Cheapo Level List Game

Started by Conway, December 13, 2004, 02:36:07 PM

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Quote from: Ahribar  link=1102948574/15#19 date=1103674221Crazy 11: Through the Barricades II
I figure I should continue where the thread left off:

Crazy 12:  Swimming Pool

Good:  Visually appealing.  Then again, it's hard to go wrong visually with the beach style.

Bad:  The most mindnumbing level I've ever played, thanks to its endless, repetitve bridge-building and bashing.  Think "Hunt the Nessy" x 2 (possibly worse).


Quote from: guest  link=1102948574/15#29 date=1104215415
You mean the entrance I think.

He does... and it doesn't matter now, I solved it (and I had realised that in the first place, but thank you anyway Steve).

So... Crazy 13, The Fire Place.

Good: nice use of background colour, and it's a short level.
Bad: far too simple, and after too many other levels like it, a bit dull.


QuoteUm...... you do know after 8 comes 9, not 8 again?

Yeah, sorry, that took me longer than 10 minutes to post.

Pressing on:

Crazy 14: One way ticket

Good: The layout of the level
Bad: You need to build to the top of the screen


Crazy 15: iT's VeRy SiMpLe

Good: The title doesn't lie. Only 2 lemmings to save.

Bad: No puzzle to it. I would hope that they'd be getting harder by this point.


Crazy 16: Oh No! More Lemmings

Good: nice puzzle -- they really ARE getting harder now -- but fortunately not too much so
Bad: awful title


Crazy 17: 4:40 lemathon part 3

Good: You need to keep an eye on all 4 lemmings
Bad: I still havn't solved it! Grrrr!


Really? That's one of the easier levels....... if you need a hint, remember that you have the same number of climbers and floaters as you have lemmings!


Crazy 18: Snowed in!

Good: messing about with bridges...... and teaches the "ground in front of exit" trick, which reminds me that I haven't introduced it in my levels yet......
Bad: there's no puzzle to it, and it's still not that hard


Since we finished the Megadrive levels on the "Lemming Level List Game" thread, I thought I'd help finish this up.

Crazy 19: No time to sleep

Good: The obvious route isn't possible within the time limit, so you have to find another way around
Bad: The "Intended solution" isn't even that hard to figure out.


Crazy 20: The Twin Sandy Bridges

Good: nice 100% level with minimal skills
Bad: for the last level of the set, it's just too easy

-- and that's that done at last! Wahey!


OK, time to decide what set to review next.

I'm going to re-post here (if Conway doesn't mind) the rules from the CustLemm Level List Game, since they seem sensible enough.

1. At any time while a pack is being reviewed, a member can suggest the next levelpack. [It can be your own or someone else's.]
  2. If you don't want your levelpack(s) reviewed, you must explicitly say so. If the author of a nominated levelpack doesn't permit or refuse the review, we can assume it's okay.
  3. You cannot review the same pack twice unless for some reason the majority of the members want to.
  4. You cannot review two levelpacks in a row from the same author.
  5. As with the Lemming Level List Game, you must give a good and bad point about the level you are reviewing.
  6. You cannot review two levels in succession.
  7. You cannot review your own level, but I suppose that goes without saying!

[EDIT: additional rule 8. You must have seriously tried to complete the level you're reviewing. It helps if you know the solution, either by having completed it or by some other means, but it's not essential.]

- - -

I'd like to nominate my notebook set ( as the first set to review. It's short (only 11 levels) so if anyone else has a set they want to review we can get onto it pretty soon. If you already have the set, please re-download it from the link I just gave to make sure you have the newest version!

My set (like most of my levels) uses the Lemmus styles, which you can download at -- the set doesn't use all nine styles but I thought I'd put them all together since they'll be needed if we review any more of my sets!

So, anyone up for starting?


Michaels's Notebook - Level 1 - Lemming Coxton
  Save: 74/80
  Time: 4:00
  RR: 99
  Skills: 1 of everything

  Good: A nice simple level to begin the pack, and it gives a taster of levels that make the most of a few skills.

  Bad: Not much design here. The layout is far too basic.


Michael's Notebook - Level 2 - One Way Bashing

Save: 18 out of 20
Time: 05:00
RR: 88
Skills: 2 climb, 2 float, 1 bomb, 1 block, 3 bash, 1 dig

Good: The name doesn't lie. You have to think about what order you do things in.

Bad: The name doesn't lie! Very straightforward and obvious.

Oh, I don't have a picture of the level. I'll do all the LemEdit pictures as long as other people handle the Cheapo ones :) I saw, Conway, that you have a directory for the set, but only the first picture. Were you planning on filling the rest in?


I was planning to add the rest. I'll have to find time later. Also, since Cheapo works at a much higher resolution than DOS Lemmings, it might be a good idea just to link to the images so the page doesn't take ages to load.

  More screenshots to come shortly . . .


You could review level 3 while we're waiting....... since it seems only you two are in on this, plus me but of course I can't review my own levels!