Author Topic: jLevelBuilder 1.88 (june, 9th 2021)  (Read 122681 times)

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Offline LJLPM

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Re: jLevelBuilder 1.88 (june, 9th 2021)
« Reply #255 on: April 25, 2022, 07:50:12 am »
I'm not sure how useful this is though, in all honesty.
...actually, I've never used this feature, too :)

And I fully agree about handling more intuitive zoom controls. I'll see what I can do about that.
And, no, your feedback doesn't come across to harsh: on the contrary, it helps keep the motivation up! Feel free to give any piece of advice you may think of :) Thanks!

Offline LJLPM

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Re: jLevelBuilder 1.88 (june, 9th 2021)
« Reply #256 on: July 28, 2022, 06:01:12 pm »
I'm porting my Android game's engine to PC/Mac/Linux in order to help me debugging the game engine
Thanks to this PC/Mac/Linux port, jLevelBuilder is now able to directly load and run the Android game's levels (".ini" files, like Lemmini) :)

Levels are loaded/running in a separate window (now I have to drop Lemmings in levels and I have to add player actions/controls, of course)

Running Lemmini level files will work too but since Lemmini uses different physics than my Android game, Lemmings won't behave/collide as in Lemmini (instead they'll behave/collide using my Android game engine).

... and it's also working with custom tilesets :) (in Lemmini's format)