Pie Craft

Started by Burned, July 09, 2009, 12:04:46 PM

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As the lemming and I were running from the Techie, we found a piece of paper on the ground that said Python on it. Huh, I wondered, what did that mean?

The lemming and I ran back home and locked all doors. We then found another computer that needed a keyboard. On the screen was a code. I plugged the keyboard in.

I then typed Python in.

The computer opened itself up to give me another pie! Satisfied that the Computer Techie will not be receiving any, the lemming and I ate it together. I kept the lemming as my pet, and named it Epic.


Then Ice_Eagle provided me with a free pie by forgetting to tell me what I had to use.

By the way, guys, compare this to a Hello World program written in C!

Hello World Program in Python
print "Hello World"

Now you must get a pie... with... A MICROWAVE!


I put a lemon, some dough, and a plate into the microwave and set it for 3 minutes and 14 seconds.  When the timer runs out, I open the door and find a lemon meringue pie!

A rocking chair


The rocking chair had a pie rocking on it.  I ate it.

A pair of speakers


  I use the speakers to create a sort of miniature version of Live Aid in the town centre. I ask for pies to give to starving children in Africa. Naturally, I only got one.

A speech bubble.


http://www.lemmingsforums.com/index.php?topic=99.msg1723#msg1723">Quote from: Dullstar on 2009-07-14 12:56:34
Then Ice_Eagle provided me with a free pie by forgetting to tell me what I had to use.

 http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/embarrassed.gif" alt=":-[" title="Embarrassed" class="smiley" /> !!!!

Whoops. Sorry about that. Thanks for reminding me, Dullstar! Sometimes, even I can be forgetful.  http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" class="smiley" />


Epic the Lemming and I sat together thinking of what to do to get another pie. A speech bubble popped up on my head. Then a pie appeared, and fell out of the bubble! Epic and I proceeded to eat it-

Computer Techie: ICE_EAGLE! I WANT MY PIE!

The speech bubble popped up another pie. I then opened the door, and splatted it in the Computer Techie's face. Not only was it all over him, but due to the outer shell of the Durian, he was in a world of hurt. I then slammed the door on him.

Five M&M's


These M&M's transformed into a pie.  However, I was too annoyed at the Computer Techie, so I did Ice_Eagle a favor by throwing them all at the Computer Techie, who proceeded to get deleted when his computer had a BSOD.  Obviously it wasn't running Mac OS X or Linux.

Before being deleted, the Techie admitted he used only C++.

A piece of software that can run on any non-Windows platform that creates pies.


Seeing that I only have a Windows, I buy a Macbook Air Pro, then charged it at home. After that, I installed the software that creates pies on the Macbook.

It was totally awesome. The pies are fully customizable. You could add a whole variety of ingredients to make the pie. So I tried to make it as delicious as possible. Here's what I added:

Chocolate, with layers of strawberry jam in-between, some M&M's and bits of Chips Ahoy cookies, and icing on top.

I had the software make the said pie. Then the Macbook opened up a magic portal on the monitor, and I got the pie. I got the phone, and invited Dullstar over to my house, to show my gratitude on how he took out the Computer Techie and gave me the software. So I shared the pie with him and my pet Epic.

A talkative blue butterfly


Seeing as Ice_Eagle and I were still messing around with the software, the butterfly was there as well.

The butterfly would not shut up about these "flower growing compounds that make ugly yet delicious flowers."  Everyone got so annoyed at the butterfly after it talked for five days...  WITHOUT STOPPING FOR ANYTHING.  However, an update was created to the software that allowed us to turn objects into pies, so we turned the butterfly into a pie and shared it.  We even invited Tux over from another thread.

A mysterious piece of software, Windows only, that destroys pies.
NOTE:  You don't use the software to get the pie, you get around its effects.


I reformat my computer many times. Despite this, the software keeps coming back and destroying pies. So, I try a desperate measure, and install Linux. No luck, it seems this distro has WINE. I try everything to get it to stop working. I have one pie left. Then, I get a great idea. It takes a huge sacrifice that leaves me feeling as if part of my life is missing, but I manage to shut the program down by pressing the computers' "Off" button. I tearfully eat my one last pie.

Next item: A menthol cigarette.
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


This menthol cigarette scared the general public.  They began throwing expired pies at it as they forced all bakers to make many pies.

Note that I don't think WINE can load a program on boot up like that.  I might be wrong.  A program that is installed on Windows has to be installed on WINE to work in that, as well.



I google Yahoo, then Yahoo another search engine, and so on until I've gone through about 20. At this point, I realise it'd be more efficient to just directly search for a pie rather than trying to search for another engine that can search for pies, and indeed, find one.

A Domino's pizza 3 for the price of 2 voucher
My projects
2D Lemmings: NeoLemmix (engine) | Lemmings Plus Series (level packs) | Doomsday Lemmings (level pack)
3D Lemmings: Loap (engine) | L3DEdit (level / graphics editor) | L3DUtils (replay / etc utility) | Lemmings Plus 3D (level pack)
Non-Lemmings: Commander Keen: Galaxy Reimagined (a Commander Keen fangame)


Not knowing what to do with this voucher, since I wouldn't be able to eat them all, I used the pie software's patch that allowed it to turn objects into pies to get a pie for my voucher instead.

A computer that runs every version of every operating system known to mankind.


I turned on my computer and told it to run DOS.  Unfortunately, it crashed every time I tried to play Lemmings  So I opened up the machine and found a pie inside.  The pie was getting in the way of some of the circuitry, so I took it out and ate it.  Afterwards, Lemmings worked just fine.

A billiard ball


This billiard ball was causing trouble.  I don't know why.
I picked up the ball...  and threw it at the moon.
Then the moon revealed that it was just a pie.
Then someone woke up crying.  Then moon had just ejected fifteen thousand pies.
Then it was the moon again.
No one knows why.

A clock.