IGN PS2 Lemmings Preview

Started by Jazzem, September 25, 2006, 07:40:26 PM

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Hmm, a bit mixed regarding the eyetoy aspect, I can see it being cumbersome. Still, as a non-PSP owner it's an attractive purchase for me :laugh:

Mr. K

And I might be getting a PS2 for some other stuff.  =D

So this is official?  I'd found a screenshot on Wikipedia but at the time it looked basically like homebrew.


Wow, I just looked again at that PS2 Screenshot on Wikipedia and there actually is a man standing there behind the ice. :huh2: And to think I didn't notice before!

My housemate said we might all chip in and get a PS2 at some point, which would be fun... though since then he's said that it might cause arguments about who would keep it when we all move on... :XD:
