Mobi's blog

Started by mobius, September 15, 2016, 10:20:57 PM

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Also, if you're into numbers, check out Lemmings Recurring. ;P


my last blog post was about Cantor's Diagonal Argument (still a topic that boggles my mind :D ). That was in March of 2020. Before the pandemic really started around here.

A lot has happened since then. I haven't played with my band since then or done some of the things I used to. And that honestly hurts a lot. The pandemic didn't bother me too much emotionally at first. But if I'm honest it's really starting to get to me now. I miss hanging out with friends, some that I no longer have. I've actually almost gone really crazy a few times, getting pretty close this past summer of 2021.

I was laid off from my job last summer of 2020 for just a month but it was very uncertain at the time, very stressful. Now work's tougher than ever and they're hiring new people during a covid outbreak at my job. One co-worker is currently in the hospital. (Because nobody follows guidelines here). I've had a to do a lot of filling in for other people which can be very unpleasant at my job. I keep putting off looking/getting prepared to get another job; school/training etc. I really should. I always wanted to learn to weld for example; that sort of job pays really well...

Looking to buy a house for almost a year; total dud. Not a buyer's market, at all. Finding an apartment to rent is even difficult now. This has me depressed.

Struggling with changes/realizations about myself big time. Some days it's no big deal and things seem fine. Other days not so much. Like I said above, feel like teetering on the edge of sanity sometimes, it's not great. Really not sure where life is going to take me at this point tbh. Thought my life was going to be pretty boring but idk now...
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


I like Simon's goal oriented blogs and kept procrastinating setting my own. Well I finally did.

-Cut down on coffee. I started drinking every single day for a while now and I think it's turning my teeth brown (and makes me jittery from time to time which I really don't like). Started a week or so ago and is going pretty well I think. I would rather drink only every other day.

-Exercise. I started to do push-ups and sit-ups every other day. [Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Every other day; not every day cause your muscles need to heal? Or am I mixing that up?]. I start out small like always and try to work upwards from there; doing more every time. I don't think I ever got past doing 20 at a time. I always seem to get discouraged because after a few weeks or months of that I don't see any noticeable difference, no big strong muscles...

Finally got back into music creation, slowly but surely and trying new things. I've been experimenting with FamiTracker
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain


Very good. Keep daily notes of the pushups, that is the best proof of benefit. The muscle will still build, but it's rarely noticeable on the outside. Pushups aren't full-time bodybuilding.

Yours truly hefty walrus is still at 87 kg, the same weight we started with. Assuming this trend of ±0 continues, muchos penuncias will hail onto the LF hosting account.

PDF: An Editor Recalls Some Hopeless Papers by Wilfrid Hodges.

He reviews attempted rebuttals of Cantor's diagonalization proof that there is no surjection from the naturals onto the reals. His view is mostly that of a logician, therefore some parts get technical, although sometimes it's also the view of a psychologist.

-- Simon


another goal which I've been very slow and rocky to get going; spend less time on social media:

-everyday I'd come home from work to "relax" by spending sometime just browsing internet communities. Made me feel surrounded by people and less lonely, get news, read interesting things, laugh at funny stuff etc. Seems like this would be a good thing. But in the end not all that much. Especially the past few years it often leaves me frustrated and depressed. Maybe I'm just not a good people person. In any case, my goal now is to come home and instead of spending time on social media focus on doing at least one creative thing. Sit down at an instrument/write/making custom content.

The effect was definitive and immediate: I feel better. At the cost of being a little bit more lonely I feel like my time is better spent, more productive and fewer frustration. I never used twitter; but I'm guessing this is kind of the angle most people I've heard complain about that program had.

-Exercise; I still do almost every day, though I've kept it at a 10-20 reps, no more. Frankly I don't really have the time to do more. I care less about big muscles and more about just being healthy.

-Started working on a new lemmings pack a long time ago and it stalled many times. Might still get somewhere but I don't have the motivation to work on that the way I used to.
everything by me:

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakuin Ekaku

"I have seen a heap of trouble in my life, and most of it has never come to pass" - Mark Twain