
Started by Wafflem, November 05, 2014, 06:19:21 PM

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Granted, but none of those juices actually taste good. In fact they're rather foul.

I wish I could get motivated to work on Lemmings projects again.


Granted! Your motivation to work on Lemmings has reached a peak... but the levels you make during this never come out just the way you want them to :(

I wish I was in a (healthy) relationship.


Yes that wish has been granted Nessy, you are in a healthy relationship but you have to work long hours to survive money wise.

I want to get back to a normal life.


granted you now are back to a normal life

but Donald Trumps normal life.

I wish I was slimmer.


Congratulations, you are now a skeleton.

I wish I had a DeLorean.


Congratulations you now have a Delorean but its stuck in 1988

I wish there was a less time consuming way to make lemming sprites


Granted! ... but with this new and less consuming way to make sprites you make too many that half of the forum forgets what the original sprites were like which leads to a giant civil war on what the original Lemmings look like.

I don't wish for anything.


granted but all your random passing thoughts become true.

I wish I had money


Granted! ... but WillLem managed to find the Delorean back in 1988, accidentally crash it in 2020, and cause a rupture in the space-time continuum that caused the collapse of society therefore making money worthless.

I wish my voice wasn't so cringy on YouTube.


Congratulations, you've just been banned from YouTube!

I wish there were no hidden icicle traps in ONML.


Consider it done: everything but icicle traps is now invisible.

I wish Manchester United were as good as they used to be.


A: The current champions' starting eleven have signed up to join Manchester United! However, the club also had points deducted for administration along with other various rule violations.

Q: I wish that it would snow outside.
Level Solving Contest creator. Anybody bored and looking for a different challenge? Try these levels!

Neolemmix: #1 #4 #5 #6
Lix: #2  #7
Both Engines: #3


Your wish is granted : the Earth is now under eternal winter! It's very cold everywhere, everything is buried under snow and water is now ice.

I wish that a traditionally animated Lemmings cartoon existed...


granted animated lemmings is now one of the greatest shows ever animated, but its only available in North Korea.

I wish my new chair was already put together.


No problem. Your new chair has been put together, but all your other furniture has been taken apart.

I wish I had a pet ostrich.