Lemmings on Linux

Started by The Doctor, September 09, 2006, 09:55:14 AM

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The Doctor

Hello :-)

I want to play Lemmings under Linux. What is the best suggestion?

Pingus was more or less... wrong. Compared to the original Lemmings anyway. Lost the feel entirely. Much in the same way The Tribes and All New World did.

I've read a few websites proclaiming they can run Lemmings for Windows 95 in WINE on various Linux distributions. This sounded cool, so I tried it on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft, unstable). No graphics! Sound worked however.

Then I tried Lemmini, which worked great! MOD files worked like a charm, graphics all nice and clear... but because it's Java, and that has a reputation of not being the fastest doohickey out there, I have to put the game on fast forward. And even then, it's running slower than full speed.

Had a go at UAE. Never again. Had a go at Sega Lemmings with an emulator (Master System is my favourite version!), but can't find a decent emulator with sound (MEKANIX is too slow). Generally do not like the other versions, so won't bother with emulating them. DOSBox works ... I didn't say well.

What is a Linux boy to do? Tux, why hath thou forsaken me?
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


I'm in your exact situation. I've found the best way to play Lemmings without sacrificing fidelity is in DOSBox. Make sure that you've got a custom dosbox.conf in your home directory, and that "core=dynamic". If you want Adlib, simply reduce the cycles to <2000 before running vgalemmi.exe, wait for the menu to appear then increase up to 9000.

Right now my Python/SDL clone is so infuriatingly close to betatestability, and aims for an gameplay experience that's faithful to the original. After I've cobbled the remaining skill-logic together (saving the hardest till last) I'll release something for the community to direct their scorn at :P

(and yes I know this sort of thing has already been done, quite successfully I might add, but I'm writing something that I really want to use)

The Doctor

Ooooh I can't wait! Having something USABLE under Linux without resorting to levels completely made of snow would be grand. Something native at that!

I like DOSBox, and DOS Lemmings. But the music is... cr@p to be quite honest. Rather the Amiga version. And yet for some reason I love the lower quality music from the Sega Master System. Hehehehe.

Anyway, good luck on this clone. It will be something interesting to see. :D
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


Man... I tried to play Lemmings (or something) on Linux and gave up when it asked me to "compile" something... whoever knew you had to be a computer geek to actually use the bloody thing? And on Pingus... well I could never work out how to load levels because it was just prompting me for a file when I had no idea how to navigate to the directory with the levels in it... Bah! I'm sticking with Mac OS.

The Doctor

Never compile from source. apt-get or yum :P
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


Quote from: Jason on September 12, 2006, 07:01:53 AM
Never compile from source. apt-get or yum :P
Erm... :undecided: Yes?

The Doctor

If you don't know what I mean by apt-get or yum, you didn't even try to get to know Linux. :P

How's your thingy coming along Covox?
This Lemmings forum is simply *fabulous*!


Quote from: Jason on September 20, 2006, 03:31:47 AM
If you don't know what I mean by apt-get or yum, you didn't even try to get to know Linux. :P

How's your thingy coming along Covox?
No, I didn't. I'm happy enough with Mac OS, as I say. I was only using my dad's Linux computer temporarily. It just strikes me that to use it to any, even small, degree of efficiency, you need to know a lot of jargon.
(although it's fine for browsing the net...)