Lemmings Plus Series

Started by namida, December 15, 2014, 11:57:16 AM

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Which level did you find harder?

Lemmings Plus Omega II, Sharp 18 "Insanity Plea"
3 (50%)
Lemmings Plus Alpha, Obliteration 14 "Wasted Talent"
3 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 6


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Hi namida,

I have completed the first two ranks of LPO2. Replays attached and of course some feedback. Also, you already know, but for anyone else who's interested, here's my LP

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJtmylOFBwlFaSELAAa5I9Mx. Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

LPO2 is currently the third-to-last pack (with LPVI and LPA after, though there could be a LPVII in the future) in the Lemmings Plus series, as well as the second pack in the Omega series and sequel to LPO. Unlike other packs, LPO2 has a total of 70 levels across four ranks with an unequal number of levels: The first two ranks, Fluffy and Coarse, have 15 levels each, while the last two ranks, Spiky and Sharp, have 20 levels each. Currently, I'm nearly halfway through the Spiky rank, and will absolutely look forward to the remaining levels of the pack and seeing if I can get them solved! :thumbsup: Namida classes the pack's difficulty as extreme , but so far I haven't felt that's been the case, though that's probably because I have yet to be in the extremely difficult parts of the pack.

So far, this pack is quite high on my favorites list! :thumbsup: No doubt that I will definitely be struggling a lot pretty soon, though it's possible that I might just rip through the remainder of the pack. Who knows, but we'll see ;)

Fluffy Rank Feedback

The first rank of LPO2, in my experiences I would have to say the levels here are comparable in difficulty to the first rank of LPV. IMHO these levels felt a bit easier than those LPV levels, key word being "felt." Most definitely the hardest level of the rank I say would have to be Fluffy 10, as I really struggled here, though that's before I stopped to think about how to go about the level by logical deduction. Once I did that, then I saw that it's not super hard at all. The only other level that took a while here was Fluffy 15, but that's because I immediately went for the challenge solution of saving everyone, including all cloners. If you don't go for this, then it's a very easy level for the rank finisher, as you only need to save 1.


Fluffy 1 - Easy As A, Bee, C Nice level to start off the pack! The only hard part might be to figure out how to build to get up the level, but fortunately there is a way to have a spare builder in the end so that you don't necessarily end up using all of them.

Fluffy 4 - Dual Destinies Another good level, though a minor gripe I have is that it's hard to tell if climbers will be able to glide and land on the other side of the gap in the middle. The precision can definitely be lessened and it can be made a bit clearer.

Fluffy 5 - Backroute THIS! I'm going to assume that any solution is valid here from the level title. Not too hard but it's not trivial by any means. Perhaps the talisman solution isn't that much harder from any solution that can be found, though I haven't checked what it is.

Fluffy 6 - Yes We Can! Nice way you threw in two complete red herring skills in the skillset to throw players off :laugh: The nice thing is that you get to pick which skill(s) you want to be the useless one(s).

Fluffy 7 - I'll Bee On My Way Wow, I like this one! :thumbsup: I really like the cloning of the fencer on the other side of the wall to get to the exit and also for the fencer on the left side to connect with the fencer coming from the right so that they don't end up too high to splat from the fall.

Fluffy 8 - Bottom Of The Shaft The only hard part is here sending up two climbers close to one another so that you can stone the one behind high enough for the first climber to land on it to platform across to land on top of the wall. The rest of the level follows easily from this. Great level!

Fluffy 9 - Make The Right Choice I wasn't sure if it was intentional for the crowd to survive the fall after using a builder and platformer on top of the wall in the middle. I watched Icho's solution after I solved this, and he did it the exact same way as me. Then I watched another solution (I think nin10doadict's?) and saw that it seems that other ways are possible by setting up a way to stop the splatting from the far left structure. This seems more intended to me.

Fluffy 10 - Cell Network The hardest level of the rank IMO, and certainly to novice players it might even seem completely impossible. I struggled here for a while until I stopped to think about how to go about the level, which was to use the bottom lemmings to prepare the route so that they can stop the upper lemmings after they have dug for a while. Before this, I kept thinking to make them "waste" or not use a skill efficiently and hence why I kept coming up short on skills. Nice level!

Fluffy 11 - Edge Of The Universe Another great level though for some reason I kept thinking to assign the glider before he even falls off the starting platform on the right side :forehead: Here, is the locked RR absolutely necessary? ??? I can't see any backroutes that could result from it not being locked.

Fluffy 12 - Having A Blast Another one of my absolute favorites of the rank! :thumbsup: The only hard part of the solution is making two go out to the left while making sure the rest go out to the right to be contained at the bottom, but even this isn't too hard to achieve. I really like bombing a faller for the first wall to allow the platformer to get on through to patch up the gap at the bottom in the middle area with a builder.

Fluffy 13 - This Is A Zombee Level Seems like the intended solution involves freeing the zombie on top to have it die to the one-time bee trap, but it's definitely possible to solve the level without doing that by having the lemmings pass by the zombie at the right time so that they don't get infected. Seems like it's guaranteed to work every time when you use the blocker to get everyone all bunched up, though the first platformer assignment might need to be tweaked a bit if it doesn't work.

Fluffy 14 - Faster Than Light I actually played nin10doadict's 30 second level from his Lemmings Squared pack which he claims he made as retaliation of your level first long before I played this level of yours. I don't remember how long it took me, but I don't think it took long at all. So, when I played this level of yours and literally solved it in 2 mins, I was very confused what he found very annoying about this level. As he explained on Discord, he spent like 45 minutes failing on it because he didn't think to simply go over the top of the wall. I think certainly if you were given a minute like on "Straightforward" in Pimolems or the one from Mazulems then it should be possible to go through the wall at the bottom part way before surfacing at the top, but with only half the amount of time given I never considered going through the wall. Let's say I've played too many levels of this kind before so therefore I know what works despite how I haven't played something like this in a while ;) Interestingly enough, it still took me about a good 10-15 minutes to remember how to do Pieuw's level, and this was me coming to this level long after I gave Swerdis and David hints on it when they went through the pack! :laugh:

It's amazing that the final lemming of the crowd exited right when the timer was up! :laugh:

Fluffy 15 - Drop Them Lems Again Again, a really easy level if you don't go for the challenge solution of saving everyone plus all the cloners since you only need to save 1 similar to the level from LPO, but it becomes a much more significant challenge when you go for the maximum save. This took me about a good half hour as a result. During the process, I kept realizing better and more efficient ways to save skills, such as how to save the walkers to make the splatforms and the stacking to make turn around points. For the part on the bottom right, I could had used a stacker to ensure that it won't be splat height, especially since it wasn't clear at all with the builders I used there that it's enough to prevent the splatting. 

Coarse Rank Feedback

Levels are just a tad bit harder here, but IMO not a whole lot harder than the ones in the previous rank. Coarse 14 is probably the hardest level of the rank, though I've already used solution elements to solve a level from Crane's Cranium Preview pack before, and hence the only reason I got stuck here was due to that solution escaping me for a long time :XD: So, it's not a very hard level but it's still challenging IMO since it's a hard to see solution.

Lots of great levels in this rank! :thumbsup:


Coarse 1 - Space Oddity Another great rank starter! Not a hard solution to figure out, although I at first used the first platformer at the wrong spot instead of for the gap at the bottom. That digger at the top to destroy the wall to allow the contained crowd before the exit to release them is clever.

Coarse 2 - Eat Me Seems like I backrouted this completely :P Still, nice level.

Coarse 3 - A Mind Of Their Own Seems like the intention is to use the builder staircase to keep the fencer going in order to make things easier. It's possible to solve the level without this, though this seems like it makes it just a tad bit harder. Once again, another good level.

Coarse 4 - Call Of A Desperate Lemming Another quick solve, though I still say this isn't easy. I'm actually really surprised this was one nin10doadict couldn't solve. I'm sure he came really close a few times, though. Most certainly the hardest part is simply preparing the gaps/splatform on time before you end up losing too many, which is easy for it to happen despite the RR being the equivalent of RR1 on Old Formats NL.

Coarse 5 - Tactical Drops Wow, very nice no skills level and the best one so far I've played to date (I think the only other one I've played is from Strato's Paralems pack). It's really just a puzzle involving figuring out how to get the preplaced athlete past both the trap and teleporter at the start, as well as how to get to the buttons that the preplace lemming himself cannot push. Once you achieve that, the rest is easy, though as namida told me on Discord my back and forth maxing out the RR and dropping it back to the default was absolutely unnecessary, as really all one needs to do is to set the RR high enough so that every other lemming gets killed by the trap but not so high that lemmings will slip by the teleporter too.

Coarse 6 - The Arcade Not a very hard level but it's still isn't easy. I did have some trouble figuring out how to a get lemming on the exit platform to go in the right direction to build a landing platform for the others, but then I remember building and mining into steel to achieve that. Nice level.

Coarse 7 - Race Condition Another level that I was stuck on longer than usual, but that's because I kept seeing that the builder kept on splatting after building and hence I got very confused as to how to get him down to the other parts of the level to place the stackers to keep the digger going. I really like the use of the blocker here to hold him in place in order to allow the digger to catch up so that once freed the other lemming won't get himself into danger. I really like the way the timing works out when the solution comes together!

Due to the splatting, I think the precision here can be reduced to allow more leeway in allowing him to drop down safely :)

Coarse 8 - Stolen Valor Another nice level, though losses do add up quicker than I think they do. I really like the basher to remove the terrain underneath the splat pad so that everyone else doesn't splat, though this seems a bit precise to place but it's not too big of a deal since there is frame stepping to help with it. I also like using a walker to turn a lemming around on the far right to get into position to bomb through to the exit. That part is a bit tight, though, as you have to be pretty quick with those skill assignments.

Coarse 9 - Deep Exploration Ok, I watched my solution and for some reason didn't realize I was a dumb dumb and that I didn't need to do the whole maxing out the RR at the start and that instead never realized that I bombed the wrong floater :forehead: Instead, I found another solution where the timing is far tighter and as a result had some super precise skill assignments and hence it was all self-inflicted :XD: Still a nice level though.

Coarse 10 - Sharp Minded Lemming Nice medium difficulty where the solution becomes quite clear once you realize the basher is for the very long green section. Before, I thought that the solution involved going over the top to destroy the OWW from the other side, but this is completely wrong. I momentarily forgot that left OWAs don't stop diggers :forehead:

Coarse 11 - Compression Chamber Another great level. Certainly the hardest part is figuring out how to contain the crowd, and I can definitely see this one leaving novices at a complete loss. However, I learned the trick of a stoner being able to connect with the ground if you do it one pixel above the ground from Strato's LWT pack, so that wasn't the hardest part for me. Instead, I struggled far more with how to release the crowd once the path is done. I also incorrectly thought to clone the glider at the start for the second stoner on the left side, but then I realized a much more efficient way to contain the crowd by stoning underneath the entrance. Then it was just a matter of realizing that you must clone the miner late enough so that everyone can step up into the miner tunnels and that the platformer will be low enough to destroy the stoner that's holding back the crowd.

Coarse 12 - Lemming All-Sorts O.o I really like this one too! :thumbsup: I figured out the bashing out the two blockers pretty quickly, but it took me a bit of time to figure out the glider at the top is enough to get across the water gap so that no blocker is necessary to turn him around :forehead: The rest was an easy solve after that realization.

Coarse 13 - Oh No! Space Zombies! Nice short level that's hard only if you don't realize to assign a stoner to a digger that's still facing downwards after he has broken through the terrain so that he goes through the ohno animation. I remembered this from watching your intended solution to the final level of Doomsday Lemmings from a while back, though it kind of helps that there's a level from Armani's Xmas 2021 pack that requires something similar. The rest should be very easy after one realizes this.

Coarse 14 - USS Lemnterprise My first roadblock of the pack, though that's because the solution escaped me for quite a while. The solution is definitely reminiscent of the Tricky 18 no bomber solution which is enforced in Crane's Cranium Preview pack which I greatly struggled with as well. Both levels are typical looks very simple but is deceivingly hard. After finally realizing it's just that trick from Crane's level, turns out it's not a very hard level but it's still challenging IMO. I ultimately like this solution where the crowd goes on a bit of a detour which allows the basher just enough time to get through the wall. Even then, I still tried a lot of other stuff by seeing if there might possibly be something hidden, but no, no nasty tricks or elements. Just a very hard to see solution, though just with the builders. The digger and basher are obvious once you realize the only way is through the big wall on the bottom right.

Coarse 15 - The Troublesome Trio Strike Back To round off the rank is an excellent level and another great favorite of mine :thumbsup: I really like how the different specialists do different parts of the level to keep everyone safe and then everyone eventually converges on the bottom right to get to the exit. The hardest part to see here was building in such a way at the bottom middle area so that you don't get across the water completely but the glider is able to since he opens up his glide early enough so that he doesn't land in the water, while the swimmer can simply access the water and make his way to the bottom right to prepare the gap before the other two arrive. Nice job here namida, and I can definitely see why Armani made a tribute to this type of level for his Uncharted pack.

As of this post, I'm currently up at Spiky 9 and most definitely look forward to the remaining challenges and seeing if I can get through the ones that even other solving greats couldn't solve and eventually falling a bit short of solving all the pack! :thumbsup: Thanks again for the luck :)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Spiky rank completed. Back with more replays and feedback ;)

Spiky Rank Feedback

In contrast to the previous two ranks, the levels here present a huge difficulty spike. As such, the levels in this rank are tough, though I managed to breeze through the first half with not too much problems. It's the second half where the levels really tested me and I absolutely felt the pack getting really hard. Even then, I surprised myself by saving them much faster than I thought I would. It was really the final 5 where those took some time, with the rank finisher taking the longest.

In any case, a lot of great levels in this rank and LPO2 still remains quite high as one of my favorite packs! :thumbsup:


Spiky 1 - Ain't Over Til the Fat Man Sings Right from the get-go for the rank I felt a huge increase in the difficulty, though that's probably because I managed to solve the level without using one of the builder pickups. It seems that's exactly what the locked RR was meant to do, to block off the timing solution I used of finishing the gap on the right side before anyone slips by. This is easily fixed by increasing the number of lemmings, though. Still, nice level to start off the rank.

Spiky 2 - The Space Bar One of my favorites! I especially like the bombing of a blocker to release one more lemming after we let one go on at the start and then bash when in the bomber hole to temporarily delay the others to allow the workers enough time to forge the rest of the path. Seems the second blocker is to make the execution in the middle part easier in case it doesn't work out as smoothly as it should had.

Spiky 3 - Sweet Steps Another great level, though I made it harder than it needed to be. After watching Icho's solution, I can't believe I didn't realize that one can release a lemming out to the right with just a glider with a lemming straight from the hatch. At the same time, some of my earlier attempts could work had I realized to start the mining while the builder in the middle platform is going so that no one slips by the builder. Oh well, I brought this on myself, but it does show that it's possible to solve the level without doing the builder/miner combo twice. Again, if you wanted to block this you could always either lock the RR or increase the number of lemmings.

Spiky 4 - Flooded Shaft Nice medium/hard level, with the only hard part being a well-placed bomber to allow the swimmer a way to get out of the water but at the same time blowing through the left side so that he can bash through the OWW to rescue the crowd from drowning. Luckily, the save requirement isn't super tight.

Spiky 5 - Mushroom Rock Road One of the hardest levels of the rank IMO. Other than keeping the crowd safe, certainly the hardest part was through the middle of the mushroom cloud and making sure to not lose too many. I watched Icho's solution after I solved the level and that's quite clever to use a bomber to stop two of the diggers. I kind of knew that the way I contained the crowd with a digger and a builder wasn't intended :P Still, nice level, especially with the design of the mushroom cloud itself ;)

Spiky 6 - Playtime Somewhat hard but another excellent level that I solved fairly quickly! Before I got the working solution, I kept trying my darn hardest to seal off the gap before the next one slips by him. Luckily, I noticed the save requirement early enough to abandon this not too long after. After that, seems like the hardest part is just the timing, where you need to release the blocker with a digger after everyone is going out to the right and then mine the wall to allow the others a path to the exit before anyone turns around at the bottom. It's definitely great when the solution works out though!

Spiky 7 - Worker Segregation Yet another favorite of mine that I too solved quickly! I do have a minor nitpick in that it seems quite precise to get a glider to land at the bottom after the lead lemming from the left entrance platforms for a bit, but maybe it's a case of me making the solution a bit harder than it needed to be. I really like the whole multitasking so that all the timing works out before anyone gets into danger. I didn't have to use the floater, but I'm guessing I still pretty much got the intended solution ;)

Spiky 8 - The Workshop Great level here too, though the funny thing was that the solution immediately dawned on me once I did the actual builder/miner combo, as I forgot that you can use a miner tunnel to bash through to the exit :forehead: That part had me stumped due to the multiple walls when you only have a basher. I could had gotten the talisman the first time I solved it, but I think it was due to how I saw that I lost the climber while the builder was going and hence I didn't bother to try and save him too :-\

Spiky 9 - Three Point Plan Looks hard due to the splat hatches, and it is somewhat, but this one wasn't as bad as I thought. Once you realize that you must go over the top with one of the hatches, then it becomes a little bit easier. My solution would had failed had it not been possible for the climber to turn around after platforming the gap on the right side, but luckily he does, you just need to place the digger correctly.

Spiky 10 - Watchtowers Wow, one of my absolute favorites of the rank! :thumbsup: Another case of looks simple but is actually deceivingly hard and will likely look impossible or even be impossible especially for novices. I really like the red herrings of a player thinking you might need to bash at the bottom and then catch him with the platform at the top with the other worker. Turns out to be very wrong. The solution is far more impressive than that, where you get the worker who makes the bridges to the exit to turn and dig at the sot so they both can climb out of the bottom later. Very clever to dig the left-most blocker free with the final lemming from the entrance and then platform to stop once low enough. I have to say I really loved the way I reasoned out the solution verbally in my LP :laugh: Nice job here, namida! :)

Spiky 11 - Big Boy Zone This level was a quick solve because I almost immediately saw the builder/miner combo, and the absence of floaters/gliders locks in the miner on the huge wall by the exit. The rest of the solution follows easily from these pieces. Another favorite of mine! :thumbsup:

Spiky 12 - Just Another Lem In The Wall This level is essentially a bigger and harder version of Fluffy 15 but without a very tight timer and no digging destructive skills whatsoever, with bombers as the only skill that can destroy terrain on this level. I really like the very distracting red herring of the number of climbers matching the save requirement to make you think you can just send over the climbers and be done, but you still need a bomber to get down safely on the other side and hence you'll be a bomber short. I also thought that maybe you need to bomb on both sides of the wall, but this seems to require at least an additional 5 bombers. Then it dawned on me that the real way is to climber bomb to get high enough to get in the bomber holes to platform and repeat this until you get high enough to be able to go over the wall with well-placed bombers. I especially like the whole platforming for a bit so that you can place the bombers better on the far left side. Quite clever. And yes, I could had saved an additional platformer by doing it a bit lower so that there wasn't a pixel gap that required an additional platformer :laugh: Very nice level!

Spiky 13 - Zombie Fence Harder than I thought and hence took longer than it should had, but that's mostly due to how I tend to not be so good at zombie levels myself. Before I found this working solution, I kept running into problems with not having enough platformers because I didn't do some part of the level correctly. I guess my solution could easily be blocked with a time limit, though that probably means the solution might be a bit more obvious. After watching Icho's solution, I definitely could had came up with the blocker and then a basher to free it, as I was thinking it's possible to use a digger on the pillar before the exit, but I kept locking a basher on it instead :forehead:

Spiky 14 - Hot Plate Hard one but an excellent level and one which goes on my favorites list! :thumbsup: The hardest part was certainly figuring out how to get someone on top of the platform at the bottom to build to the wall, but I dawned on a well-placed bomber and then a glider with a lemming from the entrance early enough. Using a blocker to bounce off that glider after he uses the teleporter to land on top of the pole to dig to release everyone is very clever! After that, I realized a problem with some going to use the teleporter, but shortly after I realized that's what the other blocker is for. Nicely done with this one too, namida! :)

Spiky 15 - Don't Forget! Maybe not as hard as the previous level but still challenging. The hardest part of the solution to see was extending a basher with a platformer. It certainly looks like one should be able to go over the top part of the level to drop from the other side to do the work, but nope, everything is done at the bottom on the same side. Once I realized the solution, then it was just a matter of getting the execution down. I had to adjust the digger position several times so that no one slips by the builder as well as the athlete doesn't get stuck in an infinite loop. I admit this was a bit frustrating after a bit, especially once I finally got the timing correct but then the latter from the previous sentence happened :-\ I still like this level, though ;)

Spiky 16 - The Prototype Probably a bit easier than the previous two but still challenging to an extent. Getting over the obstacle in the middle I would say is the hardest, but luckily you have walkers for canceling a stacker, and indeed one is used for that. Indeed, that trick of isolating another worker after building up with a walker from LPV returns here, and then the only hard part remaining is to time it in a way so that you platform to catch the climber from above to prevent him from splatting but then the climber platforms to the exit on time before the first one can slip by to the bottomless pit. Then a blocker to release the crowd. This is a great level too! :thumbsup:

Spiky 17 - Brute Force Even though I knew this level might take a while, I decided to tack it onto the same video as the previous 4 levels, as I recognize this level as requiring just the trick of blocking to turn a fencer and then using the other skills to keep it going as the only thing needed on this level. This ended up taking me about half an hour before it finally worked, so yes, I did go a bit long for the video, but I still wanted to get this level out of the way so that I could possibly finish up the remaining 3 levels of the rank in the next video. That was the case, but it went long all due to the rank finisher taking longer than I thought.

In any case, I'm aware of the whole thing about designers probably shouldn't make levels relying on the trick because of how very precise and fiddly it is and due to how the fencer easily gets interrupted with even a slight change in the slope

Spiky 18 - Lemming Chaos Out of the final three for the rank, I would have to say this is the hardest one. There were so many possibilities that look like they could work, and I even like some of them, such as the builder/miner combo and a cloner to get through the OWWs, but then there was a problem of making a turnaround point for everyone. I'm not sure if it's intended to contain the crowd with a miner and builder, though. I do use the trick of a well-placed stacker to bounce the gliders back towards the exit, which is something I learned on a level from Armani's Xmas 2021 pack. I have a platformer left, so I'm sure something in my solution isn't intended (my guess with the miner and builder to contain the crowd, as mentioned, isn't intended I think), but it's probably pretty close. Still a nice level here.

Spiky 19 - Take A Bite Not as hard as the previous level but still deceivingly tough for a 1-of-everything in 6 skill types. This is one of my favorites though, as I really like the solution here. In initial attempts, I kept thinking to turn the basher around at the top, but you'll be a skill short this way. Instead, the hardest part is to make the digger and miner meet at about the same time so that the miner can use the digger shaft to climb out to the left but then you need to make the digger block soon after everyone has went back out to the right. This level is quite clever, I like it a lot :thumbsup:

Spiky 20 - Scenic Route Looks simple and that it could be backrouted, but I couldn't :laugh: This is actually deceivingly tough as well, probably about the same difficulty as the previous level. It's quite hard to see the digger and then making him block once low enough, as well as the builder/miner combo at the top. Before I finally realized that for the top of the level, I kept using a builder on the railing track to turn around. After piecing the parts together, then once again it was a matter of getting the solution to work, as I kept losing lemmings before the gap was done. I did make the mistake of doing all the bridge work from the right side, when in fact you can do part of the work with the basher after he breaks through the wall. The time limit is quite tight here, though, but at the same time maybe I could had saved more time by letting the climber turn around and then once he comes back the miner would had destroyed all of the wall to allow him through so that he doesn't turn around again and hence waste more time.   

All rightie, made it to the final rank of Sharp. I better brace myself for the hardest levels the pack has to offer. Now, the quest begins to see if I can solve the levels in this rank that some other solving greats couldn't. Can I do it? Tune in and find out if this will be the rank that will also defeat me, or if I'll survive the onslaught and make it to the end to join the short list of those who have completed the pack, which I know includes Icho, Armani, and joshescue. Wish me luck (though namida already did so before I even began the LP)!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Sharp completed and hence I have solved all of LPO2 :thumbsup: My entire replay collection is attached.

Sharp Rank Feedback

The final rank of the pack and hence these should be the hardest levels of the pack. Indeed, a lot of these levels are quite hard, some of the hardest I've ever played from namida. However, overall I didn't struggle as long as I thought I would on them, with Sharp 18 taking the longest before I solved it, which IMO is the hardest level by namida, even more than Wasted Talent from Lemmings Plus Alpha. At the same time, I absolutely enjoyed the challenges in this rank, and there are plenty of remarkable gems! :thumbsup:

The hardest Sharp levels IMO are Sharp 3 (whether Old Formats with radiation or not), Sharp 7, Sharp 9, Sharp 11, Sharp 13, Sharp 16, and Sharp 18. Don't get me wrong, I still found other levels in the rank hard, but not as much as the ones I've listed.

My favorites: Sharp 2, Sharp 6, Sharp 7, Sharp 10, Sharp 11, Sharp 12, Sharp 15, Sharp 18, and Sharp 20


Sharp 1 - Then Came The Lemming... Nice somewhat challenging level to start off the rank. The size and pickups make it a bit daunting but it's not too bad. I totally abused bashing into the wrong facing OWAs to turn to hit the button at the start, as well as fiddle with the RR to send two climbers close to one another so I can platform and then the next one drops off the bridge to hit the button to the left of the exit ;)

Sharp 2 - Cop This! Another nice level and probably either the same difficulty as the previous or just a bit harder. My only criticism is that the miner on the far right is a bit precise, as the right-facing miner almost breaks through to the right level edge and when cloning the wall is still almost barely too high for the others to step up into. I did make the mistake of platforming up the very tiny gap where the yellow block is, but once I took a step back and thought about where the platformers needed to go then I had a bit of an easier time with the level. I like how the splatform for the crowd needs to be done after platforming up the gap on the other side of the wall so that the crowd won't be in danger after bombing them free from the left side. Platforming up the gap right by the exit is quite genius too.

Sharp 3 - Ground Zero Probably a bit too hard for its position. There's a lot of possibilities which seem they might work but they don't. Many of my attempts had me temporarily containing/delaying the crowd at the top of the hill rather than where the steel is near the entrance. Some of them might had worked if the glider was faster in getting the bridge work done or if the crowd didn't break out so soon. There was also a time when I used a fencer to be delayed by the builder staircase so that no one dies, but then eventually the crowd gets trapped after it hits steel. It was a very hard to see that the glider is the sacrifice, though I wonder if it might be possible to rescue him as well by digging at the top so he doesn't glide over it ??? I could had done that if I didn't need it to delay the crowd before the final gap to the fence lattice. Nice level nevertheless, but again I think this level is hard for its position.

Sharp 4 - Nom Nom Nom The only hard part is the beginning with getting everyone down safely so they don't splat. I thought that maybe the way to go is to glide to the top platform on the other side to do the splatform, but then there would be problems with keeping everyone safe if the splitter sent some the wrong way, for example. I really like the bombing a blocker to release one more worker lemming and getting into the hole to bash and delay everyone to give the workers enough of a chance to prepare the rest of the route. It's also to make it a safe fall for everyone after a builder is used at the bottom to help with it. Nice level here.

Sharp 5 - That's Not Gonna Fly The only hard part here was seeing the digger cancelling another one. I tried to avoid using the digger to do that, but I believe not everyone makes it into the digger pit on time before splatting. It is a bit precise, though, especially since the distance for the others to walk around while the basher is making his way to the left to contain the others isn't long before the digger himself breaks through. The rest of the level is easy once you succeed with this, as it's just the same send two on ahead to do the rest of the path.

Sharp 6 - It's Not Meant To Bee Great level! It was a somewhat fast solve due to seeing the stacker to make a climber friendly wall early. Even then, the level is still challenging after that, especially with getting the climber and lemming who placed the stack and is trapped on the left side of it to sync up at about the time the non-climber finishes platforming. This is my only criticism where it is quite precise since even before the final 3 bricks the other one will likely splat. Just like Coarse 7, consider reducing the precision here as well. Other than that, I really like the very appealing red herring of going through the bottom but it won't work. I really like how the climber goes over to do the remaining gap and then mine to the exit, while the non-climber fences through and then you have to use the walker skill to turn him back towards the exit after.

Sharp 7 - Odyssey Hard level, especially since there's a few possibilities here which look they might work but they don't. Even the actual solution seems to make players think they hit a dead end. Indeed, that's exactly what happened, as it took me a while to realize that the glider is actually right above the exit trigger and can indeed get into the exit via the bomber skill or the nuke, the latter which I used :P I told namida that if he really wanted to be cruel he could take away the bomber skill, but then that would disrupt the X-of-everything skillset in the full 8 skill panel slots. So really, this level did quite a nice job in making me think that having just a miner and a digger left was not the right approach. I also totally forgot about using the bomber skill after the digger finishes all because I said that the bomber is completely useless very early in my solving attempts. This was a level whose solution came to me just as I was typing the video description for uploading to my YT channel :laugh: In any case, great 1 lemming level that is still deceivingly difficult.

Also as a running gag this is the only level in the pack where I got cursed with the Abstract level that plays the Bridge to the Universe track :(

Sharp 8 - Roster Shuffle Another great level. The hardest to see was that the builder is the correct skill to use to seal off the gap instead of a platformer, as I incorrectly assumed your only loss is the climber when in fact it's the lemming that slips by the builder at the start. Once I realized that, the rest of the solution followed easily, though I still struggled with reasoning out how to do the top middle area where the red square blocks are.

Sharp 9 - Lem 51 One of the hardest levels of the rank IMO. This one took me a long time before I solved it. Certainly the hardest thing to see in the solution is the miner being used to release a lemming from the basher tunnel on the far left so that you can get one into position to platform to make a splatform for both entrances. However, I massively overcomplicated the solution by using a midair walker to mine to release two lemmings close to one another via the 99RR :laugh: It still only finishes a second earlier though. Nice level but quite hard.

Sharp 10 - Sweet Tooth In contrast to the previous level, this one only took about 20 mins to solve. Nice 2-of-everything level that was a great challenge to figure out. The skillset is quite tight and hence figuring out the best skills to use for the solution is a nice challenge. Here, I used a timing heavy solution of platforming up the gap before I lost any lemming to the water and therefore I saved 1 over the requirement ;) Still some nice usage of tricks even if it might be possible to solve the level without them :P

Sharp 11 - Impossible, You Say? Great hard level here and one of my favorites, especially with the miner through two sets of builder staircases in going in different directions via a blocker. Like Nepster, my only criticism here is the precise digger assignment and for one lemming to slip by the climber to block, as you will need the climber for later in the solution. Otherwise, excellent level.

Sharp 12 - Drawing Dead I was wondering if this was the level which required knowing the fundamental difference between a blocker and a stoner, as I remember Icho mentioning in his United Creator's commentary that this is a trick he learned from this pack. Indeed, I correctly guessed it is even before I had started playing the level. Yes, I think I would had been more mind-blown had I learned the trick from your pack first instead of United, but nope, it's the other way :P Still, this is definitely one of my favorites of the rank!

Sharp 13 - It's Zombie Time! Very hard level. I kept trying to contain the crowd on the starting platform and kept failing in so many ways until I finally found one that works. As usual, it's another one where I really overcomplicated the solution. I also incorrectly assumed the climber would climb out to the right and get into danger, but that was before I had a chance to see if he actually does. So, another case of coming to an incorrect conclusion before I have tried or seen it in action. I think this level would had been solved much earlier otherwise. I watched Icho's solution after I solved it to compare, and it turns out I did indeed have the right approach to contain at the bottom where the water gap is, I simply used the wrong skills to do so, where I used a basher to contain rather than a digger :forehead: Well, nice level regardless, even if I was stuck here for a while.

Sharp 14 - Death Trap In contrast to the previous level, I shot through this level in about 5 mins! As namida confirmed to me on Discord, this is one of the easier levels of the rank. Really the only hard part here is to contain the crowd at the start with a somewhat short time frame, but other than releasing both blockers later on a thin platform, it's an easy level. I still enjoyed this one, especially since it was a nice break from all the mind-numbing difficult levels of the rank.

Sharp 15 - A Huge Incon-bee-nience Somewhat hard but another great favorite! I'm pleased to see that the bombing a basher midstroke to release a worker lemming is intended, though namida has stated that the level is possible without it, and indeed Icho doesn't use it. The hardest part of the level is figuring out the most efficient route through the level without running out of skills. Don't be fooled by the amount of platformers/builders, as they run out very quick. The only unintended part, it seems, is the spare platformer I used to turn the worker back to the right after I interrupted him midstroke with a builder. I really enjoyed working my way in solving this one.

Sharp 16 - Lemming Mangler Another really hard level that doesn't look hard due to a seemingly generous save requirement and a nearly simplistic layout but is quite a toughie. This honestly is a bit too fiddly for my liking, though it might just be due to how I solved it. It took me quite a while to figure out the blocker and fencer usages. I even thought to release a blocker on a builder staircase with a fencer, but I gave up on it after a while since the blocker wouldn't get released. I think the only reason I got it to work with one builder staircase is due to stretching the bridges instead of making them line up perfectly, the former which you can't do anyway since you only have one builder. The time limit might seem very generous as well, but this is actually a bit of a false sense of security. This definitely reminded me of another machine level in I believe LPV, except it's with a teleporter and keeping everyone from slipping out to the right was the most frustrating part of it despite how very fast it is.

Sharp 17 - Broken Arrow Another level where I used an unnecessary timing heavy solution. It ended up with me fiddling around with the basher assignments until I found one that works where I could just platform up the gap without anyone slipping by. I did think to use the platform to extend the basher, but I didn't see how to make it work, especially because I saw how bombing the fence wall away resulting in them getting fried by the acid. Somehow I did think that getting up the lattice was intended, I just didn't think about it enough :forehead:

Sharp 18 - Insanity Plea Definitely the hardest level of the pack, so I'm in agreement with Icho there. Rather than record a second video of me playing the level in real time, I decided to solve it off-camera instead of take the risk of fiddling around and my attempts not working if it was indeed supposed to be a very fiddly solution. Turns out the level has a very clean solution with just a minor timing part at the start. Before I finally found the solution, I kept thinking to make a splatform for the lemming that pushes the left-most button, but this turns out to be very wrong. Instead, he becomes a bomber sacrifice to release everyone contained at the bottom at the start, as the bomber destruction mask reaches quite far vertically. This is very hard to see in the solution, as well as the platformer above the pit and a stacker to release a non-climber from the pit. I especially like how a climber goes over the wall at the top to become the bomber sacrifice. Definitely one of the best levels I've played and figured out without a hint (I solved all of the pack without hints, though of course I'm not unique in that regard since the others who solved all the pack did the same). Nice job here, namida! :)

Sharp 19 - Struck Out Definitely not as hard as the previous one, though still challenging. However, I'm surprised I figured out the level faster than I thought I would, and I even avoided the curse of the Abstract levels here with this Bridge track :laugh: Surprise, surprise! I watched Icho's solution after solving, and I'm surprised to see that our solutions are pretty much the same, save for how we did the beginning part. Nice level nevertheless, though still can be hard to figure out.

Sharp 20 - The Lem Goldberg Contraption A really rare large level of the pack, though not as big as LPIV's or LPV's or LPO's final levels. This level is still no slouch, but once again nowhere near as hard as Sharp 18. I think it was a quick solve due to how I saw the very long miner through builder staircase quite early. From there, it was just simply refining the solution in a few different areas so that no one gets into danger or gets stuck somewhere before the work gets completed. Very nice level to round off the pack!

As I have completely solved LPO2, I have joined the short list of those who have done the same, which includes Icho, Armani, and joshescue. So, we have found out that the answer is a definitive "yes, kaywhyn can solve the pack instead of getting stopped dead in its tracks in the Sharp rank." I thought Nepster was another one who was able to solve Sharp 18, as I saw a replay of the level in his collection, but now I understand that he didn't once I read the spoilers after I finished the pack. Also, as mentioned plenty of times, this pack goes straight onto my favorites list! :thumbsup: One of the best level packs I've played and solved in a very long time. Interestingly enough, Nepsterlems remains as the only really hard pack I haven't completed, since I've been stuck on Black Hole 1 for almost 3 years. I hope to change that soon, but I don't know how long it'll be before I finally get it solved.

I will have to say that IMO LPO2 is a bit harder than LPA. The Obliteration rank, the final rank in the latter, honestly wasn't that bad, though it's most likely due to how I've backrouted a lot of the levels if my memory serves me right :P Sure, I went through both packs quite quick, but that doesn't mean I found the packs easy by any means. With LPO2, I certainly starting feeling the high difficulty once I got into Spiky, as I felt a huge increase in the difficulty from the get-go with Spiky 1. Overall, the Spiky rank wasn't so bad, but definitely around the middle and end it did get quite hard. Then comes along Sharp, where they tested me even more than Spiky. They're an even bigger step up in difficulty from Spiky, culminating in the very hard Sharp 18 (which is harder than Obliteration 14 IMO), but as mentioned before so many favorites of mine in both ranks! :thumbsup: 

Great job with LPO2 namida, and I will absolutely look forward to taking on the remaining packs of the series, LPVI and LP3D, in the future! :thumbsup: Hope you enjoy the rest of my LP whenever you get a chance to watch more ;) That reminds me, I need to get video solutions up to LPA sometime! Will get them up as soon as I can and whenever I'm able to in the upcoming days.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Hello namida,

I have completed the first two ranks of LPVI. Replays attached and of course some feedback ;) In addition, I also have an LP of the pack:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbp2m4KlFpJsNVlgF7uQwPHw28A59y8Yx Enjoy! :P

General Feedback

Not counting the Omega packs or Holiday Plus, LPVI is the sixth pack of the main Lemmings Plus series, after all the packs LPI up through LPV. Here, the difficulty of LPVI is intentionally dialed back after some users have complained about LPV and LPO2, the two packs before LPVI chronologically, being too hard. They're right about that of course, but there are also some users, like me, who love hard levels in the game of Lemmings and therefore didn't mind the high difficulty of the packs. Let me reiterate that while I prefer hard levels, the truth is I love levels of all difficulties, and easy levels are certainly a welcome sight after playing nothing but hard levels for a while.

In regards to the pack structure, LPVI is slightly longer than either LPV and LPO2, though not by much. The former has 80 levels across 4 ranks of 20 levels each, while the latter have 75 and 70 levels, respectively. LPVI features 3 new tilesets: Garden, Bridge, and Basement. I've already played some levels in the latter two before playing LPVI, while I think LPVI is the very first time I'm playing levels in the Garden graphic set. I'm still learning what is what in each graphic set, such as what is steel, traps, etc. Nevertheless, these graphic sets are amazing :thumbsup: I've also mentioned that so far I've only made levels in two of namida's tilesets, Abstract and Psychedelic. I'm going to have to go some of the others of his a try sometime :laugh:

In regards to quality, namida considers LPVI the best one. So far, I absolutely agree with his self-assessment of it, particularly since he gave me the suggestion of going for the talismans for this pack. Many are very interesting rather than, in namida's words, "do them perfectly." I've been able to obtain every single one thus far, so we'll see how I fare with the remaining ones in the final two ranks. If you know me, I in general don't care for talismans, but here I'm honoring namida's suggestion of doing the talismans, therefore that's why I'm going for them. After this pack, I generally won't go out of my way to get them for other packs I play, usually only getting them by accident when I see on the post-results screen that I obtained one.

As already noted by Icho in the release topic of LPVI, a lot of these levels are quite small in size, though I haven't noticed the size as much as being able to complete many levels in under a minute. So really, in a way LPVI is very similar to NepsterLems in this regard of many small in size levels, though maybe not as difficult as the latter.

Finally, in regards to my completion of the series, LPVI is the only NL pack of the series I have left. Once this is finished, only LP3D remains, but that is a custom pack for L3D, not NL. Instead, there's Loap for that, which I've be using to play the pack when I get to it, maybe near the end of the year :) I think this is also the shortest amount of time between playing one pack and the next in the series, though maybe it's tied with the time between me playing LPI and LPII. I'm not sure, I'll need to check.

Sane Rank Feedback

As usual, the pack starts easy but it already does get difficult very quickly even in the first rank. Indeed, after seeing and solving Sane 14 via the talisman, I now understood why people will struggle even in the first rank. It's true that while LPVI isn't as hard as either LPV or LPO2, it doesn't mean that LPVI will be a complete pushover. If anything, LPVI's difficulty is probably somewhere between that of LPIV and both LPIII/LPV. I'll need to go through the entire pack first to be more certain of that, but so far it does seem to fit in between the packs listed in regards to difficulty.

In any case, there wasn't anything too particularly difficult in the Sane rank for me, other than I really struggled with both Sane 9's and Sane 19's talismans. In the case of the former, not so surprisingly I really overcomplicated it, as there are much easier ways, while for the latter my solution is pretty much the exact same as Icho's. I also completely overlooked the normal solution to Sane 14 :laugh:

I got taken by surprise that the rocks in the Garden tileset are steel, as shown in my LP with Sane 1. I'll need to keep this in mind!

Funny that for Sane 3 and Sane 9


for the former I overlooked the very simple two blocker trap, while for the latter I thought the nuke is needed for the talisman, when in fact I was trying way too hard to avoid any losses to the trap while going for the challenge no blocker solution

I find it really amazing that I generally overlook the really simple stuff a lot. As someone once told me, I seem to get the really hard parts of the solution very quickly, while I tend to overlook the easy stuff.

My favorites of the rank: Sane 13, Sane 14, and Sane 17

Loopy Rank Feedback

Being the second rank, the levels here are a tad bit harder than the ones in the Sane rank. Even then, other than Loopy 18 possibly being the hardest of  the rank though it's mostly a somewhat hard level, the Loopy rank wasn't a problem for me generally.

Favorites of the rank: Loopy 6, Loopy 8, Loopy 12 (a bit too excessive in the repetitive skill assignments for my liking, but the puzzle's great), Loopy 14, Loopy 17, and Loopy 20.

I'm looking forward to the remaining levels in the final two ranks. So far, I've solved up through Manic 4, and just like with Spiky 1 of LPO2, I immediately felt a huge increase in the difficulty with Manic 1. However, I do declare the talisman for Manic 1 the best one of the pack thus far :thumbsup: Though maybe Sane 14's is, but if not then a pretty close second.

Happy to hear you're enjoying my LP as usual! :)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Manic rank solved and so back with more replays and feedback ;)

Manic Rank Feedback

Even harder levels in this rank, and still plenty of small size levels, though there's a really wide level here and there too. Similar to the Spiky rank of LPO2, I immediately felt a huge increase in the difficulty right from the get-go with Manic 1. Indeed, the challenge solution took me a while to figure it out, and I even came up a skill short at one point! At the same time, as already previously mentioned I consider it one of the best talisman solutions, though maybe Sane 14's is, but if not then a close second.


Manic 1 - Bridgegdirb Nice play in the title in that reading it forwards/backwards it's "bridge" :laugh: This level was definitely harder than I thought but it's a really good one as mentioned already. It was pretty difficult to figure out how to get into position to platform to the exit.

Manic 2 - Walking On Air A little easier than the previous level, though can still be challenging. The hardest part was to figure out how to eliminate the obstacles in order to make a full length platformer bridge in the middle to be able to get to the other side. Seems to be a few possible ways to do this level.

Manic 3 - Dareful Drop Another really compact level that looks harder than it really is, and it is actually deceivingly difficult. The hardest part for me was figuring out how to make the splatform for the others and how to turn around to do so. Great solution, though I'm wondering if you learned this trick of releasing both blockers with a bomber from United or if you knew about it before United.

Manic 4 - Deathly Hollow Yikes, a zombie level. The bane of my existence! Whatever shall I do? :laugh: I did struggle here a bit, though I'm certain this is not intended. I checked Swerdis' and Icho's solutions and they solved it the exact same way which does look intended, and if it is then it's far more elegant than the one I found, as I like their solutions! Mine is fiddlier to do.

Manic 5 - Lemmingholes A really wide level that looks quite intimidating but as I've stated a few times in the LP for players to not let it do that to you. Instead, simply make a plan and then try it out. Seems to be open-ended given that I believe when I compared to Swerdis and Icho we all solved it in a different way. Timings will of course vary after the first gap/obstacle, possibly leading to some solutions that may be more fiddly than others. Another great 2-lemmings level!

Manic 6 - Reverse Psychology Somewhat hard, though the talisman took far longer than it needed to, mostly because I kept being stuck on surfacing from below to get past the fences to reach the exit to work within the fencer quantity limit while only being allowed 1 loss via the stoner. At the same time, it does mean it might be possible to solve the level without using stoners but still allowed only a maximum of 1 loss which will still get you the talisman. I don't think the latter is possible. I'm not sure if my solution is the intended way to get the talisman. It does require stretching every single platformer as much as possible. Another nice level here!

Manic 7 - Magical Hoppers Nothing too special here, as it simply seems to be solve in any way you can rather than a level with a specific intended solution. Once more comparing with Icho and Swerdis all of our solutions are different, as I went over the top completely while saving any that slip by the builder with gliders.

Manic 8 - Let's Go On An Adventure The main lynchpin here is assigning a blocker to a digger in such a way that you have one lemming to his right while everyone else is trapped in the digger pit on his left so that you can release him with a digger later, which is your only casualty allowed. Thus, this can either be a really quick one or it can be a hard one. This isn't new to me, as I've been aware of this for quite a while in my Lemmings level solving career. Really good level!

Manic 9 - Work In Progress It's all about managing the crowd carefully after collecting the disarmer pickup and getting all the tasks done with the disarmer before the crowd arrives too soon. Luckily the time limit isn't tight here. Nice keep the flow going level!

Manic 10 - Secret Garden Harder than it appears, though this might be another open-ended level. I think the intention might be to go over the top instead of the bottom like I did. I also don't think it's intended to use a miner to get through the OWW, as it's very precise and nearly results in the lemmings not being able to step up and get through.Nice looking level!

Manic 11 - Tight Schedule Another level that's harder than it appears despite being a very short level due to the 45 second time limit. It took me a while to figure out what the climber actually is for, and I had the wrong idea of what side to do the platforming the gap before the exit for a while :XD: Excellent level! :thumbsup: Maybe can be considered a far less frustrating version of "Scenic Route" from LPO2 since you'll never run out time if you find the intended way here :laugh:

Manic 12 - The Floating Garden The save requirement might seem very odd here, but once you get into the level and figure out why it is the way it is then it's not so bad. In particular, the way I interpreted it is very different from how Icho and Swerdis solved it. They have been shown me that I'm wrong in that the lemmings at the bottom aren't necessarily trapped and doomed, but rather instead those who fall into the pit in the middle left. I didn't realize it's possible to get up the middle with just one builder from the ground. I think my interpretation of the save requirement being the way it is is just as valid, though ;) Nice level, though I feel as if this concept has been used on another Lemmings Plus level from another pack, but I can't remember which one if it has.

Manic 13 - Worthy Edge The best level of the rank IMO! :thumbsup: The use of the blocker is super clever here, where due to the blocker field he can still turn the climbers around even though he's lower than they are. Very satisfying to figure this one out! :)

Manic 14 - Rocky Road (Part III) The third iteration of Sane 1, it appears the common solution is to get to the exit from below. Not much harder than the previous two iterations of the level.

Manic 15 - Storage Room Not a hard level but it simply took me a while to figure out how to do the area where the receiver is, since it took me a while to come up with using a glider to bounce off the wall to come back to the left to mine through the final obstacle before the exit. Everything else was figured out fairly quickly with logic and deduction. Great level!

Manic 16 - The Bottom Line Wow, this talisman was quite hard to get, though not so surprisingly another case of me overcomplicating things. I managed to solve it without the floaters, but I think they would had made things much easier if I had figured out a better way to solve the level and how to put them to good use. Nice challenging level!

Manic 17 - the Shed Another case of a compact level that's harder than it appears. When I got the level solved, I was certain the digger was to make the execution a bit easier on the bottom left side, but Swerdis has shown a different use of the digger. Mine skips using it altogether and therefore mostly explains why it took longer than it needed to. Nevertheless a great level!

Manic 18 - Fire In The Hole! Of the final three levels of the rank, this one took me by far the longest. I really struggled here, especially as I kept being stuck on the plan of getting every lemming from one single entrance saved while just 2 or 3 from the other. I did think out loud that rather than saving every single lemming from one entrance that it might simply be a combination such that it adds up to least 10. Another one I kept being stuck on is not being to save many from the top entrance, which of course turns out to be wrong. The blocker in particular really distracted me. After comparing with Icho and Swerdis, it appears that it's a complete red herring, as none of us used it in our solutions. Great level, but wow, unbelievable that it stumped me for nearly 50 minutes :XD:

Manic 19 - A Lost Tale This might be a backroute, though turns out Swerdis solved it the same way I did, while Icho showed me it is indeed possible to solve the level going out to the right. I simply didn't carry it far enough or correctly. Somewhat easier than the previous one.

Manic 20 - Bridge to Terabithia Ah, it appears namida is familiar with the book. I read this as one of my projects for a college/university education course back when I was doing my teaching credential. Another wide level (not as wide as Manic 5) that looks intimidating, but it wasn't too bad and didn't take me as long as I thought it would. This one appears to be open-ended, as again Icho, Swerdis, and I all came up with different solutions. However, while watching their solutions I didn't realize the walk-able platform at the top! :XD:   

Only the final rank of Delirious remains! Getting close to the end with just 20 levels left. Once more I continue to enjoy this pack very much. Looking forward to taking on the final rank! :thumbsup:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Delirious rank completed and I have therefore solved all of LPVI :thumbsup: My entire set of replays are attached (includes all talismans :)) and final set of feedback incoming :)

Delirious Rank Feedback

Being the final rank of the pack, these are expected to be the hardest LPVI has to offer. Honestly, I went through this rank far faster than I thought I would, especially as I didn't expect it to be conquered very quickly. Once again, it doesn't mean that I found the Delirious rank easy by any means. Quite the contrary. I had far more trouble with some of the earlier levels of the rank than I did the later levels. It's almost like some in the second half can switch with the ones in the first half, though it's probably because I might had backrouted some of them, maybe on some which should be far harder than expected if the intended solution is completely enforced. Nevertheless, there were still some great gems in this rank

Favorites of the rank: Delirious 4, Delirious 8, Delirious 10, Delirious 15, Delirious 16, and Delirious 18. Delirious 11 would be on there too, but I liked some of the other ones in the previous series better ;)

Hardest of the rank: Delirious 3, Delirious 5, Delirious 6 (especially if going for the talisman, though not as much if not), Delirious 9, Delirious 12, and Delirious 15. Delirious 19 can certainly qualify due to the very strict time limit, in addition to a somewhat hard to find a solution.


Delirious 1 - Pull It Together! Great level to start off the rank, though nothing too special other than realizing that the key trick is to extend the basher, which I saw pretty quickly here.

Delirious 2 - Tell Me, Little Lemming Certainly harder than the previous level, though I made the talisman solution more complicated than it needed to be :XD: I was sure the blocker would had made the solution easier to execute, but I couldn't figure out how to use it. Turns out that I simply needed to scoot the builders back, before the miner but it going to the left instead of to the right, allowing one to release the crowd via the blocker at the end.

Delirious 3 - Not A Lemming Went By... Probably the hardest level up to this point in the pack. The talisman is not that much more challenging than the normal solution, which is in itself quite hard to find, due to not being very obvious where you need to build to navigate the level efficiently. I think this is also the very first time I've seeing the Bridge trap kill and it being somewhat slow to re-trigger. I guess the nice thing is that solutions that need compression with these traps won't be super frustrating ;)

Delirious 4 - Backwards Dance One of my favorites of the rank. This level is one of those where you must absolutely pay attention to every single element, including pre-assigned hatches! Before I remembered it's a climber hatch, I kept thinking to mine to make a ramp near the exit to get the others to it, but it's unnecessary because they can just climb to the exit. I love the mining the blocker free from below trick here! :thumbsup:

Delirious 5 - Into The Web The only level which needed more than one video, which I regret because I stopped too early, as I shortly realized the solution after a quick glance at my video. The problem here was that I kept trying so hard to use just one builder for the far left side, as well as prevent any lemming from dropping to the bottom of the level. The former is a playstyle that is hard for me to break from, economizing and minimizing builder useage as much as possible in any area :laugh: I simply thought using two builders is too wasteful. Also didn't realize the drop is non-fatal, when I think it normally is. Nice level, though it can be very challenging, especially figuring out the parts after the platforming, though if you manage to figure out the early parts correctly then it won't be.

Delirious 6 - Lemmings For All! Took me far longer than I thought. This was nearly another roadblock, after the previous one managed to stump me. The talisman solution is far harder than the normal solution, though not so surprisingly I overcomplicated how to obtain it. I do love what I did with making the digger the blocker to get almost everyone as compressed as possible, bashing to release the blocker and the other half, and finally platform and build to the exit. It happened to just work out for me :laugh: I checked the other talisman solutions and yea, once again I'm not surprised I overcomplicated it. Good to know that my rapid fire digger and miner at the start aren't needed for it after all.

Delirious 7 - The Highbridge Not as bad as I thought, though still not easy by any means. If anything, the fact you can only lose 1 here is what makes the level hard. Seems I might had made the splatform far tighter than it needed to be, as it just barely save the second lemming from splatting by placing that crucial stacker brick just in the nick of time. I needed that stacker for after that 3 builder staircases to reach the exit :laugh: Decent level here.

Delirious 8 - Depth Layer Ah, here's the big builderless level in the final rank which is characteristic of all the other Plus packs with a number in the pack name. It's a builderless level, which is a type I like a lot, though honestly I consider LPIV's the best one in this regard ;) My main critique here is there are some places where the area to make the staircases is a bit small and hence tighter than it should be. Just a minor nitpick, especially as it's not too much of a problem due to framestepping and skill shadows.

Delirious 9 - The Bridge to Heck The final zombie level of the pack, this one I found to be challenging, especially the talisman. The hardest was figuring out how to get rid of the zombie. I got rid of him by bashing out on the far right before the ramp, which almost doesn't work because of its distance from the wall. Also I kept thinking to build the crowd out, when in fact I completely overlooked bashing them out, which has to be done from the right due to the OWAs. The rest was easy after that, though here I must say I like namida's way of eliminating the zombie, which was building at the top and it still being survivable until bashing out the table , which will make it fatal for the zombie. Nice! :thumbsup:

Delirious 10 - A Lemming Shall Come Forth Another one of my favorites of the rank. I especially love the useage of the digger to allow the climber to reuse the teleporter to bash through the final obstacle before the others arrive. The solution all comes together very nicely when you figure all the parts out. The only part that I struggled with building over the teleporter, which again I considered "wasteful" but then there's no way to get to area with the final wall before the exit due to coming out the receiver the wrong way. Nicely done here, namida! :thumbsup:

Delirious 11 - The Obligatory No Time To Die Level And now, the NTTD level in the final rank which again is characteristic of all the Lemmings Plus packs with a number in the pack name. The talisman here is quite possibly the hardest to get in the entire pack, though once more I really overcomplicated it so that I literally only had a second to spare for the requirement. For some reason it never occurred to me to make staircases in the gray terrain in the middle. I guess it was a pretty severe case of me thinking it's really a waste of the buiilders. I think all talisman solutions I checked make use of it. Not mine, as I went up from the left side instead. No wonder I struggled for nearly 1.5 hours on the talisman! :devil: Once again, I generally like this level, but I think I prefer some of the ones from the earlier packs of the series over this one ;)

Delirious 12 - Dareful Drop (Part II) Most definitely belongs in this rank, as this is far harder than the original in the previous rank. Even with an extremely minimal skillset, the solution isn't easy to figure out whatsoever. Figuring out how to make the splatform before anyone splats was the hardest to do here, though that part I really overcomplicated. Also making sure to bomb the platform to leave one pixel of floor that allows the others to survive the final drop, as that is the only way to survive the drop. As it turns out, the fall is almost fatal by just 1 pixel. Yet another case of me really overcomplicating the solution which involved some RR fiddling. Surprise much anymore? :laugh:

Delirious 13 - Another Very Unrealistic Bridge Not too hard but not easy either, though a level that looks harder than it really is. I kind of liked what I did before with making a one-way path on the bottom far right, but sadly that leaves you at least skill short. Now this is an example where you don't want to use too many skills in an area, though it turns out the solution I came up with uses the same amount but the difference being one used the bomber, the other a basher. I completely overlook building in the middle twice to isolate a lemming and then can release the crowd later with a basher at the bottom of the pillar. The solution really all worked out once I realized where else the bomber can be used more effectively so as to make better use of the constructive skills. Nice level!

Delirious 14 - Desperation The main challenge here is quickly coming back to the starting area to make a landing platform for the crowd. Checking other solutions, seems I indeed had the right idea with the builder wall and then safely building to the exit, but the problem is where I placed the blocker. For some reason I thought placing the blocker at a place where he's not in the way later would take too much time and hence too many would had splatted this way. Instead, I resorted to the double builder turnaround trick, which nearly fails anyway, though maybe I could had made it less tight by having the second one join up with the first one.

One thing about the traps: Only two are visible, the rest aren't. I checked Icho's and all fire traps are visible. Here, I guess the biggest hint would had been the brighter than usual aura. So, I don't know why my version they would show up like this while in Icho's you can clearly see all the traps, especially when all downloads of the pack are for New Formats NL.

Delirious 15 - Swampflower Somewhat hard but not as bad as I thought. The hardest part for me was the bomber to make a climber friendly wall to allow the climber to get back up to mine the crowd free. At some point, I thought maybe the intention is to clone a miner, but I struggled back and forth between that and cloning the builder at the start, which I was pretty certain is correct pretty much from almost right away at the start. I eventually settled for the latter as there's no way to have all gaps sealed up if it wasn't the case. Great level and I enjoyed it very much! :thumbsup:

Delirious 16 - Wacky Way O.o I really like this one! Similar to I think Sharp 8 from LPO2, there's a gap that does a really good job of making you think the platformer goes there, but in actuality a builder needs to be used instead. This still leaves a hole on the other side for the ones coming from the right to fall through. This is genius! :thumbsup: Once I realized this, the rest of the solution came very easily. Well done here, namida! :)

Delirious 17 - Compromise A level that looks hard due to the 99RR but it really wasn't that bad. The only thing is that I'm not sure if it's intended to build up to reach the exit at the bottom due to the fire trap, but maybe it is. At least that's what all the solutions I checked do, from Icho and Swerdis. I'll have to check namida's to be certain, though. Nice level.

Delirious 18 - Caveflower Another favorite of mine, especially as it's builderless! :thumbsup: I figured out the solution pretty quickly here, with the caveat that the glider loss caused me to be one short of the requirement. Luckily, it was an easy fix, where I used some timing to place a blocker in the glider's way to turn him back towards the exit and then quickly bash the blocker free with the next lemming coming up to him from the left. Great job with this one, namida! :)

Delirious 19 - The Highbridge (Part III) Definitely another case of a near repeat being far harder than the original, but only because of the tight time limit. Here, the unusually high destructive mask of the miner took me by surprise, though it still took me some time before I came up with it. So, this appears to be a backroute, especially as the addition of terrain near the exit seems to have been intended to block out my solution with building up twice, stacking, and then use a climber to mine through the ceiling to make a climber friendly wall. This turns out to be the way Swerdis solved the original, though he and Icho solved this level the same way, and they appear to be intended. Overall, for a level considered to be the hardest of the pack, this one took far less time than I thought :P

Delirious 20 - Rocky Road (Part IV) As expected, since the once-per-rank level hadn't yet appeared for this rank, the final level is indeed the Rocky Road one. As such, it's likely intended to be the hardest iteration, though it appears I also backrouted this, given that Icho and Swerdis solved the level in the exact same way as each other, with the clever making a climber wall for the swimmers. Here, I avoided all the permanent skills :P Maybe that's why the RR is locked? Also being the Rocky Road level this makes a full circle, as the first level of the pack is the very first iteration of Rocky Road. Very nice.   

All rightie, it was a very long journey, but with the completion of LPVI, I have finished all NL packs of the series, including Lemmings Plus Alpha, which again I completed from way back in September 2020. This therefore saddens me, as I really enjoyed every subsequent pack more and more as I got further into the series. However, there's still Lemmings Plus 3D, which isn't a NL pack but a custom pack for the game Lemmings 3D. I'll eventually play it, perhaps near the end of the year. I definitely look forward to that, as I found that I enjoyed Lemmings 3D when I played it for the first time last summer.

Sometime in the Manic rank, I thought maybe LPVI would indeed replace LPO2 as my most favorite pack of the series. However, I later realized I like both LPO2 and LPVI for different reasons. I like the former for the high difficulty, while the latter for the huge variety in the puzzles, especially the talismans, which are indeed more than just "do things perfectly" for the most part. namida must be quite happy I went for them, and indeed I'm glad he suggested I go for them, particularly as I don't care for them in general. Nevertheless, this does mean that even though I obtained all of them for LPVI, there's no guarantee that I'll get the others in other level packs. I'll pretty much obtain them by accident, when the post-results screen tells me I got one, as I won't be opening to read them in general.

Thanks so much for LPVI namida. I absolutely enjoyed it, but I really do hope you find the will and motivation to continue working on LPVII. I definitely love to see more packs from you :) However, if you don't, I will certainly respect that. There's still plenty of other content to keep me busy, especially as there will unquestionably be more packs made in the future from others.

Finally, thank you especially for all your coding work of NL! :thumbsup:   
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Since the chance of me ever actually finishing it at this point is basically zero, I've decided to release what I had for Lemmings Plus VII.

There aren't many levels (23), and while they should be possible since I have replays (though I haven't verified the replays on the latest NL), I make no guarantees about them being backroute-free; I know for sure at least a couple of them have backroutes. The styles on the other hand are quite usable, so those being available for custom content is probably the biggest gain for the community here. (Not to mention they show off some cool ways to use secondary animations, especially the dungeon style.)

You can download the levels and music here: https://www.neolemmix.com/download.php?id=587
Replays here: https://neolemmix.com/replay/LPVII_Replays.zip
The styles have been added to the style manager (namida_crypt, namida_dungeon, namida_organic), as well as the all-styles ZIP being updated to include them.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Oops, seems the styles didn't properly get added to the Style Manager (they were added properly to the all-styles zip). This has now been fixed.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


I put Namida's Lemmings Plus VII into pack form

There are no ranks, the levels are just in alphabetical order.

just put it into the levels folder


After finishing Lemmings Open Air yesterday I feel it's time to start another part of the Lemmings Plus series now. I already solved LP I, II, Omega and VI in this order, so I think the next logical choice would be IV to play them in ascending order, considering difficulty. Here we go. As always, I ignore all of the talismans.


1 - Candy Crossing

Easy level to start off the pack. Used a blocker to trap the crowd the first time in ages. This felt strange ;)

2 - The Minefield

Didn't really know what to do here until I realized that these traps were One-kill-traps.

3 - Splatwire

Easy one. One of the Lemmings had to make a detour unfortunately, the level can be done faster.

4 - Just Dig...IN SPACE!!

It's actually more a blend of "Just dig" and "We all fall down."

5 - Star Watch

Certainly a step up in difficulty. Of course, the bottom route is the way to go. The time-limit is there to set the player on the wrong track, going the big round.

6 - Lollipops Playland

Just a builder-festival without any challenge.

7 - The Lonely Island

A bit trickier since all of the skills have to be used (at least I think so). As the digger can be stopped before bashing, this level in this early stage of the pack is not based on timing.

8 - Post-2012

Lots of Wasteland-levels in the beginning of the pack. Since the basher-cancelling-trick doesn't work here, the Lemmings have to reach the exit from the other side. Still an easy one.

9 - Central Boiler

Nice effect with the steam on the water here. The level itself is not too challenging, again. It's all about making a stack accessible for the entire crowd.

10 - Having A Lem Of A Time

The first level with a pioneer that saves the crowd fro the opposite direction. Still easy, though it can be a bit tricky to see how to trap the Lemmings from both sides and release them later.

11 - Wow! Such level!

Hard to believe, but I had some slight problems with this level. Took me a bit longer than I thought, mainly since I tried to make the upper route accessible. Didn't work. Nice layout for people who like dogs (I don't).

12- Just A Snack

Nice one! A really creative and timing- based solution without any terrain-removing skills.

13- Trophy Cabinet

The first level with buttons. Easy one, it's pretty clear where the two builders and the two diggers have to go.

14- Cogs of War

Another easy level though I asked myself if this is the only possible solution with so many skills left.

15- The Goop Pit

Solution can be a bit hard to see since the platformer has to be interrupted by a walker to make him land safely on the steel block. Rest is easy.

16- I'll Be Back...

Only one Lemming and no hatch here. Order of skill-assignment is key here though that should't be much of a problem.

17- Never Touching Down

The title says it all. The gliders must not land on the yellow and black striped platforms, not even a for a split second. I found this a bit tricky with the final obstacle, but after some attempts, it worked.

18- Treat Time

A bit tricky due to glider-mechanics. Finally, only one one-way-wall of the central obstacle has to be destroyed which helped a lot. Saved two miners.

19- Warp Zone

Brute-force-method by me here. I'm sure that's not quite intended, but it was the easiest way to go.

20- Over The Edge

Maybe the hardest one of the first rank. The platforms must be placed well so that the pioneer does not turn around. Also the release of the crowd requires a bit of timing because of the splat height. Good level.

All my solutions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@Swerdis


Will be following your LPIV videos as well, since I have now completed all of the packs in the series, including LP3D, except for the incomplete LPVII which namida recently released about 2 months ago with what he has managed to complete (only 23 levels). Except for a few levels near the end of the Twisted rank and a bunch in the Insane rank, I think this pack won't really be a problem for you at all ;) 
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMqwuqZ206rBWJrUC6wkrA - My YouTube channel and you can also find my playlists of Lemmings level packs that I have LPed
kaywhyn's blog: https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=5363.0


Nice levels in the "Smooth"-rank which I finished today. Things will get harder in the "Bumpy"-rank I assume.


1 - Chocblocked!

Took me a bit until I saw that the bottom is the way to go. Nice level to start the rank off.

2 - Cosmic Ray Zone

Easy solve. Already played a level like this in another pack, don't know which anymore.

3 - Chocolate Drops

A bit tricky in the beginning. Finally saved two over the top, but it could have been three if I had made use of the second glider.

4 - Star Watch

That level again, but with a modified layout and significantly less time. However, I found this version easier.

5 - Space Race

No problems here as well. The 99-Release-Rate can make things tricky in the beginning, but the general solution is quite self-explanatory.

6 - Chocoholics Anonymous

My first roadblock in the pack. After some time I was convined that the blocker must go to the bottom as well as the walker to turn around the pioneer in the end. So I had to use a miner cancelling a digger at the top. Later I'vs seen that this isn't the only way to go.

7 - Sweet As!

Despite the limited skillset, a tricky level. Timing is key here, also the pioneer has to turn around. The position of the platform isn't easy to see as well.

8 - Lemmania

Third Candy-level in a row. I overlooked here for some time that the Lemmings from the left hatch can be left alone due to the generous save requirement.

9 - Mechanical Split

Easy level since I spotted the main trick almost immediately. Still a nice one.

10 - Zip-Zap Zone

No huge challenge as well. The timing for the bomber is a bit tricky, though. Also, the arrangement of the bridges and the platform in the end assumes some considerations.

11 - Candy Mountain

This one reminds me of Mark Zuckerberg which means "sugar mountain" in German. Finding out where to mine is a bit of trial and error, but overall, this level is not too difficult.

12 - Luck Of The Draw

Breather level. The falling distance is huge so it's easy to see that a glider has to save the crowd from the other side. Didn't play many levels in this tileset so far.

13 - The Hovercraft

Another easy one. However, I was never a big fan of upward-bombing and adding stacker-spamming to this, I must say that i'm not too keen on this level. 

14 - Unhealthy Diet

Great level, especially the left side. While the general plan is quite clear, it's not so easy to see how the pioneer can return as he has to sacrifice himself in the end to save the crowd.

15 - Munitions Deposit

Very nice and deceiving level. Spent a lot of energy to solve it the obvious way, but no, it failed due to the scarcity of walkers. But fortunately, there is a ceiling.

16 - Busted Bunker

All a question of timing here. A first-attempt-solve.

17 - Lem Your Lem Could Smell Like

The solution is a bit different from expected since I went over the top and didn't deal with the splad-pads at all. Easy one.

18 - Over the Edge (Part II)

The first part was a hard level and contrary to othes, I think the successor is pretty hard as well. I too long followed the wrong approach here, then came up with the real solution, but didn't think through it thourougly and went back to the wrong approach again.

19 - Diet Lemmingaid...IN SPACE!! (Part II)

Just as simple as the original level and for sure a breather at this point of the pack.

20 - Ten-Lem Mission

Beautiful level. I love how things fall into place here and the fact that two pioneers have to work on the solution at the same time.

All my solutions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@Swerdis


Next bunch of levels completed. Though the Bumpy-levels certainly were a step up in difficulty, everything was still moderate. I had slight problems with Bumpy 6,15 and 18, but that's just about it. The Twisted rank is awaiting.


1 - Proceed With Caution

Very nice three-pioneer-level. I used the miner-cancel-miner-technique here which I hate, but I learned that it's not really necessary to solve this one.

2 - Lands of Despair

This one is all about delaying so that the two gaps can be sealed before the crowd arrives. So it's naturally a bit tricky in the beginning, but it wasn't too bad.

3 - Crank It!

Good idea, but the execution is precision work. Not hard to figure the solution out here.

4 - I Candy-ven...

Strange level, not just the title. Seems pretty open-ended I assume. The one-way-block is a mystery to me for it's not part of my solution at all.

5 - Cooling Vat

After some initial trial and error, actually quite an easy level. The miner-turn is the key to success here.

6 - The Brilliant Contraption

Not as easy as it appeared. Trapping in the beginning was a problem since I overlooked the 20 climbers for some time. Saved one over the requirement, though.

7 - Corrupt Shelter

It's pretty clear how to penetrate the one-way-mountain. However, avoiding losses in the beginning is not so easy - it must be done with only one skill.

8 - Oh No! More Ricks!

Builder-fest here. The biggest challenge here is to endure this terrible Rick-Astley-tune. Wonder what the five miners are good for as I didn't use a single one.

9 - In Lem We Trust 

Tricky, but very good level. Going through the middle part is not possible which became obvious pretty quickly. So the only way was to make a wall climbable by a digger shaft.

10 - Clocking In 

Nice little level, not overly difficult. The gliders are a bit tricky to handle here, but I guess that is just part of the concept.

11 - A Lemming Once Told Me... 

99-release-rate-level, still an easy one. It's clear that the crowd must be trapped in the pit left from the hatch and that one builder has to be spared to release it.

12 - Invasion Plan 

A level with a time-limit, but it didn't play any role here. Avoided to give the pioneer the glider-ability early, so he didn't exit but blocked instead. Since a platformer can't be turned into a miner without creating a small gap (at least that's true when left-bound), a third climber had to help.

13 - Star Watch

The third level with this title. Despite the one-minute-limit, this is a very easy one.

14 - A Universal Production

Brilliant level. It makes one think that the crowd has to pass somehow through the teleporter, but this is absolutely not the case. Due to the few skills, it doesn't take forever, but it's really activating some brain cells.

15 - Central Heating

Hard, but very good level. Always one construction-skill short until I saw that I had to leave the exit closed to make a Lemming pass it and spare a platformer this way. There were lots of subtle things as well to adjust, but finally I made it work.

16 - Don't Hold Me Back

The name party reveals the solution here. Still not sure if I did it the intended way, cause it has some brute-force-vibes ;).

17 - Climber's Edge

Not so hard. We've already seen a bunch of levels like this in previous packs. One could be tempted to seal the gap at the left side with a platformer, though. Which is not recommended.

18 - Clockwork Maze

Chaotic-looking and certainly a difficult level which I solved surprisingly quick. From the beginning I was sure that I could't afford using a blocker to trap the crowd because I didn't want to lose one of the precious blockers. And indeed, the scarcity of this skill was the biggest problem. I solved the level when I found a way to interrupt a basher with a platformer. Which killed two birds with one stone and saved a walker.

19 - Damned If You Do...

Bit confusing solution which I probably could net reproduce. The gliders helped a lot as well as playing with the Release Rate. Took me a while even to find out which path to go. A decent challenge, this one.

20 - Synchronised Lemming IN SPACE!!

Probably the hardest of the space-remakes so far, especially because of the harsh time-limit. The upper left quadrant was the most challenging to figure out.

All my solutions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@Swerdis


Due to limited time during the past week, the progress was pretty slow, but at least, I could finish the Twisted-rank. Nothing too hard here, maybe except for Twisted 15 and 18. But the real challenge will start now.


1 - Loose Links

Certainly a step up in terms of difficulty. For sure, the biggest challenge here is the harsh time-limit. I figured out what could be a solution quite quick, but this was so far off the available time that I discarded it outright. I approached the solution when I had found a way to trap the crowd efficiently.

2 - Space Capsule

Probably not the mother of invention, this solution, but hey...it works. Didn't use most the climbers and floaters.

3 - A Waste Of A Level

Finally, the long series of clockwork and space-levels, that began with Twisted 10 is over. A first-attempt-solve here. I mean it's just too obvious that a pioneer has to go through this maze of steel-blocks on the left side and then bash through parts of the ceiling to save the crowd from the opposite direction. Still a good level, though.

4 - Toxic Tales

Even easier than the previous one and an instant-solve, again. Attention has to be paid to the correct order of the steps, though. That's because two climbers are needed and there is only one umbrella available.

5 - Star Watch

Most likely the shortest level of the pack and the final iteration of the Star Watch series. It's pretty clear what to do here, though it's quite fiddly to make it work since  no Lemming may cross the stack to the right.

6 - The Mystery Machine

Harder than the previous two, but not as hard as it looked. The trickiest part actually was to avoid the three pioneers to climb out to the left in the end and die as there are no floaters.

7 - Dopefish Lives!

The only tricky part here is the beginning and the question how to isolate a pioneer there. Apart from that an easy level.

8 - Platform Panic

Hard level. I came up with the right idea about where to build the platform pretty early, but discarded it later - until I found out that the platform could be stretched with a stacker. Which when cloned also turns the gliders around. A pretty genious thing. What I didn't like about is that it took me forever to select the right one of the two cloned stackers to interrupt him with a walker. I had to educate myself a bit about Neolemmix mechanics until I found out that I had to press the control-button. Didn't know that. But otherwise, it would have been impossible to solve the level.

9 - Lollypalooza

This was a strange level. First, I had no clue what to do here and suddenly, everything fell into its place. This was when I realized that the first drop is splat height by only one brick, thus it was possible to build a bridge as soon as the floater landed.

10 - Comradical!

Great level. It's a race against time, even without a time-limit. The Lemming at the bottom can't be saved, but he has to reach the four buttons before his comrade reaches the trap. Which is not THAT difficult, fortunately.

11 - Tower of Confection

Very hard level, probably the hardest so far. While the basic concept seems to be quite clear, it is very difficult to make it work. That's because there is almost no leeway in terms of splat-height between the different levels of the tower. It's crucial to see that the pioneers at the higher levels have to be delayed by making them bash at different spots. And the first drop must be reduced by bashing the remaining Lemming out - so only three have to go down in the beginning instead of four what I originally thought. 

12 - No Time To Die... IN SPACE!!

I love these levels. The time-limit forces many Lemmings to work on the solution simultaneously. This one wasn't that hard, though.  I could have squeezed out additional seconds if I had released the blocker earlier.

13 - Squish Squash

Easy one. Saved a ton of skills here, so it's not quite intended, I presume.

14 - Artificially Sweetened

Not a big fan of this one. It's difficult, for sure, but this is mainly because of the required precision. Also, it's pure try and error in terms of the Release Rate. It obviously not possible with the preset 50, but it doesn't work with 99 as well. It worked with 85, though, but I stumbled over this by accident. But maybe I overlooked something.

15 - Heat Dispersal

Nice and not overly difficult one. I quickly saw that the ceiling is supposed to be used which was accurate. So the only tricky point left was how to turn the pioneer around, but after some adjustments I got it to work.

16 - World War III

Basically not a hard level as the nuke-solution is quite obvious and the title gives a hint as well. I still had more problems here than I thought as I just didn't save enough. The placement of the blocker was the solution.

17 - If Only They Could Jump...

The typical no-builder-maze, in the tradition of "To the end!" or "No construction zone". By nature, these are difficult levels and this one is no exception. Hardest part was the beginning with using a blocker as a one-way-field and the end which was pretty messy. Great level!

18 - Bomb Shelter

Wow, this was a hard one - as it should be at this stage of the pack. I tested a lot things here which all didn't work, so I laid the game aside. When I came back later, I found a solution which was, to my surprise, less timing-dependent as I thought. Saved a basher and two diggers.

19 - Overclocked Lemming

Easier than the previous, but still no cakewalk. Since there are only three gliders it was clear that one of them must switch the sides. I the beginning I used the stoner wrong, later I overlooked the purpose of the diggers - all of these have been small obstacles on the way to the goal. Due to bad timing, it took me twice as much time as the gold medal requires, but a solve is a solve.

20 - Goodbye Galaxy

For me, one of the hardest levels in the rank and thus the pack. The available skills seem to be abundant, but they use up quickly, especially the terrain-removing ones. The part with the teleporters and bashing backwards from the exit to the crowd at the bottom was the easiest to figure out. But bringing the other two bunches safely down as well, was the real challenge. A worthy ending of a very good pack!

All my solutions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/@Swerdis