Special Lemmings demo for Amiga

Started by Tsyu, November 21, 2012, 07:28:07 AM

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Apparently, there is a rare demo version of Lemmings that has levels built around various Commodore logos. According to the Software Preservation Society (on http://www.softpres.org/wanted#commodore_amiga" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">this page):
This was a promotional version of the game with levels dedicated to Commodore. There were 4 or 5 levels and were all based around Commodore logos. C= "Chicken Head", "Commodore", and the Amiga 'A'.

(This demo is also mentioned http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=35870" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">here.)

I have not been able to find anything else about this version, not even a screenshot. If anyone knows more about version, please post about it here.

Mr. K

Never heard of this... but I got excited for a sec because I had this disk sitting around that said Commodore Promotional Pack on it-- sounded like the right kind of name.  Then I looked it up and it's just some bundled version of the game.  Couldn't check myself, anyway, because I don't have an Amiga :/

I hope someone can find this.

Prob Lem

I've heard of this before, but as with everyone else, I've never seen it.

Could it perhaps be part of a demonstration disk containing more than just this Lemmings demo, made for a trade show or other similar event - perhaps the old World of Commodore show that they used to run, or something? That seems a likely place to exhibit such a set of themed promotional levels, to me...


Couldn't check myself, anyway, because I don't have an Amiga :/

Man, how I WISH Amiga Platform resources (whether emulated or not) to be more accessible too! http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/cry.gif" alt=":'(" title="Cry" class="smiley" /> http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/angry.gif" alt=">:(" title="Angry" class="smiley" /> I can only hope that would change.

That is EXACTLY why I tend toward DOSBox most http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/winktounge.gif" alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />

(For instance, the only Amiga emulator I've heard of costs $$, hence why despite all the qualities, extra levels, music quality etc. as you've all mentioned and everyone else has witnessed that pertains to Lemmings + the Amiga, it's waaay simpler with the dos method http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/undecided.gif" alt=":-\" title="Undecided" class="smiley" />)


Braden12 can you explain what you talking about? What exactly you want to say about emulating Amiga and costs? http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/huh.gif" alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" />


Sorry, let me be more clear Leo:

My point is, although Lemmings for The Amiga platform could be argued as better due to the differences with all the other original lemmings ports (100 max Lemmings vs. 80 for example), emulating Amiga AFAIK on win32 hosts is nevertheless difficult because of cost (and likely popularity). This can be compared with DOSBox, a free and open-source project IIRC.


Seems like you're not aware of WinUAE which is a free Amiga emulator for Windows.  It's been around for years.

http://www.winuae.net/" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://www.winuae.net/

Prob Lem

The reason for the cost of Amiga Forever is because the required system ROM images are still owned by someone, and are being licensed out for sale in that fashion. It's worth it for that and all of the other goodies that you get in the package, in my view (I bought the 2008 edition purely for the included files - the software is useless to me as I don't use Microsoft Windows - and I gather that there may be more content included, now).

Of course, if you have Amiga hardware, you can dump them yourself, instead. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EUAEAmigaEmulator" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">The section with the heading "Needed Files", here, has information on how to do this.


It is a fair point that the emulator does not emulate the KickStart ROM and require you to obtain an actual copy, legally or otherwise.  It does take a little more effort than usual to hunt down the Internet for a copy of the ROM you can download but it's doable, ignoring legal considerations.

Some people also apparently have started distributing Amiga games, including Lemmings, for Windows in a self-contained EXE format (ie. includes the emulator plus presumably the ROM and disk images etc. to succesfully emulate the game).  You can just download the EXE and run it to run the game.  See Rubix's thread here.  If legal considerations are not at issue, that should be about the easiest way currently available to play Amiga versions of Lemmings, and other Amiga games they have made such EXEs for.


Playing an Amiga game without the Kickstart, that's something like quest for the Philosopher's Stone. What if I say that my "quest" was successful, and it is possible to play Lemmings with the UAE without the Kickstart ROM? Of course, not just say, I can make a package and prove it.

The Lemmings Encyclopedia

For the Amiga emulators, I read that AROS is making an open source implementation of Amiga 3.1. WinUAE now includes a rom by them, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AROS" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AROS . So perhaps, it's not needed to buy anything to play Lemmings.


As I said, it is possible to play Lemmings without Kickstart with the WinUAE.