[Android] Lemmings-like game (WIP)

Started by LJLPM, March 24, 2014, 12:23:12 PM

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Thank you! Yes, I enjoyed publishing updates : it was very motivating to see the game take shape :)
About the missing screenshots: yes, it's too bad they disapeared (the free online service I used to host the game's pictures removed most of the links :( )


Now that the development of jLevelBuilder is pretty much finished, here are some news about the Android game : I've decided to "port" the Android game (Java) to Unity (C#) in order to help me design a better UI for the game.
My limited knowledge in Android dev didn't allow me to design the clean UI I wished for this project. Thanks to Unity, I hope to achieve this goal (Unity has a lot of cool plugins which could help me to create a better game).
I don't really know where I'm going to with this decision, but I couldn't help thinking "what would the result be if I tried to create the game using Unity ?"... Well, we'll see...
I hope to be able to re-use a lot of stuff from the original Java/Android project, but porting the game to Unity is not an easy task...
Below is the 1st result of my new work (don't expect too much right now: it's just the beginning (load levels), and there are no Lemmings and no Objects yet, Eraser tiles don't work, Up/Down and Left/Right modifiers don't work yet, etc...)


This is looking great. Nice work, keep it up! :thumbsup:


Good news here! :)

I'm still slowly working on the Android game, and in order to ease the level creation process (+ to help me debugging the code), I'm working on a new feature :
- make the game run on computers (PC/Mac/Linux, coded using Java like jLevelBuilder), with the possibility to launch levels directly from jLevelBuilder (being able to seamlessly create, load and run newly-created ".ini" levels will be convenient !)

As you may already know jLevelBuilder and my Android game use Lemmini-compliant ".ini" level files.
Below are 2 screenshots of a level from Turrican's Superlemmini project: version 1.02 of "All that a Basher can Do"

- level loaded in jLevelBuilder for edition (I've just directly loaded the ".ini" level file without any modification):

- and then the level running (it's animated) in the game engine (PC computer)

Now, I have to drop some Lemmings in the level :) but it shouldn't be too hard since I already have the Android game engine pretty much ready (coded in Java, too).
Controls are also lacking now, but I'll see that later as I would like to be able to read Lemmini-compliant replays first.
Moreover, from a Java point of view, I've learnt a lot since this project has started and I'm also improving/reworking the code to make it better.

To make it short, project is not dead :) and it will be freely available on computers before the Android version is released (it will help to test the engine in a more efficient way).
And if my game engine is clean enough, I would like to port the game to Unity too (cf. my previous post)


Level masks are now fully working :) Everything is ready for dropping some Lemmings in levels.
The next step is to import/handle the Android game engine and make some Lemmings fall, walk and bounce against walls :)

(on the screenshot above, I applied some color layers (in-game) to better show the level mask in use)


First Lemming has just dropped :) (falling + walking + reversing walk direction when hitting a wall)

(note: on this screenshot, there's a pink layer applied on actual Steel items)


Exciting stuff! Will this essentially play as "touchscreen Lemmings"? If so, :thumbsup:

What are the chances of an iOS port?


Since there's been no update in almost three years, I'm guessing this is dead?