Should we recreate the L1 multi-player levels in Lix?

Started by Silken Healer, August 25, 2024, 07:49:42 PM

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Silken Healer

Seeing as L1 level remakes are allowed in Lix despite the level designs not being CC0 due to just being homages and being easy to remove, should we recreate the L1 multi-player levels for Lix. It would be fun to see what they would've been like.


Silken Healer

Thanks. So why can't we add those levels to Lix then? Simon said that he isn't concerned with the copyright of the designs themselves (as opposed to tilesets or characters) as they are just homoages and easy to remove, and hence there are already remakes of some Lemmings 1 single-players levels in Lix at the moment. I think it'd be cool to play those levels sometime on the forum sessions or something to get the feeling like I'm playing on a real Amgia.


I don't think there is anything stopping you bringing them up in a Lix session if you pick the map because I don't think a lot of people will have these downloaded but I think there is a reason why Simon has not included them in the main Lix download.

My guess is a lot of the maps are not that exciting, most of the maps seem to consist of the 2 teams crossing over each other at a critical crunch point in the centre of the level.
And if not that then it is a boring builderfest from one extreme side to the other side with interaction only in the centre of the map again when the 2 teams collide with each other.

I think a lot of the 2 player maps which exist in Lix have built on these ideas to make the levels more playable and intense for the players playing them rather than building up to a climax in the middle of the level which is what the original Lemmings 2P levels did.

My opinion is the maps are not needed in Lix, there are already better alternatives to these maps. I'm sure a lot of the existing 2P maps were inspired by these original 2P maps. There are even some examples of higher player iterations which have been inspired by the 2P maps.
Search Pyramid Scheme and this level is very similar to "In the Thick of the Fray"
I have a level called "It's All Good Man" and that is similar to the map style in a few 2P original maps where you are required to work together to get across the level before splitting off to the exits.

These are just a few examples that I could see of course, I'm sure there are many more.

There is nothing stopping you from picking these maps of course, we can give them a try and find out why they are not as good as the existing Lix 2P maps.