Lix Community Level Set

Started by geoo, January 07, 2012, 10:11:47 PM

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hmm, I kinda like the lasers.
Anyway I solved the level now, Idk if it's the intended; I didn't use all the skills. I did it kinda sloppy. It looks like there could be other solutions so I'll look for more.

good use of a steam vent. is that what they're called?
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Proxima">Quote from: thick molasses on 2012-03-20 15:27:44
I didn't bother to upload it since all that needs changing is the required #. Just change the # to 59/60 (if you add this one to the list).

Oh, it should be added, it's a good level, especially with that change.

I thought Endeavor was too easy to warrant posting a replay (but still, a good fun level) but after the above posts, I may as well post mine. (Perhaps I was misled by Steve's comment, it was meant to be harder than this, and this is a backroute?)

I've noticed that in many of the cases, having more skills or a variety and simpler landscape makes a more difficult level. The key is to have many options available while most are red herrings. (making a person go down the wrong line of thinking which can be hard to get out of). But that's just what I've observed.

That's true. One example that I'm quite proud of is "Close to the Edge", which has the simplest landscape of any of my levels, but so far geoo's rated it the hardest. I just got lucky -- the Cheapo incarnation, because of the higher safe fall distance, only needs one climb-bomb in the wall, but once I realised there was room to require two, the level became substantially harder.


Those are both a fair bit different from the solution I was thinking of, but I like them both. I like the idea of an easier version with a skillset sort of like this one and a harder version -- which I can make with no climbers, since they aren't needed.

EDIT: Ok, two versions now.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano



That's about 2/3rds of it, the far right isn't supposed to be possible like that. I can fix that by raising the middle arch a fex pixels but I can't do that without making the level look bad. Let me see here.

Left part of the solution is intended.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


alright, here is the hard version of 'critical procedures'. This level (levels) turned out really nice. I gave Steve part of the credit on this one since you came up with that solution. I figure it's no big deal that the harder solution is also possible in the easier version since that was the case with many of the repeats in Original Lemmings. Oh, & tell me if the steel is looks good/bad or hinders in any way. It's kind of a mix between an artistic difference between the easier and to throw the player off a little.
I'm curious to see how hard others think this one is.

since you can't cut/paste into Lix I have no way of getting an "o" with the two dots above it in the German title. I guess it's no big deal 'cause in this instance "manover" doesn't have any meaning. (at least Google translate tells me so. I Wouldn't want to inadvertently change the meaning into something else of course that could be funny.)

also, I'm starting to love the new skills. Particularly "paragliding floaters"

note: I normally don't post a lot of my own replays because I like to take my time with levels and I don't solve them quickly.

EDIT: I finally finalized 'Five for Fighting'. The time limit now limits you to Clam Spammer's solution (which I liked the best).
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Ok, new versions. Minor terrain change, minor skill change for Endeavor. Building over the pit to the pyramid from the left should come up one pixel short from connecting now, tell me if it doesn't.

edit: nope this doesn't work either nvm

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Ok, list updated with new levels:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
It's a bit rushed, I forgot the backroute data, and I think I'll have to go over the difficulty ratings again.

There's a new lix version out since yesterday, get it here:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">
It fixes some bugs, and most notably makes diggers not turn on steel anymore, and a slight change of the basher mask so lix won't walk out of a bomber hole if you bash anymore.
I'll have to scrap my level Bulldozing as it doesn't work anymore.

Modified levels (just the new versions that have been posted unless otherwise stated):
Code: [Select]
changing - added "Part 1" to the level name; if someone has a good name for the sequel instead of just "Part 2", I'll remove it again
eyeoftheneedle - adapted to new physics

New levels:
Code: [Select]

Levels I'm not sure about their status:
Soulful Leap: Like this level even in its current state, do you intend to update it still?
Lix Lata: was there a new version of it now, or just the new Lix Ferenda?
Completely Ridiculous Level: Didn't receive a comment on my solution back then, and I'm not too sure about the name either.
Cry for me: Still has a pretty straighforward route I forgot to post for some reason. Attached.
Erbalunga: various solutions possible which weren't commented on I think, as it is now it could still serve as a nice easier level without the timelimit.
Show of Handsm Process Management: These are scrapped?
Four Lix and a Funeral, Stuff in the Way: Need backroute fixes.
It's all about survival/Untitled Columns level: Don't remember, were you still going to change this one due to the insane bomber precision required?

Proxima: You solution to "Well OK Then" is quite a bit more complicated than the intended one, but pretty neat. And the intended one uses a trick I know from previous replays that you're aware of it.

My solution to the initial version of Critical Procedures was different from the ones posted and saved 58 only, for the record. The level allowed for a great variety of solution neither of which was easy to see.
So the version requiring 59 and the Picard Maneuvre are the resulting version to be added to the list with the next update, or are there any more?


Lix Lata I'll need to update to bring in line with Lix Ferenda.

I'm not sure about Process Management. The solution requires setting the release rate to 1; what's the view of that?

Simon">Quote from: thick molasses on 2012-03-20 18:11:21
since you can't cut/paste into Lix I have no way of getting an "o" with the two dots above it in the German title. I guess it's no big deal 'cause in this instance "manover" doesn't have any meaning.

I don't know whether it's good style to put German names, or to leave them out, even if the level author knows German. The latter convention allows levels to be equally named across games set to different languages. Putting a German level title may still be good in tutorial levels.

Actually, Lix only uses ASCII anyway. The following two-letter transliterations are standard when the native symbols aren't available: ae, oe, ue for ä, ö, ü, and ss for ß. This is also a convention in German crossword puzzles.

-- Simon


Alright, try these versions of the last level I've made.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Soulful Bounding Leap- now that diggers don't turn on steel one major backroute is eliminated. You can add it.

Erbalunga- you can do whatever you want with it.

Show of hands- was scrapped but now that the minimum drop rate can be fixed, it might work. I'll work on it.

Four lix and a Funeral; I'll work on this one next.

Stuff in the way- Do you want me to add the time limit Tseug had? I'll check but I think that will probably clear up the backroutes.
I'd personally say yes- it would preserve his level's epic difficulty.

Critical Procedures- Now I'm thinking, since there are two versions; I should just keep the required to 58/60 for CP. What do you think?

About the difficulty ratings; I noticed you gave 'Diggin' the air' only a 1.5. It's easy to us because we've been playing Lemmings for years. But Unless you have a tutorial level explaining that kind of technique (which I never saw it if there is one); I don't think some one new to the game would figure this one out very quickly. Even when you understand it executing it can be tricky/annoying.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Wow, we've exceeded the original game's 120 levels!" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />">Quote from: thick molasses on 2012-03-21 06:42:49
Critical Procedures- Now I'm thinking, since there are two versions; I should just keep the required to 58/60 for CP. What do you think?

I think you should still make it 59/60, as it's a neater puzzle that way, and therefore more satisfying to solve, while still not too tough as all four solutions so far allow 59 to be saved. (Your solution can easily be modified for save-59, without requiring the blocker trick I used in my save-59 one-athlete replay.) Don't make it easier just because there's a second version. Lemmings had all its easy versions together, followed by all its hard versions; there's no reason we should have to follow the same model. (It's pretty clear already that we won't, considering Laser Deathroom, Changing of the Guards, etc.)

Similarly, I like "Soulful Bounding Leap" (don't forget to correct the misspelling in the title) but I'd like it more if you required 100%, no other changes and leave both solutions in.

About the difficulty ratings; I noticed you gave 'Diggin' the air' only a 1.5. It's easy to us because we've been playing Lemmings for years. But Unless you have a tutorial level explaining that kind of technique (which I never saw it if there is one); I don't think some one new to the game would figure this one out very quickly. Even when you understand it executing it can be tricky/annoying.

Don't forget that, given the designers' propensity for making incredibly hard levels, the difficulty scale is heavily skewed towards the harder end, so the difference between Fun and Taxing ends up being a couple of tenths. It's a little unfortunate, but if it still allows to arrange the levels in the correct order, that's much more important than the numerical ratings (which are only for list purposes) keeping a smooth curve. That 1.5 seems okay to me; you have only one digger, so what else can you do?

(Incidentally, I think Prelude and Hard to Port are both overrated in the current list.)

Also, Come on down / Rumble should be noted as incomplete in terms of decorative terrain; I'm waiting on more tiles being designed for the Underworld set, or if necessary I'll have a go at making some, because as it is, that set is so naff I can't bear to use it.

Path to Mahimah, You Have to Build, Wreck (I'm fairly sure) and Make You Mine can be rated "X" for backroutes. Yellow Brick Road can be rated 9 (you only get four exploders, how could there be any other solution?) Circular Ruins and Thomas the Climber can be rated some high number, they've both been through a fair few rounds of backroute removal.

Finally... you'd seriously rate Changing of the Guards 2 easier than 1? I still haven't solved it, not counting the backroute you already eliminated." alt=":'(" title="Cry" class="smiley" />

* * *

Yes, I am still working on Cry for me, Untitled Columns Level (it has a title now -- Seven Pillars of Lixdom) and It's all about survival, so don't add these to the list yet. Sorry I haven't gotten round to them yet; I got a request to make a video walkthrough for Repton 2's Caverns scenario, and that may take some time....


I'm currently working on making levels that will be playable by novices -- actual Fun and Tricky type levels (X of all skills with terrain of various difficulty to traverse, but not tutorials). It shouldn't be too bad to make them, and you can always make them out of pre-existing levels, too.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


Endeavor seems to be working now -- here's my full solution.

I assume your removal of the climbers on Paragliding was accidental? It makes the two versions too close together.