Lemming Adventure

Started by Lemmy556, March 01, 2008, 05:09:42 PM

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Made:Me(Strange Eyes boss)
Idea:Move little Lemming and save your lost friend.

This is demo version,but full game coming soon!
Playable levels:Fun,tricky

Please tell if there is bugs in game!

Download game here:


Err... :o

I played your game and found it a bit weird. My comments below.

First, yeah, there are some bugs :

- When you have 0 lives and you die, you live again and can kill all the other monsters by touching them!
- I think the score never increases.
- Some Lemmings animations are messed up a bit (I mean, the lemming we control is constantly walking in the right direction even we don't move it at all. He can also walk backwards by going to the left!)
- The lemming that we can control can pass trough some blocking lemmings or landscapes, but sometimes not (excepted in the egyptian world which is normal).

My comments on this game : even the Fun rating is hard... Try to remove some monsters to make some levels easier. When we'll reach Taxing and Mayhem ratings, now you could make the levels very hard! Also, little cinematics are... strange. ???

Beware of its size too. 54 mo is quite a big game... Is it made with Game Maker?
I like dragons! They're the center of my life! I'll never forget them...


Quote from: DragonsLover on March 02, 2008, 05:06:48 AM
Err... :o

I played your game and found it a bit weird. My comments below.

First, yeah, there are some bugs :

- When you have 0 lives and you die, you live again and can kill all the other monsters by touching them!
- I think the score never increases.
- Some Lemmings animations are messed up a bit (I mean, the lemming we control is constantly walking in the right direction even we don't move it at all. He can also walk backwards by going to the left!)
- The lemming that we can control can pass trough some blocking lemmings or landscapes, but sometimes not (excepted in the egyptian world which is normal).

My comments on this game : even the Fun rating is hard... Try to remove some monsters to make some levels easier. When we'll reach Taxing and Mayhem ratings, now you could make the levels very hard! Also, little cinematics are... strange. ???

Beware of its size too. 54 mo is quite a big game... Is it made with Game Maker?

Okey!I know that live problem.Scores coming too!I use Game maker!Good!Now in know what I need to do!Oh and.That Lemming who can pass trough landscapes!That was the idea!There some pillars to go and some not.But how that blocker Lemmings bug is possible?I check that!Oh you mean money Lem(Needs money)Ok! I see that bug too!