Lemmings Contest @ Lemmingsheaven.info Starts Tomorrow!!!!

Started by loftyD, June 09, 2008, 09:19:42 PM

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Quote from: http://lemmingsheaven.info/forum/index.php?topic=77Please read this carefully:

The contest will start: Tuesday 10th June 15:00 pm GMT
Submissions will end:   Tuesday 17th June 15:00pm GMT

Please read the instructions carefully on how to install. I will release the level pack tomorrow.

The winners and runners up of the contest {2nd and 3rd} will be notified in this topic.

If you come below 3rd and would like to know where you came, please contact me or Ocktra.


If you would like to take part. Please signup. The prize is becoming a moderator on our forums

Read this on how to submit your evidence.




Wow, I never noticed this website and forum before. Really good idea!
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Uh huh. I go to the forum to sign up for the contest and its full. What was the point of this?


Soz, I didnt make myself clear. Please sign up if you want to play the 10 levels. Soz!


The contest has now ended FYI. Lacktardo won it and subsequently became a moderator.


Now that after two weeks the slander accusing me of exploiting the contest has still not be corrected in the LemmingsHeaven forum, I guess I have to post a correction.

But first of all, kudos to Lacktardo, he is an awesome level designer, I still haven't managed to solve his level. But also the other level on his YouTube account seem great, is there any chance to get them in Lemmini format so that they can be played?

As Ocktra deleted my posts over there including my recordings, here they are: (without screenshots)
I managed to solve BulletRide's level 'Fall Guy' a different way than before, wondering, is that the intended solution? It's the 7th recording.

This is the original conversation in the contest thread: including my posts that "were removed because of the aroused suspicion" (quoting Ocktra), as I guess I was banned for these "suspicious posts". o_O
After a notice of mine he accepted that my entry was genuine, and changed the reason for the ban to me "accusing him of removing evidence". Considering that he did the same in a graver fashion, namely accusing me publicly of exploiting the contest, I wish he had handed down a ban for at least the same time span on himself. :D
Strangely enough (hmm...) he didn't restore my posts, considering that they were genuine...
After a deliberately provocative mail insisting on the truth he finally felt like banning me permanently. My subsequent request to delete my account has not been carried out though, and the public accusation of exploiting the contest is still prevalent in the LemmingsHeaven forum.
As I cannot view the contest section of the board, can anyone tell me whether Ocktra has spread more misinformation about me? I will not re-register there as Ocktra is a board leader and ruling by arbitrary rule is fully legitimate in this respect as long as loftyD approves of it.

Conclusion: Taking the winner of a Lemmings contest is no a good way of determining moderatorship. (With which I do not want to say that Lacktardo is not suited for that position.)
Showing exactly this was actually the main intension of mine when I participated, and I guess I sort of conveyed my message, even though I wish it had ended a little differently. (Didn't expect to get banned. I actually didn't even want to register, but was forced as my entry was not recieved/accepted at first.)

My point is that there is no direct correlation between Lemmings playing skill and the ability to moderate a forum.
I wouldn't want to award moderatorship to a person entirely unknown to me either, but that's the risk there. Evading this problem by banning the participant is of course a solution, though I feel no appropriate one.


Right, so... what? There was a misunderstanding with regard to the competition deadline. And that somehow escalated into a ban for exploiting the competition? OK, I haven't registered on Lemmings Heaven (and having heard about this, I'm having second thoughts about doing so) and so I can't view the contest section either and don't know what else was said. But by the looks of this, it seems to me that you've been shafted alright - maybe they decided it would be easier to ban you, being a newbie on that site, than tell Lacktardo that he hadn't won after all. I was very surprised to see your name in the "User Ban" thread. Without joining the site, though, I can't tell for sure that you didn't do something else to upset them... (I'm certainly not accusing you though)

I fully agree that it was a poor method of finding a mod for the site. Some sort of award or other form of recognition, perhaps, but not the glory (and responsibility) that comes with the moderator title. Hopefully loftyD and Ocktra can learn from this and move on. Theirs is one of the very last Lemmings fansites on the web, and I'd hate to see it go west like so many others have.


When I PM'd the Orka guy what he ment by exploiting (back when it first happend) he said 'Fraudulent Uploads, he had not even joined the forum when the contest ended'. I too was thinking it was a stupid idea to have the award as a moderator for a level contest and i completly forgot about the comp and didnt even see the levels before the date was up. The only reason I went on that site was because of the contest really, its basicaly a mediocre version of this site ):. The main reason they probably didnt take your entry was as clamspammer said they didnt want to de-throne Lactardo who is an awsome level designer and I respect that, but they kinda treat him like a god. A lemmings site with out Geo isnt a lemmings site at all.

Edit: geo how do I watch the replays i want to know if you beat my level right. Why didnt they say whos levels were beaten/not etc, I wanna know how mine did ):


Hahahahaha drama on a freaking Lemmings forum.


By the way how do you make the awesome Cheapo-esque (remember that game anyone?) tilesets in WinLemm? I saw them in Lacktardo's Youtube vids. BTW his levels are pretty good, amazing aesthetically at least, but the solve methods aren't the best I've ever seen ever like everyone on his Youtube channel says they are. (They aren't bad by any means, but a lot of the same tricks in each level.)

Geoo is by far the best Lemmings solver I've seen (I mean, he passed -all- of the levels in my Cheapo set from forever ago, that's really impressive) and banning him for something this stupid is ... errr... stupid. Yea, that's the word.

~"Beat" Takeshi Kitano


You know, the internet is serious business. As is Lemmings. ;)

Actually the main intension of my post was to clarify that I did not exploit the contest or cheat in any way, as that false information did harm to my reputation (though I wouldn't declare myself as the best Lemmings level solver, thanks anyways. ;) Just think of people like ccexplore, tseug or yourself...).
The ban was only my secondary concern, though it implied not being able to participate in that community.

I'm glad that now over at LemmingsHeaven the information has been corrected clarifying that I did not exploit the contest indeed. That accusation was actually my main concern.
My ban has been lifted as well now, thanks to loftyD.

I hope everything is settled that way; let's formally label the whole incident a misunderstanding.

Please note that I didn't want to prevent anyone from registering there. This board has a couple of really respectable members.
I actually don't like the Lemmings Community split up into two, but while LemmingsHeaven mainly focuses on Lemmini, Lemmini is not quite as popular here, so it's not like they are about the same thing.

Lacktardo's are also recordings of Lemmini, though it looks similar to WinLemm in some respect. Lemmini is a pretty decent Lemmings clone programmed by Volker Oth a.k.a. 0xdeadbeef, check out this thread: http://lemmings.isamedia.org/index.php?topic=40.0
The physics are a little different from original Lemmings, but the advantage is that it is customizable like Cheapo, and platform compatible as it is programmed in Java.

As for the "Fall Guy" demo, just install the Contest levelpack like described here and in Lemmini, go to Level -> Load Replay and select my 7th demo. I hope it works that way.