What's your favorite web browser?

Started by Dullstar, July 04, 2009, 06:15:37 AM

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What's your favorite web browser?  I like Mozilla Firefox.

NOTE:  The list of browsers in the poll was all I could think of.

If I'm wrong about Netscape being completely dead, let me know and I will add it to the choices.


Ive only ever used two of them. It originally started with Internet Explorer, until the lastest version just threw me off balance and I switched to Firefox, and stayed with it ever since. Love it http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/smiley.gif" alt=":)" title="Smiley" class="smiley" />

EDIT: I wasnt exactly thrown off balance, nor do I even know what means now that I think about it. I just didnt really like IE8 for some reason, and then when I switched to Firefox I was able to get its appearance looking just about exactly like IE. This is why Ive stayed with it ever since.


I didn't quit IE because a version threw me off balance.  I saw the light once Mr. K got into Firefox.  That was before I was on the Internet all the time, though.

I seem to remember when I was younger, they made it seem like Internet Explorer was the only way to get on the Internet without logging in, probably a childhood memory from MSN.

The only complaint I have about the latest version of Firefox is the icon changes.  Is there a way I may be able to change it back to the one from the earlier version?


Well, that seems to be a pretty strong consensus...


I'd vote Firefox if it didn't crash all the time http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/XD.gif" alt=":XD:" title="XD" class="smiley" />. It's the only browser I use though.


Have you checked Firefox for updates?

What OS are you using?

Firefox never crashes for me (well, except once that I can remember, but that has been CONFIRMED to be a Windows problem with my old installation).


It checks for updates automatically. I'm using Windows XP. It seems to be more prone to crashing when someone else is downloading stuff at the same time - I share a fairly slow (54Mbps max) wireless connection with a few other people.

When it crashes, it's usually just after a page has finished loading.

Any ideas?


You might have a bad Windows XP installation, or they could be sites that try to block Firefox on purpose.  I've heard of that kind of stuff.

The Doctor

I use Safari on OS X. I'd use Firefox as well, but the Mac port isn't ... great. Bit ... crashy.
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Could be an early version, there is a 3.5 out nowadays.

The Doctor

What do you think I tried. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />

It's alright anyway, I need Safari now because of the 3D transforms support. I suppose Firefox will have that soon, though.

Doing experimental stuff for uni, you see.
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Hm.  Wonder where those are used?

The Doctor

Not many places at the moment, since only Safari and Mobile Safari for iPhone and iPod touch support it. It's supposed to become a standard later on, which I'm hoping for. If you're ever able to see what the 3D transforms can do, it's actually really cool that it can be done without the use of something like Silverlight or Flash Player (which both suck if you don't use Windows, and SL isn't even available on Linux proper).

Just something we had to dig into at uni. Experimental web standards, their impact, and showing one being used. I made a little thing where text revolves on a merry-go-round, with the haunted merry-go-round music from Super Mario 64 playing in the background. http://www.lemmingsforums.com/Smileys/lemmings/tongue.gif" alt=":P" title="Tongue" class="smiley" />
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