Multi-player levels topic

Started by Proxima, August 08, 2012, 07:45:10 PM

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This is a topic for posting your multi-player creations!" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />

To start with, I've remade the original 2-player levels in the new Lix styles, adding the new skills. In general I've kept the skill numbers the same -- the usual complaint about these levels, not enough builders, is offset by the addition of platformers. All levels with blockers now have batters; I've added walkers and jumpers to most but not all levels. However, let me know if you think the skill balance could be improved further, or if you have any other suggestions" alt="8)" title="Cool" class="smiley" />

EDIT: Fixed the mesh on Level 8.


The remakes certainly look great" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />, can't comment on how well they play without first doing some playtesting. Hopefully I can do so this weekend" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />. A couple of comments/issues:
  • In general, all MP levels should have steel under the entrances and exits, unless the level is based on digging out the opponent's hatch (eg. Jenga). In some of these levels the entrances and exits have only regular terrain below them.
  • I'm missing some terrain, and don't know where to find it (and don't feel like trawling through the community thread to look for it). May I suggest we make a thread for tiles and put them all there?


How to check whether re-downloading Lix will provide you with the missing terrain:

Look at ./data/log.txt and scroll to the bottom. Missing terrain file names are printed into this file. Then browse the" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">images/ tree on github to see whether the piece is in the official tree.

-- Simon


Oh, right, new version" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />. I'll grab that shortly.

Good tip Simon; the tiles I'm missing are indeed listed on the github page, so the new version should fix it for now.


Here are all the multi-player levels from the L++ levels topic, converted to the new terrains, with batters added where appropriate. The zip also contains three levels by minimac that he posted in the community set topic.

Adapter's Notes:

* minimac gave "Across the Gap" the exact skillset of Crazy 16, including only 3 builders. This would make the level effectively over far too soon. I added 16 platformers (in keeping with the theme of alternating "3" and "16"), which I think makes it much more fun to play. It may seem that 16 platformers and 3 builders is still too few, given the number of destructive skills available; but I've playtested these levels with Simon, mobius, and Clam, and I think they work fine as they stand.

* "Across the Gap" 6P can, of course, be played with three. If there's demand, I could make a "true" 3P version, adding more skills since each player must deal with two hatches, but simply using the 6P version seems to be okay. The same goes for "Diagonal (part 2)" 8P with four players.

* A list of which numbers of players were provided already and which I added:
Across the Gap: 2, 4, 8; added 6
Brick Layers: 2, 3, 4, 5; added 6
Diagonal (part 2): 3; added 2, 8
Elevator Service: 3; added 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Perilous Descent: 2, 3, 4, 5; added 6, 7, 8

* I spiced up "Hell in a Cell" 5P and 7P by making each player aim for a cell two away (on 5P) and three (on 7P) rather than just one, and increased the skill count accordingly. Minimac's original 8P gave more of every skill; I increased just the builders and destructive skills.

* On "Perilous Descent", I did my best with the girders from the ONML brick set; I couldn't think of a good replacement for the chains, so I simply omitted them. On the same level, I found it tricky to analyse the differences between the versions, since they clearly weren't made by copying a single "unit" in the way, for instance, "Freezing Works" is. (Indeed, the 5P version had a width not divisible by 5!) I remade the 2P and 3P versions exactly (at least as regards the placement of bricks, steel, hatches and exits), then made new versions by copy-pasting the 2P "unit" for the even numbers, the 3P "unit" for the odd numbers.

* I omitted "Pyramid Plunder" since Clam has already remade it; and omitted Clam's "experimental" levels at his request.

* "Safe in the centre" gave 5 each of builders and platformers. After playtesting with mobius, I found this to be too few and made it 20 of each.

* For minimac's recent levels, I rearranged the skills to be closer to the traditional order. When I downloaded these levels, I changed the background colours of two levels on my own copies as I found the originals too garish; I didn't anticipate then that I would later be reposting these. Of course, the original background colours can be restored if minimac wishes.


TM / mobius gave me permission to add decorative terrain to his 2-player version of Compression Method. I also fixed one of the pillars that was slightly off position, and used the no-overwrite trick to create L-shaped steel plates instead of using overlapping pieces.

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.


Good remakes promixa.   Thanks for doing those" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

I'm doing a secondary version of hell in a cell, just few differences.


Ok here's the newer version.   Proxima's remake will remain the one closest to the original L++ maps

The remake version I have is now called  'Deep Cell'  and uses the brick graphic set with more terrain bordering each players area.
2 Versions each with all 2-8p maps created.

Deep Cell Classic (like the original, with a more updated skillset and of course the cells are about 30% deeper than the original hell in a cell, with exits further down the map.

Deep Cell Modified Skills  (unique skillset  based on mining, platforming and cubing)

Maps attached. 


I added all the new (remade) levels from this topic to the repository, except for the remakes of the original ones (Clones got away with including some, but I'm not sure whether it's such a good idea). Thanks for your work Proxima and Rubix!

They should appear in the next release, but if you (the original author) want to change them or exclude them, drop me the note and I'll update/delete them. The only thing I changed right now is adding two more versions of Diagonal (Part 2), one without blockers and one without diggers, and reducing the overtime of this level.


Here are ten levels with a common theme -- they are all based on single-player levels, some from the original games, some from the Lix community set. "Compression Method" and "Fast Food Kitchen" were remade by möbius, the other eight by me.

EDIT: Modified "Adventure Playground" for aesthetic reasons (terrain overlapping where the level wraps around) and added 3P version


And here's the second instalment of resurrected levels from the L++ days, converted to new terrain" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

(These are all the levels that were posted on the forum. Clam mentioned in chat that some others existed that I don't have.)

I added batters to Get Down from There, Mining Village and Ugly looking level.

I added the 2P and 8P versions of Diagonal, just as I did with Diagonal (part 2). The 2P version was fairly easy as it just required compressing the layout -- other numbers would require expanding it, and there would be tricky decisions to make to do this in a satisfying way. The 8P version was easy because I could just copy and paste the 2P version and reassign exits.

EDIT: added Tailor-made 6P and Ugly Blue Wall 6P and 8P


Not sure how it happened, but "3 for All" (from the first compilation) was missing one entrance and one exit. Fixed version.


Two race maps here. Both are set up to work with any number of players.

1) Egg and Spoon Race:
Quote from: #lix
[23:25:58] <mobius_> wat is the egg and spoon race? 
[23:26:33] <Proxima> clam's new race level -- with 2 lix each 
[23:27:21] <mobius_> where does "egg and spoon" come from? 
[23:27:58] <Clam> the spoon is a baseball bat 
[23:27:59] <Proxima> you only get 1 runner, and some of the jumps are high enough that only the runner can get up them. so your runner has to keep batting the other lix along, like trying not to drop the egg 
[23:28:42] <mobius_> wow 
[23:28:56] <mobius_> Clam gets a cookie for this amazing invention" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

2) Combat Construction V2: a modified version of Rubix's race map, with more construction and therefore more combat" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />
(edit: removed, go to reply #18)


That building construction modification works really good.
 A lot more fun this way" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />


(attachments removed, go down 3 posts)

Two untested but simple designs.

FIGHT! (one map for any number of players)
One lix per team, a straight fight to the death. Unlike Last Man Standing, this map uses a digger to reach the exit - the platformer setup doesn't work so well for more than 2 players because you can only platform from the edges of the arena. This is a minimal design, that hopefully can be used as a template for other "fight to the death" maps, with higher lix counts, traps etc.

Build Wars (2-8P versions)
Combat Construction taken to its logical extreme: you have to build the entire path yourself! There's minimal terrain (just enough to prevent bottomless falls) and torus wrap. Digging skills are available so you don't get stuck.

Each team gets one lix (first save wins) with their own hatch and goal, but alternatives are possible (playtesting will reveal what works best" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />) eg:
  • 2 (or a few more) lix per team, to allow building multiple routes, or building and fighting at the same time
  • Shared goal for more intense action at the end (this may result in a cooperation/betrayal game)
  • Many lix per team, standard rules, with holding cells at the start and not enough permanent skills for every lix to have them.