Author Topic: What I Love About The Lemmings Community  (Read 2063 times)

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Offline weirdybeardy

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What I Love About The Lemmings Community
« on: January 11, 2024, 07:57:11 pm »
Hi all,

Happy New Year! (Yes, I can get away with saying that until at least February, so deal with it 8-) )

I haven't dropped by the forums for a little while as I've had far too much going on in my life, but with the start of a New Year I wanted to try to get things off to a positive start and spread some love around the interwebs while I'm at it. Let's face it, 2024 has the potential to be a scary or unhappy year in many ways, so I wanted to try to tackle that with some wholesome goodness. I've been getting back into Lemmings in a big way since the middle of December - I'm fascinated by the developments in SuperLemmix, and in the meantime I'm considering making some brand new levels in the NeoLemmix editor... something I haven't actually done in this community since 2010! (Yes, I'm an old fart)

So, here are some random bullet points based on the title of this thread. It's silly, it's fluff, it's nonsense, but it's my way of saying hello, happy new year, and that I hope everyone is doing okay these days. Hooray for Lemmings!

What I Love About The Lemmings Community:

1) It has huge longevity and it feels like it'll be around forever. People love the original games with a passion, and new generations of fans have joined in, and even though the Lemmings licence has had its own ups and downs over the years, I feel like there's enough love and creativity in the fan community that some form of playable lemmings game will be around for years to come

2) Literally thousands and thousands of levels to play. And some fiendish puzzles that I know, deep down, I'll never properly solve. :evil: You're all too intelligent and cunning for the likes of me. And that's fine

3) The variety of creators and designers and fans here on the forums, and the way in which people come and go and are always made to feel welcome on their return (speaking from my own experience). Even though I haven't been playing Lemmings solidly through 2023, I've been lucky enough to connect to some really lovely and fascinating folks via this online space, and it has helped me in a number of ways with some things involving my overall wellbeing and personal growth, mental health, etc. I won't bore you with the details, but I love that this place contains a variety of lovely nerds :) :thumbsup: It has more of a positive impact than you might realise

4) NeoLemmix. It just rules, man

5) The feedback and commentary and content of Lemmings community members who regularly post stuff on YouTube for me to sit down and enjoy. Random highlights from the likes of kaywhyn, Ichotolot, Flopsy, WillLem, Tomato Watcher, and so many more.

6) And, errrm, I love that whenever I watch a YouTube video by Flopsy, the algorithm decides to recommend me Sophie Ellis-Bexter music videos alongside them. :D Yay!

Okay, I'll shut up for now. This thread was fairly spontaneous, after all. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts, but it's also okay if you feel like you don't have much to say or you don't know how to article it properly. I empathise with that a LOT.

I just wanted to express my overall gratitude and start 2024 with a smile. I'm looking forward to messing around with NL Editor and maybe throwing together some ridiculously easy levels that can be solved in 5 seconds by every single one of you. ;P

Cheers from Ye Olde Weirdy Beardy
My projects:

Lemmings in Weirdyland (NeoLemmix):

My levels for Lemmings 2 The Tribes can be found here:

Offline mobius

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Re: What I Love About The Lemmings Community
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2024, 10:16:35 pm »
Completely agree! It's good to spread positivity. :thumbsup:

Great to hear you're making new material! I'm anxious to see it. I've also recently gotten back into level creation. I also like going back to old packs now and then and trying to beat stuff I never did before. I can usually get at least a little bit further.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain

Offline weirdybeardy

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Re: What I Love About The Lemmings Community
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2024, 03:28:50 pm »
I'm glad that someone out there feels similarly to the way I do. :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: January 24, 2024, 05:11:28 pm by weirdybeardy »
My projects:

Lemmings in Weirdyland (NeoLemmix):

My levels for Lemmings 2 The Tribes can be found here:

Offline Pieuw

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Re: What I Love About The Lemmings Community
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2024, 02:34:56 pm »
I'm really not active at all and mostly lurking in the shadows but I'm really fond of this community. Got to love your positive vibes weirdybeardy :thumbsup:

Offline WillLem

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Re: What I Love About The Lemmings Community
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2024, 09:53:05 pm »
Thanks for posting this wierdybeardy, always good to spread positive vibes :thumbsup:

You've also inspired me to create a similar post about my time on the Forums so far, I'll hopefully get around to that at some point this year, maybe for my 40th birthday!

Happy New Year!


Offline weirdybeardy

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Re: What I Love About The Lemmings Community
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2024, 03:33:02 pm »
Hooray for good vibes and hooray for Lemmings. Also, since you posted here I can jump at the chance to say, hooray for SuperLemmix! It's a lot of fun to play, I'm fascinated by the project in general, and the work that you've done is pretty amazing. I had some trouble downloading it previously because my stupid laptop is stupid, but now I'm up and running and it's fab. I also appreciate the ongoing discussions about what to change and what to keep the same, but I also understand that SuperLemmix's overall philosophy is different from NeoLemmix's, which is all good. :D It's all lemmingy fun. :laugh:

Also, your comment about turning 40 made me feel old. :lem-mindblown: 8-) :P

My current profile pic is from Lemmings Paintball but maybe I should change it to Wise Old Lorock from the Lomax game. :-[
My projects:

Lemmings in Weirdyland (NeoLemmix):

My levels for Lemmings 2 The Tribes can be found here: