Author Topic: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings  (Read 75344 times)

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Offline RubiX

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #210 on: February 21, 2010, 02:22:29 am »
Ah yes ^ clones.
 I signed up a long time ago for this, its going to be a great game hehe.

Offline Simon

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #211 on: February 25, 2010, 02:27:32 pm »
I've been programming for the past days again, and I'm nearly done with a server that supports a lobby and multiple rooms. A new teamplay mode assigns a single common tribe to whoever selects the same color, and the skillset is shared. Some minor cosmetical issues are fixed at this time.

I'm going to collect multiplayer maps for inclusion in the next release. I will go through the attachments/links of this topic itself here and the one in Level Designing. If you've made some fine levels, post them in the next few days in case you haven't already.

-- Simon

Offline Clam

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #212 on: February 26, 2010, 12:12:36 am »
I made blockerless versions of "Pyramid Plunder" and "Perilous Descent", but they didn't play too well, so I'll leave those for now. Depending on what gets added to L++ in the next version, I might make some changes to these levels.

I changed the skillset for "Put it on the line", to make it much harder (but not impossible ) to make lemmings walk the other way. I will make versions for more than 2 players at some point, but for now here's the 2P version (attached).

Mod Edit: Restored attachments.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 08:28:12 pm by Prob Lem »

Offline Simon

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #213 on: February 27, 2010, 05:21:04 am »
New version 2010-02-27 is out!

Download the newest version of L++.

You can play on the updated central server -- thanks go to Mindless for hosting it as before. Also thanks to Clam Spammer, geoo, Steve, Rubix, and minimac for all the great multiplayer levels!

We usually play after 00:00 UTC. A good idea is to join the IRC channel if you wish to participate, that makes it easier to find out the exact times.

-- Simon

Offline RubiX

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #214 on: February 27, 2010, 07:43:03 pm »
The new version is awesome.   The addition of teamplay is excellent.  Lemmings is taken to a whole new level with L++     :D

Offline GigaLem

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #215 on: March 21, 2010, 05:56:56 pm »
wish i could join the fun but i can't get it working
but can you post a link on this fourm,an already working one

Offline RubiX

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #216 on: March 21, 2010, 11:42:28 pm »
wish i could jion the fun but i can't get it working
but can you post a link on this fourm an allreedy working one

Ok, this post is not meant to be mean to you, but you do need to see things from our eyes, so this is the last time I will respond to your posts unless you start taking more care with what you write, so everyone has a good understanding of what it is you are talking about.

You see..... to us, you never make anything clear.

Let's use your last post to show you why people are just 'lost' with what you are saying.

"but i can't get it working"   <---- CLEAR details about problem's always should follow.     
We really cannot even start to think of a solution with what you just told us in those few words.

"but can you post a link on this fourm"  <------ You haven't made it clear what sort of link do you want   ?   ?   ?   ?   ? This is soooo confusing .....   you want a link to the download page for l++?  Or a link to a troubleshooting page maybe ?   ?   ?    ?   

"an allreedy working one"    <------- I'm still totally confused about this part also.. I just don't have a clue what you are trying to say.      (if someone gives you a link to click, you want them to test that the link actually takes you somewhere and is not a broken-link?)

To sum this up.   I think you write something and then post it without reading what you have wrote.   You need to read what you have typed, then think about it from someone else reading it....  Think to yourself "Does it seem completely clear to a stranger?"

Please take this seriously, it's going to help a lot of people , as you appear to post quite often on the lemmings forums.

Thanks, seeya.

Offline RubiX

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #217 on: March 22, 2010, 02:00:59 am »
Simon, i've fixed things in the last 2 packs I put up here, so both those previous zips can be deleted, they are all in this updated pack now.

Run to the hills:  fixed steel with postbox exit triggers, and entrance steel added.

Removed the fling map, and pop your path maps, kept the full abilities versions only, with steel on bottoms.

Dolly dimple multi's: changed the flooring type to being flat.

Play hard:  Moved the exits a few pixels to the right to be more visible.


Offline geoo

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #218 on: April 23, 2010, 11:22:48 am »
In the IRC we've planned a multiplayer session scheduled for tomorrow (Saturday), 5:00am UTC.
(We usually just play spontaneously, but this way those who don't frequent the IRC have a chance as well.)

Anyone is free to join; check to have the newest version (dated 10-03-11), if you don't, drop me or Simon a message, or simply get into the IRC, as it's currently not available on the site.

Offline chaos_defrost

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #219 on: April 24, 2010, 07:56:10 am »
We actually had 8 for a few games, which was awesome  :thumbsup:

We need to play more games more often

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano

Offline RubiX

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #220 on: April 24, 2010, 07:31:20 pm »
yea finally 8 player!  Great fun .

Offline geoo

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #221 on: May 07, 2010, 09:26:22 pm »
We plan to have another session on Sunday, May 9th, 4:00am UTC.

As last time, everyone is invited, perhaps we can get 8 players again. :D

Offline geoo

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #222 on: May 28, 2010, 08:19:51 pm »
Next big session is scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday May 29th, 19:00 UTC.

Offline Simon

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #223 on: June 07, 2010, 04:18:23 am »
A story about immediately going back to fanning

Yesterday in IRC, we talked about ccexplore's solution to L2 Space 6 5, the level that he wrote a whole text file about. You had to blow a balooner down a shaft while roping at the same time. Basic idea: Immediately go back to fanning (= direct quote from the file) after doing anything else even for a tiny slice of time.

Skip forward to a talk about how geoo makes an extra version of Downward Reduction, an L++ multiplayer level. "lemming potpourri" means that every entrance spawns lemmings of every player.

<geoo> made potpourrified versions of all of them now
<Simon> Then hatch bombing isn't that good of a strategy anymore, since you want to get lots of lems into your miner hole.
<geoo> Well, you bomb under the hatch that is located above your exit
<Simon> I will send back the usual platformer squad.
<geoo> But it sounds interesting, as you got your lemmings everywhere then
<geoo> haha
<geoo> then come the counter-miners
<Simon> I will send miners back to the left of the hatch and mine to the right, so the exploders won't get where they should in the first place.
<geoo> Then I just use your miner tunnel instead of the bomber hole
<Simon> Fine, I get lems from two hatches then.
<geoo> I just nuke and by coincidence it will blow a large hole directly above my exit
<Simon> Where everyone splats.
<geoo> Nuclear winter it is then
<Simon> Nah, some survive.
<geoo> And enter my exit?
<Simon> They get stuck in the walls of the hole, from where they can mine to other exits.
<geoo> Then I go immediately back to fanning and blow them into my exit
<Simon> :D
<Simon> I should make a level "immediately go back to fanning"
<geoo> do it!
(20 minutes later)
<Simon> Alright, I'm done.

See attached picture for the result.

Immediately go back to Fanning is a map for two players. The idea is that you're busy assigning floaters on both sides, and you must still be faster in the center than your opponent. The overtime is 6 seconds. If you don't assign floaters all the time, your opponent can just nuke if he's ahead by some number of lemmings. If you're slow in the middle, your opponent can nuke after he's done with the middle...

-- Simon

Offline geoo

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Re: L++: Networked multiplayer Lemmings
« Reply #224 on: June 07, 2010, 04:51:16 pm »
To be fair, we weren't actually talking about the ccexplore's route to Space 5. (On that note, the skill reduction solutions for Egyptian 10 are epic as well!) The whole picture is that 'immediately go back to fanning' has turned into some kind of meme and a symbol for the passion ccexplore shares for lemmings :thumbsup::

Quote from: Mar. 13th
<Simon> Wah, in the zip archive of ccexplore's reply #2 to the topic, he's written a complete text file about a single solution.
<Simon> "quickly blow him as far down as you can.  This will be extremely tricky and will take many tries" -- "Immediately go back to fanning and navigating the ballooner further down" -- "Immediately prepare to go back to fanning"

Quote from: May 16th
<geoo> Like the roper's base I/T shape, getting down with the mortar 7/8 pixels
<Simon> Yeah, remember the roper difference.
<geoo> Not being able to assign a different lemming while roper/archer is aiming
<geoo> I'm not too familiar with the Amiga version, but these are a few differences I noticed when I had a try
<Simon> When I read "can't assign while aiming", I always have to think of "immediately go back to fanning"
<geoo> haha
<Simon> That and the fact that ccexplore wrote a whole text file just for a single level.
<Simon> Really shows his love for the games :)

Quote from: Jun. 7th, earlier this night
<Simon> I will probably not implement wind :)
<Matt_> well you wouldn't have to implement wind,
<geoo> haha yeah, the wind driven skills are kinda annoying
<geoo> definately not something for multiplayer
<Simon> Immediately go back to fanning.
<geoo> LOL
<geoo> (literally, for once)

And yes, we ended up playing "Immediately go back to fanning" until deep into the night.