Family Feud (Round 15)

Started by Quizmaster, October 23, 2012, 09:03:02 AM

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Fourth challenge is over, see next post for results.

-- Simon


Day 4 is over! Here are the results.

1. We have two huts, one painted red, the other green. Choose one to enter. If there are more contestants in the other shelter than in yours, you get 1 point, otherwise nothing.

Red hut: 6 people (Simon, LemSteven, Ramon, Clam, ccexplore, Akseli; worth 0 points)
Green hut: 3 people (geoo, Rubix, Gronkling; worth 1 point)

The red hut had such a strong and unnerving color, everybody decided nobody else would go there!

2. We have a magical box. The first 100 hands that reach in will pull out a piece of candy. Afterwards, reaching in will just get your fingers hit by a mousetrap. Each piece of candy is worth 0.1 point, each mousetrap hit is worth -0.3 points, although you can't go negative within this question. Contestants are ordered in a circle at random, then take turns reaching in the box once before the next person gets a turn. The circle of players shrinks whenever someone has reached in as often as he wanted to. So -- how many times do you want to reach into the magical box? (Information: We had 5, then 7, then 9 contestants in the previous challenges. Simon will participate in the current one.)

We had 9 players reaching into the box a total of 92 times, so every reach was worth 0.1 points:

16 reaches: Gronkling
11 reaches: Rubix, Akseli
10 reaches: LemSteven, Ramon, ccexplore
 9 reaches: geoo
 8 reaches: Simon
 7 reaches: Clam

The greedy people still got their truckload of candy, whereas mousetrap hits might have been much more educational.

3. We also have a magical lamp. The genie allows you to wish for points! You may wish for something between 0.0 and 2.0 inclusive, and your wish must be a decimal fraction with at most one digit after the decimal point. The two greediest contestants get nothing, everyone else gets their wish granted. If >= 3 people tie for being most greedy, or >= 2 people tie for being second-to-most greedy with one single greediest contestant, then these tying people get nothing, and everyone who is less greedy than them gets their wish granted.

The cut-off was between 1.2 and 1.3 points. Everybody below the cut-off got their points.

Wish for 1.7: Rubix (worth 0 points)
Wish for 1.3: LemSteven (worth 0 points)
Wish for 1.2: Simon, Ramon (worth 1.2 points)
Wish for 1.0: geoo, Clam (worth 1 point)
Wish for 0.9: ccexplore, Gronkling, Akseli (worth 0.9 points)

4. We have opinions about others. Who do you think will make the greediest wish in the previous question? You cannot guess yourself. This question is worth 1 point, with 0.1 being deducted for every contestant who wishes for more points than whoever you name; but you cannot score less than 0 here. If the named user doesn't participate in this challenge, you get 1/2 point of compensation as long as he is in this list: Akseli, ccexplore, Clam Spammer, geoo, Insane Steve, LemSteven, möbius, Ramon, Rubix, Simon. (These participated in the previous challenge or are sure to be in here.)

The greediest was Rubix, but nobody guessed him.

Guess Ramon: Clam, ccexplore (worth 0.8 points)
Guess geoo: LemSteven (worth 0.6 points)
Guess Clam: Ramon, Akseli (worth 0.6 points)
Guess ccexplore: Rubix (worth 0.4 points)
Guess möbius: Simon, geoo (möbius was a listed non-participant; worth 0.5 points)
Guess Insane Steve: Gronkling (IS was a listed non-participant; worth 0.5 points)

ccexplore was sneaky enough to not be too greedy with the genie, but he was very greedy with Britney Spears, as follows:

5. We have Britney Spears. Hit me baby one more time: Choose a number among 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. From the numbers picked at least once, the number which is picked least often wins; if two numbers are picked equally often, the lowest of them is best. How low do you dare to guess? Score is 1 for the winner(s), and 0.3 points for everybody who is one off the winning number in either direction. If you're off by two or more, 0 points.

Choose 0: ccexplore (worth 1 point)
Choose 2: Ramon, geoo, Gronkling
Choose 3: Simon
Choose 4: LemSteven, Clam
Choose 5: Rubix
Choose 6: Akseli

Ah, so people have learned that you cannot throw yourself like walruses onto the lowest number.

We had no amendments this time, everybody submitted just one message.

6. We have a democracy. The questions in this quiz have fallen in two categories so far: Family Feud questions ("Name a...", where you must match the top answer) and mindgames (everything else). How should the next challenge be composed: A) only Family Feud, B) much Family Feud, C) fifty-fifty, D) many mindgames, E) only mindgames? I will average all the votes, and the next challenge will be actually composed like that. Scoring for the votes: Most popular option = 0 points, 2nd popular = 1 point for each voter, 3rd = 0.6 points for each voter, 4th = 0.4 points for each voter, least popular = 0 points. Tied places will be merged and are woth the arithmetic mean. So, vote for what you actually want, but skew your vote just a little if you think you'd match the top answer.

Only Family Feud: 2 (Simon, Rubix; worth 0.6 points)
Much Family Feud: 4 (LemSteven, geoo, Clam, Akseli; worth 0 points)
Fifty-fifty: 3 (Ramon, ccexplore, Gronkling, worth 1 point)

This averages to about 28 % mindgames and 72 % Family Feud in the upcoming challenge. Because of possible 0 points for lots of users, this question caused some upsets in the scores again.


First place goes to Gronkling with 5.0 points!
Second place goes to ccexplore with 4.7 points.
Third place goes to Ramon with 3.8 points.

First, I thought that the huts were too harshly scored with 1 point against 0 for such a rather random question. However, from the top 3 players, only Gronkling went into the green hut for 1 point. ccx got his compensation in question 5 with a guess of 0, and Ramon had the most solid intakes from candy, the genie, and the democracy poll.

I believe geoo has his own challenge almost ready to be posted, so he will be quizmaster shortly!

Quote from: IRC
<SimonN> geoo: I have scored the current challenge. If you want to be quizmaster, you can get the account
<geoo> Ok, what's the format of the new one, according to the scoring?
<SimonN> This averages to about 28 % mindgames and 72 % Family Feud in the upcoming challenge.
<geoo> screw that, most frequent answer counts
<SimonN> that would be 25 % mindgames, 75 % FF
<geoo> you never gave specific percentages; I take the most frequent answer and interpret it my way

-- Simon


Screw silly percentage mangling, the most popular answer was "much family feud", and that's what you're going to get! 6 family feud questions, more than ever before!

Family Feud:

1. Name a planet in the solar system.
2. Name a handsome/pretty forum member (you may pick yourself).
3. Imagine you are a lazy husband and your wife wants you to work out.
You are very slouchy and not exactly enthusiastic about moving your body. So which
sports do you pick to impress your wife so she shuts up?
4. Which question from the previous round was the dumbest?
5. You're chief of a large corporation, and you just yawned and farted into your comfy armchair.
For how many days does the armchair retain the smell?
6. Name one member who you think guessed himself in question 2. (Remember: most popular answer, not correct answer, gets most points!)

Mixed questions:

7. How many people picked themselves in question 2? 1 point if you're correct,
0.5 if you're one off, 0 otherwise.

8. You're at a romantic beach with hot girls and 10 coco palms in a row, the
palm trees planted in increasing size,
i.e., palm tree 9 is the highest one, palm tree 0 is the lowest one.
Each palm tree has exactly one coconut hanging from it.
You pick one palm tree to climb. If someone else chooses the same palm tree,
you brawl for the coconut and everyone falls down that tree.
If you're alone on your tree, you must choose a palm tree to throw your coconut at,
but you can only throw your coconut at a tree of lower height, i.e., one with lower number.
(So if you're on tree 0, you cannot throw your coconut). You all throw simultaneously,
and if your tree is hit by a coconut, you fall down the tree.
The players that haven't fallen off their tree at that point get points.
The lower the palm tree, the closer your view at the hot girls at the beach.
Therefore the remaining player in lowest position gets 1.0 points, the one in
second lowest position 0.8 points, and so on.
Which tree do you pick to climb, and which tree (which must have lower number) do
you throw you coconut at if you get the chance?

9. There are four safes, each containing points. You want to steal the content,
but there is one issue. Each safe has an elaborate security mechanism, which can only be broken by kicking
against it really hard for a certain number of times. However you can only kick once,
as afterwards your feet hurt too much
to dare another kick. So the players picking the same safe to crack have to work together.
Each player can kick the safe, but they can also be smart and choose not to kick,
just waiting at the safe watching the others do it.
If the safe opens, you share the loot, but those whose feet don't hurt are quicker to prey the safe,
so they get twice as much as the other ones.
If the safe doesn't open because too few people kicked against it, you get nothing.
Below is the list of safes, each with the number of kicks they need to open
and the points inside.

#1: 1 kicks, 1.0 points
#2: 2 kicks, 2.4 points
#3: 3 kicks, 4.2 points
#4: 4 kicks, 6.0 points

Which safe do you pick, and do you choose to kick against it or just wait beside it and watch the others do it?

10. You're a hungry bum, and go to the bum shelter's soup kitchen everyday.
Today it is open the entire day from midnight 0:00 to midnight 24:00. There is
only one spoon, and you bums are hostile (there's food at stake after all!), so if there's
some other bum having food already, you throw him out and have food youself.
But if someone else comes, he'll throw you out and have food. If two bums arrive at the same time,
a brawl ensures, and no-one will remain at the bum shelter, until someone else arrives later.
What time of the day do you plan to arrive at the bum shelter for food (be precise to the minute)?
Longest time being there and enjoying savory food before being thrown out gets 1.0 points, second longest 0.8, third 0.6, and so on.
Ties get the mean of points of the ranks of the players in the tie.


Let me say that I totally misread the red/green hut question, and thought the one that was most chosen wins." alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />


Oops, forgot to submit last round hahaha

Also I'm totally up for writing a quiz at some point sometime

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


To make clear something that has been discussed on IRC, but hasn't got much mention here:">Quote from: Quizmaster on 2012-11-05 16:38:57
(Information: We had 5, then 7, then 9 contestants in the previous challenges. Simon will participate in the current one.)

What we decided (I think; it's possibly still open to debate) is this: The person setting the quiz can participate, but has to submit his answers to the Quizmaster account as soon as the round starts, and can't change them after that.

ccexplore">Quote from: Insane Steve on 2012-11-05 21:20:06
Oops, forgot to submit last round hahaha

Assuming you have all your answers before the round closed (and just forgot to submit), I'd be curious to know what your answers are, to see how the outcome might have changed.


I would mostly likey have lost if Insane Steve entered  *u*


Quote from: geoo
I can be Quizmaster in Chrome and geoo in Firefox! Quiz is open. Wait, I have to submit answers first... Crap, now the quizmaster has sent his answers to geoo.

-- Simon

chaos_defrost">Quote from: Gronkling on 2012-11-06 09:27:10
I would mostly likey have lost if Insane Steve entered  *u*

I would've put 1.1 for the "pick a number from 0-2" problem, so you'd have actually gotten one tenth more point there" alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />

EDIT: But gotten smacked pretty badly on the mousetrap question so yea actually you would have haha

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Day 5 is over! These are the results:

Family Feud:

Each line contains an answer, and in brackets the players who guessed it.

1. Name a planet in the solar system.

Earth (Insane Steve, ccexplore, Clam Spammer, Ramon, Lem Steven, Simon, Gronkling, geoo) - 1 point
Alpha Ceti 6 (möbius [changed from Mars]) - 1/8 points
Uranus (Rubix) - 1/8 points

2. Name a handsome/pretty forum member (you may pick yourself).

Simon (Ramon, Lem Steven) - 1 point, everyone else 1/2 points
Prob Lem (Simon)
geoo (ccexplore)
ccexplore (geoo)
Gronkling (Gronkling [changed from ccexplore])
möbius (möbius [changed from geoo])
Clam Spammer (Clam Spammer)
Insane Steve (Insane Steve)
RubiX (RubiX)

Quote from: RubiX
( i dont even know of any girls on the forum?) do they exist!

Simon is considered the most handsome, and the only one to pick a girl, might he have a chance here (probably not)?
ccexplore picks geoo and geoo picks ccexplore, another couple? (And in fact, until people changed the mind later, considered very handsome as well.)

3. Imagine you are a lazy husband and your wife wants you to work out.
You are very slouchy and not exactly enthusiastic about moving your body. So which
sports do you pick to impress your wife so she shuts up?

Golf (ccexplore, Lem Steven) - 1 point, everyone else 1/2 points
Darts (Gronkling)
Competitive eating, just out of pure spite (Insane Steve)
Archery (Clam Spammer)
Yoga (Ramon)
Chess (Simon)
Billiards (geoo)
Pelota (möbius [changed from Soccer])
Soccer (RubiX)

Darts and Golf are two really appropriate answers, but competitive eating is my favourite if you want to flip off your wife!

4. Which question from the previous round was the dumbest?

Q1 [Hut question] (Insane Steve, Clam Spammer, Ramon, Simon, geoo, RubiX) - 1 point
Q4 [Who's the greediest] (Lem Steven, Gronkling) - 1/3 points
Q6 [Format for next round] (ccexplore, möbius [changed from 1]) - 1/3 points

5. You're chief of a large corporation, and you just yawned and farted into your comfy armchair.
For how many days does the armchair retain the smell?

0 days (möbius) - 1/7 points
1 day (ccexplore, Clam Spammer, Ramon, Lem Steven, Gronkling, geoo, RubiX) - 1 point
3 days (Simon) - 1/7 points
FOREVER (Insane Steve) - 1/7 points

6. Name one member who you think guessed himself in question 2. (Remember: most popular answer, not correct answer, gets most points!)

geoo (ccexplore, Simon, geoo, möbius) - 1 point
Clam Spammer (Ramon, Gronkling, RubiX) - 3/4 points
Rubix (Insane Steve) - 1/4 points
ccexplore (Clam Spammer) - 1/4 points
Simon (Lem Steven) - 1/4 points

Quote from: ccexplore
comment: seems like a logical strategy regarding 2, 6, and 7 for the quizmaster to answer himself for #2 (assuming participation), so going with that and hope it works out.

Turns out geoo didn't pick himself, was the most popular answer anyway though.

Mixed questions:

7. How many people picked themselves in question 2? 1 point if you're correct,
0.5 if you're one off, 0 otherwise.

Correct Answer: 5
3 (Insane Steve, Clam Spammer, Lem Steven, RubiX)
2 (ccexplore)
1 (Ramon, Simon, geoo, Gronkling [changed from 0], möbius [changed from 0])
So no-one gets any points here

Quote from: Simon after submitting his guess, to the Quizmaster
You scoundrel, putting the two questions so far from each other. Only geoo will think of that [Guessing himself in Q2 to affect the standings on Q7].
Turns out this was a pretty popular thing to do, two people doing it after reconsidering their guess.

Quote from: Insane Steve, guessing himself in question 2
but not because I agree or because I think it's the highest scoring answer but because I don't see this being a very high consensus question and I want to throw off the numbers for question 7 because strategery that's why

Quote from: möbius after guessing 1
(I'll really laugh if I get this one right)

8. You're at a romantic beach with hot girls and 10 coco palms in a row, the palm trees planted in increasing size, i.e., palm tree 9 is the highest one, palm tree 0 is the lowest one. Each palm tree has exactly one coconut hanging from it. You pick one palm tree to climb. If someone else chooses the same palm tree,you brawl for the coconut and everyone falls down that tree. If you're alone on your tree, you must choose a palm tree to throw your coconut at, but you can only throw your coconut at a tree of lower height, i.e., one with lower number. (So if you're on tree 0, you cannot throw your coconut). You all throw simultaneously, and if your tree is hit by a coconut, you fall down the tree. The players that haven't fallen off their tree at that point get points. The lower the palm tree, the closer your view at the hot girls at the beach. Therefore the remaining player in lowest position gets 1.0 points, the one in second lowest position 0.8 points, and so on. Which tree do you pick to climb, and which tree (which must have lower number) do you throw you coconut at if you get the chance?

Here's how the palm trees are occupied, in brackets is the palm tree the respective player aimed at with his coconut.
2 Ramon (0)
4 ccexplore (3), Clam Spammer (3)
5 Gronkling (3), RubiX (3)
6 Lem Steven (5), geoo (2)
7 Insane Steve (2), Simon (1)
8 möbius (2) [changed from palm tree 2, throw at (1)]
Palm trees 4 to 7 are occupied by 2 players each, so only Ramon on palm tree 2 and möbius on palm tree 8 remain.
möbius however aimed at tree 2 with his coconut, so Ramon falls down and möbius is the only one remaining on a tree, not exactly having the most excellent view on the girls, nevertheless gaining 1 point.
(möbius changed his guesses once, including for this game, and here it was a good choice, as otherwise no-one would have won)

9. There are four safes, each containing points. You want to steal the content, but there is one issue. Each safe has an elaborate security mechanism, which can only be broken by kicking against it really hard for a certain number of times. However you can only kick once, as afterwards your feet hurt too much to dare another kick. So the players picking the same safe to crack have to work together. Each player can kick the safe, but they can also be smart and choose not to kick, just waiting at the safe watching the others do it. If the safe opens, you share the loot, but those whose feet don't hurt are quicker to prey the safe, so they get twice as much as the other ones. If the safe doesn't open because too few people kicked against it, you get nothing. Which safe do you pick, and do you choose to kick against it or just wait beside it and watch the others do it?

#1: 1 kicks, 1.0 points - kicking: Insane Steve, Gronkling (0.25 points), waiting: ccexplore (0.5 points)
#2: 2 kicks, 2.4 points - kicking: Lem Steven, Simon, geoo (0.48 points), waiting: Clam Spammer (0.96 points)
#3: 3 kicks, 4.2 points - kicking: Ramon, waiting: RubiX
#4: 4 kicks, 6.0 points - kicking: möbius (changed from waiting)

Only few players were reckless enough to try to crack open the third and fourth save, but don't get rewarded as it doesn't budge. The cowards win, but don't get too much overall.

10. You're a hungry bum, and go to the bum shelter's soup kitchen everyday. Today it is open the entire day from midnight 0:00 to midnight 24:00. There is only one spoon, and you bums are hostile (there's food at stake after all!), so if there's some other bum having food already, you throw him out and have food youself. But if someone else comes, he'll throw you out and have food. If two bums arrive at the same time, a brawl ensures, and no-one will remain at the bum shelter, until someone else arrives later. What time of the day do you plan to arrive at the bum shelter for food (be precise to the minute)? Longest time being there and enjoying savory food before being thrown out gets 1.0 points, second longest 0.8, third 0.6, and so on. Ties get the mean of points of the ranks of the players in the tie.

There's a huge rush on the soup kitchen in the early morning, with 4 players arriving within one hour. Simon is the last one of them, and can enjoy soup for over 8 hours, until he is kicked out by geoo. Here's the detailled list of who occupied the bum shelter at what time, with arrival and kick-out times, the duration of the stay, and who's in the shelter during that period:
01:33-04:10 2:37 Clam Spammer (0.4 points)
04:10-04:17 0:07 RubiX
04:17-04:40 0:23 Gronkling
04:40-05:03 0:23 Ramon
05:03-13:12 8:09 Simon (1.0 points)
13:12-14:14 1:02 geoo (0.2 points)
14:14-15:01 0:47 möbius
15:01-18:02 3:01 Lem Steven (0.6 points)
18:02-19:02 1:00 Insane Steve
19:02-24:00 4:58 ccexplore (0.8 points)

Final results, barring computation mistakes:

 1. ccexplore: 5.8 + 1/3 = 6.13
 2. geoo: 5.68
 3. Lem Steven: 5.33 + 1/3 = 5.66
 4. Simon: 5.48 + 1/7 = 5.62
 5. Clam Spammer: 5.61
 6. Ramon: 5.5
 7. Gronkling: 4.0 + 1/3 = 4.33
 8. RubiX: 3.875
 9. Insane Steve: 3.5 + 1/7 = 3.64
10. möbius: 3.125 + 1/7 + 1/3 = 3.60


I'm genuinely flattered to be considered most handsome. :-)

-- Simon


Round 6 is over, results are four posts down.


I'm genuinely flattered to be considered most handsome. :-)

-- Simon

No offense but I just chose the first member that came to my mind, because I don't really know anybody here" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

(sorry if that hurt your feelings)" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />


In the case of Simon and geoo, you can judge for yourself (Simon's on the left) from a photo they posted" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">on this thread in the forums:" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

[To be clear, in my quiz answers I was purely betting on geoo-as-Quizmaster answering himself for the handsome question (#2).  What my answer would be if I were to answer honestly, shall remain a mystery." alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />]