Custom Level Review Game

Started by Dullstar, August 02, 2009, 06:02:51 PM

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Simon" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

-- Simon


You can do that level if you want. If that's what the picture is suppose to mean.
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


Please could you reveiw my first level pack after all the ones you are doing at the moment because I would like to know how my levels are. All the levels worked on lemmix.

link:" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">

EDIT: Just removed a backroute" alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />


OK Simon, you can have your slide now...

ISteve10 - Level 6 - Empty Space is Hardly a Waste" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

Lemmings: 15
Save: 15 (100%)
Release rate: 85
Time: 4 minutes
Skills: 7 climbers, 7 floaters, 7 bombers, 5 builders, 5 bashers, 2 miners

Good: Plenty of red herrings to keep the player confused. Both routes appear at least somewhat feasible initially, though it quickly becomes clear which way to go.
Bad: The mass of one-way arrows is distracting (especially given how cool they look in crystal levels" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />). Redundant bombers don't add anything to the level (maybe '777' is supposed to be a lucky number?) And a minor nitpick: the overlapping steel blocks look a bit messy - you could replace the lower one with a smaller steel block and it would look fine.

Also I think I found a backroute (actually I know I did - the help file says 16 lemmings would be impossible, but my solution works for any number).


ISteve10 - Level 7 - This is a gate level" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

Lemmings: 33
Save: 32 (96%)
Release rate: 80
Time: 3 minutes
Skills: 4 climbers, 1 floater, 1 bomber, 4 builders, 5 bashers, 2 miners

Good: A complex level, without being overly intricate. The solution doesn't stand out at all, and it forces you to think about the order in which you do things. Quite satisfying to solve.

Bad: The flamethrowers seem a bit overused, even if they are there to prevent backroutes. The spike ramps look a bit strange too. These are minor nitpicks though, it's a good solid level." alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />


ISteve10 - Level 8 - Hey that's not cool guys" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

Lemmings: 8
Save: 8 (100%)
Release rate: 95
Time: 5 minutes
Skills: 1 climber, 7 floaters, 8 bombers, 0 blockers, 3 builders, 3 bashers, 2 miners, 1 diggers

Good: Nice level with a lot of possibilities to consider, a lot of red herrings, and once you've found the route, the time limit adds and additional challenge that requires you to modify the solution a bit. Distances have been cleverly chosen to make timing work out easily. And it doesn't have the 'Let's Go Camping' route (as far as I'm aware)." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />

Bad: Well, the walking distances are pretty long (but not much of an issue anymore with Lemmix), and I managed to revive a backroute from an older version (backward bashing to create an indentation in the block right of the holding pit).

As for Level 6, the intended solution is actually really nifty, it's just that the level is so plagued by backroutes that you'll find other solutions instead.


ISteve10 - Level 9 - Jumping the Shark" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
(the entrance is behind the water, for some reason this picture doesn't show it)

Lemmings: 50
Save: 50 (100%)
Release rate: 10
Time: 8 minutes
Skills: 5 climbers, 5 bombers, 10 builders, 15 bashers, 20 miners, 25 diggers

Good: The required technique is well hidden in the terrain. A tough builder-conservation challenge, even though it doesn't appear so at first. Despite this though, executing the solution once you find it is quite easy, given the abundance of non-builder skills.

Bad: Suffers from "redundant bomber syndrome". The placement (or lack thereof) of the water trigger areas allows a backroute through the water (replay attached). Also, I'm not a great fan of stacks of water, they do look a bit strange.


ISteve10 - Level 10 - 98... 99..." alt="" class="bbc_img" />

Lemmings: 50
Save: 48 (96%)
Release rate: 50
Time: 1 minute
Skills: 3 builders, 0 blockers, 2 of everything else

Good: For something that looks just like a throwaway level celebrating the 100th LemEdit level, it's actually pretty challenging. The skillset and time limit requires to optimize using multi-tasking, and the amount of possible routes is suprisingly small, contrary to the first impression.

Bad: The numbers look a bit sloppy, not even the zeroes are aligned nor the same size (out of necessity though, it seems). Of course, tough time limit usually means some well times moves.


So what's the next pack going to be? I see a request from Gronkling, we can review his pack if that's OK with everyone...


That would be great!" alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />
My newest pack is a lot better but it's lemmini only. (Though all the solutions are on my youtube)


I started playing Gronklem 5, because I first saw it a long time ago. I hope it doesn't matter that I'm going out of order, but nobody posts here anyway. (it be nice if someone else posted)
If you want me to review a different pack that's fine.

I saw the solution on your youtube a while ago but it was so long, I forget" alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />

Gronklems #5 – level 1- Inside the Pyramid

Lemmings: 50
Save: 49
RR: 99
time: 2 minutes

good: This is a solid level with a neat solution. Time is tight but not in an annoying way. Very tricky at first. (I first played it along while ago before I was used to the harder difficulty of user-made packs).

bad: The only thing I could say is that the terrain is a little too much yellow... maybe it could be better with some of the other colored terrain pieces thrown in. But this is a nit-pick, it's really a good level." alt=":thumbsup:" title="Thumbs Up" class="smiley" />
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Hehe, so Gronkling's going to get his about two years old request actualised now. Hope that it doesn't matter that the reviewed pack will be Gronklems 5 instead of 1." alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

Gronklems #5 - Level 2 - Crossing the Chasm

Lemmings: 30
Save: 30 (100%)
Release rate: 1
Time: 1 minute
Skills: 2 builders, 1 basher, 2 diggers

Good: Clear, simple idea for both the method and the design. The execution of the solution is not too annoying/strict, but not too effortless either. The design is pretty and has delightful details from clouds to an islet etc. A quick, solid level.

Bad: I really haven't a bad thing to say.


I would prefer it if you did this one over #1." alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" /> That one is something like 3-4 years old now and it shows... a lot.


You skipped "The Giant's Leap".
Mr. Lemmings PSP user.


You skipped "The Giant's Leap".
The Giant's Leap is the level number 10." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" /> I guess you looked at Lemmings Level Database, where the image of The Giant's Leap is the second one from the top, maybe because the title of the level file "10) The Giant's Leap" comes before "2) Crossing the Chasm" in alphabetical order? I don't know which issues affect to the level image ordering in the database, when it comes to ini-levels.

Gronklems #5 - Level 3 - Drifting Away...

Lemmings: 6
Save: 6 (100%)
Release rate: 99
Time: 1 minute
Skills: 5 climbers, 6 bashers, 5 diggers

Good: Yet again a level with a solid idea, and executing it isn't too easy or too hard. The level fits well in its place of the difficulty curve of the pack (like almost all the levels in this pack).

Okay: Interesting layout consisting only of white terrain. I'm not sure if I like invisible entrances and exits, but fortunately the place of the exit is obvious.

Bad: Okay, getting the lowest basher to stop at the correct moment might depend a little on luck, but like I said, it's not at all too hard. The screen start could be nearer to the entrance due to its invisibility.

Möbius, I hope I don't need to review the whole pack myself, and the levels are getting harder, so good luck with the later ones." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" /> At least you chose this pack to be reviewed." alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" /> Of course I don't mind reviewing all these because I like these levels a lot, but I think it's funnier when there are more reviewers than just one. And go on with the fourth level even though I wanted to review it, or if there is someone else who wants to review then please go ahead." alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />