Lemmix Guides

Started by loftyD, May 16, 2008, 07:42:44 AM

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Hello, I've been producing some Lemmix Guides. I thought you would want to see them:

http://lemmingsheaven.loftyd.net/forum/index.php?topic=5.0 : Making and Installing Tilesets for Lemmix and Lemmini

http://lemmingsheaven.loftyd.net/forum/index.php?topic=18.0 : How to make a level look nice.

http://lemmingsheaven.loftyd.net/forum/index.php?topic=19.0 : Basic Objects and Terrain Guide, also how to take advantage of the terrain to produce nice effects.


What do you think of the guides? I want your views and opinions.



The second and third ones are quite brief. They are a good start, but I think "guides" are usually more thorough than this. I hope you are planning to expand on these.


I have lots of exams atm, so I'm doing whatever I can in the free time that I have from revising.