the Lix user feedback thread

Started by ccexplore, February 01, 2012, 03:42:13 AM

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Implemented in the current version in 2012-03-20:
  • Diggers don't turn on hitting steel.
  • Edit 2012-03-20: Ascender never skips ahead by an additional 1 lo-res pixel anymore. All horizontal lo-res pixels are visited once.
  • Basher relics lowered as in the following image, this will prevent the lixes from walking out of a basher tunnel sunk into the ground by 16 hi-res pixels = 8 lo-res pixels = 4 current digger swings." alt="" class="bbc_img" />

-- Simon


On the Lix site, there is now a" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Bug tracker and a" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">Wish list. I'll probably implement bug statuses and similar things in the future. (Right now, they're just separate topic listings.)

These should be used instead of doc/bugs.txt or the initial post here, simply to get everything together in one location. Everybody can write things without making an account -- this is the main reason I preferred to roll this custom solution instead of using github's bug tracker or something.

-- Simon


Sounds good.  Should I still keep this thread open or should I lock it now?  Not sure if this thread still has any purpose not already covered by the new features on the Lix site?


Best is probably a note in the initial post." alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" /> I don't have strong feelings either for or against locking, do as you wish. Locking is cleaner, not locking it might lead to slightly more feedback.

-- Simon


Last night, geoo gave me a zip file of levels including the originals and Mr Zurlinden's sets -- these contain 120 levels of which many are blank. I painstakingly went through and deleted all the blank ones. Today when I opened Lix they were all there again." alt="???" title="Huh?" class="smiley" />


If you put complete .DAT archives into the level tree, they will be extracted on starting the program.

If you don't want the blank levels, run the game once and exit again. Delete the .DAT archives, run the game again, and delete from the game the blank levels.

Use hotkeys for deletion and confirmation (default are [G] and [Space]).

Edit: Game shouldn't extract empty levels in the first place, noted this down.

-- Simon


OK, thanks. For anyone who wants it, I've attached a ZIP file of the Zurlinden levels with all blanks and all duplicates removed. (There are 30 actual levels in the set.)

Just finished playing the Fun levels in Lix. On Level 29, the exit is too low and you have to use a digger to reach the trigger area. Is this accurate to the DOS version? (It certainly doesn't happen on the Mac.)


I'm sure that when the game and level set are finished, we'll run a review thread similar to the threads for the original Lemmings games.

Lix's image exporting capability, which I tried out for the first time just now in the Community Level Set thread, is almost perfect for this. Time limit is displayed as "overtime", which I remember you said is a multiplayer setting. One vital stat is missing from the image -- number required to save.


It's a consequence of the levels not knowing whether they're single- or multiplayer.

I will simply hard-wire the exporter to use singleplayer terminology for next release. The level format should be changed at some point, too much stuff calls for individual hatch/exit options.

-- Simon


It's a consequence of the levels not knowing whether they're single- or multiplayer.

I will simply hard-wire the exporter to use singleplayer terminology for next release. The level format should be changed at some point, too much stuff calls for individual hatch/exit options.

-- Simon

are you saying you are going to modify the way entrences and exits work in the next update?

on another note: last time (which was a week ago) I looked at your site (the Lix site) the messages didn't quite make sense to me. In the wish list and the update lists; it seemed like the English parts and German parts were not translations of each other but saying separate things. The answer is I probably just didn't look at it right.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Go into a directory in which no level is selected; press Edit to start a new blank level; make some changes; press the "exit editor" button. Lix will ask you if you want to create a new level. When you enter the filename and press Enter, Lix crashes.


I just released a new version with several bugs fixed, both physics bugs and other problems. See bug tracker or github commit list for details.

I renamed bitmap/ to images/ and converted all "official" images to .png. If you have terrain which neither geoo nor me is tracking, then you have to copy that manually into images/ (no need to convert to .png). Also, I renamed replay/ to replays/, again you can copy over your old stuff (but I had physics changes in the current release, so it's not as important to keep old replays).

Proxima: I could reproduce the problem (editor exit & save), this isn't fixed in the just released version, but I will do something about it. New versions will be out quicker than the current one when they don't have physics changes.

-- Simon


The dlls for png support are missing right now.

You can get them here meanwhile:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
Extract them into the bin/ folder.


Yep, thanks. I've reuploaded the full game package with the DLLs included now.

(Actually, I don't make a bin/ directory in the Windows package, the executables and DLLs simply sit in the Lix root dir. Could change that if it gets too untidy.)

-- Simon


I thought I remember reading something about the fast forward behavior in replays. Currently during a replay if you ff it will stop on it's own after a few seconds. I can kinda understand the reason for this (if there is one that I'm thinking it is) but I don't like it. it's really pissing me off right now when I'm testing out my levels. What usually happens is I end up stopping the ff after it automatically does and then if goes back on and I have to start over" alt=">:(" title="Angry" class="smiley" />.

so this isn't just a negative post, all the new updates are really swell" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" /> .
(I felt like using the word "swell")
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain