with 15/15/20/20 levels across four main ratings.

Levels I didn't solve yet are Coarse 13: Oh No! Space Zombies!, Spiky 17: Brute Force, Sharp 13: It's Zombie Time!, Sharp 14: Death Trap, Sharp 15: A Huge Incon-bee-nience, Sharp 18: Insanity Plea and Sharp 19: Struck Out.

Comments on some of the levels (contain spoilers):

Fluffy 10: Cell Network - It's a puzzle! Asymmetric solution in a symmetric level, oh yeah.

Coarse 5: Tactical Drops - An original and clever no-skill level, and not too frustrating.

Spiky 5: Mushroom Rock Road - I didn't solve this before, quite a solution right there! Probably not the intended one. :P
Spiky 7: Worker Segregation - I didn't solve this before, the key was to realize that a glider survives the drop from left to right.
Spiky 14: Hot Plate - I didn't solve this before, it's great!
Spiky 20: Scenic Route - I didn't solve this before, the time limit is tight, yeah.

Sharp 3: Ground Zero - I had to re-solve this due to radiation objects changing to fire traps, the same luck-relied beginning is there, I changed builder to a platformer at the end.
Sharp 4: Nom Nom Nom - I didn't solve this before. No idea why it took so long from me, the solution wasn't that complex in the end.
Sharp 5: Not Gonna Fly - I didn't solve this before. I didn't like the luck-based grindy timing solution that I found, I suspect there's a different one.
Sharp 6: It's Not Meant To Bee - I didn't solve this before, it's great!
Sharp 8: Roster Shuffle - I didn't solve this before. The beginning has this common mind game: you can let that one lemming die and use builder, which is slower than platformer. Climber-holding pit looks very natural in the starting area.
Sharp 9: Lem 51 - I didn't solve this before, it was a bit pain to execute the timing.
Sharp 10: Sweet Tooth - I had to re-solve this for whatever reason, my solution is pretty much the same than it always was.
Sharp 12: Drawing Dead - I didn't solve this before, the main trick is tremendous.
Sharp 16: The Lemming Mangler - I didn't solve this before. This is a rare level I think I've somehow got spoiled, not sure from where (a YouTube video thumbnail probably).
Sharp 17: Broken Arrow - I didn't solve this before, but got the main details already back then, executed now just a bit more efficiently. Tough timing there.

And there it is! Starting from last September, I've now played all eight large Lemmings Plus packs, and it was tough seven months. I'm pretty satisfied with the outcome so far (733/740 solved), even though there's still 7 remaining levels in the last pack, but I'm happy to have cleared completely all the other entries. :)


In response to some of your comments,

Spiky 5 "Mushroom Rock Road" - This level is an "if it works, it's valid" level, although your solution is pretty similar to my own replay anyway.
Spiky 7 "Worker Segregation" - It's easy to overlook this, because the glider only survives that gap if the platformer's placed at least one brick already. ;) But that is indeed the intended solution.

Sharp 5 "That's Not Gonna Fly" - The timing works out a little bit nicer if you make the first lemming dig, in a spot where the second lemming will make it past to the right but the third will turn around and make it past to the left. But overall, your solution is indeed the intended one.
Sharp 12 "Drawing Dead" - This is usually considered the second-hardest level in LPO2 (and by extension, in the entire LP series), behind only Sharp 18 "Insanity Plea", so well done on solving it. :D
Sharp 16 "Lemming Mangler" - There was a previous level by someone else that I got the main trick from (this level simply uses it as part of a bigger solution, instead of "the trick is the level"), so maybe you're thinking of that?
Sharp 17 "Broken Arrow" - That's... not the intended way to do it. Although I'm not updating LPO2 anymore, so it remains anyway.

Broken Arrow
The intended way is to use two platformers over the first gap, similar to Spiky 15 "Don't Forget" (the name is specifically hinting at that another level later uses the trick again ;) ). The digger then starts far enough left to trap all lemmings other than the two platformers, and bashes through the whole way to where the sign is with a single basher. From there, it's the same as your solution, minus the platforming over the acid under the sign - instead, the bomber hole is done early enough that no lemmings will ever go to that acid, instead just entering an infinite safe loop until the final builder is used. Not sure how clearly I described it, so check my solution replays on the first page if you want.

I assume you won't - but if you want hints for any of the remaining ones, let me know. I will note that one of them - Insanity Plea - if I remember correctly, has still only ever been solved by one person (IchoTolot).
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I played a side entry in Lemmings Plus series, Holiday Lemmings Plus, in one evening in the beginning of this year. Again, I don't think I've posted my solutions for these earlier, even though I remember having played this pack and getting stuck in Arctic 4: Miracle Drop few years ago. My solutions for all 12 levels are attached.

Arctic 5: Dream Parade - The hardest level and solved as last, indeed some of the skill assignments are precise, great level nevertheless!
Arctic 6: A World Between Us - Another nice one, maybe a bit open-ended having many solutins.


Lemmings Plus Compressed has been updated to include some Lemmings Plus VI levels. The Lemmings Plus VI download itself, now includes the music. Also, the All Lemmings Plus Packs download has been updated to include Lemmings Plus Alpha.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)



I'm happy to say that I recently completed Lemmings Plus II :-) That was a hard effort in the Genius rank and while I'm not sure if I found some new solutions (https://www.youtube.com/user/Vidusaka) I definitely heavily backrouted some levels. Some thoughts to some chosen levels.

Nice 14: While being very simple, I really like the visual concept of this level. A really "nice" idea.

Nice 16: After completing this level, I was sure that Lemmings Plus II will not be a cakewalk. By choosing the right exit I probably overcomplicated it a bit, but I perceived this level as a noticeable step-up in difficulty.

Nice 18: When I startet this levelpack I had the ambition to collect all the talismans too, but I gave up when I played "Megalemmings". Maybe I come back to this later, but for the moment I ask myself how this is possible.

Cheeky 5: This is a beautiful level. Not overly complicated to figure out and well-placed in early Cheeky Rank, but based on a good concept. For an unexperienced Lemmings player I feel, this one could be a serious hurdle, just like "Postcard from Lemmingland" in the original game.

Cheeky 6: I admit something: I always attach great importance to level names. If someone tells me the name of a specific Level in the original game or ONML (or Namidas first two packs since I already played them) I know immediately which level  is meant. That's not the case if someone tells me the name of the difficulty and the number (just like Taxing 5 or so). That said, I absolutely appreciate the name of this level here. I think it fits perfectly. The concept is also good, although the difficulty could be tad higher.

Cheeky 15: This is a hard one. It reminded me a little of "Express Lane" in LP 1 and I think I did it the intended way (I saw different solutions when matched it with others later)

Cheeky 16: Too easy in my opinion. But I understand your concept to intersperse some breather levels now and then.

Cheeky 17: I thought I backrouted this, but then I saw I unintentionally found the talisman-solution.

Cheeky 20: A Lemmings-about-town-Level, but more complicated in my opinion. This was not easy to figure out, for me, it's the hardest level in this rank.

Sneaky 5: This is one of the true gems in LP II. A very well-crafted level with a not-easy-to-find 100-percent solution. Also, a very good title.

Sneaky 9: Going through the right side, I'm sure I backrouted this. A good one, though.

Sneaky 11: I hard a very hard time figuring this one out. I just couldn't find a solution how to bring the lemmings to the Top Deck" I learned something new from this level. This one (and Cheeky 14) taught me that it's better to bomb from top to bottom that the other way round, when it's about creating a path.

Sneaky 18: A very clever puzzle. One of my favourite Sneaky-levels.

Cunning 4: This is definitely a loved-it-or-hate-it level, one that would be impossible to do in the original Lemmings with timed bombers. I haved mixed feelings about it. I really DO appreciate the concept, it's really sublime. On the other side, the execution was a pain. In the end, I did it from only one side which made things easier.

Cunning 5: I was surprised how easy this level was for me. I read about the difficulty level of this one before, but at least for me, this didn't confirm.

Cunning 8: This was a major step in the entire pack for me. In my opinion, this level is too hard for cunning. The approach is really exceptional and, moreover, based on a glitch, I believe.

Cunning 9: After "The Takeover" this was a nice breather. It's actually too easy for its position - even easier than "Going up" in the OG which it seems to be inspired of.

Cunning 11: Another very difficult level: I just wasn't able to get along with three builders without the Lemming turning around in the beginning - which was obviously intended. The solutions to this tooks some time since it's a not-so-often-used trick.

Cunning 12: An awesome level. I did it differently than what I've seen in other videos and went through the middle (by using a steel glitch). I'm not quite sure if this is a backroute or just a different solution.

Cunning 15: Lovely level. Bleak design, few skills - but a solution which is not so easy to find.

Genius 4: When I solved this, I immediately knew that I heavily backrouted it. I just couldn't believe that this was possible here.

Genius 6: I also backrouted this one unintentionally which led to the fact that I didn't perceive the actual beauty of this level - since this level seems to be pretty popular. As well as....

Genius 8: ..this one which I can well understand. The solutions tend to be slightly different, but all follow more or less the same path - a path that is truly brilliant. I like it more than "Fallen" in LP I which was obviously a hard contender in the best-level-contest.

Genius 10: I'm a big fan of the No-Time-To-Die-Levels and wish there would be more of them. I like it when SOME lemmings have to prepare the path by doing DIFFERENT things simultaneously. I highlighted the two words since I very much dislike levels in which ALL Lemmings have to do the SAME things (like the "We all fall down" levels in OG or "Wall of Wisdom in LP 1"). With Genius 10, I solved it through the left side which is probably not the intended solution.

Genius 16: Very easy in my opinion and a nice breather between all those hard Genius-levels.

Genius 17: As a No-Builder-Level I like To The End! a bit better, but this one is also great. It doesn't belong to the hardest genius levels (in my opinion), though.

Genius 18: Except Cunning 8, no level took me longer than this one. I had major problems to even bring the lemmings to the ground and it taught me a new trick by the way.  But even after that it took me a long time to realise the importance of the release-rate in this level.

Genius 19: For this one being the hardest level of the pack, I did it surprisingly quick. I did it a little different since I sent two lemmings to the ground in the beginning which also worked. Nevertheless, a very good level.

Genius 20. The final level might not be the hardest in Genius, but it's certainly one of my favourites. I personally like it when levels have multiple solutions  - as long as they aren't easy to find and therefore can't be considered backroutes. That's why "Psycho 11" is probably may favourite level in the last rank of LP Plus 1 and that's why Genius 20 is at least among the best in LP Plus II

Thanks for your attention, Swerdis.


QuoteNice 16: After completing this level, I was sure that Lemmings Plus II will not be a cakewalk. By choosing the right exit I probably overcomplicated it a bit, but I perceived this level as a noticeable step-up in difficulty.

Definitely overcomplicating things there. The middle exit is very easy to get to. (Unless you're getting mixed up with Nice 15 which doesn't have a middle exit?)

QuoteCheeky 5: This is a beautiful level. Not overly complicated to figure out and well-placed in early Cheeky Rank, but based on a good concept. For an unexperienced Lemmings player I feel, this one could be a serious hurdle, just like "Postcard from Lemmingland" in the original game.

This is one with a few ways to solve it. As you might have seen, this one was voted as the 2nd-best level in LPII, behind only Genius 8 "Panic Attack".

QuoteCheeky 6: I admit something: I always attach great importance to level names. If someone tells me the name of a specific Level in the original game or ONML (or Namidas first two packs since I already played them) I know immediately which level  is meant. That's not the case if someone tells me the name of the difficulty and the number (just like Taxing 5 or so). That said, I absolutely appreciate the name of this level here. I think it fits perfectly. The concept is also good, although the difficulty could be tad higher.

The name is actually a reference to the quite similar MazuLems level "It's Raining Lemmings".

QuoteCunning 4: This is definitely a loved-it-or-hate-it level, one that would be impossible to do in the original Lemmings with timed bombers. I haved mixed feelings about it. I really DO appreciate the concept, it's really sublime. On the other side, the execution was a pain. In the end, I did it from only one side which made things easier.

I don't know of anyone who did both sides separately, to be honest. The usual approach is to merge the sides, then use the last few lemmings coming across as the bombers to create the path.

QuoteCunning 8: This was a major step in the entire pack for me. In my opinion, this level is too hard for cunning. The approach is really exceptional and, moreover, based on a glitch, I believe.
Cunning 12: An awesome level. I did it differently than what I've seen in other videos and went through the middle (by using a steel glitch). I'm not quite sure if this is a backroute or just a different solution.

I don't see anything that would be considered a glitch in your videos for either of these (although I only skimmed Cunning 12's video). However, generally, any level where I give heaps of all skills, it's an "anything goes" level, and Cunning 12 is no exception.

QuoteGenius 4: When I solved this, I immediately knew that I heavily backrouted it. I just couldn't believe that this was possible here.

Yeah, that's a backroute. Amazingly, this backroute has existed since the very first release of Lemmings Plus II (as far as I can tell - I didn't actually get out the old version and try it), but was only first discovered a few months back, when I found it myself while messing around. As a rule though, I generally only do backroute fixes for my latest one or two packs (right now, I'd probably fix any backroutes in Alpha, and severe backroutes in LPVI).

QuoteGenius 6: I also backrouted this one unintentionally which led to the fact that I didn't perceive the actual beauty of this level - since this level seems to be pretty popular. As well as....

Okay, and this backroute also almost certainly was possible in the original release too (unless a time limit prevented it, maybe, but I can't see the intended solution being done quicker than this); but this one was *completely* unknown to me until now. By the way, I notice in your video here, that you put the RR up to 99 by clicking and holding on the + button. NeoLemmix has a shortcut for this - you can right-click the release rate icons to instantly set it to minimum or maximum (depending which icon you click). And on another note - I notice when you did the digger-basher staircase, you had the digger dig 5 pixels before bashing - lemmings can step up 6 pixels.

QuoteGenius 8: ..this one which I can well understand. The solutions tend to be slightly different, but all follow more or less the same path - a path that is truly brilliant. I like it more than "Fallen" in LP I which was obviously a hard contender in the best-level-contest.

Some people would probably still consider this my best level of all time, so you're not alone there. :)

QuoteGenius 10: I'm a big fan of the No-Time-To-Die-Levels and wish there would be more of them.

I have some good news for you then - every main-series Lemmings Plus pack contains a No Time To Die level (with LPI, as you know, containing two).

QuoteGenius 20. The final level might not be the hardest in Genius[...]

It's very rare for the final level in one of my packs, to be the hardest level. The only packs of mine where the final level is even a contender for "hardest level in the pack" are Lemmings Plus III (where it's somewhat debatable) and Doomsday Lemmings (where the final level is definitely the hardest). For a while - Lemmings Plus Omega, IV, V and Omega II - I did have a thing of always making the final level really big and intimidating, but it still wouldn't be the hardest. I've ditched this approach on newer packs; with LPVI's final level being tiny, and LPA's final level being somewhat large but nowhere near the size of the "huge final levels" in the aforementioned packs.

Anyway, glad to see you enjoyed it! Lemmings Plus II is the last of my packs that sticks mostly to the classic mechanics - Lemmings Plus III starts to make use of the new object types (but still sticks to the 8 classic skills), and everything else goes full NeoLemmix. (This is actually because LPI and LPII were created before NeoLemmix existed; and LPIII was created very early in NeoLemmix's existance, before it gained any new skills - for quite a long time Lemmings Plus III was actually the only NeoLemmix pack.)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Note to self: When looking over LPIV to see if it can benefit from use of nine-slicing / etc, also address this: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=4052.0
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


These have been updated for NeoLemmix V12.7.X.

Aside from minor compatibility tweaks, and some tidyup (eg. resizable objects are now used in many places that previously used multiple objects - a long-overdue change), two levels have more significant changes:
- Lemmings Plus V, Edgy 9 "Critical Approach", is now slightly harder (1 Climber + 1 Miner removed).
- Lemmings Plus Omega, Mental 19 "Splittin' Like Crazy" has been removed. The replacement level, which you may recognize from the recent contest, is "The Embiggening Of The Cromulent".
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Some All-Save solutions for some of the more challenging LPI Wimpy levels No Salvation II, Labyrinth of Despair, A Magician Would Be Handy (this is my favourite level from this pack so far!), One Step At A Time, It's A Strange Land plus a 3-minute solution for Counterlogical.

Really enjoyed playing through these, I'll come back at some point and see if I can get the Counterlogical 0-Floater Talisman.

I like this pack so far. It definitely has that classic Lemmings feel to it; the levels are quite abstract and have simple, clear layouts. There are also often plenty of possible solutions which is good for the early ranks. Looking forward to taking on Medi!


QuoteSome All-Save solutions for (...) One Step At A Time

You realise that level requires saving all, right? :P

I'll check these out a bit later. :)
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I want to reiterate something I said earlier: I don't understand why Puzzling 5 ("No Rush") is still in LPO. Back when it had the slowfreeze it probably felt like a real level, but not anymore. It feels downright broken rather than just really easy (I've played tutorial levels that were harder).


Great point. In the latest series of updates, I've now gotten rid of it.

I've uploaded updates for every NeoLemmix pack except Lemmings Plus I and II.

In the case of Lemmings Plus Omega, two levels (plus an earlier repeat of one of these) have terrain alterations to account for the glider bug fix, and two levels (one of which is "No Rush"; the other is "Stormy Ascent") have been replaced altogether.

Lemmings Plus Alpha also has adjustments to one level which broke.

Lemmings Plus Compressed has been adjusted to match.

Lemmings Plus III, IV, V, Holiday, Omega and Omega II have had the custom skill panel graphics from the old-formats versions restored.

And Lemmings Plus VI now also has custom panel graphics, which are completely new.

Updated replays will follow shortly. EDIT: Updated replays are up.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)