Stupid Computer Features

Started by Dullstar, June 19, 2009, 03:40:34 AM

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It wasn't me who complained. That was ccexplore." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />" alt=":o" title="Shocked" class="smiley" />" alt=":-[" title="Embarrassed" class="smiley" /> Whoops!  Corrected." alt=";)" title="Wink" class="smiley" />


To start this post off, a little something funny in a typo:
Quote from: Typo I just made typing this post
Looking at my keyboard, I have no keyboard.

Looking at my keyboard, I have no insert key.  In its place, there is a key labeled "fn".  What does this key do?  I think it's the function key on laptops, but what does it do in the case that it is on a desktop keyboard?  If you aren't sure what I mean, I could take a picture of the keyboard.   I know by default, the iMac comes with a keyboard without a numeric keypad, so it would be similar if not identical to a laptop keyboard most likely, but then again, I wouldn't know because I have the one with the keypad (it doesn't bring the price out to get the keypad because the keyboard without the pad is wireless).

Also, in Windows 7, is it possible to turn the Windows key off?  Sometimes when I play a game, I'll accidentally hit the command key, which is (in Windows) the Windows key.  It's very annoying.  On the bright side, though, this iMac doesn't have a key literally labeled Windows, just one that picks up as the Windows key when booted into Windows!  Also, can I remap "Alt" to "Command" in Windows so when booted into that the key combination feels the same (you know what I mean, ctrl+alt+delete).


Apparently, pressing fn+Alt+0 works (fn+Option+0?), or maybe fn+Enter.

As for disabling the windows key on Windows 7, there aren't any options i've seen that i'd like to try out on my own PC, but it can be disabled by editing the registry.
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Taxing 19 [5], 27 [1], 28 [3]
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Mayhem 19 [7], 26 [10]


Stupid features; I have one. Lack of features.

iPods; there's iPods out there that cannot be turned off. Literally. Whose great idea was that!? I LIKE "off"

Then there's my iPod. The buttons are attached to the headphones, so you can't use the thing unless you have the right headphones. Apple sells them, and nobody else is allowed to unless licensed to do so by Apple.

I am done complaining about iPods now. Thank you.

Also, if anyone has recieved grief from iTunes, I would gladly sympathize with them and further sink into the pit of dissatisfaction.


Seriously?  Can't turn it off?  What kind of iPod do you have?  No buttons either?  Sounds odd...  Most iPods are tuned of by holding down the bottom portion of the wheel.

Mr. K

Well, technically it isn't "off".  It's "sleeping".  The thing still sucks up juice.  Which probably explains why my battery is nearly totally worn out after only two years.

Also, it seems he has the new Shuffle model.  I've always hated those things.


Shuffles make me laugh. They're glorified USB sticks with headphone jacks" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />.
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Mine does turn off, thankfully. It just doesn't do anything else. It was pretty funny, really; It took about half an hour after I got the thing to figure out how to do anything other than turn it on or off, since the only thing on it is an on-off switch.

The Doctor

Shuffles make me laugh. They're glorified USB sticks with headphone jacks" alt=":D" title="Laugh" class="smiley" />.

How often do USB sticks talk to you?
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I carry on a correspondence with mine. I'll save a file onto it in Microsoft word then open its response in notepad. Unfortunately its responses are largely unintelligible.


I have a complaint now.

Why have all the iPods gone the way of the touch screen?  NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!  Not necessary!  Especially considering the size of some people's fingers.  If I wanted a touch screen on my iPod I would go out and by an iPod Touch.


My computer takes 10 minutes to load if I have a disc in the CD drive. One of my USB ports exploded. The CD drive doesn't work half the time. The cooling fan sounds like a chainsaw when it first starts up. My speakers are magnetic so putting them to cloose to the screen makes everything purple. etc.

Thats what happens when you make your computer yourself." alt=";P" title="Wink-Tongue" class="smiley" />


Not exactly.  Mr. Ksoft built his computer and it runs perfectly fine.

In fact, it probably runs better than all of the other computers in the house combined...

The Doctor

In response to a post from a long while ago from Dullstar:

The reason that Apple have chosen to go "touchy" with the iPod line is because direct interaction is easier for people, even with large fingers, than indirect interaction.

eg. "tap a song, play a song" rather than "scroll a wheel which goes round and round, watch a bar go up and down"

Of course, to seasoned pros of the click wheel, we can't understand what the gripe is about. To those who can't even use a computer mouse properly because moving your arm on a desk doesn't seem related to how a pointer on a computer screen in front of you moves, however, direct manipulation makes things so much easier.

And even if the iPod nano's screen is tiny, it's still a good size to hit targets with. It's also very accurate, because of the capacitive touch screen.
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