[SUG] New object - Magnetic Field

Started by WillLem, July 10, 2023, 10:39:17 AM

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Quote from: Strato Incendus
Magno Booter: This is one we previously discussed for NeoLemmix. It would probably be hard to code, though. Especially if, for added utility, it would work like the gravity-reversal objects in Lemmings Revolutoin, where Magno Booters could build / platform / stack / mine / fence / dig / laser-blast upside down.
probably the one with the most versatility, especially if it's a permanent skill that can start using other skills upside down (which it can't in L2: The Tribes). Probably the hardest to implement, though.

Quote from: Floyd Brannon
Magno-booter! C`mon, we all want this. We just don't expect to get it. I'm no programmer, but I think this would be best if it's temporary. Clicking the booter would begin a timer and cause the lemming to fall up. When the lemming hits the ceiling it can walk upside-down until the time runs out, then he falls. This would be the crown jewel of Super Lemmix skills.


A ceiling-Walker is a good idea, and I agree with Floyd that it should be temporary; however, I think it'd be best implemented as an object for exactly this reason.

A "Magnetic Field" could essentially invert the lem, and all actions, whilst the lem is vertically in contact with it (i.e. anywhere along the lem's Y-axis at any point in the level). Then, when they exit the field horizontally, they revert back to normal gravity - no need for an arbitrary time limit.

Whether as a skill or an object, this is very difficult stuff that I'd be reluctant to take on without significant help. Let's see what kind of interest there is in it and whether it would be as worth the challenge as Floyd suggested it might be! ;P

EDIT: Let's rule out the idea of this as a skill. If this happens, it'll be as a vertically-oriented object only.


This is another one to cross off the list, tbh. It's an interesting idea, but ultimately not one that warrants the effort it would take to implement.

Make no mistake about it: inverted gravity is something that would be extremely difficult to crowbar into a codebase as dense and complex as NL/SLX's already is. It would have been far easier if it were a consideration from the very beginning,* but as this has never been a feature in NL, it's not even as if I can pore over old code to see how it might be done.

Anyways, we can already create tunnels and bridges in all directions thanks to the Ladderer and Laserer (not to mention the upcoming Propeller, which is still very likely to go ahead), and we already have plenty of unchartered territory to be exploring in SLX as it is!

*Speaking of which, tan_x_dx's WIP engine features multi-gravity from what I've seen, so we may yet have a chance to play around with this idea anyway! :)