Maximum Lemmings Saved Records

Started by LemSteven, June 26, 2011, 07:19:28 AM

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LemSteven">Quote from: ccexplore on 2011-12-15 06:04:04
Typo on this one perhaps?  96/100 is pretty straightforward.

Sadly, no, that was not a typo, just an embarrassing oversight." alt=":-[" title="Embarrassed" class="smiley" />  Somehow I thought that a couple of those falls weren't survivable.

EDIT: Taking another look through my scores, I improved 11-7 (Don't Let them out!) to 49/50, glitch-free.  Fairly straightforward, actually.

EDIT 2: I also improved 11-10 (Lemming be thy name...) to 57/60.  This one takes advantage of the fact that "oh-noers" can survive splat falls, as well as stacking blockers to make the falls survivable for the others.


Finally, I have a non-trivial improvement to the Lemmings Revolution records!" alt="8)" title="Cool" class="smiley" />">Quote from: LemSteven on 2011-06-26 01:19:28
5-5: 49/50

(Level name is "One Way Ticket".) Now improved to 50/50. It actually didn't turn out to use much in the way of new glitches, but it's still a bit challenging due to the limited number of skills, and even the time limit forcing you to multitask (mainly because the limited skills force you to do certain parts rather slowly).  Solution given in spoilers below:

Quote from: highlight to read
The basic idea is to send a lemming through and onto the thin platform where the exit is at, and have him ultimately bash to clear away the final obstacle before the exit, the obstacle you normally need to mine, dig, or bomb through.  So you no longer need to use a bomber to clear one of the obstacles.

To send the lemming through the thin platform, send one climber up the one-way wall with the switch, and have him build starting at the right edge of the wall.  When builder hits his head and turns around, let him float down and then climb back up, and then build again at the edge of the build bridge.  Repeat this one more time (so 3 builders used so far).  Finally, instead of building yet one more time to connect with the thin ceiling platform overhead, have the lemming block at the edge of the build bridge.

Now send a second climber up the one-way wall.  As soon as he turns around from the blocker, have him build left to connect with the thin platform overhead.  This lemming will get "stuck" in the thin platform and will be able to climb through it facing right (which we want so it heads away from the exit after emerging).  When he turns around facing left, have him build towards the obstacle overhead.  When he hits his head and turns around, wait for him to head back up to the edge of the build bridge and build one more time.  With this extra build brick, you can finally be high enough to clear the obstacle overhead with a basher.  As for the blocker, use the "reset a bomber" glitch to free him (use a basher as the spare skill).

You've used up 6 builders and 2 bashers at this point, plus a few miscellaneous skills.  This leaves you with just enough to finish the rest of the level normally.  Because the moves above can take a long time to complete (due to the need to wait for the lemming to float back down and climb back up multiple times, to save skills), you'll likely need to multitask "the rest of the level" with some or all of the above moves.


^ Nice job!  I'll go ahead and update the OP.  The sad thing is I knew of that climber trick (I've used it to backroute "The Legend of Smelly Belly"), but somehow never thought to apply it to "One Way Ticket".

I worked out most of the Lemmings Revolution records a few years ago, and I've been making occasional improvements ever since, so most of my records are fairly polished.  But, as you've demonstrated, it sometimes helps to have an extra set of eyes looking at them!


Wait a minute... how do you save 100% on Classic 7 in L2? That's the one that allows you to lose 4 for gold." alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />


Wait a minute... how do you save 100% on Classic 7 in L2? That's the one that allows you to lose 4 for gold." alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />

That one takes advantage of the crawling trick, in which a lemming stuck in the terrain "crawls" up until he is free.  Using a basher and some builders, you can create a setup that gets all of the lemmings stuck in the wall immediately to the left of the entrance, and they will all crawl up to the top of the steel.  From there, the rest of the level is easy.


Back to Lemmings Revolution, I'm now around the levels in column 8 at this point, and just found another improvement:  8-2 ("Locked In") improved to 14/14.

This one uses the climber glitch again to build/climb through a thin steel platform, as well as the glitch LemSteven contributed about builders and retractable walls.  It uses all 20 builders (doesn't look like you can use any less, but feel free to prove me otherwise), plus a climber and a floater.  Solution below, with reference screenshots in the attached zip file:

Quote from: highlight to read
After 1 lemming comes out of the blue entrance, immediately lower its RR to 1.  So the first 2 normal lemmings will be the first to emerge from the exiting teleport, followed by the first 2 water lemmings from the other entrance, some distance away from the first 2 normal lemmings.

First lemming should start building when he's roughly a build brick's length away from the (opened) retractable wall.  The goal is to achieve screenshot 08-02_saveall_start_A.png, where half the length of a build brick exists outside the retractable wall.  Due to the way builders interact with retractable walls, as you see in the screenshot, it will immediately turn around and continue building left.

Second lemming should get up on that half a build brick laid and start building immediately.  Again the retractable wall will cause it to continue building left, and you end up with the build bridge stacked against the one started by the first lemming.  See screenshot 08-02_saveall_start_B.png.  The thickness of the stacked bridges will block the rest of the crowd from entering the "locked in" area (and you will be just fast enough to establish the minimum thickness before any lemming can get through).

The first lemming will eventually get sucked back into the teleport in mid-build, but the second lemming, as he started building further to the right, will avoid the teleport.  When he finished building, make him continue build left again, but stretch the bridge (see screenshot 08-02_saveall_start_C.png).  The stretching is necessary so that when you eventually fall off from the bridge, you won't get sucked in by the teleport.  When the lemming hits his head during his building, let him turn and walk into the "locked in" area, then use a climber to get him out, and have him follow the bridge and float down into the bottom area of the level.

Now refer to screenshots 08-02_saveall_A.png thru C for the placement of the remaining builders.  The order goes as follows:

1) build towards the entrance platform until he hits his head and turn around (see screenshot A, lower bridge).
2) build towards the steel wall to seal up the way on the right (see screenshot C, bottom, right-going bridge left of lava pool).
3) repeatedly build left towards the thin steel platform with the laser gate until you're stuck (see screenshot B, the lower bridge under the gate).  Make sure the bridge connects with the platform somewhere to the left of the gate.  When you're stuck, you will climb facing right, going up and through the steel platform, and then walk right to activate the laser gate. opening the retractable wall blocking the way to the exit.
4) Let the hero lemming finish the rest of the path to the exit with 4 builders (see B and C).  Note in C how the opened retractable wall (the one opened by the laser gate) will interfere with your building, although it doesn't do you any harm solution-wise.
5) Finally, release the crowd by building twice to get over and pass the teleport on the entrance platform (see screenshot A, upper bridge).


Lemmings Revolution level 8-4 ("Nice shootin' tex!") improved to 46/50.  This one actually turns out to be a nice, tricky challenge-style puzzle with only one miscellaneous glitch at the end (which merely saves 1 more).  Due to the time limit, unfortunately I can't use this method for 47/50.

Quote from: highlight to read
Refer to the screenshots in the attached zip as needed:

1) before any lemmings come out, set RR of both entrances to 99.
2) As soon as one lemming comes out of each entrance (this happens just immediately after timer reaches 3:56), set RR of lower entrance down to 1.  Then when 2nd lemming come out from lower entrance, set its RR back to 99.
3) After 48 lemmings total has come out, set RR of upper entrance to 1.
4) Now set the front of the upper crowd a bomber at the position given in screenshot A.
5) Now at the lower half, set a blocker at the position given in screenshot B.
6) Have the leader of the lower lemmings (call him "X" for later reference) build left starting at the position as shown in screenshot C.  The 1st build brick is strategically placed to match the step on the floor.  The step, plus the 1st 2 build bricks of the bridge, will form a wall just high enough to block anyone walking under the bridge from getting past.
7) When leader finishes 1st building, continue building left as soon as the game lets you.
8.) Immediately prepare to assign bomber at the back of the upper RR99 crowd, at position as shown in screenshot D.
9) The RR1 upper lemming (call him "Y") will fall down late enough to catch the bridge still being built by X (see screenshot E).  Have Y start building 4 times, as seen in screenshot F, to reach the "timed door" area.
10) When the rest of the upper crowd finally fall down, the front of the crowd (call him "Z") should block at the position given in screenshot F.
11) After Y finishes building and can reach the "timed door", assign him floater (screenshot G, though you probably don't need to assign it so late).  Wait until he triggers the meter enough times to reach "03".  Then have the back of the RR 99 crowd build at position given in screenshot H, resulting in a strategically placed build brick (see screenshot I) to finally allow everyone to get past the bridge and start heading the way towards the exit.
12) One lemming (it's X) will be far ahead of the rest of the crowd (see screenshot J), he will eventually trigger the timed door as well, and be sacrificed to allow the meter to go down to "00" faster than waiting for Y to do so.  (This would be unnecessary if the time limit is higher.)
13) After everyone else has turned around at blocker Z to head towards the exit, free blocker Z using the reset-bomber glitch, using basher as the spare skill.  He should make the exit with well more than 10 seconds to spare.


Lemmings Revolution level 8-9 ("Bridges") improved to 53/53.  Tested to work on both patched and unpatched versions.

Quote from: highlight to read
All the acid lemmings have to do is to have one mine left, starting from the right edge of the acid pool (see screenshot A, right, for the mining in progress).  As a great example of "underwater mining" on acid glitch, this will allow the lever at the bottom of the pool be reached and activated.  Due to the way acid works, the acid lemmings will snap back up to surface after reaching the end of the underacid mining tunnel.  Therefore the lever doesn't get re-triggered, nor will the mining tunnel block the acid lemmings from reaching the exit eventually.

Now the normal lemmings entrance.  Set RR to about 27 before any lemmings comes out, then set RR to 1 after 1st normal lemming ("X") emerges, and finally RR to 56 after 2nd normal lemming ("Y") emerges.  Assign X blocker after he walks for a few steps (basically, as soon as you can, but not so soon that Y and other subsequent lemmings end up landing on X's head).  Also assign X bomber immediately after assigning him blocker.  Wait for Y to turn around at X, and then turn again at the left steel wall, then assign Y bomber as well.

X will "ohno" at the right time allowing Y to pass through.  Reset X by assigning him blocker.  Y will ohno in mid-fall thus surviving the fall.  When it lands, make him dig (thus canceling the explosion) down 3 times, then bash (see screenshot A, left).  Y will stop bashing when it reaches the steel before thea acid pool.  The digging will lower the floor enough for the steel to wall off anyone from reaching the acid pool from the left.  Y's bashing also effectively releases the acid lemmings to start heading towards the exit.  Now have Y build left to make safe the fall from the normal-entrance platform, as well as to build over the dig-bash pit's left wall, so that lemmings can head to the exit (see screenshot B).

Now wait until everyone has come out.  The acid lemmings as well as Y will all reach the exit by then.  The RR will compress the normal-lemmings crowd into two distinct positions.  Whenever the two walking "sub-crowds" intersect, assign blocker X bomber.  When X ohnos, assign him basher to reset and free him.  He should end up between the two sub-crowds. They now all walk towards the exit, and because of the crowd compression, everyone will make it through the metered door before it retracts and closes.


Nice work!" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />

I didn't know about the underwater mining glitch until you pointed it out, which is why I couldn't do better than 52/53 on that level.  The 52/53 solution is basically the intended route, saving everyone but the single acid lemming that goes down the drained acid pool and trips the switch.


I found another (easier) way of getting 46/50 on Lemmings Revolution level 8-4 (Nice shootin' tex).  This one is completely glitch-free, and uses less skills and has more time left over than the one ccexplore presented (which was still very good, incidentally).  Unfortunately, despite the spare skills, I doubt this method can be improved to save 47/50.

Quote from: Hint
The general idea is to catch the lemmings that trigger the timed door counter on a bridge.  To do this, your main bridge will mainly go from right to left underneath the door, except for the final approach, which obviously must go from left to right.  This uses up five bridges, leaving two to cut off the fall for the upper group. 

Quote from: Full Solution
1: Let the lemmings from the lower entrance walk up to the highest part of the lower platform (underneath the exit).  Shortly after the first lemming takes a step down, make him block.
2: The second lemming hits the blocker and must build as soon as he steps back up.  He will build four bridges to the left, and it is important that none of these bridges are "stretched". 
3: Meanwhile, the rest of the lower crowd heads off to the left.  One lemming must build 2x to catch the upper group when they fall.
4: When the first builder finishes his fourth bridge, make him a blocker.
5: When the crowd gets back to the right, they will walk up the bridge and hit the blocker on top.  Make a lemming build right starting at the third brick from the top.  He should just barely make it far enough so that the lemmings falling off his bridge will trigger the timed door counter.
6: Watch the rest of the lower crowd carefully.  If there is a lemming closely following the one who triggers the door to close, make him bash to delay him, otherwise the closing door may knock him off the level.
7: Use two bombers to release the upper lemmings.

All of the lemmings will be saved except for the two bombers and the two blockers.  Unfortunately, the spare skills are insufficient to save either one of them.


Could anyone tell me how you're supposed to win "Two Laps Final" without using the bomber glitch? I mean, I'm assuming there's a way considering the reset bomber glitch is a glitch. In any videos I've seen of people completing the level they always use the glitch.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Haven't played that level myself, but" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">this walkthrough did offer an alternative for freeing a blocker without using the glitch, it seems.


I can confirm that "Two Laps Finale" is possible without the bomber glitch.  If you build a bridge at the start and then block on the fourth brick, the blocker can be released later by mining on the first brick.  The remaining 12 bridges are more than sufficient to clear the path to the exit (which can be done a couple of different ways).


yeah for some reason I thought you had no floaters on that level, so I thought going to the right was impossible. This level isn't really that hard at all now that I think about it.

another solution is to block and after you've cleared a path to the left, free the blocker using the glitch then have him build up to the ceiling to turn around.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


I've recently been having a go at some Mayhem levels of the original game and for this type of challenge I was stuck on 10 and 29. I need some advice on these levels as to how to pull off the old slider trick on 10. (I have done that trick before, but not in this case) As for 29 I don't know where the lemmings need to be turned to blockers. Some hints would be nice but replays are preferable.
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