[FEAT] Fixed trigger area repositionings for flipped/rotated/inverted objects

Started by WillLem, June 07, 2024, 12:53:27 PM

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Before (Player):

After (Player):

Before (Editor):

After(Editor) - note that multiway resizable objects (i.e. water) are still incorrect - this will be fixed soon:

The repositioning bug seems to have been caused by an ancient bugfix that was later addressed elsewhere in the code, but the original bugfix wasn't updated to match.

Player-side, we'll have to watch out for any existing levels which contain flipped/rotated/inverted objects - OWWs are all fine because they're exact squares, but basically all other objects may now have triggers in a slightly different (but, actually correct!) position as a result of this update. Thankfully, this is being done before there's too much made-for-SLX content. I only have a small handful of levels which are affected by this and it's been very easy to fix them.

Editor-side, the only remaining bug is that resizable objects' triggers are still not resized properly (note the water objects in the above screenshots) - I'll get this fixed ASAP.


And, rotated resizables are now fixed in the Editor. This was a fairly easy fix in the end, although it took a while to spot exactly what was happening; turns out that the logic simply needed swapping (i.e. adjust width for height and height for width rather than vice versa).

