Lemmings 2 glitches

Started by Clam, September 26, 2009, 11:59:35 PM

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Run into this in a recent custom level.  The broken bridge you see in the screenshot was never actually broken.  It just started looking like that when I scrolled that part of the level off the screen and then scroll it back in.


That's most likely due to being right in front of the spinner graphics for the chain swing. I've noticed the game has a few oddities when scrolling animated elements ONTO the screen.


Seems right, as it covers the space of one tile. It's a good thing that it's only a graphical glitch.
SEGA Master System version
100% on 110/120 levels (92%). Other levels [Lemmings lost]:
Fun 03 [3], 06 [2], 18 [5]   
Taxing 19 [5], 27 [1], 28 [3]
Tricky 15 [5], 17 [2]
Mayhem 19 [7], 26 [10]


I just realised you can edit the save file to play with more than 60 lemmings. Unfortunately, the game freezes when it drops the 101st lemming from the entrance, so 100 is the limit. The number 100 displays in-game as ":0", and if you save them all it says "You saved 00 lemmings" http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />


Awesome!  100 lemmings...  wish we could get that for DOS Lemmings 1, as the percentages at that level are awfully easy to calculate!


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=199.msg7582#msg7582">Quote from: Dullstar on 2009-11-17 23:26:54
Awesome!  100 lemmings...  wish we could get that for DOS Lemmings 1, as the percentages at that level are awfully easy to calculate!

Yeah, unfortunately it's very unlikely to happen.  The game sets aside exactly enough memory for 80 lemmings, and there are other stuff in memory immediately following it.  So supporting 100 lemmings would require massive hacking to relocate all the other data structures following it to make room for 20 more lemmings, and then change all memory address references throughout the entire game to adjust for said massive relocation.  Oh, did I mention that the full disasembly of the game runs at about 18000 lines of code?

Your best bet instead is to use Lemmix.


Wow, that is...  extreme.  Lemmix is windows only though.


Found another glitch (wow, I'm on fire today). You may or may not be aware that runners don't stand still like other lemmings when executing the Thrower and Spearer skills; instead they take a short run-up before throwing. When a running Spearer runs into a wall during this run-up, it pulls out of the throw and turns back. But if a running Thrower hits a wall during the run-up, it gets stuck in the wall and crawls up.


And another one. Wow, this game is buggy http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/laugh.gif" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />

I was testing out my new level, and my Runner/Swimmer glitched through a wall when it fell in the water. I've uploaded http://camanis.net/lemmings/lemmingswelt/index.php?cmd=get&file=/l2_run-swim_glitch.zip" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">a video so you can see for yourself. If you don't make it a Swimmer, it just drowns as you would expect.


Wow, I thought it was just another wall-crawling thing, definitely didn't expect it to literally go through the wall. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/shocked.gif" alt=":o" title="Shocked" class="smiley" /> http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/thumbsup.gif" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />

I guess with 51 different types of skills instead of 8, there's a vast increase in potential interactions between skills and skill transitions, so it comes at no surprise that there are much more opportunities for glitches.

One that I remember off top of my head, not very spectacular though, is that while the roper waits for the rope shooting to finish (whether or not the rope breaks), it won't fall even if you remove the ground it's standing on.  It does fall of course once it finishes waiting.  I haven't tried yet whether you can assign skills in the transition.  There are likely other skills with similar behavior, though I haven't checked anything else yet (eg. archers?  laser blasters? etc)


I've investigated the wall-swimming glitch further. Here's what I found:

  • The glitch appears to only work to the left. I haven't yet been able to reproduce the mirror-image.
  • Whether or not the lemming glitches through the wall depends on its position when it lands in the water (i.e. how close it is to the wall), not the other permanent skills assigned. It just so happened that my runner fell in the right place earlier because of the auto-jump.
  • The lemming can glitch through any amount of terrain!
  • The lemming appears to spin around as it travels through the wall. It seems to cycle through the animations for swimming in each direction and turning around (as though it hit a wall and couldn't climb out).
  • If the lemming climbs out in mid-air, there's one frame of walking in which you can assign a skill before it falls.


I recall another glitch that has caused me trouble on occasion.  As an example, I will use my solution for Outdoor 4:

My solution to that level is to send a Canoer across the water while the rest of the crowd is held back with an Attractor.  Once the Canoer is across the water, I want to make him an Archer so that he can shoot an arrow to the other side.  Then someone from the crowd can pour glue on that arrow and make a bridge over the water.

Toward the end the animation in which the leader transitions from a Canoer to a Walker, there is a point in which you can give him the Archer skill, but his feet aren't yet planted on the ground.  So as he is preparing his bow, he falls and transitions back to a Walker, essentially wasting the skill.


While fooling around in practice mode, I discover that if you drown a SuperLem, 99% of the time it will prevent you from assigning anyone else a SuperLem again (until you restart the level of course).  While I haven't tested many other methods of killing SuperLems, I did test that merely making the SuperLem disappear off the level boundaries will not cause the same effect.  I also haven't tested yet what happens if some other kind of transition besides drowning occurs (eg. what if the lemming has Swimmer ability? hmm, something to test next...)[edit: tested swimmer, same thing happens--can't assign SuperLem to anyone anymore]

[edit2: Further testing suggests a circumstance where the SuperLem will drown w/o preventing further SuperLem assignment, but it's even weirder.  Basically make the SuperLem with swimmer ability nosedive fast into the water at a near-vertical angle.  Even though if the SuperLem had swimmer ability, it will nevertheless drown!  And yet, somehow with this kind of drowning which looks exactly the same, you can continue to assign SuperLem afterwards.  Strange.  Doing this with non-swimmer SuperLem doesn't work.   Wait, it does.]

[edit3: I have a vague guess as to what might be going on with edit2.  I'm testing this specifically in the Polar practice level with the relatively shallow pool of water at the top of the screen right over the first hill.  I think if you dive the SuperLem into the water fast enough, if it's fast enough it will actually go straight from air to hitting the bottom of the shallow pool in a single frame.  This is equivalent to crashing your SuperLem which will end the SuperLem ability, and only then does the game check for water and drown the lemming.  So you bypass the glitch about not being able to assign another SuperLem, because the lemming actually drowned right after losing SuperLem as opposed to during.  It's still a glitch thoiugh that this kind of dive would drown even a swimmer.]


Okay, here's a weird one I discovered with the Stacker:

Like the Builder, the Stacker has a ceiling detection algorithm so that if he hits his head on something, he will stop building his stack and walk off.  But unlike a Builder, the Stacker does not appear to check and see if the stack hits an object.

This means that you can build a stack going right through a ceiling that is thinner than the height of a lemming.  A good level to try this out on is Medieval 1.  There is a small overhang about 2/3 of the way through the level that looks like this:


If you assign a stacker at the far right under the overhang, he will build right through and end up on top, and you'll get something that looks like this:



Theres this trick i saw on youtube
If you get something like this
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The lemming will wall crawl